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Pre-Release Fire Emblem Engage — Pre-release Discussion Thread

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This will be Fire Emblem in 2023.
I hope you can wear this haircut for Alear outside of the rythm game too. I have to say: with the other outfits from the video and the hairtail she would way more enduring to me (I'm happy enough I can choose other outfits to go away from the boob belt.
Oh boy, Rosada. 😬

They have a stereotypical voice on the website for a negative gay man/okama trope. I hope the localisation handles this better

If this is the case I hope they make them more like Forrest in fates in the localization. One of the better handled characters in that game (a well handled gender non-conformist would be fine too, but I really hope for a well handled non-binary character like
in XC3)
I wouldn't really describe that as the okama voice as the okama voice tends to be clearly masculine whereas this is more in the inbetween range. It's more the girlish boy type voice that aoi shouta is typecast as.
Age of calamity DLC seem like it had no impact. Might’ve have even done poorly.

Maybe that’s why for Three Hopes. But I don’t think that’s it. I think Three Hopes was just completed fully. I can’t really think of anybody to add as playable from Three Houses. Golden Path is probably the best they could’ve done, but looks like they found it unnecessary
Yeah basically the whole cast was in from the off so there wasn't much they could do DLC wise, aside from a 'Silver Snow' esque route where you recruited different combinations of characters.

Maybe they could have added in other FE characters as some fanservice, like maybe the Greil Mercenaries rock up as a rival mercenary band to Geralt's and you recruit them to fight in the war. But I guess they didn't want to 'cheapen' the Three Houses world like that.
I wouldn't really describe that as the okama voice as the okama voice tends to be clearly masculine whereas this is more in the inbetween range. It's more the girlish boy type voice that aoi shouta is typecast as.

Worth noting that Aoi Shouta has voiced some trans girls before (the only one I'm somewhat familiar with is in an anime called Symphogear, and my friend tells me there's another but I'm not as familiar with that one).
While I'd like to trust the game, we're only three mainline games removed from Soleil lol. Guess we will have to wait and see how they turn out.
God I haven't been keeping up with the Serenes Forest recaps and translations, I have a lot of reading to do.
Super excited to see the Three lords making an appearance!
But this makes me think the Heroes won't have such a big impact story/lore wise because they can be added later as an afterthought with these dlc waves.. that makes me kind of sad. However gameplay gimmick wise, getting new Heroes does sound fun!

I feel like theres a big chance one of the other waves will atleast include Chrom/Robin/Azura
Man, I don't know. FE is one of my favorite Ninty series, but I just don't like what I'm seeing here. It looks like another Fates for better or worse (the "worse" part being much bigger).
DLC/season passes, particularly those announced so early, leave a bad taste in my mouth.
There's nothing really egregious in the launch day DLC pack. There are two Emblems that were not going to be base-game content regardless, some items and accessories, and a silver card to lower shop prices.
Yeah. Also it's not really super early. It's 6 weeks until lunch. The game is already gone gold and most likely already shipped to shops. It's a standard practice to start developing DLCs around this time for Day 1 DLC.
This was also Pokémon in 2022.
Yeah we had a "emotional exercise thing for one of the gym challenges and it was much more cringy than this
the only thing cringe about it and some of the other gym challenges is how none of them are fleshed out. pokemon is in dire need of side content and yet here's fire emblem giving you exercising, rhythm, fishing, a mother fucking rail shooter, and a strangely erotic ring polishing mini game
So the "gatcha" rings for the not major emblems are just minor stat boosts for the rest of your army if you don't have enough story significant rings/dlc rings?
This game is just weird, man. It feels like they've bundled every single negative stereotype towards the series into one game, and yet it looks to be a really high quality experience.

Probably gonna end up like Xenoblade Chronicles 2 if I had to guess, you either love it or hate it.
This game is just weird, man. It feels like they've bundled every single negative stereotype towards the series into one game, and yet it looks to be a really high quality experience.

Probably gonna end up like Xenoblade Chronicles 2 if I had to guess, you either love it or hate it.
At least with FE:E you can customize character outfits so at worst if you're 🤢 at the default female designs/outfits you can dress them up in something more plain.
This game is just weird, man. It feels like they've bundled every single negative stereotype towards the series into one game, and yet it looks to be a really high quality experience.

Probably gonna end up like Xenoblade Chronicles 2 if I had to guess, you either love it or hate it.

