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Nothing. I still haven't ruled March out completely either here, lol. Although the window seems very unlikely and is closing fast - it'd be SWOLED-fast between the announcement and the release, I like to think they want more ramp-up time to have enough units ready for launch day.

I'm just trying to figure out if "early 2024" is supposed to mean anything different than March-April that they shared as prediction in August. I cannot see May & June being part of "early 2024" definition, so like LiC said, "early 2024" and "March/April" might as well be synonymous.

I do find it interesting (LiC attested to the same) that they haven't revised their prediction that much. Maybe they're using the orange site like we have been, haha. Seriously though, I am sure their teams already knows about the stuff we were discovering, plus being privy to info that we couldn't here at Fami.
Bluntly I don't think OLED-style turnaround is that unlikely. The concept is very established, I'm not sure what good 6-9 months of build-up can really do for it. It's not like it's a new concept they have to market. For build-up, that's about manufacturing's start, which might not necessarily line up when it's announced. They could announce it well after initiation of mass production, if they like, or they could have far more assembly plants preparing for launch compared to Switch's launch and have a shorter initiation to launch.

If I'm not mistaken, thanks to the Switch's huge success and the need to provide more stock in one year than a whole generation of Wii U, they actually DO have far more assembly plants working for them than they did in late 2016.

Early 2024 to me does say January to April, but, I could see up to May. That said, they'd want to be out before Golden Week and alongside or just after American tax season. During and after tax season is the second biggest consumer spending period, just behind the holidays. May falls a bit outside this window, so based on that, I think this points to March or April, with April far more likely.

Just my view on the matter, I find this news very very encouraging!
  • FE Genealogy remake
  • More details on Splatoon 3: Side Order
  • Paper Mario TTYD & LM2 HD release date
  • Metroid Prime 2 & 3
  • Pikmin 4 DLC
  • Wind Waker & Twilight Princess HD
  • F-Zero GX
That'd be enough to fill up a February Direct this late in the Switch 1's life. The fact that said Genealogy remake is supposedly already done, isn't cross-gen, & still hasn't been announced makes me sure we're due for one more Switch 1 Direct.

Also, I'm genuinely not sure where all the OoT Remake talk is coming from. Is it just a collective dream based on that one "Z R 2023" tweet? That could just mean WW/TPHD & the R stands for "remaster".
The OoT Remake talk is really just about people thinking its unlikely that Nintendo will wait 7 years for the next 3D Zelda game without capitalizing on the coming Zelda movie release with a new 3D Zelda remake game in between the release of the next 3D Zelda game. And OoT is by their logic the most natural 3D remake Zelda game to fill that role.
In such a scenario. do you think dedicated Switch direct in February would be MP4-less?

I happen to think it might be a mistake revealing MP4 in February Switch-dedicated Direct, only to reveal in March Direct (with Switch 2) that MP4 is also coming to Switch 2. People pre-ordering MP4 from February Direct for Switch 1 are gonna have to cancel their preorder if they were going to do MP4 on Switch 2 instead in the first place.
That is assuming that they'll actually have Prime 4 in the Direct.
Wow! Those things hardly even consumed anything compared to what we have now.

Looks like the Xbox was the first to break that. Now 100w for current consoles look like nothing.
I was actually going to add a section pointing out how much MORE power they use now. PS3 at 200W, X360 at 180. Wii was only 40, and Wii U was similar - but so much of that power at full belt was for USB ports and rhe OPTICAL DRIVE. The motherboard of Wii got 15-20W!

The Switch is not an outlier for Nintendo home consoles! The power supply is 39W, and 35W full belt- only now that includes charging controllers, USB accessories, etc., with 15W for the internal components... like the Wii! Or the GCN!

Which is why I continue to find more than 15W for the system next gen a little wild. You're looking at a power supply BIGGER, MORE powerful than Wii or Wii U, or GCN, a motherboard, SOC and all support circuitry, that consumes more power than any Nintendo home console... Fitting in a handheld? I just don't believe that.
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Post new years will be exciting. After the the holidays it's anyone's guess when we will hear anything official.

