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StarTopic Future Nintendo Hardware & Technology Speculation & Discussion |ST| (New Staff Post, Please read)

I strongly suspect that they're doing the same thing that Titanfall 2 did in keeping both sets of assets in memory at the same time.
Maybe, but not entirely. On the PC version there is a slight lag/delay during those scenes if your SSD isn't fast enough, and faster SSD eliminates the issue.
All these game rumors and still nothing about Marvel Ultimate Alliance 4 🥲
The things I would do to get this game lol...
I’m happy I’m not the only one hoping for another entry! A couple months back, I re-watched the entire “Wanda arc” of the MCU and then got a hankering to run through MUA3 (and a bunch of the Challenges) again with Scarlet Witch. Was a lot of fun (minus the fact that only one of her specials is capable of linking up for synergy attacks.)

Be great to see Nintendo partner-up to bring another sequel to Switch 2.
What kind of bottleneck do you guys think that software on the Switch 2 will maybe run into, GPU-wise?

Is it gonna memory bandwidth, pixel fillrate (maybe with 16 ROPs which is the same as TX1, don't know if that's enough especially at 4K60 with lots of effects even with DLSS), texel fillrate, triangle/geometry throughout,...
ROP count should be 24, not 16, if they maintain the 2 ROPs/SM consistent. Pixel fillrate should be a non-issue even if they're targeting 4k 60 fps at the highest. Rest I'm not sure about.
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If Nintendo lets Rockstar unleash the overlocks so GTA 6 come come to switch, I will will welcome it with open arms. I mean who needs to play games for more than 1hr at a time anyways lol
ROP count should be 24, not 16, if they maintain the 2 ROPs/SM consistent. Pixel fillrate should be a non-issue even if they're targeting 4k 60 fps at the highest. Rest I'm not sure about.
If it's 24 then that's fine. But I mention 16 because T239 have only one GPC, and by Ampere standards they have 2 ROPs partition per GPC, each with 8 ROPs. And an Ampere GPC can have 8, 10 or 12 SMs. ROPs on Ampere (and Ada) are tied to GPC, not SM nor memory controllers.

Also the Nvidia leaks 2 years ago if I remember correctly also points to 16 ROPs.
If it's 24 then that's fine. But I mention 16 because T239 have only one GPC, and by Ampere standards they have 2 ROPs partition per GPC, each with 8 ROPs. And an Ampere GPC can have 8, 10 or 12 SMs. ROPs on Ampere (and Ada) are tied to GPC, not SM nor memory controllers.

Also the Nvidia leaks 2 years ago if I remember correctly also points to 16 ROPs.
Ah I see, that makes sense.

Will it be a major issue at 16?
I’m happy I’m not the only one hoping for another entry! A couple months back, I re-watched the entire “Wanda arc” of the MCU and then got a hankering to run through MUA3 (and a bunch of the Challenges) again with Scarlet Witch. Was a lot of fun (minus the fact that only one of her specials is capable of linking up for synergy attacks.)

Be great to see Nintendo partner-up to bring another sequel to Switch 2.
I love the series and really enjoyed 3...it's always fun for me to go back to as well. I hope it's in the works, I'd go nuts if it got announced for Switch 2 lol.
I missed 16 pages, anything noteworthy since then? Lol
Generally, things of genuine note get added to the OP in a pretty timely manner (thanks, Dakhil!). If it doesn't have a recent update, it's a pretty safe bet that nothing all too considerable or concrete has been unearthed as of late.

As for recent postings, the discussion around battery life continued, wondering where the expected power consumption would be. Something we can't really know, but the most compelling arguments for my money (such as from OldPuck) sort of point towards the original Nintendo Switch's portable power consumption as a ceiling, and Nintendo likely wanting to land below that for the sake of battery life and thermal concerns.

The buttons and controls have also been discussed, with new patents from Nintendo now published, posted here by Serif, including about capacitive surfaces integrated into buttons. This may be relevant to the other "solid" evidence we've been discussing lately, the appearance in both rumour and shipping data of what seems to be a rear "grip" button, with an unknown function. Some suspect it may be capacitive, like rear touchpads, others think it's just a button.
How many games used the 460mhz mode ? Botw and MK11 comes to mind.

I think most games used the 384mhz profile which is still an uplift over the original portable clocks.

