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StarTopic Future Nintendo Hardware & Technology Speculation & Discussion |ST| (New Staff Post, Please read)

I'm surprised we haven't gotten any GDC leaks yet; we need something to help, haha.
It was almost 2 weeks after Gamescom(Aug 23rd-27th 2023) when all of the rumors started the last time I believe.
Although Jez Corden did jump out the window in late August when he said this on Twitter.

"Heard some rumors recently that Nintendo maybe showed/maybe discussed the new Switch behind closed doors to select press/devs @ Gamescom.

Full reveal/leaks may be relatively imminent.

— Jez (@JezCorden) August 29, 2023 "

Eurogamer confirmed with their information on September 7th 2023 and then it was a floodgate of others saying very similar things...

Developer presentations for Switch 2 took place behind closed doors, Eurogamer understands, with partners shown tech demos of how well the system is designed to run.
https://www.eurogamer.net/nintendo-demoed-switch-2-to-developers-at-gamescom#:~:text=Developer presentations for Switch 2,Switch 2's beefier target specs.
One Switch 2 demo is a souped up version of Switch launch title Zelda: Breath of the Wild, designed to hit the Switch 2's beefier target specs

My guess is we are in a game of chicken right now to see whose gonna jump out and say something first. Lol
GDC was from March 18th-22nd, (so today is exactly 11days just like Gamescom) who's going to be first!

Although I'm glad no-one said anything yesterday on April fools day, because that would've been annoying to sift through...
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I'm surprised we haven't gotten any GDC leaks yet; we need something to help, haha.

Devils advocate, but Nintendo probably wasn’t OK with the leaks that happened last year. Expecting them to happen again implies they’ve done nothing with respect to security.

I’m not holding my breath until Nintendo themselves acknowledges the device.
This is a very random thought but if finances allow, I probably will buy 2 Switch 2s so that I can keep the 2nd one on launch firmware so that it's ready for homebrew down the line 💡
that's sort of how I am at the moment ... still seems like a possibility, though I'm not sure why I think that when up against the rumors and hints and inside info...

But to be honest rumors and hints and inside info have basically been wrong all these years anyway so I don't know why I'd rule out the possibility of still being announced and launched this year.

A more realistic based point of view- I think a reveal is still possible this year at least.
After this fiscal year ended in march, wee will see another drop in sales. The goal was 15, then they increased for 15.5 and certainly achieve this goal! What's come for next fiscal year? 12mi at max, I think. I know that the argument for early 25 for increase line up of softwares, but later 25 is no sense, a year of 5mi NSW sales...
Considering that the dead line is 24 for the momentum for the transition, and 25 for software, but early 25, wee will see an reveal something this year.
It occurs to me that since Nash's rumors have 0 reliability, there's a huge probability that his previous rumor about Nintendo showing off the metroid prime4 is also false.
I would imagine nVidia fucking up again this hard with the ReDraketed SoC would definitely lead Nintendo to strongly reconsider that long-term contract between them.
Re: Potential info from GDC

My impression is that GDC isn't a type of conference that new games and hardware are released or discussed. It's just a regular old industry conference as I understand it, at which developers are showing of new techniques and practices to others in the industry.

Sure, there are lots of industry people around and some chatter might occur, but I would expect 99,9% of people being quite precious of their jobs (especially these days..) and being professional enough to not discuss things under NDAs.

Pair that with Nintendo likely to be in full lock down mode with the lawyers on constant stand by I would not expect anything noteworthy to come out from GDC, unfortunately.
I would imagine nVidia fucking up again this hard with the ReDraketed SoC would definitely lead Nintendo to strongly reconsider that long-term contract between them.
Somehow I doubt they'd abandon an extremely beneficial contract on the basis of a security flaw, given the legacy of high profile security holes in Nintendo hardware that predates nVidia. At least I hope Nintendo wouldn't make such a grievous error in the pursuit of piracy and user modification, which will continue to be facts of life for any company who pursues a hardware strategy that demands control of their own platform.
I wouldn't bet on Nvidia fucking ip the security again.

