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And for good reason. I was already burned out with the too-much-Mario feeling the moment it showed, and then I realized it was 30fps. Huge bummer.

Also no, 480i60 isn't the same as 480p30. It's a different way to output the image but not the frames
30fps is a huge bummer for you in a turn based game? Its not a big deal, you most likely will not notice.
And for good reason. I was already burned out with the too-much-Mario feeling the moment it showed, and then I realized it was 30fps. Huge bummer.

Also no, 480i60 isn't the same as 480p30. It's a different way to output the image but not the frames
Honestly, for todays world, interlaced is dead. 480i60 is half resolution every frame.
so you get 60 frames, but you only get 240 lines.

People can be dissapointed, but they should not missrepresent it as being 480p60 as the tweet is implying, thats 4 times the resolution it really had.
They're basing this on a trailer a year out from launch, on a console that only outputs progressive, and they're getting upset about it?

If someone could find some more details, I can tell for sure that TTYD (GCN) had 480i60 and 480p30, but I can't find anything that confirms it ran at 480p60 on original hardware. With no exceptions that I'm aware of, TTYD (GCN) had alternative settings in two regions: 60hz (576i) in Europe, and 30FPS (480p) in Japan/NA. With the defaults being 576i50 (in Europe) and 480i60 (in NA/JP).

And for good reason. I was already burned out with the too-much-Mario feeling the moment it showed, and then I realized it was 30fps. Huge bummer.

Also no, 480i60 isn't the same as 480p30. It's a different way to output the image but not the frames
Frankly I'm... baffled at this - for a turn based game? From the Direct the game still looks great.

But then again I could never really tell difference between 30fps and 60fps. Not unless they were running side-by-side next to each other.
Dev 1: "March 2024, yep."
Dev 2: "Definitely, they said so."
Dev 3: "Hey folks, what's with March 2024?"

Dev 1 + 2: "If you have to ask, you're not supposed to know."
Thinking about it.
It wouldn't make sense for any devs to have known so far in advance about the hardware announcement date. Either it's really the launch, or the big presentation like the one in January 2017.
Thinking about it.
It wouldn't make sense for any devs to have known so far in advance about the hardware announcement date. Either it's really the launch, or the big presentation like the one in January 2017.

Yes brother, join us on the light side. Embrace H1!
Do you have a link for this? I've done a quick search and can't find anything recent.

It was linked in this thread. Unfortunately I don’t have access to my mac’s browser history. Will post a link tonight.
Quoted by: LiC
bro, just wait for tgs, nintendo doesnt trust westerners like that but japanese developers will be fully briefed and eventually someone will talk off the record with mochizuki or another japanese reporter.
4chan rumor that was shared on Reddit.

Lots to chew on, thoughts ?

I wouldn’t say that there’s a lot to chew on because this reads as though it is a story fabricated by someone that either frequents this thread, or lurks this thread. Added way too many details about things that were completely unnecessary for them to know to seem believable, or would be bizarrely impossible for them to know, unless they worked very closely to a higher position at the company. I suggest people just straight up ignored this.
I wouldn’t say that there’s a lot to chew on because this reads as though it is a story fabricated by someone that either frequents this thread, or lurks this thread. Added way too many details about things that were completely unnecessary for them to know to seem believable, or would be bizarrely impossible for them to know, unless they worked very closely to a higher position at the company. I suggest people just straight up ignored this.
Yeah, if that person really frequented this thread, then that person clearly doesn't know folks here that well, that person got to know his story will be ripped apart instantaneously once the fanfic makes it way over here.
bro, just wait for tgs, nintendo doesnt trust westerners like that but japanese developers will be fully briefed and eventually someone will talk off the record with mochizuki or another japanese reporter.
mochizuki sneaking into the TGS Switch 2 presentation

Wild that people write fanfiction about Tegras these days.

I think there were only old commit links posted here recently, like this one from August 2022 (discovered September 2022) containing the 3D classes which mentions T239.

There was somebody who linked a recent commit. It has just a single line, mentioning a few Tegras. Nothing special. I wish I remembered who posted it. lol
I don't understand why the Peach game should exclude the release of Switch 2. Even if Switch 2 comes out in March (I don't think so either, but I could be wrong) it's obvious that before launch they'll do a Direct with all the new games for the console.
The Peach game will be (maybe) one of the games available at launch but not the flagship game of launch week.
If the switch 2 comes early 2024 could prime 4 still come on it, I feel with prime 4 not showing at the direct it is more likley for h2 2024 .
I don't understand why the Peach game should exclude the release of Switch 2. Even if Switch 2 comes out in March (I don't think so either, but I could be wrong) it's obvious that before launch they'll do a Direct with all the new games for the console.
The Peach game will be (maybe) one of the games available at launch but not the flagship game of launch week.

