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StarTopic Nintendo General Discussion |ST25 October 2023| Have a Wonderful Famiversary!

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Brother sent me a pic of my nieces (5 y.o. and 3 y.o.) playing Pokémon Stadium on the N64. They apparently love Pokémon right now and my parents have been fobbing all of our old Pokémon stuff onto them
Hades is really damn good, I've managed to make like 6 complete runs and I'm still having a blast. I wonder how many more runs I have to do to clear the story... and if I'll keep motivated doing runs after that.

In any case, this is truly an awesome game. Pretty excited for the sequel now!
Welcome to a lifetime of Pokemon fandom, we welcome the young ones into the fold, the cycle shall continue

In 20 years, they'll be complaining how much the new ones suck but still buys them all anyways just like the Pokemon before them. The evolution of a Pokemon is truly a remarkable thing.
Only issue is that we don't know what happened to the original carts we had, so they have no way to actually play them. I'd buy them repro carts, but those don't work on the N64
I just got super nostalgic for my old MP3 collection. I don’t think I have it anymore.. once Spotify came around, there was no need to keep it, and I think it ended up on a dead hard drive. Spotify is fantastic, and I wouldn’t trade access to any song I can think of for my MP3 collection, but there’s something special about those few thousand songs and my blue Zune.

Does anyone still have their MP3 collection?
I do! Been collecting mp3s since high school, going back as far as 2001. Once USB thumbdrives became a thing and aftermarket stereos could read them, I threw a lot of my collection onto one and had it plugged into my car at all times. I still have that same collection and all I've been doing is adding to it from time to time, so I pretty much still have the music I used to drive to high school and college with with me as I drive to this day.

Now, what I have gotten rid of that I regret is my MIDI collection. Back in the late 90s/early00s I would browse these things they used to have called WebRings, where groups of sites would join together and if you liked a particular site and wanted to see others like it you could click Next on their webring and it'd take you to the next partner site in the group. Well I ended up finding some webrings full of MIDI artists who were composing music back in the 28k dialup days, before mp3s were widely adopted as the standard due to the fact that a single average-length song could take and hour or so to download. And I remember loving my MIDI collection. There were some really great compositions there (or at least I thought they were great as a teenager) but I can barely remember them now. I just have a loose nostalgic feeling towards the vibe I know I used to feel from them. At some point my hard drive was running out of space and I deleted a lot of my art and midis to try and make more space for new stuff, but I had no idea how much I'd miss all that stuff later on. It makes me fiercely protective of the stuff I started collecting in high school, though, so I don't expect to say goodbye to the mp3s anytime soon (or hopefully ever).
Does anyone else feel like VN's are something like the jankiest and most uneven genre of games? It''s a genre sporting some phenomenal all-timers - Steins;Gate, Ace Attorney, Zero Escape, Fata Morgana etc... and yet, browsing the Steam tag has you shuffle through loads and loads and loads of VNs that just looks unappealing and cheap.
In part its a more approachable genre to get in but art/music/story has to do the heavy lifting and give a good first impression. It sucks cause one might find the next gem but there is so much that at this point I just stick to know devs (and console versions lol).
Does anyone else feel like VN's are something like the jankiest and most uneven genre of games? It''s a genre sporting some phenomenal all-timers - Steins;Gate, Ace Attorney, Zero Escape, Fata Morgana etc... and yet, browsing the Steam tag has you shuffle through loads and loads and loads of VNs that just looks unappealing and cheap.
Those Newgrounds VNs had to go somewhere.
Having recently started teaching my first primary school program as a program leader, can confirm that at least here in Australia, Generation Alpha still love Mario and Sonic like it's 1992.

We had our first session at the new school yesterday and later that day I got an email saying the kids are already talking about how much they love "Imagination Club", so looks like we're off to a good start! :)
Thanks for your first impressions! I'd love to read your thoughts on the game once you get further, especially the writing. I guess the game is aimed at kids but I hope that's not an excuse to give them bad writing and puzzles.
Sorry for the delay. I ended up playing enough quickly enough that I figured I might as well beat the game before I got back to you. I took a decent amount of notes while I played, but to give you the summary:

I enjoyed the game more the more I played, ultimately enjoying my time with it. There are two things that I think are likely necessary for a player to enjoy the game: 1. You should like adventure game/visual novel gameplay i.e. only light, low stakes interactive gameplay elements with most of the game experience being reading. 2. You should enjoy the world of Pokemon and interacting with Pokemon. I haven't played the PokePark games, but I watched Kyle Bosman (former GameTrailers / Easy Allies personality)'s Let's Plays of those games and found myself charmed by the interactions with Pokemon. With this game, I felt similarly charmed by what's here. If the game were a little cheaper ($40?), I'd have an easier time recommending it to people who enjoy those two things. If it went even cheaper ($30? $25?), my recommendation would grow in turn, but everyone has a different perspective on game value.