I think the latest Pokémon games used 460MHz, if i'm not mistaken. It's noticeable it at the very least fluctuates to higher frequencies because the battery drainage on that title in particular is insane.
Generally, things of genuine note get added to the OP in a pretty timely manner (thanks, Dakhil!). If it doesn't have a recent update, it's a pretty safe bet that nothing all too considerable or concrete has been unearthed as of late.

As for recent postings, the discussion around battery life continued, wondering where the expected power consumption would be. Something we can't really know, but the most compelling arguments for my money (such as from OldPuck) sort of point towards the original Nintendo Switch's portable power consumption as a ceiling, and Nintendo likely wanting to land below that for the sake of battery life and thermal concerns.

The buttons and controls have also been discussed, with new patents from Nintendo now published, posted here by Serif, including about capacitive surfaces integrated into buttons. This may be relevant to the other "solid" evidence we've been discussing lately, the appearance in both rumour and shipping data of what seems to be a rear "grip" button, with an unknown function. Some suspect it may be capacitive, like rear touchpads, others think it's just a button.
Thank you very much for the recap! Obviously as a mod I know the thread temporarily closed, but I admittedly took off yesterday for the holiday so wasn't privy to any details or speculation besides that.
Pretty interesting that so little has leaked regarding games for Switch 2. Not only that we don't know about a single Nintendo game being made for Switch 2, we have no clue about any third party games. We don't know if Square will port Final Fantasy Remake to Switch 2, we don't know if Atlus will port Metaphor to Switch 2 and we don't know if Capcom will port Monster Hunter Wilds to Switch 2.'

Its a total software blank in every regard.
Pretty interesting that so little has leaked regarding games for Switch 2. Not only that we don't know about a single Nintendo game being made for Switch 2, we have no clue about any third party games. We don't know if Square will port Final Fantasy Remake to Switch 2, we don't know if Atlus will port Metaphor to Switch 2 and we don't know if Capcom will port Monster Hunter Wilds to Switch 2.'

Its a total software blank in every regard.
We've got leaks in some respects, some more credible than others, and Nate apparently knows of something, but we're literally on the cusp of Not-E3 season. The odds of hearing something akin to "We are bringing out game to Switch 2" is basically a given. Just relax, the next few weeks will set things in motion.
Pretty interesting that so little has leaked regarding games for Switch 2. Not only that we don't know about a single Nintendo game being made for Switch 2, we have no clue about any third party games. We don't know if Square will port Final Fantasy Remake to Switch 2, we don't know if Atlus will port Metaphor to Switch 2 and we don't know if Capcom will port Monster Hunter Wilds to Switch 2.'

Its a total software blank in every regard.

Nintendo's Ninjas strike fear in the hearts of many. Families tell their children folk legends about the great ninja forces that hide in the shadows when they don't eat all of their vegetables and leak Nintendo news.

So yeah, we won't get a lot of Switch 2 information until closer to release unless some brave (or trpubled) soul is brave enough to leak anything and risk the full might of the Great Nintendo Ninja Defense Force!
We've got leaks in some respects, some more credible than others, and Nate apparently knows of something, but we're literally on the cusp of Not-E3 season. The odds of hearing something akin to "We are bringing out game to Switch 2" is basically a given. Just relax, the next few weeks will set things in motion.
Sega/Atlus having so much faith to the Switch 2 is awesome.

Since we know that they’re preparing newly released titles, like Persona 3 and metaphoris and also 5 remake titles will also arrive for the Switch 2.

I only need confirmation for Yakuza and I’ll be overjoyed with happinesses.

In reality I have faith that the Japanese and indie scene will support the system immediately once it’s launched, but western developers is more questionable if their all in, the only western game that we know of is black ops 6, heck maybe that’s the title that will make western developers more willing to port their games immediately to the Switch 2.
All these game rumors and still nothing about Marvel Ultimate Alliance 4 🥲
I've been going through the gauntlets to unlock some of the DLC characters and....I definitely agree.

post-X-Men 97 will do that to ya. I do hope they are working with Koei Tecmo to make MUA4, these games are so fun.
I don't get this. Uncompressed LCPM 5.1 is always going to sound better than compressed Dolby, no?
It was purely a joke about matching the splash screens. The original white Nintendo logo on a black background was updated to white on red, and the following classic IntSys logo was updated to their modern one. The GCN release then flashes a Dolby Pro Logic II splash, while the Switch version moves on to the intro story; Dolby Digital (or Dolby Digital Plus) would've been a more 1:1 update. EDIT: Dolby TrueHD would've fit the bill too with identical quality to what we got, or Dolby Atmos if you wanted something overkill; both have the same problem LPCM has described below though.

