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StarTopic Nintendo General Discussion | ST24 September 2023 | Barely Able Will Star as the Main Poster in a Brand New ST (temp.)

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Great new thread @Barely Able ! Thanks a lot !

Geography 101: What is the best opening level in gaming? This can be answered multiple ways. It could be from a tutorial perspective, game design perspective, most fun sequence. It’s up to you to decide and explain why.
I think FF VII would probably be my answer for all the reasons listed by @SammyJ9. But I'd also wanna shout out another 1997 game: Little Big Adventure 2. You have a nice, emotional FMV movie with the great music by Philippe Vachey, and then you start the game and the kind of tutorial is really well done, you start to collect your belongings from your house so it really feels like a sequel, and immediately you can see the differences with the first game. Can't wait to replay it on Switch.

Archaeology 101: What hardware/software feature from the past needs to be brought back to modern consoles or future consoles? This can be a controller setting, design philosophy, or operating system level function. It’s up to you to decide and explain why.
Something that still exists with PlayStation but should be brought back for Nintendo would be the speakers on the controllers. It adds so much to the immersion.
Can't wait to replay it on Switch.
Did they confirm them for Switch? A quick search shows they intended them for consoles but there are no updates on the remakes. Apparently they promised to show off PC version in June but they didn't, on top of that they cancelled the third game which was in concept phase.

I'm not counting on this remakes will ever see the light of day.
Did they confirm them for Switch? A quick search shows they intended them for consoles but there are no updates on the remakes. Apparently they promised to show off PC version in June but they didn't, on top of that they cancelled the third game which was in concept phase.

I'm not counting on this remakes will ever see the light of day.

Depends on what you mean by showing it off? Because it did have a demo/playtest released on Steam in June. I did not play it, but there's videos of it on YT.
Where they supposed to have a showcase of it?

But I'm still a bit iffy on what will happen just like you are, it really felt like a blow when the new game was cancelled.
I really really want to play these games in a more modern version so I do hope they come.

LBA 2 is one of my favorite games of all time.
Did they confirm them for Switch? A quick search shows they intended them for consoles but there are no updates on the remakes. Apparently they promised to show off PC version in June but they didn't, on top of that they cancelled the third game which was in concept phase.

I'm not counting on this remakes will ever see the light of day.
They just said “PC and consoles”, but I am just optimistic that they will target Switch if they want to release the game on consoles. They had a pre-alpha playtest for the remaster last month, so it’s definitely still in development, but my understanding is that the progress is slow since they are still looking for some publisher money. I think it’s very plausible that we see a Kickstarter for the remasters in the upcoming months.
August was a crappy month. Thank you for the great OT and a place to vibe and get my minds off of things @shoptroll

Great OT @Barely Able

Geography 101: The opening level of Super Mario 3D Land. I know it's simple but at the time, a very beautiful and tight 3D platformer on such a small handheld was a big deal for me. (Honestly, still is)

Archaeology 101: Street Pass. How or why they took that away from the Switch makes no sense to me, but they need to bring this back. It was so nice to open up your 3DS and see that you walked past folks who had 3DS' with them. And also the mini games on the 3DS and how Street Pass interacted with them? That was brilliant. Bring it back Ninty!!!
Depends on what you mean by showing it off? Because it did have a demo/playtest released on Steam in June. I did not play it, but there's videos of it on YT.
Where they supposed to have a showcase of it?
They did? Can you give a YouTube link? I'm not searching it correctly, I think.

Edit: Oh you mean the first game. There's no update on the second one yet.
Geography 101: It’s Tears of the Kingdom without a doubt. So happy that it turned out that the E3 2019 teaser was a playable intro sequence.

Everything about it was absolute pitch perfection. The atmosphere and vibes, the music, the story implications, the climax… oh my god.

I would love a follow up, I guess more of a new entry and not a direct sequel. Cause there is a ton of mythos to play with.

I know we hear that SE wants to focus on bigger games but fingerscross they greenlit this one
I love that topic title :D

Geography 101: What is the best opening level in gaming? This can be answered multiple ways. It could be from a tutorial perspective, game design perspective, most fun sequence. It’s up to you to decide and explain why.
Gonna go for the boring answer here and say: Super Mario Bros 1-1. It subtly teaches you everything you need to know to start playing Mario: Go left, jump on enemies, mushrooms good. And that without a single textbox and within less than a few hundred seconds.
Archaeology 101: What hardware/software feature from the past needs to be brought back to modern consoles or future consoles? This can be a controller setting, design philosophy, or operating system level function. It’s up to you to decide and explain why.
I'm not sure... do Hall Effect Joysticks count? Sega used them back in the Saturn and somehow nobody else used the technology, would certainly help with the drift issues modern controllers are all prone to.
Geography 101: What is the best opening level in gaming? This can be answered multiple ways. It could be from a tutorial perspective, game design perspective, most fun sequence. It’s up to you to decide and explain why.
The clock tower opening of Bayonetta. It has everything: invincibility, amazing set pieces, no matter which button you press you do amazing stuff, incredible narration which sets you up for a great story, mind blowing soundtrack. It really sets you up for one hell of a ride!
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New game releases

10 things I wish I knew before I started
20 things you need to know before playing
15 things to do first
10 tips for Day 1

I would love a follow up, I guess more of a new entry and not a direct sequel. Cause there is a ton of mythos to play with.

