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Discussion What was the original source of the 2D Donkey Kong rumor?

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Nintendo has made 7 AAA Donkey Kong platformers from their top of the line developers.

It's been "neglected" a lot less than say Yoshi (which has gotten like 1-2 AAA games ever).
But DK hasn’t had a new game for 9 years, while Yoshi just got Crafted World a few years ago.
The sales of DK and Yoshi are also extremely disproportionate with one another so that isn't a fair comparison. As sad as I am for Yoshi, DK always had the numbers to back it up. Numbers that unfortunately rarely materializes in a consistent release pattern, largely in part of not having a dedicated studio. It's taken Nintendo 2 decades to finally give DK a studio, and this is all assuming the rumors are legit.
Hearing them say Splatoon is bigger than DK, and seeing the comment on the right side of the video, "Splatoon is vastly more popular than DK, and that is as it should be." I mean, Splatoon as a franchise is bigger with active gamers sure, but DK is a household name. And like damn, there hasn't even been a new DK game since Splatoon's inception and that is no fault on DK's popularity. What is up with this disrespect for DK? If it isn't "shoulda been Metroid," it's "shoulda been Splatoon." ffs

Nintendo's negligence on the IP has been extremely damaging to the brand, and it shows. Nintendo might be trying to take DK serious again, but it looks like it's going to be an uphill climb to get others to feel the same way. Hopefully, the hill isn't that big this time like it was in 2013.
I will always contend that it's not Nintendo fans' fault for feeling this way. This is simply an epic fail on Nintendo's part in not making DK a household name for 20 years since the buyout. DK was their number 1 IP in the 1980s, and then it became their number 2 IP in the 1990s (although Zelda and Pokemon exploded in 1998 with those legendary titles), and now it's not even viewed by most Nintendo fans as a top 10 series. That's all on Nintendo, not the fans. DKCR was the only time a DK game released post-buyout that had the same impact in terms of critical, commercial, and most importantly, cultural relevance since DK64. DKCTF had the first two, but it never had the cultural relevance of DKCR. I guess returning to Country the first time around was a big deal, but the shine wore off the second time around.

The reason I'm adamant that DK must get a 3D game is because these attitudes will not change until that day comes. Although it's unfair, the general public views 3D games as more important and ambitious than 2D games. The only way for DK games to re-enter the cultural zeitgeist imo is for Nintendo to release a 3D DK game. The fact that Nate the Hate views this upcoming DK game as nothing ambitious and as a potential gimmick laden side-project on his podcast proves how Nintendo fans generally don't view DK as a viable franchise worthy of the same acclaim as the Mario, Pokemon, Zelda, Splatoon and Metroid franchises. He might just trying to be managing expectations because besides this VV info, no one knows anything about this upcoming DK game except that it's being made by a new team at EPD. Again, this is a Nintendo brand management problem more than anything else.

Tbh, this is why I'm very skeptical on Nintendo's approach to the IP. I think it was a mistake to let the IP be so dormant for so long. I think they should've ported Returns between TF and this new game around 2020 or 2021 to keep the brand alive. Even with a theme park, a movie, and a game, it's going to take a lot of convincing to make people care about DK again. A steady cadence of releases could've helped ease that. But maybe I'm wrong because the N. Sane Trilogy sold like hotcakes and Crash hadn't received a mainline game in 9 years up to that point.
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It's funny to think the idea that audiences might be less enthused about a 2D platformer vs. a 3D platformer because that definitely wasn't conventional wisdom 15 years ago, given that NSMBW sold more than twice Galaxy. But a lot has changed and 3D gaming is not in its adolescence but coming up on three decades of console releases, people who grew up on the early 3D era are in their 30s now. I'd definitely be down for a 3D DK, especially if it's course-based as it seems unlikely for Mario to return to that avenue anytime soon, but I agree it was a big mistake to let the IP lay dormant for so long. Tropical Freeze on Switch outsold games like Xenoblade and Fire Emblem but has gotten nothing in comparison.