Nothing will be 100% secure, thats the first Cybersecurity principle. You just work to make it harder to crack 😆

They could make a bugbounty program like Sony and many others have, the ps5 got compromissed months after launch but they got paid for reporting the exploit.
I get what you all mean with those examples, but those three games (or anything PS4 really) are a low bar if you ask me... They're still last gen titles made around traditional shaders and rasterization techniques, very high budget and fantastically well made for sure but their backbone is already showing its age. I'd be disappointed if Nintendo first party didn't push beyond them with relative ease, now that they took an eternity to develop the tools and delayed the games & system multiple times.
Honestly i'm struggling to see where those 3 games mentioned by @Steve are starting to show their age. If Nintendo games will look like that in 2025 and upwards, i am perfectly fine with that. If they release a new open world Zelda that looks like Ghost of Tsushima (in terms of graphical fidelity, not artstyle), i will be blown away by it very likely.

Maybe i am just used to the low fidelity of Nintendo games since the Wii, which makes it easier for me to get excited over this, but i dunno, later PS4 games hold up very well still. If there's a generation that starts to show its age it's the PS360 gen no doubt. Rasterization can still look great and with the current consoles even struggling with that i think rasterization is here to stay and won't be replaced with full-on RT effects in the coming years. (By that i mean no hybrid RT+raster solution, i mean RT enabled on anything it can be used on)
Devils advocate, but Nintendo probably wasn’t OK with the leaks that happened last year. Expecting them to happen again implies they’ve done nothing with respect to security.

I’m not holding my breath until Nintendo themselves acknowledges the device.
Especially when said rumors reached all the way to a press question to Furukawa
Especially when said rumors reached all the way to a press question to Furukawa
Correct. People should understand that Nintendo make public facing statements relating to future hardware not because "the fanbase is getting aggro about it", which is a fundamental misunderstanding of the magnitude of "people who have bought a Nintendo Switch and will potentially buy its successor" versus "people who speculate online about Nintendo". Public statements will be either:

-Trying to avoid shareholders catching them on the back foot with public questions based on solid rumours, as has already happened
-Part of the actual PR and advertising for the device ahead of release

This is a company that was willing to pull the plug on a Zelda media adaptation on the basis that someone, somewhere at their partner company leaked ahead of time. Between that and establishing the format of Nintendo Directs, it's clear that they seek to control public messaging on their own terms as much as possible. So the most likely response to the Gamescom leak has been to withdraw from future events for the sake of the few remaining months before announcement.
Come to think of it, we didn't get any information at all with the Tokyo Game Show closed show they did, but I think the common assumption is it was the same thing they went over at Gamescom. That's mine at least.

That said, Nintendo has, as other users mentioned, historically been very controlling of flow of information, with the related company, The Pokemon Company (specifically their international branch) going as far to seek legal procedures against leaks in the past...
This tweet have a credibility judging by the bit of info that I have, yes
I have more informed things around this, but will not share for now publicy

tbh I believe that this will be soon available for y'all by news sites, etc.
@necrolipe Was this rumour you had heard in March a false flag, or do you think it's credible? If so, when do you think it can be shared with the public?
Re: Potential info from GDC

My impression is that GDC isn't a type of conference that new games and hardware are released or discussed. It's just a regular old industry conference as I understand it, at which developers are showing of new techniques and practices to others in the industry.

Sure, there are lots of industry people around and some chatter might occur, but I would expect 99,9% of people being quite precious of their jobs (especially these days..) and being professional enough to not discuss things under NDAs.

Pair that with Nintendo likely to be in full lock down mode with the lawyers on constant stand by I would not expect anything noteworthy to come out from GDC, unfortunately.
This is exactly why it's the place for it, lol. Way more relevant than a public trade show. But really, there's no separation since they're both massive gatherings of industry.
Although I'm glad no-one said anything yesterday on April fools day, because that would've been annoying to sift through...
Be happy that you don't follow german media...

April Fools headline: "Samsung buys Nintendo and annouces Switch Galaxy".
Come to think of it, we didn't get any information at all with the Tokyo Game Show closed show they did, but I think the common assumption is it was the same thing they went over at Gamescom. That's mine at least.

