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StarTopic Future Nintendo Hardware & Technology Speculation & Discussion |ST| (New Staff Post, Please read)

Then AT LAST we can start speculating on the Switch 2 Pro xD.

That was a very different situation as WiiU had completely failed and 3DS was their dedicated handheld at the time and carrying the entire load of the company on it’s back. They needed a replacement out to market for both home and handheld consoles ASAP then we got Switch which was also by the way held back from Winter 2016 and moved to March 2017 so Nintendo had enough games to ensure momentum for it’s first year which obviously worked a treat.
I was more comparing the types of games, its clear that we are in their "outro" phase in regards to first party output.
There is no such rush to market needed for Switch 2. Switch sales will not collapse in the coming year (especially with a probable $50 price cut and budget range of software) and like I said their main revenue stream by far is software, subscription services and accessories not console hardware especially at this stage of a consoles life cycle with the way chips no longer get much, much cheaper as the console hardware ages.
Well, till now they had huge titles to push people to buy the consoles. Whats big on the horizon?
(Wonder, yeah, but aftere that)
"budget range" is history. There wont be a select line. They do regular eshop sales, because its a win win: they want people to buy digitally since their margin is way higher and no games come to the secondary market. And they don't devalue games since they are never permanently on sale. They are also careful to not go under 33% with their first party offerings.

All those things you mention usually happen in the mid years of a console (say 4th year maybe?), not after the console is already 7 years on the market and will essentially be the best selling console ever.
In combination with a succeessor, to get rid of old stock? maybe.
3DS sales had also completely collapsed Worldwide by the six months leading up to Switch’s March 2017 release. They desperately needed a new product to market. Again it’s a completely different situation at the moment.

Switch is currently selling ~250,000-300,000 consoles a month in Japan alone and that is PRE holiday season. They will sell another 5 million Switch’s in Japan alone before September 2024. There is no need to rush Switch 2 out in March 2024.

Nintendo do not need to release Switch 2 before Winter 2024 and they will be closing in on 140+ million Switch console sold by the end of 2024 to boot.

In short this is in no way, shape or form even a remotely similar situation to the painful transition between WiiU/3DS and Switch. This is also to say nothing of the loss of Mr Iwata and the massive internal restructuring it took to unify Nintendo’s development resources towards a single hardware platform.
Again, you dont wait till your sales colapse to move. And you dont just decide the move on a whim. you have to plan game development and releases, coordinate with partners, etc. you dont push a launch back just cause its still selling, since eit would risk many other factors (like angering partners that wanted to launch games in a timeframe you mentitoned to them, and manufacturers who planed their producition lines for your product and now have to...wait?)
I will take as many bets as offered for the likely $400 price tag of Switch 2 that it will NOT release in March 2024 but rather late Autumn/ Winter 2024. Is it because I’m intelligent or have some unique foresight? Not at all… All you have to do is realise they do not currently have the correct line up of heavy hitting first party games ready which is necessary to launch and maintain a brand new next gen consoles momentum for it’s first year. Namely big name games appealing to the core gamer you want in years 1-3 for a new platform. Nintendo are absolutely TERRIFIED of this transition and rightly so. They need to make sure they don’t mess it up and leave themselves with a software drought similar to year one of WiiU!
Im with you that it could be spring, or it could be say school start. i honestly dont think it will be a november launch, but thats another topic. What i still think: the anouncement will be latest this february. if not, everything will leak by then.
And if they dont have games ready, then i have to honestly ask...whats EPD doing, and where are those big hitting games for the switch now? All we have heard for next year is remakes and ports. The last "big" announced game is MP4. Then theres the fact that there are a ton of "impossible" third party ports for switch 2, that could fill the first year and people would buy it. They are in a way bettere position in regards to third party support.
What games are they going to release outside of 3D Mario (which potency will be reduced to a degree considering they will have released another mainline Super Mario game in Wonder just five months before it) and Metroid Prime 4 (which potency again will be reduced as it will be cross gen) to keep the consoles momentum throughout 2024?
Well, i guess...games? i cant say which, since they stopped to show new games and are coasting the last 2 directs on a lot of mario and ports/remakes (outside of wonder obviously).
Why is that? because they cant show the big new games without revealing the next console.
Now compare that to releasing Switch 2 in Winter 2024. Suddenly there’s a year between Mario games (which also lets Wonder breath and sell the 10+ million it will in its first year without being kneecapped by a new 3D Mario game five months into its release).