I think people will come though if the game is great and looks appealing. DKC is still a huge brand and extremely iconic and nostalgic for Nintendo fans. I just hope it embraces the legacy Rare characters more than the Retro games did because DK might not get another chance to rebrand itself.
It's funny to think the idea that audiences might be less enthused about a 2D platformer vs. a 3D platformer because that definitely wasn't conventional wisdom 15 years ago, given that NSMBW sold more than twice Galaxy. But a lot has changed and 3D gaming is not in its adolescence but coming up on three decades of console releases, people who grew up on the early 3D era are in their 30s now. I'd definitely be down for a 3D DK, especially if it's course-based as it seems unlikely for Mario to return to that avenue anytime soon, but I agree it was a big mistake to let the IP lay dormant for so long. Tropical Freeze on Switch outsold games like Xenoblade and Fire Emblem but has gotten nothing in comparison.

I think people will come though if the game is great and looks appealing. DKC is still a huge brand and extremely iconic and nostalgic for Nintendo fans. I just hope it embraces the legacy Rare characters more than the Retro games did because DK might not get another chance to rebrand itself.
I think the reason is that 2D platformers were essentially a dead genre in the 6th generation outside of the GBA and Jungle Beat on the GameCube. When New Super Mario Bros. came out on the DS it was incredible because everyone thought that we'd never get another Super Mario Bros. traditional sidescroller. Then DKCR came out to great fanfare and all the legacy games like Sonic, Mega Man, Rayman etc. got new 2D installments.

Then the indie scene blew up in the 7th gen with 2D platformers and Metroidvanias being the most common type of indie games. I think people have gotten fatigued with the New Super Mario Bros. brand and a lot of people are fatigued with the sheer amount of indie 2D games flooding the marketplace so 2D platformers have kinda get lumped together for better or worse.
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I think one of the big things against the DK brand, at least in some popular conceptions, is that it is used and seen as an extension of the already-existing Mario brand.

Now, I don't think this was always the case. In the 90s, DK and Mario were kept pretty separate in tone and characters. DK 94 featured the classic DK and DK Jr., and all Mario spinoffs that featured a DK character focused primarily on DK Jr. We see that in Mario Kart, Mario's Tennis, the Game & Watch Gallery games, and so on. Meanwhile Country had its own identity, its own cast, all of that, even as Rare's DK became the DK in spinoffs. You could have Diddy Kong Racing and Mario Kart at the same time! You wouldn't get that now.

Nowadays, things feel different. Without a home for itself, DK games were mostly one or two-off spinoffs until Returns, and slowly the DKC cast got incorporated into Mario spinoffs in ways other side brands have not. Yes, we get Luigi's Mansion levels here and there, but E. Gadd and varied characters don't make regular appearances in spinoffs, nor does any of the Wario extended cast. Meanwhile, the fact that Diddy Kong isn't in Mario Kart 8 is weird. DK and Diddy get lumped in with the rest of the Mario crew in art and branding all the time. Funky is well known to a whole generation for his appearance in Mario Kart Wii. Dixie Kong is in Mario Hoops and Baseball and is now in Mario Kart. Mario Baseball had a full DK team, even K. Rool is there! Now the big push for the DK brand is an extension of the Mario theme park land and a central role in the Mario movie. And I don't think these are mistakes or anything like that. But when DK doesn't have its own consistent games and Country elements are weaved so naturally into the wider Mario spinoff brand, I'm not surprised that the perception of DK as its own brand suffers.