That said, Nintendo has, as other users mentioned, historically been very controlling of flow of information, with the related company, The Pokemon Company (specifically their international branch) going as far to seek legal procedures against leaks in the past...
Nintendo outright denies information that has been said by higher ups at the company, even from Satoru Iwata one time. Controlling their own destiny is common with them. However, it's probably fair to say that Nintendo has been far more... well either more determined or more successful in hiding details about the upcoming system this time around. If the Nvidia leak didn't happen, we'd outright have no credible or useful information. Considering how many leaks have happened with almost every other company in the last year, Nintendo avoiding internal leaks is honestly impressive... or embarrassing for the rest of the industry, idk.
Nintendo outright denies information that has been said by higher ups at the company, even from Satoru Iwata one time. Controlling their own destiny is common with them. However, it's probably fair to say that Nintendo has been far more... well either more determined or more successful in hiding details about the upcoming system this time around. If the Nvidia leak didn't happen, we'd outright have no credible or useful information. Considering how many leaks have happened with almost every other company in the last year, Nintendo avoiding internal leaks is honestly impressive... or embarrassing for the rest of the industry, idk.
Why not both?
Nintendo outright denies information that has been said by higher ups at the company, even from Satoru Iwata one time. Controlling their own destiny is common with them. However, it's probably fair to say that Nintendo has been far more... well either more determined or more successful in hiding details about the upcoming system this time around. If the Nvidia leak didn't happen, we'd outright have no credible or useful information. Considering how many leaks have happened with almost every other company in the last year, Nintendo avoiding internal leaks is honestly impressive... or embarrassing for the rest of the industry, idk.
Wow, it’s actually insane the only company that has given us a slight hint of the switch 2 is Nvidia. Meanwhile Nintendo has been annoyingly quiet.

Makes me wonder what the big thing will the switch 2 have that will stand out, since the best case scenario it’ll be something like the 3DS where the hardware is improves graphically and combine that with their next gimmick that’s a small selling point
Macrumors via Bloomberg

A 7.4-magnitude earthquake struck Taiwan in the early hours of the morning, causing significant damage to infrastructure and disrupting operations at several TSMC key manufacturing sites. Sources familiar with TSMC's operations said that the company's N3 fab in Tainan suffered structural damage, with beams and columns broken, leading to an outright halt in production. EUV machines, essential for manufacturing processes below 7nm, have stopped, and research and development labs have been subject to significant damage, such as cracked walls. Another fab in Hsinchu reported broken pipelines and extensive damage to wafers, necessitating a halt in production.

Let's pray T239 is being fabbed on Samsung

Stupid joke aside, let's hope the best for the people of Taiwan. The earthquake was quite serious.
Nothing will be 100% secure, thats the first Cybersecurity principle. You just work to make it harder to crack 😆

They could make a bugbounty program like Sony and many others have, the ps5 got compromissed months after launch but they got paid for reporting the exploit.
The issue with launch Switches was a hardware vulnerability that couldn't be fixed in software.

Mariko afaik still requires mod chips to be hacked.
Honestly i'm struggling to see where those 3 games mentioned by @Steve are starting to show their age. If Nintendo games will look like that in 2025 and upwards, i am perfectly fine with that. If they release a new open world Zelda that looks like Ghost of Tsushima (in terms of graphical fidelity, not artstyle), i will be blown away by it very likely.

