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Pre-Release Bayonetta 3 — Pre-release Discussion Thread

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It's entirely fine, and in a capitalistic society actually encouraged, to not buy a product because of ethical decisions in the production process you do not approve of.

I will still buy the game in this instance but in general I still feel the pain Hellena is speaking of. She seems to be in a troubled stage in her life career-wise and financially which stems from the usual hardship of working in the arts and creative field in general. On the other hand, I have become very apprehensive buying much gaming and in general electronical gear anymore because of the usage of Uyghur labour in the production process. I really only buy around 4 games a year and one single used console each generation as a result.

Everyone has a different cut-off point in that regard. Never forget that we are living in a system that hinges and depends on exploitation.
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It's only behind god of war and pokemon in terms of games that haven't come out yet
Correlation does not equal causation. It could easily be moving up the rankings simply due to increased proximity to the release date + previews dropping earlier in the week.
Correlation does not equal causation. It could easily be moving up the rankings simply due to increased proximity to the release date + previews dropping earlier in the week.
I would agree normally, but it was only in the 60's just yesterday, and despite it being a controversy yesterday was probably the most publicity the Bayonetta franchise has ever gotten
Kamiya's past history on twitter is not cute or okay, it's toxic. It's not just blocking people, he name called and antagonized hundreds of fans who tried to interact with him for various reasons, one of them being they were speaking English which is xenophobic.
I feel you have to give the full picture, if you're going to talk about Kamiya's twitter persona's "behavior".

For example, I'd consider the man many things, but wouldn't call Kamiya xenophobic at all. His pinned post always laid out basic rules of engagement, which he largely put in place because he was being inundated with everything from redundant questions that you could've checked his feed for, comments about Capcom shit that he had nothing to do with, unsolicited advice, racists who told him stuff like "Japan should've had a third bomb dropped on it", and fanboys whining about how Bayonetta 2 (and, later, 3) weren't coming to [insert hardware of choice].

So, if you weren't willing to honor at least those simple rules, as well as his request to try speaking to him in his native language (again, after several years of him trying to use English to engage with fans)? Then that was an easy way to see people who a) didn't read and b) had antagonistic intentions from the jump.

In my eyes, it's no different from an account that operates in an...ahem...adult-themed space, and so clearly states things like "NSFW" and "Minors DNI" for both their protection, as well as to ward off minors who shouldn't be in those spaces. People do have a right to conduct their social media as they so please, as long as they're not violating the TOS.
I don't condone Kamiya or anyone else being harassed.

I think Kamiya's response to the situation was rude and dismissive at best. He called the woman a liar without elaborating on what she's lying about and without addressing anything she said.

Kamiya's past history on twitter is not cute or okay, it's toxic. It's not just blocking people, he name called and antagonized hundreds of fans who tried to interact with him for various reasons, one of them being they were speaking English which is xenophobic.
Kamiya is a legend on Twitter. He doesn't owe anyone a reply, and he can block anyone he wants. As long he is not harming anyone he can swat the fanbois as Flys and that's more than fine.

Also for the xenophobic comment, he used to reply to people in English, but stopped because of racism.

Anyway he is back it seems! Absolutely based.
I'm ultimately a bit confused as to why this scandal has blown up as much as it did. Like, yes, VAs are certainly underpaid in general, and Taylor's financial situation makes this whole thing a lot worse for her. But I'm struggling to see any ethical issue in how she was treated, besides it potentially being shitty if this was a roundabout way of firing her. I don't personally think replacing an actress, regardless of how popular, constitutes an ethical issue, even if it is an entirely valid reason to boycott or just not buy the game. Granted, I'm not well versed in the ethics of acting and related art so there's possibly some issue here that I'm just not understanding at the moment.

If this scandal ultimately ends up raising awareness of how VAs should be paid more then props to it, and I hope Taylor is able to find work and support in the aftermath of this. But this just feels like a lot of talk over what doesn't seem like a significant issue, or at least not a uniquely significant one.
Kamiya used to reply in English but there was lots of racism and comment like they should have dropped a third nuke on Japan. He also faced a lot of hate when B2 was announced as Wii U only.

He has every right to block those comments. Although his blocking currently has become a meme. It even was part of some kickstarter
I'm ultimately a bit confused as to why this scandal has blown up as much as it did.
It was the perfect storm of Taylor dropping it on a slow news/non-business day, during a time when the game itself was already in the midst of its lead up to release, and on a platform known for its algorithm letting shit spread like wildfire.