I think if Nintendo succeeds at giving DK a home at EPD and we can get a more steady stream of titles, even those released every 4-5 years, then this perception goes away. DK gets to stand on its own and everyone is happy. But Nintendo has to push it, and not just as an extension of Mario.
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The lack of spin-offs is definitely a sore point. Diddy Kong Racing was great and still one of the best mascot kart racers of all time, and the PAON peg games were fun in their own right while also showing off the Rare cast in an era where they were mostly ignored. Even Barrel Blast wasn't THAT bad

If DK can get a game every half decade going forward, I will be content, but when series like Kirby and Mario get oodles of spin-offs, it's hard to not be a little sore about it. I know there's the VV rumor, but I really wish Nintendo let other devs experiment with the brand more. I'm really bummed Monster Games got acquired because they could have been a great B-studio to work on other DK stuff.
It probably also didn't help that the spinoffs DK did have didn't really stick in the way that Diddy Kong Racing and maybe Jungle Beat did - Konga, Barrel Blast, King of Swing etc.
If DK can get a game every half decade going forward, I will be content, but when series like Kirby and Mario get oodles of spin-offs, it's hard to not be a little sore about it.
That's the power of having teams that consistently work on the IP! Mario has several teams and a full support studio dedicated to it, let alone Camelot mostly making Mario sports game and Next Level Games doing both Luigi's Mansion and Mario Strikers. HAL will always prioritize Kirby as its main brand given its success, even with smaller titles like BOXBOY and Part-Time UFO, and HAL also has Vanpool to help with spinoff material now. And we can see the effect with Xenoblade and Fire Emblem, which get to be the core projects for Monolift Soft and Intelligent Systems!

Even without big spinoffs, if the EPD DK works out and that becomes its own team, then the problem DK currently has will be mitigated. Heck, it may even be seen as a more valuable IP, encouraging the development of those spinoffs! But of course we gotta start somewhere, so let's get a consistent stream of big DK stuff.

It probably also didn't help that the spinoffs DK did have didn't really stick in the way that Diddy Kong Racing and maybe Jungle Beat did - Konga, Barrel Blast, King of Swing etc.
That's also true. If we had main games in conjunction with these then I think the brand would have been in a healthier space, but instead it felt like lots of experimentation with no core to build around. Even in the slower N64 and GameCube eras, Mario spinoffs could build themselves around Super Mario 64 or Super Mario Sunshine.
The lack of spin-offs is definitely a sore point. Diddy Kong Racing was great and still one of the best mascot kart racers of all time, and the PAON peg games were fun in their own right while also showing off the Rare cast in an era where they were mostly ignored. Even Barrel Blast wasn't THAT bad
What I find kinda interesting there is that Nintendo seemingly did care enough about Rare's DK characters that they went ahead and provided modern redesigns for most of them and even made a few new characters, for contractors like Paon, Namco and even Rare themselves to use.

For example, remember those new Kremling OCs from Barrel Blast?


An old interview with Barrel Blast's dev team reveals that they were actually created in-house by Nintendo's character team.

Izuno: In fact, some of the rival Kremlin Army characters are making their first appearance in this title. At first, Mr. Paon suggested new characters, and in the end, Nintendo's team in charge of characters prepared them in-house. We also assigned voice actors to each of the characters.

You also have a weird case in the form of Tiny Kong, who got redesigned into being a teenager starting with Diddy Kong Racing DS. Rare had explicitly stated in a Scribes circa 2007 that it was Nintendo's decision to do so, so it all lines up.

Some of those so called "Paon designs" are still being used to this day, like Funky, Dixie and even K. Rool in Smash Bros. Speaking of which, you'll remember that Smash Brawl and Smash 4 had trophies of certain DKC characters with modernized appearances that never appeared anywhere else.




I suppose Nintendo had made these in the event that a contractor or developer wanted to make use of them...but I guess nobody got around to.
The fact that Splatoon has gotten a trilogy since the last DK game shows how crucial having a dedicated studio is to an IP. You'll never have any franchise gain any sort of momentum or identity if you're shopping around the IP to various devs so hopefully this new alleged DK team could fix this.

