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StarTopic Nintendo General Discussion |ST10 2022 July| ve A Live

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This is so painfully inaccurate but it still made me laugh

Like when Derachi pretends, as a joke, that Yakuza isn't anime
Talked with someone today at the place I go to that went with a similar issue like with my hand that also,plays games and made the mistake of not taking care of it and had surgery done on it in the end. He still plays games but even he recommends I take a break from games from time to time
Yeah but did you see my joke earlier where I implied that it was garbage? That was funny right

It’s funny to call things bad when people like them
You know what's bad?


I’m very happy Xenoblade 3 seems to have backtracked from the… morally questionable character designs from 2. At least from what I’ve seen (not much tbh)

they should make Xenoblade 2 Naive Angel Mode
As a Xenoblade fan, I genuinely agree with all the above

Also I’m going to be honest: it’s an extremely minor thing, but I think the Japanese series title “Xenoblade” sounds wayyyy slicker and better than “Xenoblade Chronicles.” I have always found “Chronicles” a very clunky word to put into a title.
Also agree. It'd be dumb as hell but I've seriously considered trying to snag a set of Japanese inserts for my games, just for that reason.

wait I just realized this whole string of replies is all to Derachi what the eff
Not sure what the policy is on shameless self-promotion, so please delete this if it is deemed inappropriate.

My brother and a friend of ours have been recording a podcast for two years. It is very humble and mostly just done so we have an excuse to shoot the shit. This week. we tried something different: https://t.co/6gPEN5J0Wr. It is just a conversation about our least favorite mechanics in the industry today.

If anyone is super bored this weekend and needs to fill the void, please give us a listen and let us know if we suck! And, like I said, please delete if this is not on the up-and-up.
Near Future is my favourite Live Alive chapter so far. Love me a giant robot song.

Which reminds me... when is Mystical Ninja 64 coming to NSO?
As a Xenoblade fan, I genuinely agree with all the above
So like, I haven’t played any Xenoblade 2, and only dabbled with Xenoblade 1 on 3DS for like 5-ish hours

What… is Xenoblade 2’s deal? Why the sudden shift to what I’ll call “fanservice-focused“ character design? Is there a story reason? Or does it come down to “they wanted to sell merch” like it so often does? And is it as bad in-game as it.. looks? Like I don’t want to start an argument about character design morality, and I absolutely do NOT want to dunk on people who like XB2, I simply want to have a genuinely good-faith conversation about it.
So like, I haven’t played any Xenoblade 2, and only dabbled with Xenoblade 1 on 3DS for like 5-ish hours

What… is Xenoblade 2’s deal? Why the sudden shift to what I’ll call “fanservice-focused“ character design? Is there a story reason? Or does it come down to “they wanted to sell merch” like it so often does? And is it as bad in-game as it.. looks? Like I don’t want to start an argument about character design morality, and I absolutely do NOT want to dunk on people who like XB2, I simply want to have a genuinely good-faith conversation about it.

It just is what it is because they felt that's the tone they wanted for the game. It looks corny and cringy as hell, but there's not much more discussion past that honestly.

The only criticism I could justify, beyond specific characters' designs themselves, is that later parts of the story (as well as overall themes and direct applications of Gnosticism and various Platonic concepts) are more obfuscated by the near impenetrable barrier of said character design. Because there's a lot to talk about, philosophically speaking.

The characters are designed as per the tone of the story, and the same case is with 3. They decided that since the story of 3 is morose and mature, the main character designer Saito would be asked to design the characters as such.

As an aside, 2's combat system is my favorite I've ever played and is only one of the things that keeps me coming back. The other is the stunningly gorgeous world design and music (see Uraya's stomach + music, Leftharia + day music, Argentum day music)
It just is what it is because they felt that's the tone they wanted for the game. It looks corny and cringy as hell, but there's not much more discussion past that honestly.
Gotcha. Well, if it’s kinda only surface-level corn/cringe then I get that there’s not much to talk about.
So like, I haven’t played any Xenoblade 2, and only dabbled with Xenoblade 1 on 3DS for like 5-ish hours

What… is Xenoblade 2’s deal? Why the sudden shift to what I’ll call “fanservice-focused“ character design? Is there a story reason? Or does it come down to “they wanted to sell merch” like it so often does? And is it as bad in-game as it.. looks? Like I don’t want to start an argument about character design morality, and I absolutely do NOT want to dunk on people who like XB2, I simply want to have a genuinely good-faith conversation about it.
Hiding behind a tag because it turned into a textwall:
To add to what @bellydrum said, the creator, Tetsuya Takahashi said that with the past Xeno games being very heavy and serious from the beginning, he wanted Xenoblade 2 to have a much more goofy and upbeat story, more like a shounen manga. This is, we assume, why XB2's first half is chock-full of cringey anime tropes. They're sorta par for the course for the genre he was mimicking. And then the rug-pull in the last half to show all the really heavy shit going on under the goofy surface, like then it becomes a real Xenogame. As opposed to Xenoblade 1, which starts with some pretty gnarly happenings and basically stays dour.