Maybe i am just used to the low fidelity of Nintendo games since the Wii, which makes it easier for me to get excited over this, but i dunno, later PS4 games hold up very well still. If there's a generation that starts to show its age it's the PS360 gen no doubt. Rasterization can still look great and with the current consoles even struggling with that i think rasterization is here to stay and won't be replaced with full-on RT effects in the coming years. (By that i mean no hybrid RT+raster solution, i mean RT enabled on anything it can be used on)
It's not about how they look, it's about the techniques and hardware paradigms they were made with. They're old, these games didn't even utilize rapid packed math since they were made before the Pro in mind. You said it yourself, your standards are old and by the way you're expressing them, I assume you haven't been paying attention to what's officially being said at GDC or is currently due for next year as an example. Artstyles, "looks good", "holds up" and whatever are fair statements, but a game shipped by 2029 around the Ampere architecture should absolutely demolish those examples, regardless of how high or low your personal standards are... So yes, it would be extremely disappointing if it wasn't the case.
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If they make the system more secure Someone will just make a smarter hacker lol
It's not about how they look, it's about the techniques and hardware paradigms they were made with. They're old, these games didn't even utilize rapid packed math since they were made before the Pro in mind. You said it yourself, your standards are old and by the way you're expressing them, I assume you haven't been paying attention to what's officially being said at GDC or is currently due for next year as an example. Artstyles, "looks good", "holds up" and whatever are fair statements, but a game shipped by 2029 around the Ampere architecture should absolutely demolish those examples, regardless of how high or low your personal standards are... So yes, it would be extremely disappointing if it wasn't the case.
Never said my standards are old, just that MAYBE i am just used to Nintendo games being low-fidelity compared to others, hence why i get excited when i will finally see their games match PS4 level visuals. In my opinion it doesn't matter what tech a game uses, if it looks good, it looks good. End of story.
Never said my standards are old, just that MAYBE i am just used to Nintendo games being low-fidelity compared to others, hence why i get excited when i will finally see their games match PS4 level visuals. In my opinion it doesn't matter what tech a game uses, if it looks good, it looks good. End of story.
Look I get I'm the exception but jumping from Pikmin 3 Deluxe to Forza Horizon 5 (on Series X!) and back, or Astro's Playroom to Animal Crossing New Horizons, yeah there's a difference but it's perceptually tiny. I've seen less improvements in the move from Xbox 360/PS3 through Series X/PS5 than the jump from Wii to Wii U, which was the last jump that "wowed" me.

T239 seems well suited to blast through Gen8 games no problem, and manage with well optimised Gen9 games where devs are willing to put in the effort, but the returns so diminished means it'll probably have an even longer lifespan of third party support than the original, provided it's successful.

What multiplat in 2030 wouldn't be headed to Xbox Series X|S and PS5? And at that point, it's probably worth looking into CPU optimisation and DLSS implementation to squeeze out s port for NG Switch. There's a long road ahead of us.
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Re: Potential info from GDC

My impression is that GDC isn't a type of conference that new games and hardware are released or discussed. It's just a regular old industry conference as I understand it, at which developers are showing of new techniques and practices to others in the industry.

Sure, there are lots of industry people around and some chatter might occur, but I would expect 99,9% of people being quite precious of their jobs (especially these days..) and being professional enough to not discuss things under NDAs.

Pair that with Nintendo likely to be in full lock down mode with the lawyers on constant stand by I would not expect anything noteworthy to come out from GDC, unfortunately.

Leaks potentially wouldn't come from any Nintendo presentations but devs in possession of devkits taking about it at gatherings / parties. But it seems no one is willing / drunk enough to break NDAs yet.

Also any chatter like that needs cross checking and verification before publishing y which can take a lot of time if checked against multiple sources.
Never said my standards are old, just that MAYBE i am just used to Nintendo games being low-fidelity compared to others, hence why i get excited when i will finally see their games match PS4 level visuals. In my opinion it doesn't matter what tech a game uses, if it looks good, it looks good. End of story.
They're not low fidelity, they look as good as they possibly could for the devices they're on. The base (docked) Switch is literally four times and a half under PS4's theoretical performance only and got a 7th of the memory bandwidth... Everything is on the context, and the numbers.
Leaks potentially wouldn't come from any Nintendo presentations but devs in possession of devkits taking about it at gatherings / parties. But it seems no one is willing / drunk enough to break NDAs yet.

Also any chatter like that needs cross checking and verification before publishing y which can take a lot of time if checked against multiple sources.
I also believe there would have been more leaks without the Nvidia leak. When so much of the hardware has been known already for years, there's less new stuff to leak.
This is a company that was willing to pull the plug on a Zelda media adaptation on the basis that someone, somewhere at their partner company leaked ahead of time. Between that and establishing the format of Nintendo Directs, it's clear that they seek to control public messaging on their own terms as much as possible. So the most likely response to the Gamescom leak has been to withdraw from future events for the sake of the few remaining months before announcement.
To be fair the leak most likely was from that negotiation since it was only in the talking stages with no contract signed yet. Most likely higher-ups at Netflix trying to pressure Nintendo into inking a deal. If I were them I would’ve stopped all talks too because you can’t trust the company on that project anymore.
Re: Potential info from GDC

My impression is that GDC isn't a type of conference that new games and hardware are released or discussed. It's just a regular old industry conference as I understand it, at which developers are showing of new techniques and practices to others in the industry.

