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I'm not "policing code names", myself and others are simply saying we have zero evidence pointing to Oz, or indeed Orange or Oyster. I don't really mind what you call it, but as far as we can tell, saying Oz is or was a a codename isn't true. It's a falsehood.

You also don't just use "Oz" as a player on a forum, you claim you "heard about it", you call it the "logical letters following NX", you claimed it was "Project Oz".

If you want to use a shorthand for Ounce, Oz, in an offhand manner, I really don't mind. But you said you heard it.

I'm not policing anyone's use of casual nicknames, but I will absolutely point out if someone appears to be being dishonest. Previously, you outright stated with apparent confidence that it is "Oz (Project Oz)", and that you had heard about it before OldPuck mentioned it. Now, after it's been discussed that Oz doesn't have supporting evidence, you say it's just players on a forum, and say anyone who says, correctly, that it has no supporting evidence is "policing".

It's not "policing" to want people to be forthcoming and honest with us, P4bl0.

You mixing it up

I said I heard it, I told my story and I stick to it if people don’t believe it it’s all good, I didn’t believe at first either.

No need to police me or others that believe in it, I’m still a player in a forum at the end of the day

It’s my right to share a story once and I don’t have to defend myself about it everyday, I don’t care as much as some others do

Raccoon said it was the logical following of NX not me, again don’t mix it up
You mixing it up

I said I heard it, I told my story and I stick to it if people don’t believe it it’s all good, I didn’t believe at first either.

No need to police me or others that believe in it, I’m still a player in a forum at the end of the day

It’s my right to share a story once and I don’t have to defend myself about it everyday, I don’t care as much as some others do

Raccoon said it was the logical following of NX not me, again don’t mix it up
I'm quoting your posts directly.
Can I just say I’m not very excited about the prospects of an “HDR” LCD

Almost every LCD that claims it displays “HDR” does so by putting it on max brightness which while, sure it helps with the bright parts of the image, absolutely decimates the darker parts by blowing them out, making the HDR entirely useless if you’ve seen proper HDR done on an OLED or miniLED.

The closest I’ve seen an LCD get to a proper HDR implementation was the iPhone XR (and I’m assuming the 11 as well) as that used some form of dithering that to me, looked like an okay approximation of HDR when comparing with an LCD that didn’t either and an OLED.

But god can we just get an OLED first time around? The Deck’s is great, and having something like that for Switch 2 at launch would be wonderful
You mixing it up

I said I heard it, I told my story and I stick to it if people don’t believe it it’s all good, I didn’t believe at first either.

No need to police me or others that believe in it, I’m still a player in a forum at the end of the day

It’s my right to share a story once and I don’t have to defend myself about it everyday, I don’t care as much as some others do

Raccoon said it was the logical following of NX not me, again don’t mix it up
You literally accused another member of "spreading misinformation" for going against the Oz theory because you insisted you had heard about it like that's somehow definitive 👇
Can you stop spreading misinformation? I’ve heard about Oz last year relax it’s going to be ok
False. He accused me first of spreading misinformation so I repeated his message to make him understand this is pointless, this is sarcasm FYI
Dude I literally quoted your exact message

I do agree this is pointless though
They didn’t want the world to know this thing exists till they decided it
that doesn’t mean they couldn’t reveal the codename when they decided to tell us the successor is coming.

it’s an arbitrary thing anyway, just wondering about the secrecy
that doesn’t mean they couldn’t reveal the codename when they decided to tell us the successor is coming.

it’s an arbitrary thing anyway, just wondering about the secrecy

I believe that revealing the code name would make it even more “real” and coming soon than a mere announcement of an announcement

They want to protect Switch sales at all costs
yeah,even if they wont use it at work most artists are always researching new technology on free time,they not learning just now

some even have experience with the publicity renders who are really high poly


yeah splatoon hq models are pretty dope
but the in-game models aren't that far behind!
he heard it was Oz from some anonymous person , that's all he said.

Can we trust this info with certainly? No.