I mean, not that different from Fates. I LOVE conquest for it gameplay. And I love some characters (Forrest was a great exemple of a gender-nonconformist boy who cleares his issues with his father, Nyx is one of the better exemples of the 'looks young but actually an adult' tropes which FE does very badly with Tiki etc). But everything else? Besides some nice exemples most of the supports and characters were tropey (and let's not talk about the bad representation and stupid stuff like certain Soleil supports, you know which one), the story was bad and some of the sidecontent very strange. It's a very... special experience.
This game is just weird, man. It feels like they've bundled every single negative stereotype towards the series into one game, and yet it looks to be a really high quality experience.
This game feels like a very weird U-turn. Thought Intelligent Systems got the message after Echoes and 3H's toned the BS down, but now it seems they want to top Fates. At least gameplay-wise, Engage looks very competent. Even though I fear that the Engage mechanics are not very balanced.
This game feels like a very weird U-turn. Thought Intelligent Systems got the message after Echoes and 3H's toned the BS down, but now it seems they want to top Fates. At least gameplay-wise, Engage looks competent.
Let's hope it's just because it's an "anniversary game" which wants to bring back all this feature to celebrate the franchise and not because they want to stick to them.
I mean, not that different from Fates. I LOVE conquest for it gameplay. And I love some characters (Forrest was a great exemple of a gender-nonconformist boy who cleares his issues with his father, Nyx is one of the better exemples of the 'looks young but actually an adult' tropes which FE does very badly with Tiki etc). But everything else? Besides some nice exemples most of the supports and characters were tropey (and let's not talk about the bad representation and stupid stuff like certain Soleil supports, you know which one), the story was bad and some of the sidecontent very strange. It's a very... special experience.
I'm curious. Who is Soleil?
I'm curious. Who is Soleil?
Soleil is a character from Fates who can be romanced by a male character despite otherwise being presented as a lesbian. Her support is full of unfortunate "I was gay, but I'm straight for you" type stuff.

I don't recall if this was removed in the localization or not, Fates had some very heavy rewrites in localization lol.

EDIT: I'm remembering a potion was involved that made her believe the male character was a woman at some point. Yikes.
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This game feels like a very weird U-turn. Thought Intelligent Systems got the message after Echoes and 3H's toned the BS down, but now it seems they want to top Fates. At least gameplay-wise, Engage looks very competent. Even though I fear that the Engage mechanics are not very balanced.
It's not that much of a U-turn. Most of what was in that trailer was there in Three Houses. Minigames like fishing, socializing via meals, and tea parties are all examples of that. The context is just different in Engage. There's a greater variety of minigames, meals are still present, and tea time appears to have been replaced with polishing rings. And yes, people can think it suggestive, but also, they're rings.

This is still a far cry from Fates, and I feel like this is the old FE fandom alarmism sneaking back in.
It's not that much of a U-turn. Most of what was in that trailer was there in Three Houses. Minigames like fishing, socializing via meals, and tea parties are all examples of that. The context is just different in Engage. There's a greater variety of minigames, meals are still present, and tea time appears to have been replaced with polishing rings. And yes, people can think it suggestive, but also, they're rings.

This is still a far cry from Fates, and I feel like this is the old FE fandom alarmism sneaking back in.
I don't know if I'd go that far, this game seems to be picking up plenty of cues from Fates as well.

Most of these character designs wouldn't look out of place in Fates, and the "Lord and two retainers" structure of character relations from Fates is also back in this one. So far the home base looks like a combination of the base from Fates and Garreg Mach, especially with what looked like a PVP mode?

To be clear, I don't think that just because this game seems to be taking cues from Fates its destined to be bad. Fates was a mostly good game that really only fell apart with the writing, and Conquest in particular is one of the best Fire Emblem games around. I just think this game seems to be taking more cues from Fates than say Three Houses or even Awakening (the previous "franchise celebration" game).
I don't know if I'd go that far, this game seems to be picking up plenty of cues from Fates as well.

Most of these character designs wouldn't look out of place in Fates, and the "Lord and two retainers" structure of character relations from Fates is also back in this one. So far the home base looks like a combination of the base from Fates and Garreg Mach, especially with what looked like a PVP mode?

To be clear, I don't think that just because this game seems to be taking cues from Fates its destined to be bad. Fates was a mostly good game that really only fell apart with the writing, and Conquest in particular is one of the best Fire Emblem games around. I just think this game seems to be taking more cues from Fates than say Three Houses or even Awakening (the previous "franchise celebration" game).
That's fair. I just think people need to remember the main issue with Fates was the writing. (People were also critical of the character designs of course, but the writing. Hoo.) The fact that Engage has a number of gameplay content similarities to Fates doesn't mean that the game will be Fates 2.
I've long since been of the opinion that Engage is an intentional return to the 3DS format, and I think a lot of people agree on that front. Given that both Awakening and Fates had pretty weak narratives along with Engage's anniversary focus, and I don't really blame anyone for being skeptical of the story and writing, even if we don't really have any reason to. Nothing about Engage's premise or story has done anything to capture my interest so far, at least.
As a casual amiibo enthusiast I was also happy to see some amiibo customization in the base trailer. It's no bonus units, but I'm happy to see they continue to throw little things in for those of us who collected the little plastic figures lol.