Another issue is that Diddy Kong as a character was a Nintendo A-lister in the 90s and starred in 2 of his own games sans DK himself. DKC2 and Diddy Kong Racing. Both those games sold 5M+. Now, Diddy is nowhere near as popular as he once was. K. Rool has surpassed him in popularity and he hasn't even been in a DK game since 2007 lol
As much as I want more DK games, tbh I'd be a little bummed if every DK game was made by a new studio, and Retro never made another one.
The fact that Splatoon has gotten a trilogy since the last DK game shows how crucial having a dedicated studio is to an IP. You'll never have any franchise gain any sort of momentum or identity if you're shopping around the IP to various devs so hopefully this new alleged DK team could fix this.

Another issue is that Diddy Kong as a character was a Nintendo A-lister in the 90s and starred in 2 of his own games sans DK himself. DKC2 and Diddy Kong Racing. Both those games sold 5M+. Now, Diddy is nowhere near as popular as he once was. K. Rool has surpassed him in popularity and he hasn't even been in a DK game since 2007 lol
I dunno if I'd say K. Rool has surpassed Diddy in popularity - Diddy is still a very popular Smash character and that gives him a lot of visibility, and he's still in some spin-offs like Mario Kart Tour. K. Rool coming back after 10 years was just such a huge deal that it basically revived the fandom for him overnight, but he still hasn't appeared again since Smash so he's mostly popular in that specific context. If both Diddy and K. Rool continue to make frequent appearances in DK games, I think the "novelty" of K. Rool returning will wear off like it did with the Koopalings.

I'm saying this as someone who voted for K. Rool multiple times in the Smash Ballot and cried literal tears of joy when he was revealed, lol.
What I find kinda interesting there is that Nintendo seemingly did care enough about Rare's DK characters that they went ahead and provided modern redesigns for most of them and even made a few new characters, for contractors like Paon, Namco and even Rare themselves to use.

For example, remember those new Kremling OCs from Barrel Blast?


An old interview with Barrel Blast's dev team reveals that they were actually created in-house by Nintendo's character team.

You also have a weird case in the form of Tiny Kong, who got redesigned into being a teenager starting with Diddy Kong Racing DS. Rare had explicitly stated in a Scribes circa 2007 that it was Nintendo's decision to do so, so it all lines up.

Some of those so called "Paon designs" are still being used to this day, like Funky, Dixie and even K. Rool in Smash Bros. Speaking of which, you'll remember that Smash Brawl and Smash 4 had trophies of certain DKC characters with modernized appearances that never appeared anywhere else.




I suppose Nintendo had made these in the event that a contractor or developer wanted to make use of them...but I guess nobody got around to.

These Kremling designs are great by the way.

I'll forever be salty that Retro adamantly ignored most of the DKC world and now the franchise feels like a mishmash of 30 different things. DK looks and feels so different these days I don't even consider it the same franchise I grew up with. I hope we get that consistency back.
Splatoon also fills a niche not filled by any other Nintendo IP (along with being so wildly innovative that it hasn't been close to being successfully copied and no competitors exist)

Meanwhile, Nintendo's systems tend to have a good amount of platformers.
I'd still call Diddy #2 in popularity, especially after the movie where he'll probably have at least a minor role.
As much as I want more DK games, tbh I'd be a little bummed if every DK game was made by a new studio, and Retro never made another one.
Maybe it's a controversial opinion, but I'd rather have Retro be the dedicated Metroid Prime studio. They seem to be the only studio capable since Bandai Namco allegedly was working on the cancelled build.
I dunno if I'd say K. Rool has surpassed Diddy in popularity - Diddy is still a very popular Smash character and that gives him a lot of visibility, and he's still in some spin-offs like Mario Kart Tour. K. Rool coming back after 10 years was just such a huge deal that it basically revived the fandom for him overnight, but he still hasn't appeared again since Smash so he's mostly popular in that specific context. If both Diddy and K. Rool continue to make frequent appearances in DK games, I think the "novelty" of K. Rool returning will wear off like it did with the Koopalings.
That's fair. My pet theory is that Cranky Kong is getting a big push and will be viewed as a major DK character in the next few years starting with his appearance in the Mario movie. I also think he'll be the next Smash DK character. Miyamoto apparently loves Cranky Kong behind the scenes
In an ideal world Retro expands enough to have both DK and Metroid teams, but considering they've taken this long to even get one game out, it feels like that would cause even more problems.
Maybe it's a controversial opinion, but I'd rather have Retro be the dedicated Metroid Prime studio. They seem to be the only studio capable since Bandai Namco allegedly was working on the cancelled build.