Stir in a few bad actors spreading messages like "Kamiya is a Xenophobe!", and it doesn't take much to make stuff trend.

That said, we have to remember the "Twitter bubble is real", and doesn't reflect real life. If something else doesn't pop off to be the next source of outrage and hot takes within a week, I'd be surprised.
I'm ultimately a bit confused as to why this scandal has blown up as much as it did. Like, yes, VAs are certainly underpaid in general, and Taylor's financial situation makes this whole thing a lot worse for her. But I'm struggling to see any ethical issue in how she was treated, besides it potentially being shitty if this was a roundabout way of firing her. I don't personally think replacing an actress, regardless of how popular, constitutes an ethical issue, even if it is an entirely valid reason to boycott or just not buy the game. Granted, I'm not well versed in the ethics of acting and related art so there's possibly some issue here that I'm just not understanding at the moment.

If this scandal ultimately ends up raising awareness of how VAs should be paid more then props to it, and I hope Taylor is able to find work and support in the aftermath of this. But this just feels like a lot of talk over what doesn't seem like a significant issue, or at least not a uniquely significant one.
Yeah I think ultimately this raised awareness which is a good thing. But at the same time, Platinum/Nintendo are in no way obligated to hire someone they don't want to hire. It sucks but it is what it is.
The assertion that Hellena Taylor is "strange" for not liking a game she's using as a point in a wider discussion about fair wages is unconstructive, and in breach of the staff post. You are being issued a thread ban. -PixelKnight, Aurc, Irene
This woman feels strange to me, sounds like she don't like the game at all
oh btw, it's a free market & it's all by contract
Hale’s recent Twitter likes (of another VA’s tweets) may provide some of her perspective on this

... So Hellena would actually getting paid the usual amount for the job?

On one hand, yeah, voice actors get paid too little given it's basically not salaried and they depend on getting gig after gig in a consistent basis, and bringing attention to this is probably a good thing.

On the other this feels like something that shouldn't have been specifically targeted or approached this way at all.
... So Hellena would actually getting paid the usual amount for the job?

On one hand, yeah, voice actors get paid too little given it's basically not salaried and they depend on getting gig after gig in a consistent basis, and bringing attention to this is probably a good thing.

On the other this feels like something that shouldn't have been specifically targeted or approached this way at all.
Yeah it seems to be a case of “welcome back to VA after 8 years Hellena, this sucks but it’s normal”
Yeah it seems to be a case of “welcome back to VA after 8 years Hellena, this sucks but it’s normal”
I really hope we get more information, because right now we only got one side of the story and everyone just ran with it. It's one thing to try to exploit a worker, but that doesn't seem to be the case here as:
  1. The numbers seem to comply with the union regulations and with what other VAs consider normal.
  2. A higher profile (and possibly more expensive?) VA was finally hired for the job.
There is one very important piece of information missing and it's if Helena was offered to voice all Bayos or it was just a small cameo. 4K on its own says nothing if we don't have a number of hours to frame it on. The information we have seems to say that it's the standard rate.

Apart of that, replacing her for a different VA is something Platinum is completely on their right to do and it's something they probably did thinking about having the best outcome possible for the product. Helena says she passed the casting with "flying colors", but that's just her impression. Maybe the guys conducting the casting were being polite. Maybe after 8 years without playing the character she was rusty, or maybe they just though Hale did better. Maybe they were looking for a younger voice for the new main Bayo, or Hale demonstrated she could play different alternate Bayos better. Or maybe it was more convenient to have Hale in the US with the rest of the voice actors as that would simplify things, reduce costs, or improve the result by having all VAs be on location at the same time when recording scenes with all of them. The point is there are a lot of reasons on why Helena could've been replaced and they're all valid. It sucks for her, but this is not a valid reason to call for a boycott of the game IMHO. Platinum has to think of the players at every step of the way and make the right decisions in order to achieve the best possible product in the end.

Right now, with the information we have, it looks to me like Helena thought that Bayonetta 3 was a much bigger deal than it really is. She seems to be in a tight financial spot and maybe was expecting for this to be a big push, but was very disappointed with losing the main role and by how little she was offered. The games are the definition of niche and the series wouldn't even exist if it wasn't for Nintendo needing something in a desperate situation for the WiiU.