Sure, there are lots of industry people around and some chatter might occur, but I would expect 99,9% of people being quite precious of their jobs (especially these days..) and being professional enough to not discuss things under NDAs.

Pair that with Nintendo likely to be in full lock down mode with the lawyers on constant stand by I would not expect anything noteworthy to come out from GDC, unfortunately.

I think historically this isn't factual, simply because in the past it was widely known that these companies all have done many keynote speeches at GDC and shown off hardware (behind the scenes). This was how rumors usually leaked out before public hardware unveiling (which were quite often done at E3).

No one here are saying we expect official statements about Switch 2, hell Nintendo hasn't even acknowledged the thing exists yet (even though we know most of the specs already). Everything we have about Switch 2 is either leaked or hacked information...

This is exactly why it's the place for it, lol. Way more relevant than a public trade show. But really, there's no separation since they're both massive gatherings of industry.

I completely agree and especially since E3 is dead and gone.
Where else are developers gathered together yearly?
These type of events just made things easier to show off your wares because everyone is in one place...

Be happy that you don't follow german media...

April Fools headline: "Samsung buys Nintendo and annouces Switch Galaxy".
Oh I can imagine, which is why I had a media black-out on April fools day...
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Look I get I'm the exception but jumping from Pikmin 3 Deluxe to Forza Horizon 5 and back, or Astro's Playroom to Animal Crossing New Horizons, yeah there's a difference but it's perceptually tiny. I've seen less improvements in the move from Xbox 360/PS3 through Series X/PS5 than the jump from Wii to Wii U, which was the last jump that "wowed" me.

T239 seems well suited to blast through Gen8 games no problem, and manage with well optimised Gen9 games where devs are willing to put in the effort, but the returns so diminished means it'll probably have an even longer lifespan of third party support than the original, procided it's successful.

What multiplat in 2030 wouldn't be headed to Xbox Series X|S and PS5? And at that point, it's probably worth looking into CPU optimisation and DLSS implementation to squeeze out s port for NG Switch. There's a long road ahead of us.

Differences continue to get smaller every generation now.

What we see now (Left) vs. what we used to see (Right) :

Honestly i'm struggling to see where those 3 games mentioned by @Steve are starting to show their age. If Nintendo games will look like that in 2025 and upwards, i am perfectly fine with that. If they release a new open world Zelda that looks like Ghost of Tsushima (in terms of graphical fidelity, not artstyle), i will be blown away by it very likely.

Maybe i am just used to the low fidelity of Nintendo games since the Wii, which makes it easier for me to get excited over this, but i dunno, later PS4 games hold up very well still. If there's a generation that starts to show its age it's the PS360 gen no doubt. Rasterization can still look great and with the current consoles even struggling with that i think rasterization is here to stay and won't be replaced with full-on RT effects in the coming years. (By that i mean no hybrid RT+raster solution, i mean RT enabled on anything it can be used on)
I honestly think that PS4 graphics are good enough. I don't expect another huge and visible jump after that.
Last of US 2 remaster is not convinced visually enough that need to exist at this point and seeing comparations between Ronin and Ghost of Tsushima, I can see many best visual solutions in this last.

I honestly think that PS4 graphics are good enough. I don't expect another huge and visible jump after that.
Last of US 2 remaster is not convinced visually enough that need to exist at this point and seeing comparations between Ronin and Ghost of Tsushima, I can see many best visual solutions in this last.
That's a plain remaster, though? Ronin is from a japanese developer not exactly known for the technical departments of their games, Ghost was always going to look ages better. I'd say we wait until May (emphasis on May) and beyond before making those statements, a lot has changed since last year with pipelines internally.
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