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Site Event Community Game Event - GameCube 20th Anniversary | November 1st - November 30th

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Don't see myself having a chance to complete any other challenges so I thought I'd do the quick Cruel Melee one while I waited for Infinite to download. Turns out that "quick" challenge took me nearly an hour and a half lol.

Always get a sense of satisfaction scanning these little bastards. Why Retro decided these had to disappear after picking up Thermal Visor, I have no idea.
All pokemon in XD purified! It's a fun game, and if nothing else, I would like a new game that uses only double battles.

For Prime Hunter:

What do you say about Metroid Prime? It's a bona fide classic, and IMO the Gamecube's best game alongside its sequel. Playing it for this challenge only reinforced that for me. Having only played the Trilogy release before this, it was interesting going back to the original release. Also had a good laugh at myself not remembering that the artifacts count towards your item collection total, so I was at 98% wondering what I had missed, and then feeling a bit silly after collecting the final artifact. Some thoughts about the things I noticed:
  • The controls, while a tad clunky by modern standards, still work really well. The game was very intentionally designed around not necessarily having precise aiming, so not having traditional dual analogs or motion controls isn't an issue for most of the fights, with the exception of some of the speedier enemies like Pirate Troopers.
  • You can shoot real fast in this version! It's wild coming from Trilogy to this. Cycling between lock-on targets is faster, and the Power Beam is as fast as you can pull the trigger. Makes taking care of fodder enemies like Beetles and Shriekbats way easier when you figure that out.
  • Platforming was actually more of a struggle, as having to constantly adjust my view downwards so that I could see where I was landing made some of the jumps over lava or Phazon pools a tad more precarious than they should have been.
  • While I've heard people say that beam and visor switching is better on the Gamecube version, I can't really agree. Having to take your thumbs either off the movement or firing controls just felt a tad clunky coming from Trilogy.
  • Some of the smaller changes that were made were interesting to think about during the final sweep for items. In the Trilogy release (dunno if this was in the PAL or Japanese GC release), once you kill Omega Pirate, Fission Metroids replace the regular and Hunter variants seen in the third floor of Phazon Mines. This makes backtracking for the Artifact of Newborn and any items you missed a bit of a pain. In the original release however, the Fission Metroids are exclusive to the Impact Crater. Stuff like that, Wavebuster absolutely wrecking Ridley, and whether or not the Ice Shriekbats disappear being changed in later releases is very intriguing.
  • The changes in lore in particular are also interesting. Stuff like Trilogy retconning the origin of Metroid Prime so that it gelled better with Echoes and Corruption made sense, but it also resulted in a humorous moment where Metroid Prime's beam weapons and missile launchers now go completely unexplained, as it never left the Crater to absorb them in the new continuity.
Been a bit slow getting round to starting any of these badges but I was able to do 6+ ko's on cruel melee.


I of course had to cheese it a bit to get the ko's, doing otherwise feels almost impossible with how unfair these things are. You should not be able to die at 0% from a throw or dash attack haha.

In case anyone is wondering about the strategy
all I did was grab the ledge, roll back onto stage and then forward smash when they're all grouped up by the ledge. If you're lucky this will kill about 3 of them and then you just need to try and live long enough to do it again.
So, today marks 20 years of the GameCube (in the United States).

What are y'alls memories? Were you there day 1? Would love to hear some stories.
The GameCube was the first console I saved up and bought for myself. I went to toys'r'us at launch with my mom and bought it with Luigi's Mansion and was amazed. I also hadn't gained my aversion to stickers on my electronics, so when someone got me a smash bros skin for a holiday, I slapped that puppy on. You might be able to see it in my pictures. I want to take it off kind-of now, but it has memories, and I'm afraid it would leave residue.

I was into video games from a young age, but gamecube is when I really got into it. I had all the attachments, and peripherals, and dongles from this gen. Nowadays I just wish I'd sought out more of the unusual e-reader cards and the like that would work with some games. This was mostly animal crossing, but I also used my GB player for lots of the e-reader stuff. I really only got what I could get at my local meijer, which wasn't much. i remember going through wind waker with the tingle tuner by myself just to look for secrets. I got both of the zelda collector's disks, and was obsessed with the master quest OoT for a while. I eventually bought my own tv so I could play it in my room once I was in high school, and hooked up some cheap stereo to it. I remember when video rental stores were dying and buying up games I couldn't get when I was younger. I remember getting both pokemon games, and eternal darkness that way.

