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StarTopic Future Nintendo Hardware & Technology Speculation & Discussion |ST| (New Staff Post, Please read)

On Tuesday, the Nintendo president declined to comment when asked during a media briefing about when his company might unveil the next iteration of its marquee console.

“The only option for Nintendo to prop up the hardware’s sales momentum is to release upgraded hardware,” Yasuda said.
No outright denial is actually a positive sign for New/Switch Pro/2/Electric Boogalo this FY
Not really.

They aren’t obligated to comment, and Furukawa isn’t doing the mistake that Iwata did that led to the 3DS using something completely different than what they had intended.

I don’t think this is the first time they’ve denied to comment anyway.
Not really.

They aren’t obligated to comment, and Furukawa isn’t doing the mistake that Iwata did that led to the 3DS using something completely different than what they had intended.

I don’t think this is the first time they’ve denied to comment anyway.

"We will not be releasing new hardware this fiscal year" is pretty definitive. Him not outright saying this means 2022/early 23 is still a possibility.
"We will not be releasing new hardware this fiscal year" is pretty definitive. Him not outright saying this means 2022/early 23 is still a possibility.
Furukawa perhaps simply declined to comment, because he’s tired of Mochizuki and Bloomberg reporting about a thing that gets peddled for ages by the same news source. Only to result in half rights.
After this hardware forecast I believe they will have a new revision this FY. 21M would be a very smooth drop from FY21 and for now I don't see any software that could justify that. Maybe 18M(old skus combined) + 3M(new sku) releasing on march 2023.
Not really.

They aren’t obligated to comment, and Furukawa isn’t doing the mistake that Iwata did that led to the 3DS using something completely different than what they had intended.

I don’t think this is the first time they’ve denied to comment anyway.
What was that about the 3DS? What did Iwata say?

Why almost every Bloomberg article reports on Nintendo in such a negative way? Words like "struggles", "dissapointing set of numbers" for the number one console in the market and one of the best years of Nintendo ever... They don't know how console sales work? Or anything about the history of video games sales? Or are they salty because their confident Switch Pro reports epic fail?
Bloomberg reports Furokawa refused to comment when asked about new hardware
Well well well…

Why almost every Bloomberg article reports on Nintendo in such a negative way? Words like "struggles", "dissapointing set of numbers" for the number one console in the market and one of the best years of Nintendo ever... They don't know how console sales work? Or anything about the history of video games sales? Or are they salty because their confident Switch Pro reports epic fail?

Bloomberg’s audience isn’t console players or analysts but investors who want short terms growth and nothing more.
I don't know. If they plan to release, say, last week of March, 17 million for the current switch is still a very good number for a platform at this point of its life and that leaves 4 million for the launch week of the new hardware.

I'm still not sure, and it would be better for him to just say "no hardware this year".
Maybe they're still not sure about the release due to production and logistics sheanigans, and are prepared to miss the match window and thus this FY...
President Furukawa stated, "Aiming for sales of 20 million units in the sixth year after launch is uncharted territory in terms of our history of game consoles."
President Furukawa commented on next-generation consoles, "We are constantly researching future hardware. We will continue to focus on proposing unique game experiences that integrate hardware and software," he said, avoiding any specifics.

This is precisely the statement I’d want to hear in a year with potential new hardware.
A no comment in one and a non answer in another lol. I see you Furukawa 👀
The forecast doesn't mean anything, the no comment doesn't mean anything. As I suspected we learned nothing new.
I see, but what was used that Nintendo did not intend to?
It was a PICA200

I wouldn’t say it wasn’t intended, but a contingency plan that they had to go through with as the Tegra 2 wasn’t working out and the rumors were too big to ignore by then.
The vast majority of the big PS5 games also release in PS4, yet no one is using that "iphone inspired iterative upgrade" stuff when mentioning those console.
I know that there has often be a narrative about Nintendo having a revolutionary master plan, but Nintendo ain't that different from the others. If they release a console as strong as currently discussed, it won't be to get Xenoblade 2 at 4K. It'll be a new generation, which will happen to have a lot of cross generation games within its first 2 years. Like the two others.
The vast majority of the big PS5 games also release in PS4, yet no one is using that "iphone inspired iterative upgrade" stuff when mentioning those console.
Because Sony had a vested interest in not using that messaging. But the pandemic and supply woes for the PS5 forced them to essentially adopt this exact model, despite them clearly planning for a clean break.

In the end what it's called and what it's positioned as is all about marketing and messaging.
I don't know. If they plan to release, say, last week of March, 17 million for the current switch is still a very good number for a platform at this point of its life and that leaves 4 million for the launch week of the new hardware.