That said, if you want to know in general why people complain about surround support on Switch being limited to LPCM, it's about compatibility - not audio quality. It's less of a problem now than when the issue originally cropped up on Wii U, but the only way to get 5.1 from the Switch is either by directly connecting it through HDMI to your receiver (opening up potential latency issues, depending on the receiver), or by using a TV and receiver both capable of eARC; eARC is relatively new, and only people who've made recent updates to their setups will have this option. The original ARC spec doesn't have the bandwidth for 5.1 LPCM at 16 bit/48KHz, and neither do other common audio cables (though things have largely moved to ARC/eARC now anyway).

Some setups - particularly sound bars - don't have an HDMI input at all, intending basically all TV functions to come in through ARC. I recently got a sound bar for a space I couldn't justify a full setup for, and I had to be rather selective because I did want it to be a 5.1 setup compatible with the Switch. I ended up spending more than I would've otherwise on that room just to get something the feature set I was looking for.
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What kind of bottleneck do you guys think that software on the Switch 2 will maybe run into, GPU-wise?

Is it gonna memory bandwidth, pixel fillrate (maybe with 16 ROPs which is the same as TX1, don't know if that's enough especially at 4K60 with lots of effects even with DLSS), texel fillrate, triangle/geometry throughout,... Or shading power will likely choke you well before you hit those aforementioned limits?
ROP count should be 24, not 16, if they maintain the 2 ROPs/SM consistent. Pixel fillrate should be a non-issue even if they're targeting 4k 60 fps at the highest. Rest I'm not sure about.
It's 16. Ampere white paper sets it as a hard design choice in Ampere, 16 ROPS in 2 partitions per GPC, and T239 is 1 GPC. And if there is a non-shader bottleneck, that's probably it? But I'd still bet on shader perf being the limit.

Because I am a nerd, I have a spreadsheet full of DF benchmarks and card specs, so I can rapidly compare stuff without having to spend hours in google searches. Lemme show ya

CardTFLOPSTMU/ 100 coresROP/ 100 coresCache/bandwidth (kb/gb/s)Bandwidth/TFLOPFPS/TFLOP (1080p)FPS/TFLOP (1440p)FPS/TFLOP( 4k)RT 1440p FPS/TFLOP
307020.331.2516.39.1422. 2.5
T2394* (high guess)31.2510.48.5330????????????

Let me offer my analysis of this wall of data.
  • The architectural sweet spot seems to be the 3050/3060, which happens to be the card that T239 most closely resembles.
  • The higher end cards seem to underperform in raster load, relative to their shader cores.
  • Some of that is probably not real. The 3090 is getting nearly 500fps on Doom Eternal, that card could push more, but the numbers are being brought down because the CPU is being overwhelmed.
  • Some of that definitely is. The fact that the performance gap drops as you get to 4k, but doesn't go away, says that it really is a case where the card is overwhelmed.
  • The big cards seem under specced in ROPS. That's because there is more binning in the lower cards, so some of the shader cores are disabled, leading to excess ROPS per core.
  • The big cards also seem undespecced in cache. That's because cache goes up linearly, with memory controllers, but shader perf goes up quadratically, as both core counts and clock speeds are increasing as you go up the stack.
  • It's not clear if ROPS or cache are the limiting factor on the top cards. But I'd bet the ROPS.
  • RT is cache loving, and doesn't care about the pixel fill rate, and it's performance only marginally changes over the stack. That tends to point the finger at ROPS
So this all tends to point the finger at T239 being somewhat ROP limited, if it's limited at all. But because I can't stop I actually have more thoughts on that as well. The key point being that PC benchmarks don't necessarily reflect how console ports will work.

None of these tests run DLSS, and RT is kept to a small subset.RT has a shader cost, but doesn't care about the pixel fill rate, as I said. DLSS is similar - it has a shader cost based on output resolution, but the game should be hitting the ROPS at the rate of the input resolution.