I think the rumor mill might even pick up soon after when people are back from breaks and vacays.

I'm just counting down the days.
With a game like GTA there's about a million things that needs to be planned out before you even start thinking about graphics.

I sincerely doubt they started to think about tech in 2014.
it's not so much about graphics, but before that. it's about how you rasterize geometry to apply shaders to (and well before pixel shaders). of course they didn't think about this in 2014 as it wasn't made to developers until Turing and DX12. if the game's engine was frozen long before then, then it's not possible for it to be in.
How’s everyone feeling about the January announcement?

I know people like to disregard the Twitter rumors but the fact that it’s coming from two people familiar with the mobile space I feel like it’s a possibility that it’s going to happen, the Switch is mobile hardware so it kinda adds up.

it would be a great way for Nintendo to start off 2024 with a clean slate.
I mean, I still think it's possible. I still have yet to see anything that disproves a January announcement for a March/April release.
My Current theory on timing is:

January announcement that it's coming.

January Switch Direct

February full unveiling

March presentation

May release

But that's best case scenario in my mind.
My predictions are:

Reveal January 15th/25th

Event on February 12th

Units sent out to the press during March.

Release in late April
An open world Mario game should be the release game because everyone loves Mario. Honestly Metroid Prime 4 I can't see coming out until 2027 at the very least. Retro Studios had to essentially make the game from scratch. Games take ages to develop now. Hope SEGA can put Sonic Generations and Unleashed onto the new console cause.
Open world MP4 makes sense. The whole point of that genre is to look for the videogame.

I don't get what you gain making a 'platformer' open world. What's wrong with linear levels?
The OoT Remake talk is really just about people thinking its unlikely that Nintendo will wait 7 years for the next 3D Zelda game without capitalizing on the coming Zelda movie release with a new 3D Zelda remake game in between the release of the next 3D Zelda game. And OoT is by their logic the most natural 3D remake Zelda game to fill that role.
Imagine the worst way Nintendo would do an OOT remake. Have it be a cartoony link run around in realistic lands for 40 hours.

If it looked like this it would be awesome though and could definitely run on a theoretical Switch 2:

I think Nintendo should allow AAA developers to target higher clock speeds as long as the battery life isn't under 2.5 hours. If the consumers don't like it, then that is on the developers.
There is no way they would reveal an upgraded Switch this year unless they are releasing it this year. There is no good reason to depress holiday sales of the current models like that. They usually announce new hardware during the end of a sales Quarter for this very reason.
Nintendo can start their marketing campaign whenever they want. It's entirely possible to start it in December, especially if they plan to launch the new console in early 2024. It's all dependent on their marketing team and how ready content for the new system is. Perhaps that would have started it already but the killer app(s) aren't ready yet... we don't know what we don't know.

NES was only 9W- less than Nintendo Switch.

N64 was 19W, PS1 (original) was 10W, Saturn at 15W. So N64 was actually the most greedy!

GameCube was 23W, Xbox was 100W, I think PS2 was about 40W.

These may not be precise, it is kind of hard to find these numbers.

I continue to scoff at the idea of a NG Switch using MORE than 15W (especially if T239 is on 4N), we had generations of home consoles with modest power consumption after all.
Since we have a good idea that the new console is a bigger machine, there likely will be more thermal headroom to run the system at a much higher wattage than the current Switch. My guess is they'll push it as high as they are thermally comfortable to run it. If that is above 15w I think it will be. They don't run systems at lower watts to save us money on our power bills.
Bluntly I don't think OLED-style turnaround is that unlikely. The concept is very established, I'm not sure what good 6-9 months of build-up can really do for it. It's not like it's a new concept they have to market. For build-up, that's about manufacturing's start, which might not necessarily line up when it's announced. They could announce it well after initiation of mass production, if they like, or they could have far more assembly plants preparing for launch compared to Switch's launch and have a shorter initiation to launch.

If I'm not mistaken, thanks to the Switch's huge success and the need to provide more stock in one year than a whole generation of Wii U, they actually DO have far more assembly plants working for them than they did in late 2016.