Idk if it's controversial, but yeah that is definitely an opinion I think we'd have to agree to disagree on. Nothing against the MP games, but Retro's DK games are some of my favorite games ever, getting another one in that style would be amazing for me.
In an ideal world Retro expands enough to have both DK and Metroid teams, but considering they've taken this long to even get one game out, it feels like that would cause even more problems.
The thing is we don't even know if they'd be interested in more DK. I doubt they're disinterested, but like, both times they switched franchises, it was their own doing (from Metroid to DK, from ??? project to Prime 4).
That's fair. My pet theory is that Cranky Kong is getting a big push and will be viewed as a major DK character in the next few years starting with his appearance in the Mario movie. I also think he'll be the next Smash DK character. Miyamoto apparently loves Cranky Kong behind the scenes
Cranky would be great in Smash and he more than deserves it, but it would be hard to not be a little disappointed if Dixie got snubbed. She's still one of Nintendo's most iconic female leads and really should have been in Smash a while ago alongside K. Rool. Of course if both get in that would be fantastic (perhaps with Dixie as a semi-clone of Diddy, I don't think an Echo would really work), but DK content in Smash has historically been... slow, let's just say lol
You know what would be cool? If NST became the DK team. They've shown they can make 3D platformers with Bowser's Fury. They'd probably have to go on a hiring spree, though.
Also yeah, to clarify I think Retro should do whatever they want to do. Just hoping that eventually, they want to do more DK.
Retro has had a ton of turnover since Tropical Freeze (with a bunch of people bailing before mid 2019 and then a bunch of hires from DICE, Rockstar, Arkane, etc after Prime 4 was announced)

Dupree and a couple other leadership people are still around, but I have no idea what they even want to make moving forward. Very different studio.
Retro has had a ton of turnover since Tropical Freeze (with a bunch of people bailing before mid 2019 and then a bunch of hires from DICE, Rockstar, Arkane, etc after Prime 4 was announced)

Dupree and a couple other leadership people are still around, but I have no idea what they even want to make moving forward. Very different studio.

Every company has had turnover, but Retro's quality has remained consistent. If they wanted to do another DK game I have zero doubts that it would be great.
Every company has had turnover, but Retro's quality has remained consistent. If they wanted to do another DK game I have zero doubts that it would be great.

................ I'm saying I don't know what the new leadership and new employees want to make (other than Metroid, obviously)

They may still want to make Donkey Kong or may not!
Every company has had turnover, but Retro's quality has remained consistent. If they wanted to do another DK game I have zero doubts that it would be great.
I do find it interesting how people fixate on what percent of Retro's staff have been there 20+ years. I've never seen any other studio analyzed from that angle.
I do find it interesting how people fixate on what percent of Retro's staff have been there 20+ years. I've never seen any other studio analyzed from that angle.

They're such an enigma of a studio, and that's been fascinating to a lot of people. I remember on the old (old) message boards when people were literally trying to spy on Retro's office building on site to find out what they were working on. This was pre Tropical Freeze being announced. They were hiring folk from Naughty Dog and Vigil, among others and people thought they were surely working on some "mature" AAA franchise and certainly not a sequel to Returns. And of course with MP4 there has been obsessive analysis of job postings and hirings to a degree far above what you see with any other studio.
I love Cranky Kong, he's an absolute delight of a character, but having him playable and all giddy and out going kind of defeats the whole purpose of his character. Never felt right to have him playable in TF.