If it was a launch title for Switch 2 (among many), why not just wait until you showed the Switch 2 to show it running with better visual fidelity and show it alongside the other launch games?

Q2 is possible as the Q2 lineup is dire right now, but Fall 2024 is still the most likely time. I'm going to guess September so they can launch a big game in September and then have Pokemon Legends Unova in November (which will be a Switch 1 game but hopefully better framerate, draw distance, and resolution on Switch 2)
I don't understand why the Peach game should exclude the release of Switch 2. Even if Switch 2 comes out in March (I don't think so either, but I could be wrong) it's obvious that before launch they'll do a Direct with all the new games for the console.
The Peach game will be (maybe) one of the games available at launch but not the flagship game of launch week.
I don't think they would've given the launch date for Peach if it's launching with the console, and I don't think they'd launch a new game like that around the same time as a new console but not at the same time.
Yeah, that’s the commit. I thought it was a recent one. lol

Thanks for pointing out! I stand corrected.
No worries. Github's built-in line highlighting (can be multiple lines) is one of my favorite things about GH in my daily workflow. We use links like those in our Slack communications while discussing specific lines. I can see where the confusion came from.
I don't understand why the Peach game should exclude the release of Switch 2. Even if Switch 2 comes out in March (I don't think so either, but I could be wrong) it's obvious that before launch they'll do a Direct with all the new games for the console.
The Peach game will be (maybe) one of the games available at launch but not the flagship game of launch week.
I'm biased, but the extremely varied gameplay, fun lighting and extremely broad appeal (Princess, platgormer, beat 'em up, Mario, minigame.) makes it seem like it would be a really good launch game. It would definitely impress ME as a launch game.
I don't think they would've given the launch date for Peach if it's launching with the console, and I don't think they'd launch a new game like that around the same time as a new console but not at the same time.
I see your point, but it's not unusual for games to launch immediately after (say a day, week, or two weeks) a new console. I remember a TONNE of Xbox One (but Series X|S compatible) games launching in the days and weeks after Series X launched.
I see your point, but it's not unusual for games to launch immediately after (say a day, week, or two weeks) a new console. I remember a TONNE of Xbox One (but Series X|S compatible) games launching in the days and weeks after Series X launched.
Yeah I'm sure it's possible, I just think it would be a really odd strategy. Usually they like to go "all in" with launch windows and not spread out the launch announcements like this.

But this is a unique situation so who knows.
this may be a dumb question but:

what's the instructions per cycle for the switch 1 soc and how does that compare to the instructions per cycle for the t239 switch 2 soc?
Bomberman wasn't announced for that date before the Switch was revealed.

That's what I'm trying to say.
I think all these comparisons are apples to oranges since this is the first time there's a console with a likely short release turnaround, that also has games being actively released for its predecessor right up until or after its launch (and it has BC). The Switch had a shorter turnaround, but the predecessor was dead and there was no BC, so there were no Wii U games getting announced for March 2017 to compare. Past consoles had a small numbers of games for their predecessor coming out, but they were revealed and dated much earlier so there wasn't an opportunity for this kind of thing.
Switch literally launched with Bomberman. I don’t see why the Peach game couldn’t be a launch game.

They want a big launch game like Mario, and any Mario game will overshadow Peach's game. I think they want to let her have her own month. I don't think they want to risk another subpar console launch like the Wii-U.

GameCube launched with Luigi so its not out of the ordinary for Nintendo to launch with side character games, So i could see it

I don't think they want to emulate one of their worst performing consoles.
"Thinking he heard something..." the hell is this?

The mention of March was repeated numerous time and it wasn't in passing. March was stated, specifically, and a talking point at Gamescom. It came up in all conversations around the successor. The only unknown was to which it was referring -- be it launch, an announcement, a reveal, or a deadline for games to target.

Its significant because we can extrapolate reasoning on why March would be a hot topic of discussion for developers who were just briefed on the new hardware. There are multiple scenarios on why March was being discussed, but they do not all hold the same weight. If developers were told March was going to be the reveal, would that really be a hot topic for them? It feels like everything else they were shown would overshadow something like that. A reveal isnt even something most of these developers would participate in, so while its certainly still possible, its hard to argue that its level of importance for a developer is of lower importance. Now if March was being targeted as a release date, this would create a lot of buss for developers, especially for anyone who may be inclined to prepare a port for launch and now have limited time. Hopefully TGS brings some clarity, but for me its hard to believe March would be a hot topic for these developers unless it was a target for launching the new hardware.

I don't think they would've given the launch date for Peach if it's launching with the console, and I don't think they'd launch a new game like that around the same time as a new console but not at the same time.