I expect hardware Lumen to be common, but even if it's not, DLSS is going to be everywhere. Dedicated ports have the opportunity to tune their performance around the (potentially) limited pixel fillrate of t239, but even if they don't, simply using DLSS will increase the load on the shader cores disproportionate to the ROPS.

But all of this is trying to project rendering technology out by 7 years. With stuff like frame gen coming to consoles even now, years after the release of both the games and the hardware, rendering engines might evolve away from a design which favors Ampere, in which case, who knows. But to me, T239 looks like a pretty optimized design for it's usecase.
Im wonder when clocks will be leaked
Trying to remember what happened with the Switch, and iirc the first clock speed leaks came straight from the manufacturing line and were posted on 4chan. Or maybe 2ch or weibo first, and then 4chan. I think that was like Nov/Dec 2016? I wouldn't be surprised if we don't really get actual clock speeds until pretty close to launch basically.
Made a list of 3rd-party games I own, checking their clock frequencies in portable mode. This includes indie games and various emulation (most of which will use the lowest clock speed)

  • Axiom Verge
  • Blaster Master Zero 1-3
  • Blossom Tales
  • Castlevania Anniversary Edition
  • Castlevania Advance Edition
  • Child of Light
  • Collection of Mana
  • Contra: Anniversary Collection
  • Disgaea 5 Complete
  • Enter the Gungeon
  • Exit the Gungeon
  • Final Fantasy Pixel Remaster I-VI
  • Final Fantasy VII
  • Final Fantasy VIII Remastered
  • Final Fantasy IX
  • Final Fantasy X|X2 HD Remaster
  • Final Fantasy XV Pocket Edition
  • I am Setsuna.
  • Legend of Mana
  • Lego City Undercover
  • Mega Man Legacy Collection 1 + 2
  • Mega Man X Legacy Collection 1 + 2
  • Mega Man Zero/ZX Legacy Collection
  • Mega Man 11
  • Mighty Gunvolt Burst
  • Oxenfree
  • Rayman Legends: Definitive Edition
  • Runner3
  • Shantae and the Pirate's Curse
  • Shantae: 1/2 Genie Hero Unlimited Edition
  • Shantae and the Seven Sirens
  • Shovel Knight: Treasure Trove
  • SteamWorld Dig 1 + 2
  • Super Bomberman R
  • The Mummy Demastered
  • Undertale
  • Wonder Boy: The Dragon's Trap
  • World of Final Fantasy Maxima
  • Xeodrifter
  • Contra: Operation Galuga (Demo)
  • Crash Bandicoot N. Sane Trilogy
  • Darksiders II: Deathinitive Edition
  • Diablo II: Resurrected
  • Diablo III: Eternal Collection
  • Dragon Quest XI S
  • Fast RMX
  • Final Fantasy XII: The Zodiac Age
  • Fuze4 (can be set to 307.2Mhz)
  • Ghostbusters: The Video Game Remastered
  • Hades
  • Mario + Rabbids: Kingdom Battle
  • Mario + Rabbids: Sparks of Hope
  • Monster Hunter Generations Ultimate
  • Hollow Knight
  • Octopath Traveler 1 + 2
  • Okami HD
  • Ori and the Blind Forest: Definitive Edition
  • Penny's Big Breakaway (Demo)
  • SmileBasic 4
  • Spyro Reignited Trilogy
  • Starlink: Battle for Atlas
  • The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim Anniversary Edition
  • The Wonderful 101: Remastered
  • Monster Hunter Rise: Sunbreak
  • Ori and the Will of the Wisps
  • Portal 1 + 2
I do miss Streetpass and the little dopamine hit you get when the green light is on ; I was just thinking about StreetPass and Switch 2 too recently as well and feasibility and I came to the conclusion that it may not come back, at least not in the format you expect it. Switch is a device i feel people take with them for a purpose, going to a place on a trip/ a friend's not something you could carry in your satchel while walking the park with no intention of using it.
The form factor discourages people from truly taking it around for short trips unlike the 3DS, and constantly having the wireless on looking for connecitons eats up battery life. For these reasons I think they won't implement it

I considered maybe a poke-walker like device, but thought it's not a great thing as you get a subset of users to use it, probably no more than 10%.

