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StarTopic Nintendo General Discussion |ST3 Dec. 2021| Topical Threes

When Should Raccoon’s New Nintendo Direct Speculation Thread Launch?

  • Monday, Dec. 27 • 12pm EST

    Votes: 43 20.0%
  • Saturday, Jan. 1 • 12am EST

    Votes: 172 80.0%

  • Total voters
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Part of the reason I loved the first reveal of the Switch was the music. It's a song by an independent (iirc) band from Austin called White Denim from their album that came out just months before. I became an instant fan from that trailer

the album opener is even better

they've since evolved a bit to a rougher, edgier sound with some more creative instrumentation. this is another one of my favorites

Music is definitely a powerful tool. Ver
If you’re playing the remasters of the final fantasy games.

I say go with 8 or 9 first. The speed up toggle will make it go by faster to finish and invincible cheat in case you just want the story. X doesn’t have that speed up toggle tho
I missed it in this version of the poll but these are all switch versions

And yeah after doing 7 on switch this spring I agree that stuff helps a ton
I missed it in this version of the poll but these are all switch versions
Cool. I have the switch versions, so I say try 8 or 9 first.

Especially if you’re more interested in story and causal play whatnot. The cheat toggles are pretty useful for that.
Part of the reason I loved the first reveal of the Switch was the music. It's a song by an independent (iirc) band from Austin called White Denim from their album that came out just months before. I became an instant fan from that trailer

the album opener is even better

they've since evolved a bit to a rougher, edgier sound with some more creative instrumentation. this is another one of my favorites


I've been humming that song to myself for the past five years now. Good god it was the perfect song for the perfect reveal for the perfect system

I understand why they're different, but having anime, anime score, and jpop all count as separate things kinda amuses me.
And apparently Mitsuda counts as "celtic," which I think he might appreciate.
My favorite genre this year was "Dreamo"

No idea what that is but given how much I listened to Porter Robinson earlier this year it tracks
Damn my spouse and I just got firehouse yesterday. Their italian is so good. Lil slice o' pickle on the side MMM
The Italian rules! It's my usual go-to, but today I got their limited-time Pastrami, which was also very good.
FFXII is also a must if you haven't played it already. It's the best FF on the Switch along with IX.
Oh I own it physically and have World of Final Fantasy as well(wanted to finish a few more FF before going back to it). I just didn’t want to go into it yet, the list is just the stuff in my backlog I want to work on now and is highest priority. Didn’t want to dilute it with everything
My most played list is all over the place, but also very accurate lol

If Spotify had more game music, Uematsu probably wouldn't be number 1 though.

Honestly, XII does not get the love it deserves.

I don't understand how the reception was so mixed back then.

I mean, the game did age like wine and I do like it much more now than I did then, but I already loved it then. I think it was too advanced for the time, its systems feel much more contemporary than something from 2006.
mine would look like 60s and 70s rock, jazz fusion, some pop.....
how come city pop is only on youtube
It's gotten way better in the past few years (Eiichi Ohtaki had stuff added a few months ago) but still missing some pretty major classics (lookin @ u tatsuro yamashita)

The reasoning, I presume, is that a lot of city pop was recorded/released long ago before international distribution was even a consideration, so the contracts with the artists didn't account for it.
I had a dream nintendo discovered a surplus of 2DS XL stock and released a bundle with a new nintendogs adventure game for black friday

...I'd buy it
It is definitely up there. The whole "vibe" of the game is unparalleled for me. It's almost like Star Wars meets FF, I don't know how to put it into words. I just know I love it.
Vaan = Luke
Ashe = Leia
Balthier = Han
Fran = Chewbacca

This actually kinda works.
Honestly, XII does not get the love it deserves.
It's one the " it's not the sequel I expected but it's not bad at all" cases. Fanbase reception sometimes can be perceived as the general opinion for them and it's really unfair for such games.

FF12 is an excellent game and not being like traditional Nomura games before it cannot change that fact.
It's one the " it's not the sequel I expected but it's not bad at all" cases. Fanbase reception sometimes can be perceived as the general opinion for them and it's really unfair for such games.

FF12 is an excellent game and not being like traditional Nomura games before it cannot change that fact.
That is a big part of its mixed reception, for sure. As someone who tends to like more traditional JRPGs, I can definitely see that. But at the same time, XII is easily up there as my favourite, next to, or even slightly above VI and IX.
Famiboards... more like Weeb boards
Among the most prominent Japanese composers (although I use the word 'Japanese' superfluously, as even the most well-known American composers are barely competent at best), one in particular stands out to the enlightened videogame soundtrack consumer. His name: Yasunori Mitsuda. For the record, this is not to undermine the amazing worlds of other incredibly talented composers such as Uematsu-san or Sakuraba-san, but to highlight the unique, almost celto-tropic music ( the word music is an understatement) that Yasunori Mitsuda has been composing for years. It would be sheer ignorance to deny that the Chrono Cross soundtrack is anything but the magnum opus of videogame music; its lilting and oftentime hauntingly peaceful guitar melodies soothe all but the most savage of breasts while its tense battle themes and mysterious donjon tunes ignite a blazing passion that can be quenched only by the videogame's profound story and gameplay. It is a wonder that anyone can listen to anything besides videogame musical compositions after listening to Mitsuda-san's immensely powerful soundtrack, but give that the primitive thuds of hip hop are America's current choice of 'music'( I use the term music liberally), one can see little hope in the mass appreciation of Mitsuda-san's work.
If FF Tactics Remake exists, I hope that Matsuno is working on it. It's one of Square best director and he doesn't have the respect/popularity he deserves.
Quoted by: Leo
Ay! Right on!

