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Pre-Release Xenoblade Chronicles 3: Pre-release Discussion Thread (Spoilers from leaks/early copies NOT allowed)

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is absolutely a main premise point for Xenoblade, and Alvis's number one concern and driving force for his urgency towards the end of the game. He actually says the universe does not have long left and a new one must be created.

Somewhat offtopic, but this seemed suspicious to me at the time.
Far from being the disinterested administrative AI that you would expect, Alvis was directly manipulating events and even Shulk into the desired outcome. Shulk even calls him out on it - "It sounds like you don't trust me - I'm supposed to be the God!" (or something like that).
In the scene just before, Shulk's friends all deliver a lecture to him about how it is that people should live, except they weren't Shulk's friends, they were a simulation by Alvis, constructs formed from Shulk's memories. In fact no time elapses from the death blow delivered to Zanza and the creation of the new universe - Shulk's friends stand motionless in the background, almost leaving an open question that maybe the universe had already ended with the death of its two creators. Which has all sorts of other unsettling implications for the new world (in that, for example, that's not really Dunban over there anymore, just a recreation).

Considering that a theme of the game was about free-will vs. determinism, with Shulk being the inversion of the typical hero in this type of story (in that, yes, he is destined and prophesised, but victory requires him to reject his destiny and avert prophecy), Alvis basically manipulating him into making him a colossal decision (and that decision to be that humans should be able exist without fate) is just.. Weird.
I felt like Alvis was following a programming directive to continue experimenting, to continue evolving the world in an endless transition with no stable point. He certainly didn't have any moral objections when Zanza decided to try to destroy the Mechonis - it was specifically the continual reset of life that seemed to bother the dude.

Then I played 2 and thought nothing of it.
Maybe the dissonance was just in my mind, or even if it wasn't, it was just something that didn't occur to the writers.

But 3 already has me recontextualising 1 and 2.
Somewhat offtopic, but this seemed suspicious to me at the time.
Far from being the disinterested administrative AI that you would expect, Alvis was directly manipulating events and even Shulk into the desired outcome. Shulk even calls him out on it - "It sounds like you don't trust me - I'm supposed to be the God!" (or something like that).
In the scene just before, Shulk's friends all deliver a lecture to him about how it is that people should live, except they weren't Shulk's friends, they were a simulation by Alvis, constructs formed from Shulk's memories. In fact no time elapses from the death blow delivered to Zanza and the creation of the new universe - Shulk's friends stand motionless in the background, almost leaving an open question that maybe the universe had already ended with the death of its two creators. Which has all sorts of other unsettling implications for the new world (in that, for example, that's not really Dunban over there anymore, just a recreation).

Considering that a theme of the game was about free-will vs. determinism, with Shulk being the inversion of the typical hero in this type of story (in that, yes, he is destined and prophesised, but victory requires him to reject his destiny and avert prophecy), Alvis basically manipulating him into making him a colossal decision (and that decision to be that humans should be able exist without fate) is just.. Weird.
I felt like Alvis was following a programming directive to continue experimenting, to continue evolving the world in an endless transition with no stable point. He certainly didn't have any moral objections when Zanza decided to try to destroy the Mechonis - it was specifically the continual reset of life that seemed to bother the dude.

Then I played 2 and thought nothing of it.
Maybe the dissonance was just in my mind, or even if it wasn't, it was just something that didn't occur to the writers.

But 3 already has me recontextualising 1 and 2.
Xenoblade is a pretty fun take on determinism vs free will, as it starts with a determined world, as a story literally written by an in game author, and then injects a free willed agent of chaos into it. Like imagine there is a play running, it has to go on, but some random asshole got in back stage and keeps running out on stage and doing shit. Like say a character is supposed to tragically die to a monster but he runs on stage and saves him. Now he's alive, and still there for all the rest of the acts where he has no part written..... Now he's a free willed asshole doing whatever he wants on set. The impact of the act ripples out. Butterfly effect.

Manipulating shulk seemed to be a national past time of the bionis/mechonis universe.

Zanzas entire plan, his pre established harmony of events, was a big horse and pony heroes journey show to manipulate shulk, his next vessel (and as such one of the only beings with free will potential in the universe) into following his plan of his own free will. Alvis, was trying to manipulate him into defeating zanza, and making a new universe, and even Meyneth, specifically chose Fioras body for her vessel, in order to manipulate shulk into choosing the direction away from zanza.

Alvis was definitely pretty sus. Definitely leaned further into that hal 9000 inspiration than any of Takahashi's other ai's before blade.

They established pretty early on that he was capable of straight up lying and deception. Well before they established front and center that he was an ai.

