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StarTopic Nintendo General Discussion |ST Oct. 2021|

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Thought experiment: can you survive a diet of only eating Nintendo-branded food?

For logistical purposes, you are given leeway to ship from wherever you want without cost as it can be shipped through a courier and not a specialized service. No dodgy third-party branded stuff or cheap partnerships unless effort is expended in the partnership (so if a restaurant is offering nintendo-branded meals, the meal itself has to have effort put it to look.. nintendoish.)

so far, my research is all focussed around nintendo lunchables, and I'll be frank. I could survive for a indefinite amount of time on them.
Nintendo may be listening to potential podcasts/game reviews/critical thinkpieces, but hell I wish they'd be a little more explicit in listening, even if the solutions and avenues they explore take time.

"We're listening, too" in their Twitter bio doesn't mean a hell of a lot to me, and it's hard to take seriously when every interview with a head honcho whether Reggie or Doug involves more spin than an airplane propeller. The only time I've seen them acknowledge listening to fans is to pacify the Animal Crossing community with more upgrades coming in the future in a small update in the Switch News section back in September.

I have to imagine the folks at NoA or NERD are desperate to say like “yeah we can acknowledge this criticism” but the moment they even so much as open their mouths Kyoto tightens the leash. All the messaging probably has to go through NCL and they’re usually like “just don’t say anything.”

Based on how gamers behave, it's easy to see why companies don't interact with the community that often. Gamers say they want transparency but often open discussion does little to satisfy them and it often gets employees harassed online.
I am now an Octorok.

It fits my posting style, because I'm mostly sitting around and doing nothing while occasionally lobbing a shitpost at a passing poster (or nothing in particular), like an Octorok shoots a stone at Link.
Based on how gamers behave, it's easy to see why companies don't interact with the community that often. Gamers say they want transparency but often open discussion does little to satisfy them and it often gets employees harassed online.
Yep, I believe that's what happened to Harada and the Tekken community. Even if he wasn't 100% transparent, the dude will had probably gotten less hate if he had kept his mouth shut.
Based on how gamers behave, it's easy to see why companies don't interact with the community that often. Gamers say they want transparency but often open discussion does little to satisfy them and it often gets employees harassed online.
Hey anyone else remember when people upset at Animal Crossing New Horizons scared Aya Kyogoku off Twitter? Anyway
My nightmare job would be a community manager for a videogame company, especially one that runs a live service games. Imagine having to interact with gamers on a daily basis. All of the hate is directed towards you because you are the one who makes post on the Twitter account.
Animal Crossing Amiibo Series 5 is hell as expected.

I managed to preorder 2 packs from Walmart but that's it.

Might try to hit Target when they open on release day.
Based on how gamers behave, it's easy to see why companies don't interact with the community that often. Gamers say they want transparency but often open discussion does little to satisfy them and it often gets employees harassed online.
I've done community management for an indie game studio as a volunteer... yeah it's honestly not the best. Paid or not, I don't know if I'd go back to community management in gaming.
The new Animal Crossing update seems great, but it being the last makes me feel a little wistful about how many things are final.

There will never be:
  • a third Nook's upgrade
  • any minigames
  • work at the café
  • Dr. Shrunk, Lyle, Gracie, Copper, Booker, pelicans, etc
  • more house upgrades (not that it needs them, but I'd have loved a mansion like in Wild World)
  • more stuff
I remember that time the internet got carried away about just how good looking members of the Nintendo Treehouse presentation were at one E3 and it just made me mad that gamers exist for a solid month or two.

They are trying to sell you virtual/and or cardboard toys, not get sexts from you on their public twitter account that their loved ones follow. Boundaries people.
Hey anyone else remember when people upset at Animal Crossing New Horizons scared Aya Kyogoku off Twitter? Anyway
The irony being that those people don't deserve their Animal Crossing, not simply because they're toxic scum, but because Animal Crossing is the most chill game ever so if you're going to be like that what are you even doing playing such a series.
The new Animal Crossing update seems great, but it being the last makes me feel a little wistful about how many things are final.