So with all this info, it doesn't sit right with me to call for a boycott. The third video didn't show Helena in the right light: Throwing shade at a colleague is not acceptable: Hale has done nothing wrong. Also, Helena doesn't have the right to say who can present themselves as the voice of Bayonetta and who can't. After 3, Hale will have as much right as Helena. And finally: This is not CoD or Pokémon; A bad financial result for Bayo3 will surely mean the death of the IP. I'm sure the boycott is not going to have any real effect on sales, but if it did it would mean no more Bayonetta for anyone. At this point Helena's stance seems to be that if she can't have it, no one else should either. The third video really makes her look as someone who's ego has been harmed and just wants revenge: The way she delivers the line to also boycott the Jeanne spinoff is full of spite.
To me it looks like she thinks Bayonetta is a much bigger deal than it really is and that it could survive having Bayo3 sell poorly.
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So she got $4,000 for Bayonetta, $4,000 for Bayonetta 2 and years later $4,000 is still the best they could offer her? In other forms of entertainment performers usually get raises and residuals as a series goes along. The least they could do is adjust for inflation.
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It was such an amusing gimmick, I hope he doesn't stop because of this lol.
He should at least learn timing. He can stick to his gimmick, but it's a bad timing to stay in character in such a situation.

I don't condone Kamiya or anyone else being harassed.

I think Kamiya's response to the situation was rude and dismissive at best. He called the woman a liar without elaborating on what she's lying about and without addressing anything she said.

Kamiya's past history on twitter is not cute or okay, it's toxic. It's not just blocking people, he name called and antagonized hundreds of fans who tried to interact with him for various reasons, one of them being they were speaking English which is xenophobic.

It's mostly just a meme/gimmick of his account which started because "fans" throw rascist comments toward him. But in this situation, he ahndled very badly and unprofessional.
I'm ultimately a bit confused as to why this scandal has blown up as much as it did. Like, yes, VAs are certainly underpaid in general, and Taylor's financial situation makes this whole thing a lot worse for her. But I'm struggling to see any ethical issue in how she was treated, besides it potentially being shitty if this was a roundabout way of firing her. I don't personally think replacing an actress, regardless of how popular, constitutes an ethical issue, even if it is an entirely valid reason to boycott or just not buy the game. Granted, I'm not well versed in the ethics of acting and related art so there's possibly some issue here that I'm just not understanding at the moment.

If this scandal ultimately ends up raising awareness of how VAs should be paid more then props to it, and I hope Taylor is able to find work and support in the aftermath of this. But this just feels like a lot of talk over what doesn't seem like a significant issue, or at least not a uniquely significant one.

Yeah this is where I'm at. I phrased it poorly in the locked thread and know I'm usually better at phrasing myself than what I put so I do apologise for that comment. The recent comment someone put in the Resetera megathread is also interesting, comparing how quickly that thread exploded compared to the fairly recent Activision sexual abuse accusations one. Like they said, it's food for thought, and I do absolutely stand by that dozens and dozens of comments I've seen go way over the line of accusing/abusing people who may have not done anything wrong really (Kamiya, Hale, PG development team etc) much less committed serious crimes like certain Activision employees, and that's just from reading a few threads on the topic and not delving much into the reaction on social media where I'm sure it was a lot worse. That one comment on Era with a pic of Kamiya's mum as an example like WTF..?

Just hope it all calms down this week and the clarity I called for in my first comment on the topic in the locked thread is provided.
So she got $4,000 for Bayonetta, $4,000 for Bayonetta 2 and years later $4,000 is still the best they can offer her? In other forms of entertainment performers usually get some kind of raise as a series goes along. The least they could do is adjust for inflation.
In Bayo1 and 2 she was the main character with 4 sessions of recording time. In Bayo3 we don't know, it maybe 4K for just 1 session for a small cameo as OG Bayonetta, while the rest was handled by Hale.🤷‍♂️
I missed the locked thread and made a dismissive post, sorry about that.

But to me this is a lot of hubbub about nothing, or at least about something that happens very frequently in the gaming industry but that doesn't involve named artists. If people were serious about buying the game and now want to boycott, I don't get it but you do you.
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In Bayo1 and 2 she was the main character with 4 sessions of recording time. In Bayo3 we don't know, it maybe 4K for just 1 session for a small cameo as OG Bayonetta, while the rest was handled by Hale.🤷‍♂️

As far as I can tell, Jennifer Hale and Atsuko Tanaka are voicing all the multiverse variants in their respective languages. I can't imagine why it wouldn't have been the same for Hellena Taylor (she said it was for the whole game in her video) had she accepted the offer.
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Day 0 for me, but the one thing that has me empathising a bit with where Helena is coming from is that they actually used her likeness as well as her voice to create Bayonetta. Yes, when the first game came out way back when she looked exactly like Bayonetta, or vice versa.