Sorry for those scattershot memories. Gamecube (and GBA) was probably my most formative gaming generation, so different flashes kept coming in the longer I thought about it.
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Melee, and by proxy getting a GameCube for Christmas, was the first time I remember actively anticipating a game's release - wanting to play it so badly and being disappointed that I couldn't yet. Needless to say, I had a very happy Christmas season when I got a GameCube with Melee, Luigi's Mansion and Tony Hawk 3. GameCube isn't my favorite Nintendo console, but I got a lot of fond memories with it.
If I remember correctly, my dad picked me up one on launch day. I remember coming home and being surprised. Got Luigi's Mansion as the launch game, and really enjoyed it. I remember beating the game for the first time around Thanksgiving, and then replaying the whole thing again that same day lol.

Had a ton of fun over the course of the console's life playing multiplayer games with my friends back in high school (and then bringing it along in college as well). Mostly Super Monkey Ball 1 and 2, Double Dash, Melee, and LOTR Return of the King. I remember my friend/roommate playing the shit out of Super Monkey Ball billiards and then challenging me to a game of actual pool, claiming that playing the game made him way better (note: I was not amazing at pool as it stood). I beat him without him even sinking a ball lol. We still laugh about that to this day. I also remember the same friend bringing over Pikmin to my parents' house over the summer and us playing through the whole game in a day (alternating turns). It was super fun, and one of my favorite memories of the series. The same friend and I also played through Odama (got it for $5 from a closing Toys R Us), which was mostly terrible, but we got some laughs out of it. Still remember him getting pissed at it not recognizing him saying "flank and destroy" which quickly devolved to "flank and fucking destroy!"

Remember getting annoyed with a friend when we visited each other's Animal Crossing towns and he stole Punchy from me (not intentionally of course). I don't remember which of his villagers moved to my town offhand. I still bring it up to him sometimes.

Also remember having a surprise birthday party thrown for me and showing my friends the Quadraxis battle in Metroid Prime 2 (first playthrough, so I was playing it blind along with everyone else), which everyone thought was pretty cool, even the ones who didn't play games very often. Had a similar experience playing through Killer 7 with a group of friends and everyone flipping out at the ending lol.

My family had moved to a different state in 2000, and I remember in the summer of 2002 I had a friend from my old stomping grounds visit for about a month, and then another friend come and visit for a month the next month. We used to stay up late and play Melee, Super Monkey Ball, Sonic Adventure 2 Battle, and Eternal Darkness. Really fond memories of those times.

I also became best friends with this dude in high school due to our shared love of Donkey Konga lol. We'd play after school all the time.

Sorry this post became so long. I have a lot of great memories of the console and the times around them, so I could probably keep going.
Super Mario Sunshine completion done! :D


That's the last of the more 'obvious' challenges for me. There are a couple more that theoretically could be accessible to me, though not in games that I'm particularly great with (Smash and Monkey Ball in particular)...

All Cup Tour done! ( @Dopply )


I tried it twice and the first one wasn't really fun. Double Dash is one of my childhood games, but I remember it having strange game feeling, with karts sliding way to much, etc. Oh, and I also remember it being quite unfair with the player, especially in 150cc/Mirror, and even more when playing All Cup Tour. That was the case for my first try. I ended up getting angry at the game because I was doing quite good and lost at the last race because I was one spot too low at the Rainbow Road results.

I decided to give it another try today, and it was great! I've gotten used to the game again and tbh even if the game have several problems imo, it was cool to play it again!
All Cup Tour done! ( @Dopply )


I tried it twice and the first one wasn't really fun. Double Dash is one of my childhood games, but I remember it having strange game feeling, with karts sliding way to much, etc. Oh, and I also remember it being quite unfair with the player, especially in 150cc/Mirror, and even more when playing All Cup Tour. That was the case for my first try. I ended up getting angry at the game because I was doing quite good and lost at the last race because I was one spot too low at the Rainbow Road results.

I decided to give it another try today, and it was great! I've gotten used to the game again and tbh even if the game have several problems imo, it was cool to play it again!
Something I found while playing Double Dash was that the karts are much grippier without needing to drift, so it's often easier to just keep your foot down and hold the line then trying to force a drift through every corner. The esses after the long left hander on Rainbow Road are a great example of this, as it's much easier to just drive in a straight line than to try and eke out that little bit extra from drift boosting.
Lightweight and light karts in particular excel at this.
The prospect of a Figure Waker badge inspired me to dust off the old Gamecube disc and memory card, rediscover the Wii's backwards compatibility and work out where I had left off on completing the Gallery in my original save file.