There will never be:
  • a third Nook's upgrade
  • any minigames
  • work at the café
  • Dr. Shrunk, Lyle, Gracie, Copper, Booker, pelicans, etc
  • more house upgrades (not that it needs them, but I'd have loved a mansion like in Wild World)
  • more stuff

Honestly I think there’s enough in the update for me to put another few hundred hours in. Though I will say: there is a LOT “more stuff” coming in this update. The whole time my girlfriend and I were watching the AC Direct, we were just calling out stuff like “oh that furniture item is new” or “hey that’s back from New Leaf.”
It's been a while since I've been in this thread, friends. I've missed you all. Are we pumped for ST2? Have you got it ready, @Derachi? NGL, I'm pretty excited to see what subtitle you give it, haha

I always found the "last major free content update" wording interesting. I guess that still leaves the door open for new seasonal stuff?
I could see more anniversary stuff released in the game as time goes on. For example, 2022 is the 30th anniversary of Wario. Maybe we get Wario themed merch.
Honestly I think there’s enough in the update for me to put another few hundred hours in. Though I will say: there is a LOT “more stuff” coming in this update. The whole time my girlfriend and I were watching the AC Direct, we were just calling out stuff like “oh that furniture item is new” or “hey that’s back from New Leaf.”
what's interesting about V2 is that it finally brings some parity to older games in terms of some characters, features, and furniture. it doesn't feel like a completely new Animal Crossing that had things added to it, it feels like an Animal Crossing that has finally been finished
what's interesting about V2 is that it finally brings some parity to older games in terms of some characters, features, and furniture. it doesn't feel like a completely new Animal Crossing that had things added to it, it feels like an Animal Crossing that has finally been finished

I've always been content with base NH; this being said I find myself drawing comparisons to Pokemon where features from some games don't carry over to the next, meaning some games feel a little.. fuller? than others. Definitely feel like a fair amount of folk might have burnt themselves out on base NH however, so maybe there's a little bias going into the expansion.
Do Animal Crossing fans really expect every character, feature, and piece of furniture to return to every game and without them, the game is somehow incomplete? New Horizons adds a lot of stuff that wasn't in other games and many people enjoyed the freedom it gave you. Adding in new features often comes at the cost of bring back old stuff. That has been true for games of a similar types to AC like the Sims. I certainly don't go into sequels expecting every last character, item, and location from all the previous games to show back up.
It's been a while since I've been in this thread, friends. I've missed you all. Are we pumped for ST2? Have you got it ready, @Derachi? NGL, I'm pretty excited to see what subtitle you give it, haha
It's coming together! I think the title I've come up with is actually pretty good! I told @Raccoon what it was and he hasn't blocked/muted/ignored me yet so I think that means it's, at the very least, not going to get me banned from this website.

No, I won't tell anyone else what it is. You'll see what it is at exactly 12:01 AM Eastern Time on Monday November 1st 2021! I hope you look forward to it.

what's interesting about V2 is that it finally brings some parity to older games in terms of some characters, features, and furniture. it doesn't feel like a completely new Animal Crossing that had things added to it, it feels like an Animal Crossing that has finally been finished
Yeah, I get that. I have to wonder if the original release for ACNH was like, extremely rushed or something. It definitely felt like the stuff they're adding in now was supposed to be in the base game but they didn't finish it in time.
It's coming together! I think the title I've come up with is actually pretty good! I told @Raccoon what it was and he hasn't blocked/muted/ignored me yet so I think that means it's, at the very least, not going to get me banned from this website.
I have faith in you.
No, I won't tell anyone else what it is. You'll see what it is at exactly 12:01 AM Eastern Time on Monday November 1st 2021! I hope you look forward to it.
I wouldn't want to be spoiled! Ugh, I'm gonna have to stay up late on Sunday night, aren't I
Do Animal Crossing fans really expect every character, feature, and piece of furniture to return to every game and without them, the game is somehow incomplete? New Horizons adds a lot of stuff that wasn't in other games and many people enjoyed the freedom it gave you. Adding in new features often comes at the cost of bring back old stuff. That has been true for games of a similar types to AC like the Sims. I certainly don't go into sequels expecting every last character, item, and location from all the previous games to show back up.
it's not about "every last" character, it's about any character

here are the datamined character models from v1


a similar rip from the gamecube game, even excluding holiday only characters that you could argue are no different being added in patches, would have

tom nook
kk slider
the nooklings
don resetti

it isn't so much about checking boxes as it is making the world of the game feel lived in
I thought I was fine with how things were being added to Animal Crossing New Horizons bit-by-bit gradually, and I didn't need everything to return, but there were definitely some things that felt really off with the base game and after a few months I realized I hated the gradual updates approach. Maybe in theory it could work better, but idk.

I have spent an absolute ungodly amount of time with the game though. More than previous versions, so what do I know lol.
The new Animal Crossing update seems great, but it being the last makes me feel a little wistful about how many things are final.