I can see how it would really offend her to have a character based on her likeness getting tossed to the side like this, but business is business. Shitty but like the above poster said, there is no scandal here.... just a kind of sad story about someone who had a strong identity with a character feeling like they're being erased. Then again, actors get written out of stories all the time, and that's kind of what it sounds like happened here with the multiple Bayonetta's.
As far as I can tell, Jennifer Hale and Atsuko Tanaka are voicing all of the multiverse variants in their respective languages. I can't imagine why it wouldn't have been the same for Hellena Taylor (she said it was for the whole game in her video) had she accepted the offer.
Who knows. VAs are a bigger deal in Japan, maybe they didn't even considered changing it there because it would create a huge backlash in the fanbase. Maybe they just wanted Hale to voice everything but offered Helena a cameo as OG Bayonetta as a farewell gesture, but she instead felt insulted for being replaced.
So she got $4,000 for Bayonetta, five years later $4,000 for Bayonetta 2 and eight years after that $4,000 is still the best they can offer her? In other forms of entertainment performers usually get some kind of raise as a series goes along.
Yeah, getting a raise sadly isn't the norm in this case. Not to mention, she was initially offered less than that. If we presume the work is roughly the same amount of hours, then everything makes even less sense, which is where the speculation of the number of hours being lower comes from, as a way to make the numbers make sense.

Kamiya's past history on twitter is not cute or okay, it's toxic. It's not just blocking people, he name called and antagonized hundreds of fans who tried to interact with him for various reasons, one of them being they were speaking English which is xenophobic.
Look, I don't think Kamiya's bit is particularly productive or healthy for a semi-celebrity, but: he began to block everyone who tweets at him in something other than Japanese after years of people routinely trying to get a rise out of him, if not outright insulting him and being racist. You might argue that's just escalating and giving twitter idiots more attention than they deserve, but calling him xenophobic is going a bit too far, all things considered.
So she got $4,000 for Bayonetta, $4,000 for Bayonetta 2 and years later $4,000 is still the best they could offer her? In other forms of entertainment performers usually get raises and residuals as a series goes along. The least they could do is adjust for inflation.
Please provide a source or sources if you have them, because as far as I'm aware there has not been any public information released on how much Taylor made for either Bayonetta 1 or 2, either as an hourly rate or a total. The only thing I saw she said about Bayonetta 1 is that she worked 4 sessions of 4 hours each, for 16 hours of work total.

This is my assumption now, but it is almost certain (without evidence to the contrary) that Taylor's hourly pay has gone up for each game (including her proposed work on Bayonetta 3). Especially given the SAG-AFTRA scale raises annually, and was certainly higher in 2013 than 2008, and higher last year than 2013. (Recording occurring in the year before release)

As far as I can tell, Jennifer Hale and Atsuko Tanaka are voicing all the multiverse variants in their respective languages. I can't imagine why it wouldn't have been the same for Hellena Taylor (she said it was for the whole game in her video) had she accepted the offer.
I'm not going to speculate on that too much, but do we even know for a fact that either Hale or Tanaka are voicing all variants in the final game? Or is that speculation based purely on seeing them voice multiple variants in the trailer? The game isn't out yet. It's very possible they're voicing many variants, but not all variants present in the game. Regardless, different dubs can have different creative directions for various reasons.

More importantly, on the bolded, your interpretation is not the meaning she gave when watching the video. In the context of her video, that sentence is simply referring to what she would receive for her entire role in the game. It was not making any specific statement on what character or characters she was offered to play in the game, or if those characters or characters would be in "the whole game".

Day 0 for me, but the one thing that has me empathising a bit with where Helena is coming from is that they actually used her likeness as well as her voice to create Bayonetta. Yes, when the first game came out way back when she looked exactly like Bayonetta, or vice versa.