Prime 4 is polished for a further six months compared to a March 2024 release and really pushes Switch 2 visually while polishing the original Switch version so it doesn’t end up like the Xbone/PS4 version of Cyberpunk and upset original Switch owners.

At that point there’s now the possibility of a new Luigi’s Mansion for late October, a new Xenoblade/new Monolith IP for early November and the chance of the Ultimate Mario Kart game for mid November with the likes of Yoshi, Splatoon and the WiiU Zelda collection at 4k for Spring 2025 which leads nicely into the E3 Direct of June 2025 where you reveal the next Zelda, Animal Crossing and Smash Bros along with a few surprises to keep hype and momentum for Switch 2 at maximum.

Then AT LAST we can start speculating on the Switch 2 Pro xD.
nope. after thee announcement im done with new console speculation to be honest. This one just broke me in a way xD

Mind you: i dont think winter will kill nintendo. I just think its rather late and could risk momentum.
If its winter, then it was planed for much longer then the sales where stable. You dont just push that back cause of "good sales", and they could not know that they will stay this stable.
And the biggest thing they set out to do after Wii U is have a good steady development pipeline, and have invested a ton in more talent and better relations for outsoursing to partner studios. Heck, even covid did not disrupt it TO much going by the releases. why and how would they then still struggle to have a steady pipeline for the next console?
Yeah, I don't think Peach Showtime precludes a March hardware release. Would probably be early March, so they're not too close together, but that's about it. If there's any time things might bunch up a little bit, it's right around the launch.
I will take as many bets as offered for the likely $400 price tag of Switch 2 that it will NOT release in March 2024 but rather late Autumn/ Winter 2024. Is it because I’m intelligent or have some unique foresight? Not at all… All you have to do is realise they do not currently have the correct line up of heavy hitting first party games ready which is necessary to launch and maintain a brand new next gen consoles momentum for it’s first year. Namely big name games appealing to the core gamer you want in years 1-3 for a new platform.

Mind me asking how you know that Nintendo do not currently have the correct line up of heavy hitting first party games ready? How did you realize this?

Some kind of unique foresight perhaps?
Yeah, I don't think Peach Showtime precludes a March hardware release. Would probably be early March, so they're not too close together, but that's about it. If there's any time things might bunch up a little bit, it's right around the launch.

But why would they not show it (and TTYD actually) at the Switch 2 reveal instead to give a better graphical impression.

If it's not getting any graphical boost for Switch 2 (and that's why they didn't show it for Switch 2), why not.
The 3DS had games release in March 2017….

Bye Bye Box boy- March 23, 2017

Mario Sports Superstars- March 24, 2017

Wow would you have guessed it, but the Nintendo Switch also released in March 2017……
This isn't a fair comparison at all lol. Bye Bye Box Boy and Mario Sports Superstars of all things is not at all comparable to a Switch 2 launching with something like a 3D Mario while the Switch gets a 3D Peach platformer. Not to mention, the Switch was not a 3DS 2, like how we're expecting Nintendo's next system to be a Switch 2. The 3DS ecosystem was very different and was not flat out replaced immediately. Neither of these games are even the same genre as BotW either, they were never going to compete with it in the first place. I can't even think of a good comparison for this because I don't even think of any system has launched with a game from the same series as another release the same month (or even day) as a game for the last gen system.
But why would they not show it (and TTYD actually) at the Switch 2 reveal instead to give a better graphical impression.