I had put together a check list of missing stuff and planned an order in which to tackle everything in when at last I found out the reason why I probably gave up all those years ago: not having a GBA meant the Knuckle spot would always remains empty. Tingle Tuner? What a turn-off!
That's a wrap for all the blue coins in Sunshine ! Had so much fun to redo it even though I did it once last year when 3D All Stars released. Love this game, and given that I know the physics and challenges of this game by heart, its difficulty is not a problem at all for me.

So I sat down and finished WarioWorld (100% btw), let the credits run and went to get my phone to photograph the final screen to prove it only for the game to leave said screen without a single button input.

Guess I have to do it again... which I'll do later. The final boss of that game is just a bore to be quite honest.
Finished Resident Evil 4 for the "complete any Gamecube game" challenge.


Now I'll try to finish the Metroid Prime challenge, I'm about halfway done with the game.
So I sat down and finished WarioWorld (100% btw), let the credits run and went to get my phone to photograph the final screen to prove it only for the game to leave said screen without a single button input.

Guess I have to do it again... which I'll do later. The final boss of that game is just a bore to be quite honest.
If I'm understanding things correctly, the fact that we generally work on an 'honour system' here means that under the circumstances Dopply would probably take it on trust that you've fulfilled the conditions.
Just did Super Monkey Ball 2 Master Challenges via Banana Mania! ( @Dopply )


Way easier on the remake since there is no life/continue to deal with. I failed 310 times lmao, and the original wants me to do it with 3 lives/6 continues? Wth, it's way too hard, even with the possibility to "buy" more continues 😭 Tbh I died a lot on stages 18 and 20 (also stage 7 if I remember) but most of the stages aren't as hard as I thought.

Anyway. Banana Mania is a blast. It's so cool to play classics Super Monkey Ball again, there's a ton of contents, and even new modes with Golden Bananas, Dark Bananas or reverse mode. There's also a "originals levels mode" for the 23 stages whose difficulty has been changed.

Super Monkey Ball 2 is one of my favorite childhood games and it was such a pleasure to do every single levels in the game after struggling with it when I was younger.

There are only SMB1 Hard/Master remaining and everything will be completed. Maybe I'll also do Marathon for both games (all the Challenges stages in one sitting).
I'm still making my way through Metroid Prime, nearing the end (MPT Wii version). Game is still as amazing as ever, with the caveat that the Chozo Ghost fights and entire Phazon Mines kinda blow. The former take too long to kill, while the latter consists of a full-on combat gauntlet in a game not about the combat. I just walk right past any Chozo Ghosts or Space Pirates, at this point. Y'all are boring!
Whoops, nearly forgot. For Pure of Heart:

That probably took me longer than I needed to do so. Probably because for this run, I actually wanted to have a full team rather than just relying on 2 or 3 mons. Took a few two many grind sessions on Realgam and Mt. Battle, lol.

As for my thoughts on the game, I've always preferred XD to Colosseum myself. It feels much more fleshed out and complete than its predecessor, with a more smooth progression curve in the game as well. Colosseum felt like a beta where they were still trying to figure out exactly this take on PokΓ©mon should work, while XD is the end result of the lessons learned from that beta. Additions like the ability to save everywhere (wow, what a novel concept!), the Purify Chamber, actual moves for Shadow PokΓ©mon, and a bunch of smaller tweaks make XD a far more enjoyable experience in my experience.
Something that I'm not particularly a fan of is the overall visual style. Something about the game always felt a bit off, especially the human characters clashing with the PokΓ©mon models in a way I don't find appealing. In addition, I'd not sure why people have to go "bring back Genius Sonority" when complaining about the 3D models in the newer games, because the ones in these games just don't look good. The Stadium models were already really outdated looking in 2004 when Colosseum came out, and just feel disappointing given the hardware. Even the new models for Hoenn's mons don't look particularly great either. Sure, there's a couple of fun animations that you don't see in the modern titles, and the scaling is more correct, but I'm not sure why these games are somehow held by some fans as the ideal graphical standard for the series, lol.
For the "Commemorative Cube" badge, i spent a bit of time thinking about exclusive (timed or otherwise) games i could quickly get through before the deadline. and remembered that Ikaruga actually got localized for the first time thanks to it's Gamecube port. By Atari, of all companies!