I can see how it would really offend her to have a character based on her likeness getting tossed to the side like this, but business is business. Shitty but like the above poster said, there is no scandal here.... just a kind of sad story about someone who had a strong identity with a character feeling like they're being erased. Then again, actors get written out of stories all the time, and that's kind of what it sounds like happened here with the multiple Bayonetta's.
This isn't correct. Mari Shimazaki designed Bayonetta before Taylor was ever cast. Her likeness is not based on Taylor.
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More importantly, on the bolded, your interpretation is not the meaning she gave when watching the video. In the context of her video, that sentence is simply referring to what she would receive for her entire role in the game. It was not making any specific statement on what character or characters she was offered to play in the game, or if those characters or characters would be in "the whole game".

Hellena Taylor: "The final offer to do the whole game as a buyout flat rate was 4,000 US dollars."
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Hellena Taylor from Part 1 of her Twitter video: "The final offer to do the whole game as a buyout flatrate was $4,000 US dollars."
Yes. But that sentence with that context does not mean she was going to play a character that existed throughout the whole game. It doesn't say anything about the amount of hours she was offered/required to work for that $4k. All it says is that was the total money offered for her role (whatever it was, for however many hours it required) for the whole game. It does not inherently mean she was going to play Bayonetta or any other character for "the whole game", as in, some specific amount of prominence or amount of on screen time.
I take her at her word that when she said the whole game she meant the whole game. It would have been awkward to get into the weeds talking about multiverse variants and whatnot in that sort of video. There's no indication in her videos that she was offered a reduced role. In fact, if that were the case, it would have been in her best interest to highlight that further slight as she was airing her grievances.
We better get some statement from Nintendo/PG today that clarifies things, otherwise all further debate on this topic is pointless conjecture.
I take her at her word that when she said the whole game she meant the whole game. It would have been awkward to get into the weeds talking about multiverse variants and whatnot in that sort of video. There's no indication that she was offered a reduced role. In fact, if that were the case, it would have been in her best interest to highlight that further slight as she was airing her grievances.

That's WHY she should have clarified for how many sessions she was booked.
The sentence does not mean, what you claim it means. It clarifies nothing and just means "They give me 4000 for my whole role, not as prepayment"
I take her at her word that when she said the whole game she meant the whole game. It would have been awkward to get into the weeds talking about multiverse variants and whatnot in that sort of video. There's no indication that she had a reduced role. In fact, if she was offered a reduced role, it would have been in her interest to mention it as she was airing her grievances.
Up for debate. I'm not saying she did this intentionally, but if she wants people on her side it would make sense to obfuscate or, more accurately, omit details that weaken her argument. Like I said earlier though, I want to avoid speculation and focus on the facts and this line of discussion is entirely speculative.

What is a fact is she didn't say how many sessions or hours she was offered for work on the game, only that she was ultimately offered $4k total. Omitting those details (something she factually did leave out, for whatever reason), drastically changes if this offer was at the minimum, a bit above the minimum, or drastically above the minimum.

Moreover, based on other voice actors who have made statements, Ie:

Hale’s recent Twitter likes (of another VA’s tweets) may provide some of her perspective on this

...This rate is not out of the ordinary anyways. Even if that is depressing/I completely believe that voice actors should earn more for their work.
Just a random thought... Has SAG-AFTRA actually commented on this entire thing at all?

Because if Hellena actually has a case here they should probably be supporting her; but if she actually doesn't this entire thing can drag the entire union down the mud.
I think I enjoyed the first game more than the second game so I wonder where this will be for me.
Just a random thought... Has SAG-AFTRA actually commented on this entire thing at all?

Because if Hellena actually has a case here they should probably be supporting her; but if she actually doesn't this entire thing can drag the entire union down the mud.
What case is she supposed to have? What comment is SAG supposed to make? If she was offered at least the minimum, and she had to have been since this was a union project, there is nothing legally amiss here.
The Bayonetta that seems to be the main player character in this game does appear to be younger/different than the Bayonetta we played in the first two games.
I'm a noob who really hasn't been following the pre release cycle much even tho I love the game, lol.
What evidence do we have that implies this is the case
I'm a noob who really hasn't been following the pre release cycle much even tho I love the game, lol.
What evidence do we have that implies this is the case

TL;DR: The most prevalent theory is that Bayonetta 3 Bayo is the grown up Cereza from the alternate timeline she's dumped into in Bayo 1. Her hair matches, which is largely indicative of it.
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I'm a noob who really hasn't been following the pre release cycle much even tho I love the game, lol.
What evidence do we have that implies this is the case
Her hairstyle is the same as child Cereza in Bayo1.
The plot of the game seems to be that OG Bayonetta dies and Viola and/or the new Bayo travel through the multiverse and find other Bayos. Bayonetta in the multiverse of madness, more or less.
What case is she supposed to have? What comment is SAG supposed to make? If she was offered at least the minimum, and she had to have been since this was a union project, there is nothing legally amiss here.