There will never be:
  • a third Nook's upgrade
  • any minigames
  • work at the café
  • Dr. Shrunk, Lyle, Gracie, Copper, Booker, pelicans, etc
  • more house upgrades (not that it needs them, but I'd have loved a mansion like in Wild World)
  • more stuff
Working at the cafe might still be a thing, as that was datamined a while back, but probably not. Nintendo did say that "You may experience this new content in various ways, some of them outside of what we've shown you today" in the Direct.
Honestly...yeah, maybe for the best that Nintendo is not too open to starting a dialogue with gamers. I mean, even my own reaction to Capcom announcing no crossplay/cross-saves with MH Rise on PC, it wasn't vitriol directed to the SM manager but I was still frustrated and disappointed by the news regardless. It's not even though I want to make remarks to someone so low on the ladder; just getting some more talking points as to the why.

I'm trying to think of a reasonable company that is open with fans, but like...is Microsoft a fair comparison? I get that Phil is mostly a talking head and I don't pay a great deal of attention to MS news, but I still feel that they offer some kind of indication that they're listening for feedback and course correcting accordingly (mostly but especially after the bungled initial Xbone reveal), or stuff like polls about "What Xbox/360 game do you want next to be made available for backwards compatibility?"

Like hell, if Nintendo offered a poll on "What NES/SNES/N64 games do you want to see added to NSO (from this pre-selected list)?", just so they know where they should direct their resources next, or maybe a dedicated 'Other' selection with no promises but if enough people are asking for a specific third party or licensed game they can potentially look to start negotiations.

tl;dr I want to know why Nintendo makes such arguably bone-headed decisions to at least know if they had no other choice or if they did it for whimsy. You can tell me it's a business making business-oriented decisions until you're blue in the face, but you can't convince me that sometimes they just blindly aim at a wall with sticky notes and just go with wherever it lands
it's not about "every last" character, it's about any character

here are the datamined character models from v1


a similar rip from the gamecube game, even excluding holiday only characters that you could argue are no different being added in patches, would have

tom nook
kk slider
the nooklings
don resetti

it isn't so much about checking boxes as it is making the world of the game feel lived in
that kk is slidin

easy and free on the wind

yes I know he doesn’t wear clothes
I'm not here to kinkshame animal crossing characters, I got tumblr for that thanks

*I have no idea how deep tumblr goes into content of this nature anymore. RIP to a terrible, golden time.
it's so they can wear different clothes, whether seasonal or different uniforms
your logical and clear explanation is no match for our chaos reactor!

to the tune of the whistling in “Town Hall and Tom Nook’s Store - Animal Crossing: Wild World” as arranged in the Smash Ultimate OST…

♫ nudity, nudity, nudity nudity… nu-dit-y, nudity nudity… ♫

huh, the trident has entered the cooler Daniel

never seen that one before
My trident was supposed to arrive by 7PM today, but as of this morning it was still in Pennsylvania. I wasn't surprised when the ETA updated to Monday but it was still disappointing :(
My trident was supposed to arrive by 7PM today, but as of this morning it was still in Pennsylvania. I wasn't surprised when the ETA updated to Monday but it was still disappointing :(
oddly mine still insists it’s coming today, despite not being listed as on a truck or anything

huh, the trident has entered the cooler Daniel

never seen that one before

Poseidon's Pitchfork is due to arrive next week Thursday. Hopefully in your case it's set to arrive before the end of the day (or does Purolator deliver on weekends?)
which now that I type that out, I'm realizing that really I just want it to be Xenoblade Chronicles 2. Huh

That's the game I booted up the most while also spending time with GI! And yeah, I always found myself wishing GI was more like Xeno 2. I wouldn't even mind if it stripped out most of the BotW inspired mechanics to accomplish that, as I felt it didn't make the most of them anyways (at least in the beginning, which might change further into the game, so my perspective is clearly limited here!).
Basically, more elaborate JRPG, less BotW-like/open world sandbox = probably a better version of GI, to me at least!
Everyone is focusing on Tom Nook and Isabelle. Much more concerning is the Nookling. Hello, FBI?

The comparison isn't quite the slam dunk though. 18 characters are shown in the picture against 26 in the list. However, the picture shows Orville but not Wilbur, which is a bit unfair. And Redd, Lief, Gullivaarr and Pascal were added as permanent fixtures within the first several months at a decent pace. So the difference isn't that stark. And that's not considering that the premise of setting up on an initially uninhabited island is supposed to come with a quieter more isolated vibe.
User banned for a period of one week: Inappropriate and harmful joke, misogynistic in nature - Donnie, Mazi, BozPaggs
your logical and clear explanation is no match for our chaos reactor!

to the tune of the whistling in “Town Hall and Tom Nook’s Store - Animal Crossing: Wild World” as arranged in the Smash Ultimate OST…

♫ nudity, nudity, nudity nudity… nu-dit-y, nudity nudity… ♫

How old is Melinda/Isabell. Do i get in trouble for saving her leaked nudes..? Asking for a friend.
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