I wish they had brought someone from the DK64 crew, they're all great characters. Still hope they come back, and also hope we get a redesigned Kiddy Kong one day. I love the little guy but I understand his design isn't that great. I think he's a great concept though, and would work really well as a slightly older toddler. Imagine the little guy in some colorful overalls, holding a balloon and beating the shit out of enemies.
These Kremling designs are great by the way.

I'll forever be salty that Retro adamantly ignored most of the DKC world and now the franchise feels like a mishmash of 30 different things. DK looks and feels so different these days I don't even consider it the same franchise I grew up with. I hope we get that consistency back.
To some degree, I can't blame Retro, too much. Even if they were, again, playing in some one else's world, who would turn the chance to put your own stake down?

Besides, all signs point to that it was a syndrome of the prevailing attitude at Nintendo. Where apparently they honor Rare's contributions so much, they didn't just want more straight continuations of it with a different squad.

That said, if it were me, I would've found a way to keep K. Rool around by just making him another one of DK's "friends". I would've definitely preferred him over Cranky, if it were me.
Retro Studios is a great studio no doubt. Their problem is that they can't successfully launch a new IP. They've failed multiple times to do so. I think they're better off working on legacy IPs so we can at least feel confident that those games will release.
Playable K Rool seems like the best of both worlds to me, K Rool fans get him in the game and there's also the opportunity to keep adding new villains. Although idk, maybe there are people who want to keep seeing him as a villain also.
As much as I adore Returns and Tropical Freeze, I'm fairly confident that Retro will never make another Donkey Kong Country game. The franchise is under EPD's control now. Never say never, though.
These Kremling designs are great by the way.

I'll forever be salty that Retro adamantly ignored most of the DKC world and now the franchise feels like a mishmash of 30 different things. DK looks and feels so different these days I don't even consider it the same franchise I grew up with. I hope we get that consistency back.

To some degree, I can't blame Retro, too much. Even if they were, again, playing in some one else's world, who would turn the chance to put your own stake down?

Besides, all signs point to that it was a syndrome of the prevailing attitude at Nintendo. Where apparently they honor Rare's contributions so much, they didn't just want more straight continuations of it with a different squad.

That said, if it were me, I would've found a way to keep K. Rool around by just making him another one of DK's "friends". I would've definitely preferred him over Cranky, if it were me.
Outside of the weirdness with K. Rool/Kremlings, I'd say the lack of more returning Kongs and animal buddies from Rare's games was more on Retro just not being able to find decent gameplay application with them.

The creative director of Tropical Freeze admitted this with Enguarde, who was close to getting into the final game but ultimately passed on because they wanted to focus more on Kongs.

“We were thinking that bringing back the familiarity that players experienced in Donkey Kong Country Returns would be a good way for us to further strengthen their love for these characters. We felt this was the right choice over adding different buddies in their stead, and we believed the introduction of the other Kongs filled the need for expanding the character lineup and adding new player mechanics. However, we would have loved to have introduced some new animal buddies. Like Enguarde, for instance, who did come close to being added.”
As far as K. Rool goes, I wouldn't mind if he played a reluctant hero role here and there, but I wouldn't want him to become a King Dede character where he was a villain in the older games, but only becomes evil via possession or misunderstandings or such nowadays. Looking at how Neo Cortex behaves in the Crash games, especially Crash 4, that kind of behavior could work well for K. Rool. I would wager that in the next DK game he would just be the plain old big bad, just to reintroduce him to the mainline games after a near 25 year break.