So that's sorta the deal. It was done deliberately to create a contrast from the works that came before, and to make the last half of the game more of a gut-punch.

And as far as the character designs, they hired a manga artist who (and afaik this isn't exactly unusual among manga artists but still) also does NSFW works. And I think a little bit of his.. let's say "secondary" style, came through a bit in the designs. It's weird because they even made mention of it in interviews, saying "Pyra and Mythra are covered and uncovered in very specifically opposite ways, to symbolize that they are two halves of a whole" but I dunno if that's a sincere oversight on their part as to how the final product would come across or if they are trying to explain away the decision to make them very revealing. Chicken or egg? 🤷‍♂️

In my opinion the fanservicey designs aren't, like, terrible in-game, as most of the time I'm drooling over the landscapes, but in the cutscenes it ranges from "sorta there" to "in your face." There are two cutscenes in particular that do make a thing of it in a very 90s-Toriyama-esque "this is supposed to be funny and goofy haha it's so embarrassing" way that comes across as cringey and juvenile at best. It's very weird and unfortunate, and I wish I had more insight into the team's perspective of it than I do. In an interview for XB3 the team even said something along the lines of "We wanted Saito to do costume designs that were more serious, since the story is much more serious this time," and if they think "fully dressed" means "serious" that makes me wonder if they really do associate fanservice with "goofy and lighthearted," I dunno.

And if it was "so they could sell merch" then that'd be a surprise to me, since there was barely any.
My stance will always be that RPGs can still tell a deep story without taking themselves too seriously. XC2 seems to have tried too hard to achieve that.

I think DQ has always had the perfect balance of that.
kind of wish Hot Shots/ Everybody’s Golf stayed with the “Harvest Moon characters go golfing“ vibe in the first game instead of the “This is clayfighters except golf now“ vibe they went with in the next few games
kind of wish Hot Shots/ Everybody’s Golf stayed with the “Harvest Moon characters go golfing“ vibe in the first game instead of the “This is clayfighters except golf now“ vibe they went with in the next few games
whatever happened to that franchise anyway? I enjoyed Open Tee on the PSP but then I just sort of never heard about it again, at least not to the extent you hear about Mario Golf or even the old Tiger Woods games
whatever happened to that franchise anyway? I enjoyed Open Tee on the PSP but then I just sort of never heard about it again, at least not to the extent you hear about Mario Golf or even the old Tiger Woods games
Dev went solo and put a game on Apple Arcade, the IP might be done.
What I need is to somehow make one of those videos where the camera slowly pans and each of the monsters from my game shows up in the middle for like 1-2 seconds.

Man I wish I knew how to make cool trailers.
Everybody knows that 90% of Xenoblade 2 is screaming at the screen about field skill checks.
You know, that's probably why I bailed on the game very early on. I recall hitting the first field skill check I couldn't do, didn't think to write it down and then the following week I was onto playing something else.

I absolutely think they're a neat idea (I loved in Golden Sun that your abilities were used for environment puzzles) except for the fact that it's gated by RNG and in this day and age it's incredibly rare for a game to require writing anything down. Especially RPGs.
You know, that's probably why I bailed on the game very early on. I recall hitting the first field skill check I couldn't do, didn't think to write it down and then the following week I was onto playing something else.

I absolutely think they're a neat idea (I loved in Golden Sun that your abilities were used for environment puzzles) except for the fact that it's gated by RNG and in this day and age it's incredibly rare for a game to require writing anything down. Especially RPGs.
As someone who hasn't played it and never really plans to, what is this deal with field skill checks? I keep hearing about it but I don't understand the mechanic.
As someone who hasn't played it and never really plans to, what is this deal with field skill checks? I keep hearing about it but I don't understand the mechanic.
Very simple to understand (/s):
  • Every character can attach up to 3 other characters called Blades. Your active party can have up to 9 Blades at once.
  • Every Blade has a certain amount of Field Skills.
  • Field Skills can reach level from 1 to 5 but most go to 3.
  • Field Skills can fall into one of several different types like elemental mastery, collection etc.
  • A Field Skill check works basically like this. Let's say you find a tablet in a language you don't understand. It'll say something like "Ancient Wisdom Level 3". That means you need to have blades in your active party with the Field Skill "Ancient Wisdom" and a cumulative level of 3. So either A) 3x Lv. 1 B) 1x Lv. 3 C) 1x Lv. 1 + 1x Lv. 2
Where things get tricky:
  • You have to have the Blades with the corresponding Field Skills equipped.
  • Some of the most useful Field Skills are only on Rare and Special Blades.
  • Rare and Special blades are more difficult to get through the game's randomized (gacha) summoning system.
  • Leveling up a Field Skill can sometimes be a hassle.
  • You don't always have access to all Blade slots.
I'm pretty sure I'm forgetting something but that's the gist of it.
What's everyone up to