It's an exceptionally difficult game, even after unlocking unlimited continues. and getting a screenshot of the credits with my initials required some quick timing, as the name entry screen has a countdown clock (Note how i managed to grab it at exactly 8 seconds left) attached to it. So apologies for how blurry it is.
God...I'm struggling so hard to finish Pokemon Colosseum in time
I've been playing since...I can't even remember
Just to make sure, the event counts Tuesday, right ? I can finish tomorrow ? Because I'm legitimately scared
God...I'm struggling so hard to finish Pokemon Colosseum in time
I've been playing since...I can't even remember
Just to make sure, the event counts Tuesday, right ? I can finish tomorrow ? Because I'm legitimately scared
It's all for fun, don't be scared or stressed! I can extend just a bit.
Commemorative Cube and Prime Hunter down! First time replaying Metroid Prime since 2016. It holds up very well, with the exception of the Chozo Ghosts, and Phazon Mines. I feel like making an entire LTTP thread for it, honestly.
I finished with 100% items, and... 99% scans. I missed these shitters, sadly:

My plan is now to play Metroid Prime Hunters and Pinball for the very first time, then go on to replay Prime 2 and 3, and finally finish off with Federation Force, another one I've never played. I need all the Prime exposure and lore, before 4 hits.
Commemorative Cube and Prime Hunter down! First time replaying Metroid Prime since 2016. It holds up very well, with the exception of the Chozo Ghosts, and Phazon Mines. I feel like making an entire LTTP thread for it, honestly.

I finished with 100% items, and... 99% scans. I missed these shitters, sadly:

My plan is now to play Metroid Prime Hunters and Pinball for the very first time, then go on to replay Prime 2 and 3, and finally finish off with Federation Force, another one I've never played. I need all the Prime exposure and lore, before 4 hits.
Prime 1 had an absurd fascination with having duplicate enemies count as seperate scans, the Aqua Drone (alongside the Aqua Pirate and Aqua Reaper) are identical to their land based cousins, and yet they're seperate scans. Not even mentioning the infamous Ice Shriekbat and Aqua Drone's habit of just disappearing.
Prime 1 had an absurd fascination with having duplicate enemies count as seperate scans, the Aqua Drone (alongside the Aqua Pirate and Aqua Reaper) are identical to their land based cousins, and yet they're seperate scans. Not even mentioning the infamous Ice Shriekbat and Aqua Drone's habit of just disappearing.
Yup. I managed to get the others, but somehow, I guess I was more focused on shooting than scanning when I encountered the Aqua Drone, and just assumed they were the same enemy I'd fought dozens of times already. Very silly extra scans.
Oh last day. Guess I need to beat Wario World (again) just for the photo. At least I've already got my Double Dash photo ready to upload.
Well at least I finished the main story of Colosseum for the commemorative badge, now TIME TO PURIFY EVERYONE BEFORE MIDNIGHT
Unfortunately life is way too busy to get that Wario World screenshot (why couldn't it just stay on that final shot until I pressed a button....), but I might as well get my DD screenshot in before it's too late.


Went back and beat Sunshine to get the general badge. Damn does the final boss suck (in terms of being a stupid way to end a game).
Finally purified every Pokemon in Colosseum...god that took so long. For me, it's past midnight (3:30am), I would had ended the game before if I hadn't fall asleep in the middle of a battle this afternoon haha ALSO SCREW HO-OH I need to sleep
I'll let @Dopply judge if I deserve that badge or not (cause timezones, idk what time is it for you exactly)

What a great game, but with many problems...how can you NOT save anywhere in the first place ?
Also, I had to redo last part of the Battle Mount because I LITERRALY FORGOT to take the Time Flute at the end before the battle since NOTHING tells you where the flute is..
Bought around 250 perfumes to purify all the last caught pokemons and had to redo some colosseums to get that money~

!!! coming in at the literal eleventh hour to get that badge and a chance at a GameCube controller!

Alright folks, I'm late, but that does it for our challenge! I will not be running the next one, unfortunately, due to lack of time available. I appreciate everyone who has participated and look forward to doing it again. Until next time!
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