I'll be able to bust out the squad for release day.
I know everyone likes to dump on Fates, and in many cases rightfully so, but it's impossible to deny it's sales success and lasting popularity among FE fans. I feel like most of Fates problems were a result of trying to make 3 separate games which lead to large parts of all of them not getting the level of polish they deserve. Even 3 Houses buckled under it's own ambition with one route being pretty blatantly unfinished and two routes being copy paste of each other.

The fact Engage is apparently one story like the classic FE titles alone has me fairly confident the game as a whole will be a lot more polished then Fates or 3 Houses.
I know everyone likes to dump on Fates, and in many cases rightfully so, but it's impossible to deny it's sales success and lasting popularity among FE fans. I feel like most of Fates problems were a result of trying to make 3 separate games which lead to large parts of all of them not getting the level of polish they deserve. Even 3 Houses buckled under it's own ambition with one route being pretty blatantly unfinished and two routes being copy paste of each other.

The fact Engage is apparently one story like the classic FE titles alone has me fairly confident the game as a whole will be a lot more polished then Fates or 3 Houses.
Yes, as far as we know Engage has no branching paths, which I think should raise expectations for the quality of the story.

I'm curious if they're holding back a time skip or second generation though. I know many weren't thrilled that they pulled a second generation back to back with Awakening and Fates, but I find the "eugenics simulator" and matchmaking to be pretty engaging, and they make for a great incentive to have multiple playthroughs even without a branching storyline.

That said, there are already a good amount of characters, and they all have Emblem outfits, which, while not unique, still require work to make, so I don't know that they have the budget for even more "customizable" characters.

(though all these women with hearts and stars and stitching on their faces could easily have children that "inherit" this eccentricity lol)
That's fair. I just think people need to remember the main issue with Fates was the writing. (People were also critical of the character designs of course, but the writing. Hoo.) The fact that Engage has a number of gameplay content similarities to Fates doesn't mean that the game will be Fates 2.
Maybe this is a bad comparison but I look at it like Let’s Go Pikachu/Eevee. They had a mobile gameplay component(from pogo) but inside of a pretty generic Pokemon game. And it worked. It was fun.
Yes, as far as we know Engage has no branching paths, which I think should raise expectations for the quality of the story.

I'm curious if they're holding back a time skip or second generation though. I know many weren't thrilled that they pulled a second generation back to back with Awakening and Fates, but I find the "eugenics simulator" and matchmaking to be pretty engaging, and they make for a great incentive to have multiple playthroughs even without a branching storyline.

That said, there are already a good amount of characters, and they all have Emblem outfits, which, while not unique, still require work to make, so I don't know that they have the budget for even more "customizable" characters.

(though all these women with hearts and stars and stitching on their faces could easily have children that "inherit" this eccentricity lol)
Did Fates have branching paths?
Did Fates have branching paths?
If you bought all the versions, technically yes. There are three routes in Fates, the trick is that they sold them separately.

If you bought the other routes as DLC you choose which route you want to follow at the end of the prologue, otherwise the game chooses for you.

Conquest and Birthright were the two original routes, and the third, Revelations, is essentially the Golden Route that combines the two and gets really wild. Revelations was only available as DLC or in the combined special edition.

Edit: Here is the Pokemon side by side lol:

I’m excited for this game because it looks really fun.

I’m also not excited for this game because I know that when it comes out most of the newer/casual fanbase will enjoy it, while the older/“hardcore” fanbase will act like this is the worst thing that has ever happened to them and all discussion on the game and most likely the entire series will be ruined for the following 3-4 years, especially if this becomes the new best selling entry.

Please. I can’t take another Fates situation.
I’m excited for this game because it looks really fun.

I’m also not excited for this game because I know that when it comes out most of the newer/casual fanbase will enjoy it, while the older/“hardcore” fanbase will act like this is the worst thing that has ever happened to them and all discussion on the game and most likely the entire series will be ruined for the following 3-4 years, especially if this becomes the new best selling entry.

Please. I can’t take another Fates situation.
We went from Fates Discourse to Edelgard Discourse. I fully expect some group will be vocally unhappy about something regarding Engage and turn that into the next Discourse until FE18.
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