If it's not getting any graphical boost for Switch 2 (and that's why they didn't show it for Switch 2), why not.
They aren't going to show Switch 2 footage of anything until they announce the Switch 2 and they aren't going to have these games be Switch 2 exclusive when Sony has shown with the PS5/PS4 transition that it's much better for the sales of first party games to start off with crossgen titles.
They aren't going to show Switch 2 footage of anything until they announce the Switch 2 and they aren't going to have these games be Switch 2 exclusive when Sony has shown with the PS5/PS4 transition that it's much better for the sales of first party games to start off with crossgen titles.

Okay, but why not just wait a month and show those games looking better to give a better first impression.

(Which is what Sony did, they never showed the PS4 versions of games at their events, just in YouTube videos uploaded separately)

Again, if the Switch 2 is March, it's getting announced in like... a month at most.

So why not wait a month and have TTYD shown at 4K 60 instead?
I'm with you. The Picross+ announcement also could have waited until they could reveal it with the shiniest and most reflective damn squares you've ever seen.

I mean, yeah, sure, you can be sarcastic, but the TTYD's entire appeal for a release is its visual fidelity and if the Switch 2 is getting announced next month... I mean...
Okay, but why not just wait a month and show those games looking better to give a better first impression.

(Which is what Sony did, they never showed the PS4 versions of games at their events, just in YouTube videos uploaded separately)

Again, if the Switch 2 is March, it's getting announced in like... a month at most.

So why not wait a month and have TTYD shown at 4K 60 instead?
Because Switch 2 isn't releasing in March.
I mean, yeah, sure, you can be sarcastic, but the TTYD's entire appeal for a release is its visual fidelity and if the Switch 2 is getting announced next month... I mean...

According to you and the people who are bummed about it apparently being 30 fps. But I would guess you're in the minority. For the rest, the appeal could be the fact that it's a 20 yr old game that's impossible to play unless you own a GC and the game disc. Which is a small minority too.

Same goes for PP:ST, the target audience is not going to give a shit that the shadows could be crisper or whatever.
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But why would they not show it (and TTYD actually) at the Switch 2 reveal instead to give a better graphical impression.

If it's not getting any graphical boost for Switch 2 (and that's why they didn't show it for Switch 2), why not.
Those honestly arent those games that benefit much from the switch 2, if they have an upgrade with switch to, it will mostly be resolution. Models and textures are probably as is, there is no complex lighting or a lot on the screen at the same time that would put the switch 2 footage on a whole other level, so better to show the big games that can do that, and then reiterate games like those in a sizzle reel as: "those will also come with enhancements!", as a bonus.

And yeah, even if its a 30 vs 60 thing with switch 2, thats relevant for audiences of stuff like bayonetta or metroid prime, and even zelda would profit of of it, but slower turn based games and especially RPGs... yeah, the audience is used to 30 and many even prefer better graphics to higher framerates.
Mot many will really care if PM is 30 or 60
According to you and the people who are bummed about it apparently being 30 fps. But I would guess you're in the minority. For the rest, the appeal could be the fact that it's a 20 yr old game that's impossible to play unless you own a GC and the game disc. Which is a small minority too.

Yeah, this feels like really bad cope. If the Switch 2 was being shown next month, I think Nintendo would have waited to show a graphical remake of the TTYD.

If the appeal was just access, they wouldn't have completely redone the graphics instead of just doing a basic remaster. This looks really resource intensive.
This isn't a fair comparison at all lol. Bye Bye Box Boy and Mario Sports Superstars of all things is not at all comparable to a Switch 2 launching with something like a 3D Mario while the Switch gets a 3D Peach platformer. Not to mention, the Switch was not a 3DS 2, like how we're expecting Nintendo's next system to be a Switch 2. The 3DS ecosystem was very different and was not flat out replaced immediately. Neither of these games are even the same genre as BotW either, they were never going to compete with it in the first place. I can't even think of a good comparison for this because I don't even think of any system has launched with a game from the same series as another release the same month (or even day) as a game for the last gen system.