I came to the conclusion that there's no easy solution for it, until Nintendo comes out with a true portable again, perhaps in the same ecosystem
I’ve posted my thoughts on this before but I had a similar idea. It wouldn’t use a separate device like a poke walker, but it could operate using one of the new controllers. The controllers already have wireless tech in them and their own battery and it’s far less annoying if a joycon dies compared to the whole system (like would happen with a 3DS). You just attach it to the system to start playing again and immediately recharge it.

They’ve already toyed with similar functionality in their controllers. The Wii remotes could hold user profiles making it easier to bring your stats from one person’s system to another and the Joy con can be used to earn points for Ring Fit if you attach it to the Ring even when the system is off. The updated Joy con could even hold your whole profile so you could easily bring your games from one system to another…though that obviously introduces other complications.

Ok. Last time I post that theory…maybe.
I’ve posted my thoughts on this before but I had a similar idea. It wouldn’t use a separate device like a poke walker, but it could operate using one of the new controllers. The controllers already have wireless tech in them and their own battery and it’s far less annoying if a joycon dies compared to the whole system (like would happen with a 3DS). You just attach it to the system to start playing again and immediately recharge it.

They’ve already toyed with similar functionality in their controllers. The Wii remotes could hold user profiles making it easier to bring your stats from one person’s system to another and the Joy con can be used to earn points for Ring Fit if you attach it to the Ring even when the system is off. The updated Joy con could even hold your whole profile so you could easily bring your games from one system to another…though that obviously introduces other complications.

Ok. Last time I post that theory…maybe.
Great idea! i think it could work. No new accessories to buy. The only change i'd make is make it user's choice and have both joycon's be capable, but cost and other technical considerations may intervene. (e.g. what if someone brings both joycons, do you get double streetpasses? etc etc)
I’ve posted my thoughts on this before but I had a similar idea. It wouldn’t use a separate device like a poke walker, but it could operate using one of the new controllers. The controllers already have wireless tech in them and their own battery and it’s far less annoying if a joycon dies compared to the whole system (like would happen with a 3DS). You just attach it to the system to start playing again and immediately recharge it.

They’ve already toyed with similar functionality in their controllers. The Wii remotes could hold user profiles making it easier to bring your stats from one person’s system to another and the Joy con can be used to earn points for Ring Fit if you attach it to the Ring even when the system is off. The updated Joy con could even hold your whole profile so you could easily bring your games from one system to another…though that obviously introduces other complications.

Ok. Last time I post that theory…maybe.
I think there's a compelling feature to be found there - a feature Nintendo has used in various forms. The Joy-Con (R) presently has an "independent" mode activated by pressing in the analogue stick when it's not connected to the console. It's only used with the Ring-Con, but the same idea is used to provide the Pokéwalker functionality of the Pokéball+.

I could see them wrapping the functionality of the Pokéball+, Pokémon Go Plus+ and Streetpass all into one device without too much extra effort or technology. Count steps and log them in various software titles. "Download" a creature like a Chao or Pokémon to play with while out and about. Track your sleep and log it in Pokémon Sleep on your phone or get bonus points in a new console game. Heck, visit a friend, connect your controller and share Miis and high scores!

I could see them doing some or all of this using a mobile app, but there are permissions, privacy and security concerns on all platforms with that idea.

Putting it all in the controller also means that say, the console could be in its normal sleep mode in your bag, while the battery StreetPass and Play Coins depend on is the controller. One you wake up the console unit, it sends over the results.

That's a functionality I would love, something I'd really use, something they are technically capable of delivering at minimal cost, that would actively enhance several of their IP. I want THAT Nintendo to shine.
It's 16. Ampere white paper sets it as a hard design choice in Ampere, 16 ROPS in 2 partitions per GPC, and T239 is 1 GPC. And if there is a non-shader bottleneck, that's probably it? But I'd still bet on shader perf being the limit.

Because I am a nerd, I have a spreadsheet full of DF benchmarks and card specs, so I can rapidly compare stuff without having to spend hours in google searches. Lemme show ya

CardTFLOPSTMU/ 100 coresROP/ 100 coresCache/bandwidth (kb/gb/s)Bandwidth/TFLOPFPS/TFLOP (1080p)FPS/TFLOP (1440p)FPS/TFLOP( 4k)RT 1440p FPS/TFLOP
T2394* (high guess)31.2510.48.5330????????????