Early 2024 to me does say January to April, but, I could see up to May. That said, they'd want to be out before Golden Week and alongside or just after American tax season. During and after tax season is the second biggest consumer spending period, just behind the holidays. May falls a bit outside this window, so based on that, I think this points to March or April, with April far more likely.

Just my view on the matter, I find this news very very encouraging!
Having 6-9 months between announcement and launch leads to people losing excitement and interest for the product. If they go this route they need to have more than one must have exclusive for the system at launch imo. It would be a mistake for them to repeat the Switch 1 launch and have only 1 (BOTW/Rumoured Open World Mario Game) must have exclusive for the first 6 months of the system.

I cannot stress this enough when I say that this will be a very risky launch for Nintendo, they need to really pull it off in order for it to succeed
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Perhaps we should wait until we know more about the game, have a deeper look into gameplay and scope and see how the game will run on others consoles before making assumptions about Switch 2. There's a lot of miracle ports on Switch. The factor on whether a game is feasible or not is ultimately money.

Thank you!

It doesn't. Alan Wake 2 and Ratchet and Clank Rift Apart are literally games that run on SteamDeck... Again, let's stop doing assumption and trying to categorize games into weird tiers that doesn't make sense and are simple based on perceived visual flourish. A game is much more than visuals and there's a lot of others components that are part of games that stress others parts of the system in different ways.

That's quite interesting and perhaps the source of the rumor that spreader earlier on Twitter. Thank you fwd-bwd! Once we cross into 2024, things will start to look much more exciting.

Alan Wake 2 runs on a Steam Deck sure ... at like 24-28 fps running on pretty gross 640x400 FSR2 resolution with the graphics settings really clamped down big time.

Ratchet & Clank Rift Apart runs on Steam Deck at a more acceptable 30-40 fps even on medium settings, that's why I would say Alan Wake 2 is in a higher tier.
Having 6-9 months between announcement and launch leads to people losing excitement and interest for the product. If they go this route they need to have more than one must have exclusive for the system at launch imo. It would be a mistake for them to repeat the Switch 1 launch and have only 1 (BOTW/Rumoured Open World Mario Game) must have exclusive for the first 6 months of the system.

I cannot stress this enough when I say that this will be a very risky launch for Nintendo, they need to really pull it off in order for it to succeed

Within the 1st 6 months of the Switch BOTW, MK8D, Splatoon 2, Mario + Rabbidd and Arms came out. That was with basically no notable 3rd party games. To say Switch 2 launching with roughly an equivalent slate of games would be a mistake is not accurate. The thing was supply constrained and moving shit tons of software and the Switch 2 will have some notable 3rd party games in its launch window. If they repeat the Switch 1 on the 1st party side that would be more than adequate.
If they were doing that, and some do, are of course doing it in bad faith. But some keep hoping Nintendo release a home only console that isn't restrained by portable restrictions and are continuously disappointed.
Are there still people hoping that Nintendo will finally compete with PlayStation and Xbox in performance?

To me it doesn't make sense for Nintendo to abandon handheld consoles in favor of home consoles, don't tell me why, their handheld consoles made more profits than their home consoles.
Are there still people hoping that Nintendo will finally compete with PlayStation and Xbox in performance?

To me it doesn't make sense for Nintendo to abandon handheld consoles in favor of home consoles, don't tell me why, their handheld consoles made more profits than their home consoles.
From the look of T239, it seems they want their cake and to eat it too, since it looks like, to me, it's both handheld and performance competitive (albeit less out and out performant, no longer in a different reality).
'early' in this context has to mean anytime in H1 as there's no way it's coming out before April. the only hope for H1 would be May/June with things moving pretty quickly in the new year.
'early' in this context has to mean anytime in H1 as there's no way it's coming out before April. the only hope for H1 would be May/June with things moving pretty quickly in the new year.
Why not IN April?