Is everyone playing Xenoblade 3
Not right now. However, after playing for about one hour during my lunch break, I am currently thinking I am two hours away from being able to get back to it for what should be a longer session. Does that count?
Its very good, but they also double down on the dialog during the mission and boss fights, but there is now an option to completely disable it
I've always ignored the dialogue because of that haha, guess I'll do so for the third time.
Very simple to understand (/s):
  • Every character can attach up to 3 other characters called Blades. Your active party can have up to 9 Blades at once.
  • Every Blade has a certain amount of Field Skills.
  • Field Skills can reach level from 1 to 5 but most go to 3.
  • Field Skills can fall into one of several different types like elemental mastery, collection etc.
  • A Field Skill check works basically like this. Let's say you find a tablet in a language you don't understand. It'll say something like "Ancient Wisdom Level 3". That means you need to have blades in your active party with the Field Skill "Ancient Wisdom" and a cumulative level of 3. So either A) 3x Lv. 1 B) 1x Lv. 3 C) 1x Lv. 1 + 1x Lv. 2
Where things get tricky:
  • You have to have the Blades with the corresponding Field Skills equipped.
  • Some of the most useful Field Skills are only on Rare and Special Blades.
  • Rare and Special blades are more difficult to get through the game's randomized (gacha) summoning system.
  • Leveling up a Field Skill can sometimes be a hassle.
  • You don't always have access to all Blade slots.
I'm pretty sure I'm forgetting something but that's the gist of it.
Okay, the idea in concept is fine. Skill checks for various overworld interactions is nothing new. But tying it to the randomized gacha system is what I was missing, that's a really dumb and shortsighted design choice IMO.

I have similar skill checks in my game but you get to decide what skills your character has, and I'm planning to never have a situation where your characters simply cannot have the required skill.

Might be tough to justify letting a Barbarian learn the Linguist skill but I'll find a way!!
What's everyone up to

Is everyone playing Xenoblade 3
Nah, packing for a vacation. Equally fun I'd imagine.
I've always ignored the dialogue because of that haha, guess I'll do so for the third time.
This time it's worst because now the dialog window is kinda bigger and during boss battle the boss pic covers completely the left down corner whick makes the battle harder because you can't see what the hell they are doing. I don't know how they approved that. IX and IX2 was waay better in this reegard
I've got a Xenoblade 2 question. Should I buy the Expansion Pass before starting the game? I noticed it has extra quests and some item gifts. I'm kinda worried the item gifts or quest rewards could break the game's progression.
I'm pretty sure I'm forgetting something but that's the gist of it.
Nope, you pretty thoroughly described the nightmare. 👍

What's everyone up to

Is everyone playing Xenoblade 3
Trying to move. I say "trying" because things like transporting boxes/furniture or cleaning up an empty room go from being a chore into a gauntlet when you have weeks straight of temps over 100°.

Its very good, but they also double down on the dialog during the mission and boss fights, but there is now an option to completely disable it
So happy to hear it turned out well. It's on my wishlist but I haven't played the rest of the series. Only found out about it from of those "upcoming indies" videos on the youtubs
Damn, Astral Chain is still 60 Euros on the eShop and physical copies are also for the most part still at full price.
Gonna wait for a sale or look out for a used copy I guess.

Do I buy a physical copy of Xenoblade 2 while they’re still sort of available? Might need to add it to my physical Xeno collection. I haven’t bought a physical game in years but this is tempting.
Also I’m going to be honest: it’s an extremely minor thing, but I think the Japanese series title “Xenoblade” sounds wayyyy slicker and better than “Xenoblade Chronicles.” I have always found “Chronicles” a very clunky word to put into a title.
I make a point never to call it that lol. Also it’s. “Xenoblade Cross,” not “Xenoblade Chronicles Ex”
I was looking for horse memes and I saw something I really did not want to see.

How does one do hide content?

I am not showing it here
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