I know we hear that SE wants to focus on bigger games but fingerscross they greenlit this one

I sometimes get the thought that i do miss out on quite some good games due to my not-liking of Visual Novels.

But man, everytime i tried to play one that's not Ace Attorney, i fall asleep while playing. Just not a person that enjoys reading lots of text in slow paced games.
surprised its not number 1, 2d mario sells like crazy

The game is still more than a month out till release. The items that ahead of them are PSN, Xbox, Roblox, and eShop gift cards, all of which are just $10. Those are usually at the top of the list, even during new game releases.
I mean, it deserves shooting up the best seller lists.

Simply from the looks, it takes a massive dump on all the New SMB games. And i'm not even talking about the creative and actual game design parts, which seem to be another leap above anything the New series had.
New game from the writer of Hotel Dusk and Trace Memory/Another Code. I know some people here are fans of those. Also, very weird premise...

Edit: didn't see there was a thread https://famiboards.com/threads/dark-auction-hitler’s-estate-switch-pc-announced-by-rika-suzuki-hotel-dusk-and-izanagigames-coming-2024.7350/
Holy shit, thank you for the heads up! I'll want to keep a sharp eye on this; Hotel Dusk may never return but the story telling and puzzles were always top notch
Did they confirm them for Switch? A quick search shows they intended them for consoles but there are no updates on the remakes. Apparently they promised to show off PC version in June but they didn't, on top of that they cancelled the third game which was in concept phase.

I'm not counting on this remakes will ever see the light of day.
They just said “PC and consoles”, but I am just optimistic that they will target Switch if they want to release the game on consoles. They had a pre-alpha playtest for the remaster last month, so it’s definitely still in development, but my understanding is that the progress is slow since they are still looking for some publisher money. I think it’s very plausible that we see a Kickstarter for the remasters in the upcoming months.
This trailer from May has PC and Switch logos, but literally everywhere else you look at it either mentions only PC or it mentions PC and non-specific "consoles".

Inching towards the end of chapter 6 in Xenoblade 3. I’m still enjoying it but I’ve already passed the 70h mark so I’m feeling the urge to finally see the ending instead of doing every sidequest.
New game releases

10 things I wish I knew before I started
20 things you need to know before playing
15 things to do first
10 tips for Day 1

20 Things I didn't know
5 mistakes newbies make
Starting Strong on GAME TITLE

Who is getting Wonder?

Day one!! I hope there are a lot of secrets/collectibles to get too (i.e things they haven't shown).
When there’s four games coming out you want this month but it feels easy to throw them on the wait for a sale list
I sometimes get the thought that i do miss out on quite some good games due to my not-liking of Visual Novels.

But man, everytime i tried to play one that's not Ace Attorney, i fall asleep while playing. Just not a person that enjoys reading lots of text in slow paced games.
Oh I totally get it. While I enjoy VNs, not all of them land for me. Some I have binged, while others have taken me months lol. Also, at least for me, its all about the mood I am in, that can make or break my enjoyment.
It's hard to pick between the Great Plateau from BotW, the village from Resident Evil 4, the slow reveal of WTF is going on in Prey (honorable mention to the Half Life opening sequence that inspired it), and the stormy night of A Link to the Past.

For consoles? Free online
Ok. Free online is the best one (though the functionality is still there). Great opening level choices.
Disagree to agree

Wait does that become a yes? Crap.

Also I don't know if anyone else is keeping up with LK99 superconductor news, but so far no one has been able to replicate it and the researchers who made it can't seem to properly to explain how they created the original material (though this could also be translation issues with the Korean). At this point it's either the scientists stubbornly believing their theory or it's all an elaborate hoax for reasons unknown.
It's Hobonichi day and I secured the Mother 2 cover yay


It's Hobonichi day and I secured the Mother 2 cover yay


Looks awesome! I really like the look of the orange A5 sized one covered in Mr. Saturns

I don’t think I like the look of the ~$150 Canadian price tag though personally haha
Looks awesome! I really like the look of the orange A5 sized one covered in Mr. Saturns

I don’t think I like the look of the ~$150 Canadian price tag though personally haha
Yeah it's expensive! But maybe order through official US retailers like JetPens or Yoseka?
Yeah it's expensive! But maybe order through official US retailers like JetPens or Yoseka?
Getting stuff from Japan to Canada is, weirdly enough, often cheaper than getting stuff from the States, in my experience.