I'm still not sure, and it would be better for him to just say "no hardware this year".
Maybe they're still not sure about the release due to production and logistics sheanigans, and are prepared to miss the match window and thus this FY...
A new switch would probably only have around 2 million for its first week not 4 million, it also could release in April not March
It could be because there were rumors almost a year into the life cycle, but this seems like the longest wait ever for upgraded hardware. 😢
I only recall the Mariko/Lite rumors, where they ended up using the more capable Tegra X1 for battery life, and the OLED/4k devkit conflation in 2021. Were there any other rumors?
At least the door is still open for new hardware. Also it is possible that if something is coming, that it will be at the end of march or even in april, so comments of this FY at this point in time and well before a Christmas season will stay vague anyway.
I like the optimism. It doesn't really mean anything but it certainly doesn't close the door on hardware this FY.
I think there are more conclusive ways for them to say "hard no to this year" and there's no way they wouldn't have had a more conclusive "hard no" answer prepared if the answer was "no."
So at least 2022 is not ruled out, but I still have my personal expectation set for early 2023.
No comment and a non answer. He had 2 chances to straight up say it’s not happening like he’s done in the past. I think you meant the Fiscal Year (end of March 2023) is not ruled out and in more play than ever.
I think there are more conclusive ways for them to say "hard no to this year" and there's no way they wouldn't have had a more conclusive "hard no" answer prepared if the answer was "no."
Generally I'd agree that they would want to quash any rumors about it if it's really not happening, but in these times of uncertainty around supply chains and semiconductor manufacturing it's unlikely that he wants to absolutely rule anything out.
Wouldn't holiday 2022 make a lot more sense? If you announce a new console directly after the holidays a bunch of buyers will be pissed off. Plus you miss the holiday sales.
Yeah holiday 2022 is absolutely their plan A, the idea is if it needs to be delayed then early 2023 also works.
Generally I'd agree that they would want to quash any rumors about it if it's really not happening, but in these times of uncertainty around supply chains and semiconductor manufacturing it's unlikely that he wants to absolutely rule anything out.
Oh, I fully agree. I think it's almost like... they PLAN on it coming out before end of FY23, buuuuuut things can happen.
Wouldn't holiday 2022 make a lot more sense? If you announce a new console directly after the holidays a bunch of buyers will be pissed off. Plus you miss the holiday sales.
There will probably be more people saying "you're pissing off recent buyers" than actual pissed off recent buyers.

Ideal timing isn't always possible.
There will probably be more people saying "you're pissing off recent buyers" than actual pissed off recent buyers.

Ideal timing isn't always possible.
Yeah there’s always people saying “you’re going to piss off buyers”. Yeah you’ll piss of someone who bought it on June 23rd and you announce on June 24th a new system coming. It’s not a big deal like people online try to make it. You’ll just trade your recently brand new switch in for the new one.
Can't wait for yall to work yourselves into a shoot and for Nintendo to announced the Switch Lite OLED.
Eh, people keep saying a Switch Lite OLED is something that's bound to happen but IMO it actually makes no sense from Nintendo's perspective. The OLED model IS the high end version of the Lite model, from the perspective of market segment. They will not want to reduce the sales potential of the OLED model by introducing a cheaper one.

There is no good business case for an OLED Lite, I don't see it happening.
Oh, I fully agree. I think it's almost like... they PLAN on it coming out before end of FY23, buuuuuut things can happen.
Even if they didn't originally plan to have it out this FY and happened upon a really good deal or situation when it comes to manufacturing a new model or even an N64 mini or something, they wouldn't want to rule out anything potentially happening.
Wouldn't holiday 2022 make a lot more sense? If you announce a new console directly after the holidays a bunch of buyers will be pissed off. Plus you miss the holiday sales.
Audience that buys console because holidays are not early adopters so it doesn’t affect that much, Drake will sell whatever they can ship at launch (even Wii U did) so using that for holidays is a ‘waste’ when you can get a mini-holiday bum in sales when you launch the product in march (or one of the Q2 months) and later in the first holiday have more stock for people outside of the early adopters.
If they were releasing a new console (or super revision if you prefer) early next year I'd think they'd want to generate hype for it. Saying nothing makes it feel less likely to me. I cant see them announcing the drake, which is such a massive upgrade, just a few months before release.

There are multiple ways to look at this denial from Furukawa.
One thing I'd like to point out is that Sony's sales numbers also came out today and they were horrific. I don't know if this chip shortage is going to be gone by early next year. Even if Nintendo wants to sell the Drake it may be hard to do so.
I am on Team March 2023 for a new Switch. Drawing a line in the sand.

Chip shortage or not, if Nintendo has the hardware and software ready, they need to move on. There will never be a "right time" in this day and age to release a system.
I am on Team March 2023 for a new Switch. Drawing a line in the sand.

Chip shortage or not, if Nintendo has the hardware and software ready, they need to move on. There will never be a "right time" in this day and age to release a system.
I was late 2023 but I'm edging more toward 2024 now. Not because of anything Nintendo said today, but because of what Sony said. Those sales are so bad. PS5 sales actually dropped 14%, when many of us were expecting the shortage to be getting better, not worse, by now. Nintendo cant sell a console if they cant make it. And they have room to extend this generation with price drops and bundles since they haven't actually done any yet.
Eh, people keep saying a Switch Lite OLED is something that's bound to happen but IMO it actually makes no sense from Nintendo's perspective. The OLED model IS the high end version of the Lite model, from the perspective of market segment. They will not want to reduce the sales potential of the OLED model by introducing a cheaper one.

There is no good business case for an OLED Lite, I don't see it happening.

Even if they didn't originally plan to have it out this FY and happened upon a really good deal or situation when it comes to manufacturing a new model or even an N64 mini or something, they wouldn't want to rule out anything potentially happening.
I can uno reverse your argument about the original Switch Lite, and it still happened. A premium version of the Lite that is portable only does not conflict at all with a premium version of the original switch that can do both docked and portable play. They're two different products serving two different markets.
If the next iteration is a "Switch Pro" I'll probably stick with my launch unit, if it's a "Switch 2" I'm in.
If it's something between like a phone upgrade, things get muddy. I guess it depends on if there's exclusive software.

I can wait a bit yet, though. I think the current hardware is fine and quality games keep coming out.
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