As for the writing in particular... It had its occasional humorous highlights, and I did enjoy a number of the Pokemon interactions like I alluded to above. There's a lot of new dialogue/text that is triggered whenever a notable event happens or the gameplay shifts, so if you want all that flavor text, it's there. As someone who moderately enjoyed those interactions and who is a bit of completionist, I read a lot of that optional dialogue/text. Some is more interesting than others. The game does have its dramatic moments as well, and very little of that landed for me. Sometimes the dramatic turns had me laughing, which may have been intentional or maybe not. A minor recurring element of the writing annoyed me (pet peeve), and I wouldn't rate the larger plot very highly. So, I'd say the writing gets the job done moment-to-moment and gives you that opportunity to interact with Pokemon if you want that, but the overall writing package was nothing particularly special. I think I felt similarly about the first game. This isn't a game that in my book competes with the writing of some of Nintendo's other published games that are heavy on story.

And as for the puzzles... I don't think the game has a fail state. I found most of the puzzles pretty easy, and the few times when I didn't understand what answer the game wanted, nothing bad happened when I did something wrong. This wasn't a problem for me, but if you're looking for logic puzzles that challenge you, this game likely won't satisfy.

I think I'd rate the game around a 6.5 or 7 out of 10. It's not bad and I enjoyed it, but it's not particularly special. If you think you're someone who matches the player profile I described above, the game appeals to you, and/or you liked the first game well enough, it's probably worth a look while keeping tempered expectations.

Feel free to DM me with specific questions. That goes for anyone else curious about the game. I can also reply in this thread.

Also, I haven't been keeping up with this thread...if other people got back to you and you already made a purchasing decision, apologies!
If it went even cheaper ($30? $25?), my recommendation would grow in turn
That’s where I’m at, I’m interested but only at 30$

More like Backlogboards

We had our first session at the new school yesterday and later that day I got an email saying the kids are already talking about how much they love "Imagination Club", so looks like we're off to a good start! :)
That is great to hear. How does Imagination Club work?
That is great to hear. How does Imagination Club work?
It's a program for primary school kids with autism where they come along to a special class where we work on building up their confidence, helping them identify their strengths, play games that help build teamwork and communication, stuff like that. :)
It's a program for primary school kids with autism where they come along to a special class where we work on building up their confidence, helping them identify their strengths, play games that help build teamwork and communication, stuff like that. :)
That’s awesome. I remember the earlier programs for children with ASD, they… weren’t the best. Thank you for brightening up the world for these kids.
Somehow my brain read this as "Played a bit of Forza while going to the office" and I was gonna be like "damn dude, slow down"
Seeing as I always take the train to go to work did you imagine something like this?

Only MP3s I still have are the CHVRCHES albums in case I don't have an internet connection and some Chicago covers.

If I had physical CHVRCHES discs, I would follow your advice. I would hate for the power to go out and not being able to have access to my daily dose of Love Is Dead.
How much sense are we talking here
I'll be honest I don't even know the full Belda argument. I just think critics know Zelda, love Zelda, and thus like Zelda more than unknown stuff. But an unknown IP with the quality of a Botw would obviously get attention too, so I know why the argument is dumb lol. Also don't think biases are bad because at some point biases are just opinions. "No one would like Pokémon if the monsters were different and called Zokémon" (implying worse) is so obvious no one needs to say it.

So to answer your question, not much sense lmao
The Belda argument always made sense to me but it also goes both ways. Some series come with certain expectations and get docked points if they don't meet them.
The Belda argument always made sense to me but it also goes both ways. Some series come with certain expectations and get docked points if they don't meet them.
But isn't part of it that it only goes one way? That's why I say it makes sense but doesn't make much sense. It seems to fall apart once taken further and then just turns into a pretty obvious thing about human opinions (biases I guess) and humans liking the known, but also surprises. Or am I misrepresenting the argument (again I've never read the OG).
But isn't part of it that it only goes one way? That's why I say it makes sense but doesn't make much sense. It seems to fall apart once taken further and then just turns into a pretty obvious thing about human opinions (biases I guess) and humans liking the known, but also surprises. Or am I misrepresenting the argument (again I've never read the OG).
Yeah, the original argument has always been that the series gets the easy treatment because it is so popular which is kind of a weird statement. Popular game is popular.
I'll be honest I don't even know the full Belda argument. I just think critics know Zelda, love Zelda, and thus like Zelda more than unknown stuff. But an unknown IP with the quality of a Botw would obviously get attention too, so I know why the argument is dumb lol. Also don't think biases are bad because at some point biases are just opinions. "No one would like Pokémon if the monsters were different and called Zokémon" (implying worse) is so obvious no one needs to say it.

So to answer your question, not much sense lmao
But isn't part of it that it only goes one way? That's why I say it makes sense but doesn't make much sense. It seems to fall apart once taken further and then just turns into a pretty obvious thing about human opinions (biases I guess) and humans liking the known, but also surprises. Or am I misrepresenting the argument (again I've never read the OG).

By the end of this OT, you'll be fully convinced of the Belda meme.


We should have a script that automatically mods all the bots. A mod-bot, if you will.

Just to see if its first course of action would be to ban itself.
I'm playing some spooky games on Switch I've never played before for my Haloween Celebration. (It's my favorite holiday). So far, I've dipped into:

-Resident Evil 4 (I had to drop it pretty early. I know it is beloved but I could NOT get ahold of the controls. I suck!)
-Alien Isolation (this is a MASTERPIECE whoa. Wasn't expecting that).

But I would gladly take some recommendations! How is Alan Wake on Switch? I remember it was a little rocky at launch.
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