Let me offer my analysis of this wall of data.
  • The architectural sweet spot seems to be the 3050/3060, which happens to be the card that T239 most closely resembles.
  • The higher end cards seem to underperform in raster load, relative to their shader cores.
  • Some of that is probably not real. The 3090 is getting nearly 500fps on Doom Eternal, that card could push more, but the numbers are being brought down because the CPU is being overwhelmed.
  • Some of that definitely is. The fact that the performance gap drops as you get to 4k, but doesn't go away, says that it really is a case where the card is overwhelmed.
  • The big cards seem under specced in ROPS. That's because there is more binning in the lower cards, so some of the shader cores are disabled, leading to excess ROPS per core.
  • The big cards also seem undespecced in cache. That's because cache goes up linearly, with memory controllers, but shader perf goes up quadratically, as both core counts and clock speeds are increasing as you go up the stack.
  • It's not clear if ROPS or cache are the limiting factor on the top cards. But I'd bet the ROPS.
  • RT is cache loving, and doesn't care about the pixel fill rate, and it's performance only marginally changes over the stack. That tends to point the finger at ROPS
So this all tends to point the finger at T239 being somewhat ROP limited, if it's limited at all. But because I can't stop I actually have more thoughts on that as well. The key point being that PC benchmarks don't necessarily reflect how console ports will work.

None of these tests run DLSS, and RT is kept to a small subset.RT has a shader cost, but doesn't care about the pixel fill rate, as I said. DLSS is similar - it has a shader cost based on output resolution, but the game should be hitting the ROPS at the rate of the input resolution.

I expect hardware Lumen to be common, but even if it's not, DLSS is going to be everywhere. Dedicated ports have the opportunity to tune their performance around the (potentially) limited pixel fillrate of t239, but even if they don't, simply using DLSS will increase the load on the shader cores disproportionate to the ROPS.

But all of this is trying to project rendering technology out by 7 years. With stuff like frame gen coming to consoles even now, years after the release of both the games and the hardware, rendering engines might evolve away from a design which favors Ampere, in which case, who knows. But to me, T239 looks like a pretty optimized design for it's usecase.
That was very insightful. Thanks for taking the time to educate my dumb ass.

T239 seems to have quite an excessive amount of bandwidth/TFLOP but I believe some of the bandwidth will be shared with the CPU too. Even so, it's probably more than enough.
Pretty interesting that so little has leaked regarding games for Switch 2. Not only that we don't know about a single Nintendo game being made for Switch 2, we have no clue about any third party games. We don't know if Square will port Final Fantasy Remake to Switch 2, we don't know if Atlus will port Metaphor to Switch 2 and we don't know if Capcom will port Monster Hunter Wilds to Switch 2.'

Its a total software blank in every regard.

Midori has always been very reliable and has confirmed that Metaphor and Persona 3 are coming to Switch 2. Persona 6 will also most certainly be there as well. Atlus has been very multiplatform every since they ported Persona 4 to Steam and got big sales. Every since then, they've been very good at being multiplatform. Persona 3 Reload launched Day 1 on multiple consoles and I can't imagine that will change when it's done them so much good.

I'm happy for them and that they got on the train much sooner than Square-Enix and without having to dabble in NFTs and other shady ventures to boot lol.
I would love to see streetpass coming back, and this talk about using a joy-con to realise this feature has given me hope. To all of you tech-geniuses: is this really possible? I want this so bad now
I would love to see streetpass coming back, and this talk about using a joy-con to realise this feature has given me hope. To all of you tech-geniuses: is this really possible? I want this so bad now

They could also do it as a smartphone app/game (with bonuses if you connect it to switch 2)
I would love to see streetpass coming back, and this talk about using a joy-con to realise this feature has given me hope. To all of you tech-geniuses: is this really possible? I want this so bad now
Possible? Sure. Feasible? I can't tell you for sure. A lot of the core functionality needed to make it work is there in various bits of Nintendo hardware, as I said, and making it an independent device rather than an app has its benefits.
I think there's a compelling feature to be found there - a feature Nintendo has used in various forms. The Joy-Con (R) presently has an "independent" mode activated by pressing in the analogue stick when it's not connected to the console. It's only used with the Ring-Con, but the same idea is used to provide the Pokéwalker functionality of the Pokéball+.