Oh, I'm aware she has no legal case at all. I mean legally she was offered a role she didn't accept, that's not at any point a crime. This entire thing would be more about the morality of it, from the beginning.

My point is that there's absolutely going to be bad actors that go "See? We tried to hire a union VA and pay the standard union rates they wanted and they still tried to drag us down, hiring union VAs is a terrible idea". And this can absolutely affect the entire SAG. If she's a union VA she has to think about how this entir situation can affect the entire union.
Oh, I'm aware she has no legal case at all. I mean legally she was offered a role she didn't accept, that's not at any point a crime. This entire thing would be more about the morality of it, from the beginning.

My point is that there's absolutely going to be bad actors that go "See? We tried to hire a union VA and pay the standard union rates they wanted and they still tried to drag us down, hiring union VAs is a terrible idea". And this can absolutely affect the entire SAG. If she's a union VA she has to think about how this entir situation can affect the entire union.
Not sure what you mean. The entire game has union actors/it's a union project. Jennifer Hale, the new voice of Bayonetta is also part of the union.

Also, there is no current indication that Taylor was offered a union minimum. In fact, based on the information given, the $4k had to be some amount above the current union minimum.
At this point we're just circling the speculation drain. Waiting for some sort of statement from a different party involved
Not sure what you mean. The entire game has union actors/it's a union project. Jennifer Hale, the new voice of Bayonetta is also part of the union.

Also, there is no current indication that Taylor was offered a union minimum. In fact, based on the information given, the $4k had to be some amount above the current union minimum.
That's exactly my point, though.
Her hairstyle is the same as child Cereza in Bayo1.
The plot of the game seems to be that OG Bayonetta dies and Viola and/or the new Bayo travel through the multiverse and find other Bayos. Bayonetta in the multiverse of madness, more or less.

TL;DR: The most prevalent theory is that Bayonetta 3 Bayo is the grown up Cereza from the alternate timeline she's dumped into in Bayo 1. Her hair matches, which is largely indicative of it.
Ahh thank you, that makes sense. Actually looking at the original reveal trailer back at TGA 2016 or whenever, seems this concept was already in play with having Bayo die

Another things, the locked thread, shared a tweet saying that some journalsits were saying she only had a 15 line camep appearance? I just went back to try find that but the tweet has been deleted, anyone got it saved, or an article that talks about it?

My leading theory right now is that she was offered the $4k to do the cameo for the original bayonetta before she dies, then JH was to do the new bayonetta in 3, but HT is making out that she was meant to be the leading Bayonetta through out the whole of B3, where this may not be the case?
I'm interested to see how this unfolds, and am waiting to see if PG/N will release a statement.
Hellena Taylor's video has 9.1 million views and rising. Yowza! I don't know that all the Bayonetta 3 video marketing combined could overtake that number.
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That's exactly my point, though.
Oh, I think I understand what you mean. Correct me if I'm wrong though please! You mean Taylor doing this could reflect poorly on the union, because she is part of the union?

I can see the argument, but I honestly don't think anything about this situation is going to discourage Platinum or Nintendo from doing union projects/hiring union actors in the future. I also think, for good or for ill, it is clear Taylor is only speaking for herself and this specific situation in her twitter videos. She very specifically doesn't have a call to action for broader wage or royalty reform/any other union issue. She isn't talking about that in her videos, just her specific case/her role in this game.
Another things, the locked thread, shared a tweet saying that some journalsits were saying she only had a 15 line camep appearance? I just went back to try find that but the tweet has been deleted, anyone got it saved, or an article that talks about it?
It was a French game journalist who has been in the industry for ages and absolutely has/would have connections. It's possible he would have some insider info purely because Taylor is based out of the UK so her negotiations were probably handled through NoE, where this journalist may have connections. But none of that is substantiated. More likely he has already played the game or seen someone play the game and is making an assumption based on how many lines Prime Bayo may have in the game. No real way to know. Because of that I wouldn't take it as evidence or support for any specific thing.
So did I get this right? This is an union project, both Taylor and Hale are part of the same union and Taylor was offered the standard union rate (whether it was the minimum rate or not cannot be said since Taylor didn't disclose the volume of lines she had to voice)?
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