And I wouldn't worry too much about the extended cast being left out of future DK games. If EPD becomes DK's permanent home they would essentially get free reign of (almost) all aspects of the series. Not saying that the Swankys, Kiddys and Wrinklys of the world would show up in every game, but I don't think they wouldn't be left out for fear of disrespecting past developers. Especially if the new developers are as big of fans of DKC/Super Donkey Kong as we have been hearing. Hell, even the Jungle Beat kongs could technically be on the table at that rate.
I remember seeing that about Enguarde. Imo it still feels like a missed opportunity not to include him in the water world of TF. Seems like it would have been easy to do and would have made the world a lot more fun. But, I don't really know anything about game dev lol, maybe it would have been more difficult/complicated than I'm thinking it would be.
Retro Studios is a great studio no doubt. Their problem is that they can't successfully launch a new IP. They've failed multiple times to do so. I think they're better off working on legacy IPs so we can at least feel confident that those games will release.
I just don't think Retro will ever be truly happy until they have something of their own.

Whether that translates into making Metroid Prime fit that mold, via developing more of their side of the universe through more games and spinoffs, or trying again at a new IP, is beyond me. But that's what I think we'll be seeing from them in the next 5-10 years.
Playable K Rool seems like the best of both worlds to me, K Rool fans get him in the game and there's also the opportunity to keep adding new villains. Although idk, maybe there are people who want to keep seeing him as a villain also.
Quite honestly, the only reason I'd want K. Rool to be a villain again is because it means more Kremlings. Something that might not happen if he went good and a new baddie team was the focus again, and we've gone a loooooong time without seeing Krusha, Klump and co.

But otherwise, I feel K. Rool doesn't do enough to separate himself from being a more affable version of Bowser (even if his boss battles are more fun imo!). They'd need to work on that a bit.
Yeah that's true, if K Rool was a playable ally you probably wouldn't get the Kremlings. Although, an idea I literally just had was, maybe there could be some new Kremling leader/general. K Rool and that leader have a disagreement for whatever reason, so that new leader and the Kremlings are the villains for the game, and K Rool would team up with the Kongs out of mutual dislike for this new leader.

I also think the Cortex comparison with K Rool is a pretty good one. I could easily see K Rool teaming up with the Kongs, and then pulling some trick/betraying them at the end. I guess that's one way he seems different from Bowser to me, it seems like he's more willing to do tricks/schemes and that kind of thing, while Bowser is pretty simple/direct with his methods.
Playable K Rool seems like the best of both worlds to me, K Rool fans get him in the game and there's also the opportunity to keep adding new villains. Although idk, maybe there are people who want to keep seeing him as a villain also.
Me, that’s me. I would be happy to see K. Rool in any capacity but it’s been over 15 years since he was the villain of a DK game. We aren’t getting so many DK games that we can keep cycling through forgettable one-off villains and ignoring K. Rool. If we are looking at one DK game every 4-5 years and nothing else, this constant villain changing is so done. Nobody remembers or cares about the non-Syrup villains in Wario Land either.
I also think the Cortex comparison with K Rool is a pretty good one. I could easily see K Rool teaming up with the Kongs, and then pulling some trick/betraying them at the end. I guess that's one way he seems different from Bowser to me, it seems like he's more willing to do tricks/schemes and that kind of thing, while Bowser is pretty simple/direct with his methods.
Yeah, and for another comparison, in any of the Mario RPG games where Mario and Bowser team up, Bowser never pulls a fast one on Mario after the big bad of the game is defeated as far as I remember. Even in Sparks of Hope he just seems grouchy/embarrassed after he's done helping Mario and co. K. Rool seems like the kind of character that would be either disgusted at the idea of working with DK or deceptively nice until the bigger threat is defeated, then the façade ends and he'd immediately try to backstab the kongs
Adding a little bit of Sales Data here for context. I think the orange graph is especially powerful to assess the overall sales history of different franchises.