I don't think there is anything wrong with having a Switch title release in the same month as the new hardware. 3DS was seeing numerous releases surrounding the Switch launch. Poochy & Yoshi Woolly World released on January 19th 2017, Mario Sports Superstars on March 10 2017 and Team Kirby Clash on April 12th 2017. Would they release new hardware on the same day as Peach? No, but if SNG were to release the first week of March, its reasonable to think they would feel comfortable with releasing Peach a couple weeks later. It is important to remember that SNG will launch with a userbase of 3-5 million in its first month while Switch will have sold around 140 million units by then. There will be 100+ million people in March 2024 that have a Switch but will not have a SNG. This is why you still release new games on your previous hardware even though the new hardware just released.
Never believe a rumor with so much information in so many fronts. That guy provides information about the history of the Switch 2 development, the new chip, the causes that led them to use it, who pressured who to make the decission, the storage, the Gamescom demo details and very specific information about an unused demo. It's pure bullshit. Very few people have access to that variety of information.
Yup, all of this. It was an interesting read, but from my experience, accurate leaks are never this omniscient nor chatty. Not even close. As others have said, it's just a fanfic feverish dream.
Some bias for sure. There’s always overlap of games. Peach game coming in March means very little for Switch 2. Paper Mario is also coming and more will come. There’s no guarantee in Nintendo’s head Switch 2 will be a success. It can release in March with peach game releasing on Switch 1 in March. Maybe it’ll end up getting an update for Switch 2.

I’m not saying it’ll release in March because I’m leaning towards it won’t, but the Peach game isn’t making me draw this conclusion.
I don't think they would've given the launch date for Peach if it's launching with the console, and I don't think they'd launch a new game like that around the same time as a new console but not at the same time.
I see. Personally I think that being a Switch game it was normal.
During a (hypothetical) future Direct dedicated to Switch 2 they will be able to easily show a game (or more Switch games) in an improved version for Switch 2
I'm biased, but the extremely varied gameplay, fun lighting and extremely broad appeal (Princess, platgormer, beat 'em up, Mario, minigame.) makes it seem like it would be a really good launch game. It would definitely impress ME as a launch game.
I liked it too but games starring Peach are rare compared to "known faces" (same for Wario, etc) and, personally, I think they need a famous character... at least for the launch window.

If it was a launch title for Switch 2 (among many), why not just wait until you showed the Switch 2 to show it running with better visual fidelity and show it alongside the other launch games?

Q2 is possible as the Q2 lineup is dire right now, but Fall 2024 is still the most likely time. I'm going to guess September so they can launch a big game in September and then have Pokemon Legends Unova in November (which will be a Switch 1 game but hopefully better framerate, draw distance, and resolution on Switch 2)
Assuming that it could be released close to Switch 2, I still think it was right to show it for Switch, after all, it was announced specifically for the latter.
While I think a March release is unlikely, I think there will definitely be at least one more Direct during January/February.

What kind of Direct is the real question...
If the games are in indicator, then switch should have waited another 6-12 months cause 3DS still got games of that caliber.

You dont want to wait till there is nothing to hype up the console.
Prior to this year, they had long announced, fabled games, a chest of easy ports from Wii U that most people did not play, and games where people where like "thats what i wished for since i was little".
Im playing it up, but the current slate is simply... more subdued, really mario heavy with a lot of remakes. In a time, where people invest in eco systems, you don't want people to wander off to the next one cause you did not provide, you want to have a smooth transition.

And them waiting till there are no games anymore would lead to exactly that. So yeah, there has to be a crossover period for at least 6 months, probably more a year. The first year will be: big hitters Switch 2, small to medium games both, and most third party switch 2 only, since its getting more and more of an time and resource investment to scale the games down to switch (except stuff like Just dance obviously)
That was a very different situation as WiiU had completely failed and 3DS was their dedicated handheld at the time and carrying the entire load of the company on it’s back. They needed a replacement out to market for both home and handheld consoles ASAP then we got Switch which was also by the way held back from Winter 2016 and moved to March 2017 so Nintendo had enough games to ensure momentum for it’s first year which obviously worked a treat.

There is no such rush to market needed for Switch 2. Switch sales will not collapse in the coming year (especially with a probable $50 price cut and budget range of software) and like I said their main revenue stream by far is software, subscription services and accessories not console hardware especially at this stage of a consoles life cycle with the way chips no longer get much, much cheaper as the console hardware ages.

3DS sales had also completely collapsed Worldwide by the six months leading up to Switch’s March 2017 release. They desperately needed a new product to market. Again it’s a completely different situation at the moment.

Switch is currently selling ~250,000-300,000 consoles a month in Japan alone and that is PRE holiday season. They will sell another 5 million Switch’s in Japan alone before September 2024. There is no need to rush Switch 2 out in March 2024.