Actually when the Switch 2 will release in 2024, Switch 1 will become the 3DS as Nintendo's back up system to fall back if things goes wrong with Switch 2

(spoiler alert:
they won't

So yeah Switch 1 will still have games, and be featured in Directs just like the 3DS was for the first few years of the Switch 2, but they will target more the "casual/kids and family audience" with small games rather than the core gamer games being made for Switch 2, and yesterday's direct should give you an idea about the kind of games Switch 1 will get going forward

I assume the Switch 1 support will stop around 2026, while still receiving third parties till like 2027-2028
"The audience maybe won't care so Nintendo is very smart rushing a reveal instead of waiting literally a month to show the game with better visuals" no, that doesn't make sense.

The big thing with Switch 2 March people is that the Switch 2 has to be announced like... extremely soon for this to happen.
What games are they going to release outside of 3D Mario (which potency will be reduced to a degree considering they will have released another mainline Super Mario game in Wonder just five months before it) and Metroid Prime 4 (which potency again will be reduced as it will be cross gen) to keep the consoles momentum throughout 2024?

Now compare that to releasing Switch 2 in Winter 2024. Suddenly there’s a year between Mario games (which also lets Wonder breath and sell the 10+ million it will in its first year without being kneecapped by a new 3D Mario game five months into its release).

Here are some games that would carry a Switch 2, released in early 2024, through the entire first year.

Super Mario (new 3D title)
This would be a launch-day title for the Switch 2 - being a long-awaited follow-up to Super Mario Odyssey with next-gen graphics, there's no way this game's sales would be dampened by a last-gen 2D title released 6 months prior.

The Legend of Zelda (new 2D title)
An exclusive new 2D Zelda would be absolutely massive for the Switch 2.

Mario Kart 9
Everyone is here! All characters from Mario Kart 8 Deluxe + DLC are present. But, Mario Kart's game engine and physics as a whole is re-vamped from the ground up! This truly is next-gen Mario Kart, and feels completely new. People would lose their minds.

Donkey Kong (new 2D title)
A brand new exclusive 2D Donkey Kong platformer would be a great first-year title to give the Switch 2 some momentum.

Unannounced Monolith Soft RPG
This would satisfy those craving a core next-gen RPG experience.

Elden Ring
This would be massive for the Switch 2, and would reach far, far more people than the Deck release did.

The Legend of Zelda: Wind Waker 4K
This would avoid re-releasing the exact same HD remake with the exact same enhancements.

The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess 4K
Same as above. They could even be released as a dual-pack.

Various re-releases of Nintendo Switch titles upgraded for the next-gen experience (4K, 60fps, almost zero loading times)
The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild (4K 60fps)
Hyrule Warriors: Age of Calamity (4K 60fps)
Xenoblade Chronicles 2 (4K 60fps)
Xenoblade Chronicles 3 (4K 60fps)
Astral Chain (4K 60fps)

Various third-party releases (or re-releases) that would only run on the Switch 2
Elden Ring
Dark Souls 2
Dark Souls 3
Final Fantasy 16
Doom 2016 (4K 60fps)
The Witcher 3 (better graphics I guess)

Given the above, the Switch 2 could have a consistent release schedule of monstrously popular titles throughout next year - even if it were to release in January.
"The audience maybe won't care so Nintendo is very smart rushing a reveal instead of waiting literally a month to show the game with better visuals" no, that doesn't make sense.

The big thing with Switch 2 March people is that the Switch 2 has to be announced like... extremely soon for this to happen.

If it is getting released in March, the full blowout reveal does not need to happen next month. They can "announce" it next month say please look forward to learning more in January or whatever.

I'm not even 100% sold on a March release, but Nintendo (pretty much) had to announce something in a Direct this month and they sure as hell weren't going announce their big guns for a Switch 2 that doesn't officially exist. So they threw out some lightweight remasters/games. Games that I am assuming will be far less impressive on Switch 2 than the ones they have lined up - whenever they get released.