I'm an Anima Latina fan myself. One of my favorite albums ever.

I'm not really a huge Battisti fan myself, but I do like Umanamente Uomo, a classic, and E già, which a bit more "niche".
Installed one of those cheapy light strip things to dance to the music when we all get together for Christmas this year and bust out the Rock Band 3.
If it will last that long. It's already falling down in some spots. I have another way I can install it, and if that fails, then into the bin it goes.
I'm genuinely excited for the Keighleys. I find them fun.
I agree. I get why some people are cynical about them, but I honestly think seeing what games win what awards (and the reactions afterwards!) and the various game reveals interspersed inbetween (even if many of them aren't that interesting) is a pretty enjoyable use of a Thursday night lol. My only big issues with the TGA's are the Western focus and length. IMO if they could get a bit of a better balance between Western and Japanese games and trim down the time a bit, and maybe give it less of a "bro gamer" feel, it'd be perfect.
Among the most prominent Japanese composers (although I use the word 'Japanese' superfluously, as even the most well-known American composers are barely competent at best), one in particular stands out to the enlightened videogame soundtrack consumer. His name: Yasunori Mitsuda. For the record, this is not to undermine the amazing worlds of other incredibly talented composers such as Uematsu-san or Sakuraba-san, but to highlight the unique, almost celto-tropic music ( the word music is an understatement) that Yasunori Mitsuda has been composing for years. It would be sheer ignorance to deny that the Chrono Cross soundtrack is anything but the magnum opus of videogame music; its lilting and oftentime hauntingly peaceful guitar melodies soothe all but the most savage of breasts while its tense battle themes and mysterious donjon tunes ignite a blazing passion that can be quenched only by the videogame's profound story and gameplay. It is a wonder that anyone can listen to anything besides videogame musical compositions after listening to Mitsuda-san's immensely powerful soundtrack, but give that the primitive thuds of hip hop are America's current choice of 'music'( I use the term music liberally), one can see little hope in the mass appreciation of Mitsuda-san's work.
Before people get mad this is dialogue from Barkley shut up and jam: Gaiden, the greatest parody or jrpgs ever created
I noticed people are overhyping themselves into believing Metroid Prime HD will be at TGAs.

I'm skeptical. From a marketing perspective, it makes more sense to announce it closer to Prime 1's 20th anniversary (November 2022).

In fact, Super Mario 3D All-Stars was announced and released in the same month. (September 2020) They released it two weeks after announcing it.
It's one the " it's not the sequel I expected but it's not bad at all" cases.
Speaking of which, who's ready to have Chrono Cross shadowdropped on Switch after the Keighleys in one week? 😁😁😁

Among the most prominent Japanese composers (although I use the word 'Japanese' superfluously, as even the most well-known American composers are barely competent at best), one in particular stands out to the enlightened videogame soundtrack consumer. His name: Yasunori Mitsuda. For the record, this is not to undermine the amazing worlds of other incredibly talented composers such as Uematsu-san or Sakuraba-san, but to highlight the unique, almost celto-tropic music ( the word music is an understatement) that Yasunori Mitsuda has been composing for years. It would be sheer ignorance to deny that the Chrono Cross soundtrack is anything but the magnum opus of videogame music; its lilting and oftentime hauntingly peaceful guitar melodies soothe all but the most savage of breasts while its tense battle themes and mysterious donjon tunes ignite a blazing passion that can be quenched only by the videogame's profound story and gameplay. It is a wonder that anyone can listen to anything besides videogame musical compositions after listening to Mitsuda-san's immensely powerful soundtrack, but give that the primitive thuds of hip hop are America's current choice of 'music'( I use the term music liberally), one can see little hope in the mass appreciation of Mitsuda-san's work.

Edit: sorry yall, I was getting caught up in the Mitsuda praise and didn't catch that there's some pretty gnarly dogwhistley stuff in that post. Don't threadmark this shit.
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The Legend of Zelda Breath of The Wild Sequel Title Reveal + third party developed switch exclusive is my bet.

Feel like they dont want to show Metroid both the Remake and 4 when its near release (5 - 4 months until release)
Downloaded Dusk the other day and holy guacamole it's freaking fantastic.

Everything from the intentionally retro visuals, to the music and sound design, to the feel and flow of gameplay is top notch. Easily one of the best first person shooters on Switch and a must play for anyone who enjoys the shooters of the 90s like Doom and Quake, or honestly anyone that enjoys shooters at all and doesn't mind old school graphics.
Final Fantasy XII is an upper tier, maybe even top tier, Final Fantasy for me. An excellent game.

I bought it on Switch and really wanted to love it, but with half of the game being me following a minimap and auto-battling I fell off pretty hard. It's a shame as I generally loved the cast.
If FF Tactics Remake exists, I hope that Matsuno is working on it. It's one of Square best director and he doesn't have the respect/popularity he deserves.

Well he is very popular and respected but I think it was his choice not to work with SE anymore? And he insists on making his own games which is fine but he can't get them done so it's just an unfortunate situation. He was always amazing when working within a structure, but just can't seem to find his footing in his independent efforts.
I noticed people are overhyping themselves into believing Metroid Prime HD will be at TGAs.

I'm skeptical. From a marketing perspective, it makes more sense to announce it closer to Prime 1's 20th anniversary (November 2022).

In fact, Super Mario 3D All-Stars was announced and released in the same month. (September 2020) They released it two weeks after announcing it.
Yeah, I don't see Metroid Prime HD being here.

Honestly, I'm super skeptical of Nintendo showing up with anything major. It feels like there has been a drop-off in their presence since Reggie left.
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