Nintendo do not need to release Switch 2 before Winter 2024 and they will be closing in on 140+ million Switch console sold by the end of 2024 to boot.

In short this is in no way, shape or form even a remotely similar situation to the painful transition between WiiU/3DS and Switch. This is also to say nothing of the loss of Mr Iwata and the massive internal restructuring it took to unify Nintendo’s development resources towards a single hardware platform.

I will take as many bets as offered for the likely $400 price tag of Switch 2 that it will NOT release in March 2024 but rather late Autumn/ Winter 2024. Is it because I’m intelligent or have some unique foresight? Not at all… All you have to do is realise they do not currently have the correct line up of heavy hitting first party games ready which is necessary to launch and maintain a brand new next gen consoles momentum for it’s first year. Namely big name games appealing to the core gamer you want in years 1-3 for a new platform. Nintendo are absolutely TERRIFIED of this transition and rightly so. They need to make sure they don’t mess it up and leave themselves with a software drought similar to year one of WiiU!

What games are they going to release outside of 3D Mario (which potency will be reduced to a degree considering they will have released another mainline Super Mario game in Wonder just five months before it) and Metroid Prime 4 (which potency again will be reduced as it will be cross gen) to keep the consoles momentum throughout 2024?

Now compare that to releasing Switch 2 in Winter 2024. Suddenly there’s a year between Mario games (which also lets Wonder breath and sell the 10+ million it will in its first year without being kneecapped by a new 3D Mario game five months into its release).

Prime 4 is polished for a further six months compared to a March 2024 release and really pushes Switch 2 visually while polishing the original Switch version so it doesn’t end up like the Xbone/PS4 version of Cyberpunk and upset original Switch owners.

At that point there’s now the possibility of a new Luigi’s Mansion for late October, a new Xenoblade/new Monolith IP for early November and the chance of the Ultimate Mario Kart game for mid November with the likes of Yoshi, Splatoon and the WiiU Zelda collection at 4k for Spring 2025 which leads nicely into the E3 Direct of June 2025 where you reveal the next Zelda, Animal Crossing and Smash Bros along with a few surprises to keep hype and momentum for Switch 2 at maximum.

Then AT LAST we can start speculating on the Switch 2 Pro xD.
bro, just wait for tgs, nintendo doesnt trust westerners like that but japanese developers will be fully briefed and eventually someone will talk off the record with mochizuki or another japanese reporter.
I feel like Mochizuki mostly speaks (edit:typo) with factory and hardware sources, not so much software and game developers. Am I wrong?
If it was a launch title for Switch 2 (among many), why not just wait until you showed the Switch 2 to show it running with better visual fidelity and show it alongside the other launch games?

Q2 is possible as the Q2 lineup is dire right now, but Fall 2024 is still the most likely time. I'm going to guess September so they can launch a big game in September and then have Pokemon Legends Unova in November (which will be a Switch 1 game but hopefully better framerate, draw distance, and resolution on Switch 2)
Switch literally launched with Bomberman. I don’t see why the Peach game couldn’t be a launch game.
Yeah, I think people forget that the biggest Switch launch titles aside from TOTK were...uh, Bomberman, PuyoTet, and Disgaea?
For all we know it could also end up a Switch 2 title in addition to being a Switch title and the obvious answer for "why not save it for Switch 2" is that making it exclusive to the switch 2 would undermine the sales of the game. People keep forgetting that the purpose of nintendo's first party titles isn't just to sell more consoles, it's also to sell enough copies of the game itself.
Switch sucessor need bang after bang, a release cancece of amazing games after amazing games, do that and Nintendo garantee another sucess for them.
I see your point, but it's not unusual for games to launch immediately after (say a day, week, or two weeks) a new console. I remember a TONNE of Xbox One (but Series X|S compatible) games launching in the days and weeks after Series X launched.

This hardware launch is different than most previous hardware launches for Nintendo because the Switch has done so well and continues to do well. I think most of us expected a cross gen period for a year or two once Nintendo releases their new hardware, but now we are seeing people get hung up on the fact that Switch games are still being announced. Just like you pointed out here, Xbox One and PS4 were having titles announced and dated leading up to the full reveal of the PS5 and Series consoles, some of which got patched with updates, and all of which are backwards compatible. If you look at things from the perspective that Switch will still get releases after the new hardware releases and some of these games will ultimately be cross gen titles, suddenly things look very reminiscent of hardware transitions for Sony and Microsoft, hence nothing out of the ordinary.
The 3DS had games release in March 2017….

Bye Bye Box boy- March 23, 2017

Mario Sports Superstars- March 24, 2017

Wow would you have guessed it, but the Nintendo Switch also released in March 2017……
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