And anyway, the reason I commented in the first place was not to argue about a March release. It was that PP:ST, LM2 & TTYD being announced/revealed already doesn't mean the Switch 2 couldn't still be released in March..or Q1, H1 or whatever. The only day I would rule out is March 22 specifically lol
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You already know what i plan to do!

I have Nintendo,Capcom,Apple stock from investing $400 in bitcoin in 2009..

Hey, me too. I have dozens of millions of dollars in investments because of this. In fact, I had $1000 in bitcoin in 2009.
Intentionally not putting your best foot forward instead of waiting like... a month to show the game at the reveal of the Switch 2 doesn't really make any sense.
That's a very simplistic view of the situation. A hardware reveal stream is not the same thing as a general Nintendo Direct. It's not even guaranteed that there will be any full game trailers at all. It could just be a trailer showing off the concept for the hardware, with exact game details being filled in later, similar to the Switch's reveal.

Even assuming, for the sake of argument, that the reveal will be closer to the Direct style, the case for saving these Peach and TTYD trailers for it is not very strong. The hardware will be the focus, and trailers for games that are either exclusive or heavily take advantage of new features would do a much better job keeping the focus on the hardware. Peach and TTYD would likely only warrant inclusion as part of a sizzle real of enhanced Switch 1 games, something that works better if the games have been shown off on Switch 1 first. In addition, at such an early stage, keeping announcements for the two systems relatively separate could help keep the messaging clean. For example, announcing a TTYD remake at a hardware reveal could obscure the fact that the game is also playable on the current Switch.
That's a very simplistic view of the situation. A hardware reveal stream is not the same thing as a general Nintendo Direct. It's not even guaranteed that there will be any full game trailers at all. It could just be a trailer showing off the concept for the hardware, with exact game details being filled in later, similar to the Switch's reveal.

Even assuming, for the sake of argument, that the reveal will be closer to the Direct style, the case for saving these Peach and TTYD trailers for it is not very strong. The hardware will be the focus, and trailers for games that are either exclusive or heavily take advantage of new features would do a much better job keeping the focus on the hardware. Peach and TTYD would likely only warrant inclusion as part of a sizzle real of enhanced Switch 1 games, something that works better if the games have been shown off on Switch 1 first. In addition, at such an early stage, keeping announcements for the two systems relatively separate could help keep the messaging clean. For example, announcing a TTYD remake at a hardware reveal could obscure the fact that the game is also playable on the current Switch.

Why does it work better, no one has ever done it this way, Sony did it literally the exact opposite way.
Nintendo isn’t going to announce the Switch 2 this year. They want people to buy the Switch this holiday.

Why are they announcing games to get people to buy the Switch this holiday? They should wait for the Switch 2 before revealing these games.

There is more to it but this is how I’m reading the last few pages of discussion.
Re: Paper Mario TTYD

We don't talk enough about all the reflections and lighting effects used in the trailer, is this actually running on Switch 1 or some cross-gen scenario?

It looks like some RT is involved no ? If anything it gives us a look at what Nintendo future games are looking like, lot of reflections and shiny floors!

Also the Switch buttons are colored to match Super Famicom/new Nintendo 3DS colors, man I hope they don't call it Super Switch

I think you need to play Luigi's Mansion 3 :p
Here are some games that would carry a Switch 2, released in early 2024, through the entire first year.

Super Mario (new 3D title)
This would be a launch-day title for the Switch 2 - being a long-awaited follow-up to Super Mario Odyssey with next-gen graphics, there's no way this game's sales would be dampened by a last-gen 2D title released 6 months prior.

The Legend of Zelda (new 2D title)
An exclusive new 2D Zelda would be absolutely massive for the Switch 2.

Mario Kart 9
Everyone is here! All characters from Mario Kart 8 Deluxe + DLC are present. But, Mario Kart's game engine and physics as a whole is re-vamped from the ground up! This truly is next-gen Mario Kart, and feels completely new. People would lose their minds.