As I've said before, there is an open window in the first half of the year, bht it's March-April. In Japan, April 29th to the 5th of May, 2024 is Golden Week. If it's early 2024, I can't see it coming out after that. March-April is the second highest consumer spending period in a given year when you consider the American and Japanese markets.
From the look of T239, it seems they want their cake and to eat it too, since it looks like, to me, it's both handheld and performance competitive (albeit less out and out performant, no longer in a different reality).
The T239 Is a impressive SOC for a handheld console, of course Nintendo they want the next handheld can handle the games better than the Nintendo Switch does.
Post new years will be exciting. After the the holidays it's anyone's guess when we will hear anything official.

I think the rumor mill might even pick up soon after when people are back from breaks and vacays.

I'm just counting down the days.
It’ll be open season after the February Direct, but no sooner.
Damm, i had checked the customs hours ago haha

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Why not IN April?

As I've said before, there is an open window in the first half of the year, bht it's March-April. In Japan, April 29th to the 5th of May, 2024 is Golden Week. If it's early 2024, I can't see it coming out after that. March-April is the second highest consumer spending period in a given year when you consider the American and Japanese markets.
it could be but aren't factories out of action for a while in the new year which would mean mass production would need to be starting literally right now. not saying that isn't possible but there doesn't seem to be much in way of leaks, funcles etc. it just doesn't feel like things are rolling, though maybe we wouldn't know and Nintendo have things on a tight leash.

there's also the amiibo restocks coming near the end of Janurary (including for Metroid) which is something that could end up being relevant. i do think late Jan/early Feb announcement, followed by March event and May/June launch is very much possible.
starting literally right now.
We won't have shipping data for December for months, so we can't know. Maybe it could.

I think it's unwise to depend on funcles or "leakers", "insiders", etc. when we have analysis companies and shipping records to look at. Also remember that there wasn't much if any noise leading up to the reveal of Switch until maybe a week before, so why expect it now?
We won't have shipping data for December for months, so we can't know. Maybe it could.

I think it's unwise to depend on funcles or "leakers", "insiders", etc. when we have analysis companies and shipping records to look at. Also remember that there wasn't much if any noise leading up to the reveal of Switch until maybe a week before, so why expect it now?

Why rely on other things when we have shipping data we have no context whatsoever for.
Why rely on other things when we have shipping data we have no context whatsoever for.
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Alan Wake 2 runs on a Steam Deck sure ... at like 24-28 fps running on pretty gross 640x400 FSR2 resolution with the graphics settings really clamped down big time.

Ratchet & Clank Rift Apart runs on Steam Deck at a more acceptable 30-40 fps even on medium settings, that's why I would say Alan Wake 2 is in a higher tier.
That's the thing I'm thinking about with a game like GTA VI. As much as folks focus on the stronger consoles for comparison, it's going to come to PC at some point, and both gamers and devs like Valve are going to try to get it running on weaker platforms. Switch NG from what we understand is already going to exceed the Steam Deck in raw power before even taking into account the added benefits of what Nvidia offers, like DLSS, and then the case when it comes to consoles vs PC with the former having the advantage at equal specs. If The Matrix Awakens really was presented on "target specs" to match the Switch 2, then would a game like GTA 6 really have that much of a problem on it?
I don't think Nintendo is going to want to give up their Q1 launch, it was way too lucrative of a time for them.

1. Tax return season in America's makes it an easy win for electronics
2. Holidays in Japan goes full force during this time.
3. The lull in summer makes for a great time to catch up in manufacturing for their hardware, and provide ample time for a huge holiday game for software.
4. The get to have a big launch, and then a huge holiday season in Q3-4, that's always really good.
5. It's a relatively mild time of year with very little competition. Nintendo will pretty much have that marketing and lead up to the console all by themselves.
6. It worked out fantastically for the original switch.

I really think we may get a teaser for the Switch 2 at the GA. It may be a long shot, but Nintendo looks to be actually trying this year, with new trailers for the games promoting the Game Awards. They definitely want to get ahead of any leaks, and a short tease will appease any investors as well as Switch is slumping a bit. If not then, then January.
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