Does it matter if it's Oz or Ounce? No.
nintendo hasn’t publicly revealed the codename for its next system for the first time since the SNES, what’s so different this time?
The codename of a console for marketing purposes matters zero unless is the name used until the ‘real name’ is revealed, Nintendo is using Switch successor for that purpose rn so there is no reason to reveal it.
nintendo hasn’t publicly revealed the codename for its next system for the first time since the SNES, what’s so different this time?
Before NX/Switch, Revolution/Wii was the last time Nintendo publicly announced a codename. CTR/3DS and Cafe/Wii U weren't publicly revealed; the former was learned via an FCC filing after the official announcement, and the latter was leaked through early reporting on third-party communication. Just before Wii, Nitro/DS had not been publicly revealed either.
nintendo hasn’t publicly revealed the codename for its next system for the first time since the SNES, what’s so different this time?
Basically, don't need it. Did they for Wii U? I only remember it coming from leaks, but I'm certainly not definitive. N64, GameCube, Wii they were talking about years before launch and so needed to refer to them as something other than "it". Switch they were keeping pretty quiet, but had to assure people that a new system was coming and so again needed to refer to it as something other than "it" or even worse "successor to Wii U". This time is neither situation. They can keep quiet and "successor to Switch" has good enough connotations.
As has been pointed out Oz/Ounce are the same thing.
The Wizard of Oz is a famous movie. The Wizard of Ounce is probably a dispensary.
Before NX/Switch, Revolution/Wii was the last time Nintendo publicly announced a codename. CTR/3DS and Cafe/Wii U weren't publicly revealed; the former was learned via an FCC filing after the official announcement, and the latter was leaked through early reporting on third-party communication. Just before Wii, Nitro/DS had not been publicly revealed either.
Some early reporting on the DS refers to it as Nitro, though I'm not sure if Nintendo ever used it in a press release or if it was leaked.
Before NX/Switch, Revolution/Wii was the last time Nintendo publicly announced a codename. CTR/3DS and Cafe/Wii U weren't publicly revealed; the former was learned via an FCC filing after the official announcement, and the latter was leaked through early reporting on third-party communication. Just before Wii, Nitro/DS had not been publicly revealed either.

Some early reporting on the DS refers to it as Nitro, though I'm not sure if Nintendo ever used it in a press release or if it was leaked.
I remember DS itself was a placeholder name (Developers' System) that gained traction with the public and journalists so much since it could also be Double Screen that Nintendo decided to keep it as the final name of the device
I remembered something in my sleep: if developers don't need 7 cores, can they turn off three of four cores and run the remaining four or three at a higher frequency? Some games are not well optimized for multi-core.and only three cores are needed to run og Switch games
You sure invest a lot of time on codename huh?!
At least this doesn't matter for it's purpose or for us to know what beneath behind it
In relation the dev-kit question; do console platform holders also have a way to give developers a software solution or give them rough specs that could be good enough for developers to start some early development targeting the console, so they can get going until they get the actual hardware dev-kits?
In relation the dev-kit question; do console platform holders also have a way to give developers a software solution or give them rough specs that could be good enough for developers to start some early development targeting the console, so they can get going until they get the actual hardware dev-kits?
Yep. That's what SDKs are for.
Catching up on recent replies...lots of code name talk, it seems.

If the code name were like...TheSystemAfterSwitchWithA16CoreCPUAndBetterThanPS5GPUAnd10HourBatteryAndAControllerThatDetectsYourPulseThatLaunchesWithSuperMarioGalaxy3OnMarch72025, then I'd be very interested in knowing the code name.

Otherwise, I think it's just a fun fact that maybe will be interesting to see on a wiki after the OS is datamined or in a Nintendo interview on the making of the console at some point.
Yep. That's what SDKs are for.
So how long have we heard or speculated devs have had the SDK for Switch 2?

I imagine some games Nintendo doesn’t care if the dev has an SDK or DevKit right away since the bump in spec won’t make a huge difference.

But I bet if they want COD on the Switch 2 ASAP they’d probably send them to Activision real early. Also, they probably hooked up Japanese partners early like Bandai Namco, Capcom, Koei, etc.

How much can developers do just off an SDK?
Would be two different discussions.
Nate, let me know if I’ve got this wrong, but it sounds like you’ve got three Nintendo episodes on deck.

On Twitter you indicated you’d do an episode on the announcement from the quarterly meeting and then afterward an episode on the specs. Now a Direct episode if you choose to do one.

Is that still the case? Any idea when we can expect the announcement discussion if that’s still first up?
just for the record the NX -> OZ thing was a shower thought not a theory

you have to ignore Y for it to make sense lol
You gotta admit that after the rollercoaster we've been on since 2019 or so it'd be poetic for the next system to literally be OY
Suddenly thought that the t239 has some capability to run local large models.
Introducing our new Nintendo Large Language Model: Navi!

having multiple nintendo ip LLM avatars would be pretty cool. fi, midna, navi, you could have one of the popular splatoon characters, or peach. freakin ganon avatar
Those tensor cores are very AI capable. Funnily, the Switch 2 is more of an AI device than any of the PC current handhelds in its rumoured 400-450 price range.

Better media app support/browser on Switch 2 and whats of point of ipads for 90% of people?
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