Donkey Kong (new 2D title)
A brand new exclusive 2D Donkey Kong platformer would be a great first-year title to give the Switch 2 some momentum.

Unannounced Monolith Soft RPG
This would satisfy those craving a core next-gen RPG experience.

Elden Ring
This would be massive for the Switch 2, and would reach far, far more people than the Deck release did.

The Legend of Zelda: Wind Waker 4K
This would avoid re-releasing the exact same HD remake with the exact same enhancements.

The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess 4K
Same as above. They could even be released as a dual-pack.

Various re-releases of Nintendo Switch titles upgraded for the next-gen experience (4K, 60fps, almost zero loading times)
The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild (4K 60fps)
Hyrule Warriors: Age of Calamity (4K 60fps)
Xenoblade Chronicles 2 (4K 60fps)
Xenoblade Chronicles 3 (4K 60fps)
Astral Chain (4K 60fps)

Various third-party releases (or re-releases) that would only run on the Switch 2
Elden Ring
Dark Souls 2
Dark Souls 3
Final Fantasy 16
Doom 2016 (4K 60fps)
The Witcher 3 (better graphics I guess)

Given the above, the Switch 2 could have a consistent release schedule of monstrously popular titles throughout next year - even if it were to release in January.
hey, man, no The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdon (4k 60fps) 😞
Here are some games that would carry a Switch 2, released in early 2024, through the entire first year.

Super Mario (new 3D title)
This would be a launch-day title for the Switch 2 - being a long-awaited follow-up to Super Mario Odyssey with next-gen graphics, there's no way this game's sales would be dampened by a last-gen 2D title released 6 months prior.

The Legend of Zelda (new 2D title)
An exclusive new 2D Zelda would be absolutely massive for the Switch 2.

Mario Kart 9
Everyone is here! All characters from Mario Kart 8 Deluxe + DLC are present. But, Mario Kart's game engine and physics as a whole is re-vamped from the ground up! This truly is next-gen Mario Kart, and feels completely new. People would lose their minds.

Donkey Kong (new 2D title)
A brand new exclusive 2D Donkey Kong platformer would be a great first-year title to give the Switch 2 some momentum.

Unannounced Monolith Soft RPG
This would satisfy those craving a core next-gen RPG experience.

Elden Ring
This would be massive for the Switch 2, and would reach far, far more people than the Deck release did.

The Legend of Zelda: Wind Waker 4K
This would avoid re-releasing the exact same HD remake with the exact same enhancements.

The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess 4K
Same as above. They could even be released as a dual-pack.

Various re-releases of Nintendo Switch titles upgraded for the next-gen experience (4K, 60fps, almost zero loading times)
The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild (4K 60fps)
Hyrule Warriors: Age of Calamity (4K 60fps)
Xenoblade Chronicles 2 (4K 60fps)
Xenoblade Chronicles 3 (4K 60fps)
Astral Chain (4K 60fps)

Various third-party releases (or re-releases) that would only run on the Switch 2
Elden Ring
Dark Souls 2
Dark Souls 3
Final Fantasy 16
Doom 2016 (4K 60fps)
The Witcher 3 (better graphics I guess)

Given the above, the Switch 2 could have a consistent release schedule of monstrously popular titles throughout next year - even if it were to release in January.

Where is Metroid Prime 4 ?

MP4 slander won't be tolerated

The Process Punishes also
They want people to buy the Switch this holiday.

They want people to buy the Switch every day since the launch, not just "this holiday"

Also they really want you to buy it now since they moved their usual "black friday" bundle sale from November to September.
Still, there is extremely thin evidence for believing a march release date. This is late 22- early 23 all over again.
I agree that there's not much pointing at March specifically, but I think it's time to accept most signs are indeed pointing to H1. Whether that's March or April or May or whatever, there's no real evidence suggesting any of them.
Please read this new, consolidated staff post before posting.

Furthermore, according to this follow-up post, all off-topic chat will be moderated.
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