I like the idea but I know myself well enough to know that, while physical planners sound like a great idea, my lack of attention span would have me forgetting about it and not using it by February.
Inching towards the end of chapter 6 in Xenoblade 3. I’m still enjoying it but I’ve already passed the 70h mark so I’m feeling the urge to finally see the ending instead of doing every sidequest.
I've just picked it up again so I can do wave 3 DLC and then Future Redeemed this month. I enjoyed it so much that I did absolutely as much as I could before hitting the end of the main narrative... but that took my playtime up to about 130 hours over the course of 5 months.

I love me the gargantuan games, but they're not compatible with playing a lot of different things. Trying to cram Future Redeemed and Sea of Stars into this month so I can try a few weeks of Starfield before Mario, and then theoretically find room for Octopath Traveler 2 before 2023 ends.
September thread! Getting ready for pax got my badges.

Also I forgot how huge the food servings are here. My plane got delayed and arrived late night so just asked for an appetizer and that plate would qualify as a entire meal in any other place
Let us compromise.
It's all about finding that balance

Also I don't know if anyone else is keeping up with LK99 superconductor news, but so far no one has been able to replicate it and the researchers who made it can't seem to properly to explain how they created the original material (though this could also be translation issues with the Korean). At this point it's either the scientists stubbornly believing their theory or it's all an elaborate hoax for reasons unknown.
Boo, I've been doing my best to follow up with this but yeah it seemed like it really wasn't going anywhere after the initial claim. Do you know if there's still any value LK99 could still hold for either practical or theoretical purposes? That's the one thing I can't seem to find if it actually has any use beyond laboratory settings
So now that I've thought about it some:

Geography 101: What is the best opening level in gaming? This can be answered multiple ways. It could be from a tutorial perspective, game design perspective, most fun sequence. It’s up to you to decide and explain why.
I don't wanna be too predictable but every time I thought about this question my mind went straight to Green Hill Zone. It's such a perfect distillation of Sonic as a whole that it became a symbol of the overall series, having replayed the series recently with Origins (and playing through Sonic 1 multiple times in that run due to some dumb mistakes) I can say it kinda overshadows its own game. I gotta say, if someone tells me they'd like to experience Sonic 1 for the first time I'd be comfortable telling them to just play Green Hill Zone and then quit. There ya go, you've basically experienced Sonic 1 upon completion of that level. The levels after it may as well be filler. It's that perfect a representation of the concept of what the point of the game is.

And that's really what a first level aughta be, imo.

Archaeology 101: What hardware/software feature from the past needs to be brought back to modern consoles or future consoles?
Chrono Trigger.

Hey, you said "software" too. 😉

Seriously though, I can't think of much. It seems like this gen has really nailed it in terms of features. The only stuff I can think about is either something one console lacks but the others have (coughthemescough) or something I've been missing for a while that this gen finally brought back (visually creative console designs). About the only thing I can think older consoles had that new ones don't is add-ons like the Expansion Pak or the 32X, and I'm not sure if stuff like that would even be viable nowadays because of the latency it could introduce by not being integrated into the main system. This one has me genuinely stumped but, much like when I was in school, I'm trying to pad my answer with as much talk as possible to make it seem like a much better response than it really is. I hope it's working.
So now that I've thought about it some:

I don't wanna be too predictable but every time I thought about this question my mind went straight to Green Hill Zone. It's such a perfect distillation of Sonic as a whole that it became a symbol of the overall series, having replayed the series recently with Origins (and playing through Sonic 1 multiple times in that run due to some dumb mistakes) I can say it kinda overshadows its own game. I gotta say, if someone tells me they'd like to experience Sonic 1 for the first time I'd be comfortable telling them to just play Green Hill Zone and then quit. There ya go, you've basically experienced Sonic 1 upon completion of that level. The levels after it may as well be filler. It's that perfect a representation of the concept of what the point of the game is.

And that's really what a first level aughta be, imo.

Chrono Trigger.

Hey, you said "software" too. 😉

Seriously though, I can't think of much. It seems like this gen has really nailed it in terms of features. The only stuff I can think about is either something one console lacks but the others have (coughthemescough) or something I've been missing for a while that this gen finally brought back (visually creative console designs). About the only thing I can think older consoles had that new ones don't is add-ons like the Expansion Pak or the 32X, and I'm not sure if stuff like that would even be viable nowadays because of the latency it could introduce by not being integrated into the main system. This one has me genuinely stumped but, much like when I was in school, I'm trying to pad my answer with as much talk as possible to make it seem like a much better response than it really is. I hope it's working.
What got me thinking about this question was the interesting ways the Wii used the message feature as laid out in this Jon Cartwright video:

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