I could see them wrapping the functionality of the Pokéball+, Pokémon Go Plus+ and Streetpass all into one device without too much extra effort or technology. Count steps and log them in various software titles. "Download" a creature like a Chao or Pokémon to play with while out and about. Track your sleep and log it in Pokémon Sleep on your phone or get bonus points in a new console game. Heck, visit a friend, connect your controller and share Miis and high scores!

I could see them doing some or all of this using a mobile app, but there are permissions, privacy and security concerns on all platforms with that idea.

Putting it all in the controller also means that say, the console could be in its normal sleep mode in your bag, while the battery StreetPass and Play Coins depend on is the controller. One you wake up the console unit, it sends over the results.

That's a functionality I would love, something I'd really use, something they are technically capable of delivering at minimal cost, that would actively enhance several of their IP. I want THAT Nintendo to shine.
yep and there's an interesting way to extended the original core idea in Wiimotes. Imagine bringing your Joycons to a friend's house, and plugging your joycon onto their Switch puts your profile into their Switch as a 'guest' profile for the duration, allowing you to download/play games attached to your account on the device until that joycon is removed.
That was very insightful. Thanks for taking the time to educate my dumb ass.

T239 seems to have quite an excessive amount of bandwidth/TFLOP but I believe some of the bandwidth will be shared with the CPU too. Even so, it's probably more than enough.
It also mean that nintendo and nvidia wants to make that console and chip the best as possible
yep and there's an interesting way to extended the original core idea in Wiimotes. Imagine bringing your Joycons to a friend's house, and plugging your joycon onto their Switch puts your profile into their Switch as a 'guest' profile for the duration, allowing you to download/play games attached to your account on the device until that joycon is removed.
There's some authentication problems at hand there but I could see it as a way to provide a physical key to an account.

Using the Joy-Con as a passkey has security implications I don't think Nintendo would be up to dealing with though. Carry over your profile and prompt you to put in your password, maybe? But at that point you might as well just log in. I don't think it could work like that, mulling it over. Too many security concerns when moving save data is already as easy as just logging in. You can already use your phone as a passkey and to log in, so what could the Joy-Con really do? Store your user ID, maybe?
(Awesome Joy-Con Street Pass idea)
(Go Plus+, etc…)
This would be so cool, and is such a fantastic solution to bringing StreetPass to The Successor to Nintendo Switch.

And, as an avid Pokemon Go player and Pokemon Sleep uh…sleeper, I also love the idea of the Joy-Con being able to be used as a Go Plus+. They could use the home button LED for the flashing lights that accompany catching Pokes and spinning stops, and it has the necessary motion sensors for sleep tracking. Heck, they could even add in support for it to be used as a pedometer in Pikmin Bloom!
Much earlier imo, beacuse they will get consoles just a bit before us
But they won't be allowed to talk about details until a certain date. Usually Nintendo has quite clear NDAs, as I am aware. I wouldn't expect any 100% authentic details before 1-2 weeks before release.
maybe when Digital Foundry or any tech site, got a hand on the console, and do some test and show the clock frequency of the console
We're not getting that kind of info from retail devices until someone hacks one, and I suspect that won't be nearly as easy as it was with the V1 switch. Our best chance for clock speed leaks is if a dev leaks it.
This would be so cool, and is such a fantastic solution to bringing StreetPass to The Successor to Nintendo Switch.

And, as an avid Pokemon Go player and Pokemon Sleep uh…sleeper, I also love the idea of the Joy-Con being able to be used as a Go Plus+. They could use the home button LED for the flashing lights that accompany catching Pokes and spinning stops, and it has the necessary motion sensors for sleep tracking. Heck, they could even add in support for it to be used as a pedometer in Pikmin Bloom!
Yep. Very convenient to have it all in one, too. Keep the strap on all the time and it's an accessory people can just carry with them. Maybe let us sync it to the NSO app and have it give us notifications, too, why not. I see real potential. I genuinely don't expect it to happen, even though I really want it, but I think Nintendo has the chops to make it happen if they choose to.
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