Blue = Home Console ; Yellow = Handheld Console ; Green = Hybrid Console
Titles marked with * lack official sales numbers


Blue = Home Console ; Yellow = Handheld Console ; Green = Hybrid Console

Top 3 Average Sales per Franchise
I'm not at all concerned about the Rare cast being absent in the supposed EPD DK game; at the very least the Kong family that remain a constant presence across media like Tropical Freeze, Mario Kart Tour, Super Nintendo World's Donkey Kong Country (per rumors/leaks) and The Super Mario Bros. Movie. Diddy, Dixie, Cranky, Funky; I think are 100% safe, about to be cemented as the core Kong cast. Dixie especially making her Mario Kart debut, with her own unique trailer that no other new racer added to Tour thus far has recieved, gives me hope in her finally recieving her dues.

For K. Rool, i'm optimistic that Smash has sparked a full revival effort in any upcoming DK media (a Donkey Kong film is going to need a villain, no?). Doesn't seem to have a presence at Super Nintendo World for now, being primarily themed after the Retro duology and all, but that could change with time as well. Animal buddies i'm less confident in, but I hope we can see more than just Rambi become regulars again.

In general I don't think we'll be going back to anything like Jungle Beat though. The original Donkey Kong Country is the game being parodied in Splatoon after all, with its own Diddy; so I think we'll be good.

I think 1 thing worth noting about the orange graph is that Zelda is really only that high because of BotW. Without that game, the top 3 Zelda sales would be around DK level.
I don't see why we need rotating villains, not when the series gets so few releases. No asks to replace Bowser or Ganondorf, I don't see why K Rool needs to be rotated. He's a great villain, he's popular, and he can adapt to fit whatever the theme of the game is no matter how different as he's shown 4 times already.

Rotating K Rool gave us big Tiki and Walrus thing, that's 100% loss in my book.
When the Kremlins show up again, I really I hope that their story continues in a fun new way. Something I loved about the Rare made DK games was the sense of continuity. The Kremlins invade DK island in DKC, then you explore their home island in DKC 2. You blow it up, and in DKC3 it turns out the Kremlins were so outraged by the loss of their home, they ousted K. Rool as their leader (only for K.Rool to continue leading them from the shadows by puppeting their new Robot leader KAOS.). Then in 64, K.Rool is so fed up with losing to the Kongs that he rouses what's left of the Kremlings and builds a mechanical weaponized version of the destroyed Kremling homeland to straight up blow the Kong to smithereens. There's a throughline to the Kremlings story from game to game, even if they change what aesthetic they're going for each game.

I'd love to see that continue in a new game. What have K. Rool and the Kremlings been up to since we last saw them? Have they found a new home (probably by taking over someone else's island)? Maybe they've become a seefaring people, terrorizing the neighboring islands on warships? I really want a new game to capitalize on the Kremling story so far and see where they can take the Kremlings next.
Adding a little bit of Sales Data here for context. I think the orange graph is especially powerful to assess the overall sales history of different franchises.


Blue = Home Console ; Yellow = Handheld Console ; Green = Hybrid Console
Titles marked with * lack official sales numbers


Blue = Home Console ; Yellow = Handheld Console ; Green = Hybrid Console

Top 3 Average Sales per Franchise
It’s crazy how Luigi’s Mansion became one of Nintendo’s biggest series overnight. Three successful console games (the last one being the highest selling Nintendo game ever made by a western dev AND outselling every non-BOTW Zelda), and an arcade game (I’ve played it, it’s pretty fun!).
It’s crazy how Luigi’s Mansion became one of Nintendo’s biggest series overnight. Three successful console games (the last one being the highest selling Nintendo game ever made by a western dev AND outselling every non-BOTW Zelda), and an arcade game (I’ve played it, it’s pretty fun!).
It's also crazy how 1 entry can push your IP up significantly in sales. BotW and New Horizons pushed both Zelda and Animal Crossing to the top in terms of highest selling Nintendo franchises.

Regarding DK, I think the major problem is that the DK audience hasn't grown at all since the N64 days. Even Returns and Tropical Freeze was marketed as DKC nostalgia when if they really want to tap into the higher echelon of sales figures, they'll have to do something as ambitious as BotW or Odyssey imo
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