And they also established he can't really do much of anything Monado wise unless a user issues a command for him to execute. He is very.... Prompty. Which definitely feels following programmingy. He seems to stretch as much as possible the interpretations of his programming, but still ultimately seems bound by it. So indirect, manipulation is pretty much his main game.

I'm not sure what kind of morality a being like alvis would have, or how he would express it, my guess is functional rather than emotional, but he does seem to be following the Monadologys law of sufficient reason from a big picture standpoint.

Say, if he did take issue with zanza deciding to destroy the mechonis? What would he do about it? He seems restricted from disobeying zanzas commands as a user and simply not executing them. So he would need another user to counter him, and make the commands he wants/needs to achieve his goal, hopefully by finding a user who shares the same goals.

We know of 3 users or, as I guess they have been dubbed now: Drivers to Alvis during this story. They are the exact same number of beings who are capable of existing outside the pre established harmony of events. All Monado users come through Alvis.

Zanza, Meyneth, and Shulk.

we actually know quite a lot about the commands both zanza and Shulk made through Alvis. We know basically nothing about Meneyths relationship with alvis. In fact the lack of information is such a complete black hole, that if we didn't know every Monado user (as opposed to beings used by the monado, like Arglas and Dunban) has a direct relationship with alvis, the Monado, we would be led to believe these two never came into contact or ever had anything to do with one another.

Zanza obviously isn't going to make the commands Alvis wants to execute. But he can not directly disobey him.

Meyneth seems like she definitely would make the kind of commands Alvis would prefer, or already did/was. However, due to her refusing to consume her creations to repower and revitalize herself, defeating/stalemating Zanza resulted in her going out of commission and into hibernation. So she wasn't on the playing field for the time being, and even if she were, she might not be enough.

when zanza went into hibernation, he set into motion a plan, what he called a pre established harmony of events. In reality he wrote and had alvis execute an overwrought, overcomplicated, program script that encompassed the mechonis, bionis, and all the beings on it, to deliver his new vessel, shulk, and set up a show that would get his vessel (who could not be directly programmed like other beings) prepared, so he can take, and use it to continue his existance.

We do not know what Meyneth did before she went into slumber. But she sure as shoot seemed to have a plan in place the moment she came back. She was very quickly up to speed on what Egil was doing, had an inside woman ready, and took advantage of his face mechon program to specifically aquire fioras body for her host, whom she already knew was close to zanzas chosen vessel. So maybe she's really fast on the uptake, or maybe she has access to a technology that can run simulations covering long periods of time that can be so accurate they can be seen as visions of the future..... Regaurdless, she hit the ground running when she came back, and quickly threw a massive wrench in zanzas delicate pre established harmony machinery, majorly over clocking shulks butterfly effect rampage to more of a.... Bull in a china shop effect.

So yeah, there was a lot of shulk manipulation going on.

if you want to get into some really uncomfortable mind slips with this story, think of Fiora and shulks relationship before Fiora gained free will.

everyone in the universe was part of a script for shulk, so Fiora was actually zanza (everyone was besides shulk and characters like Dickson, who while knowing what was going on, didn't exactly have free will in a different way). Every heart to heart about past events, like talking about getting married, and the sandwich scene, was zanza. He wrote the script.

Upon escaping the pre established harmony of events, the fake relationship between shulk and Fiora, something entirely scripted by zanza, is never thought about, or examined by either of them, they just keep on going with it.
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How will the allies join you this time?
In the previous two games, you would meet someone new, spend some time with them and then they join you for reasons.
Here, everyone knows each other or at least what faction they belong to. Will you have to them, then explanation time and then they join you? or will something else happen?
The game will probably just start with just Noah, then Mio joins you and you'llbe alone for a while.
How will the allies join you this time?
In the previous two games, you would meet someone new, spend some time with them and then they join you for reasons.
Here, everyone knows each other or at least what faction they belong to. Will you have to them, then explanation time and then they join you? or will something else happen?
The game will probably just start with just Noah, then Mio joins you and you'llbe alone for a while.
Bear in mind, Shulk, Reyn, Fiora, and Dunban all knew each other at the start of the game too but weren't fighting together at the beginning.

Despite some of the promotional stuff calling Mio the second protagonist, I still think Noah will get the main focus and we'll start the game in the Keves nation.

Here's my prediction (and you can all laugh at me when I'm proven horribly wrong): Noah could start off by himself and then Lanz and Eunie catch up with him later. If Noah's starting art is a positional, then you'll start with Lanz as well, and then Eunie will tag along later when some superior asks you to go on some busy-work mission in cave or something.

After doing some busy-work starter quests with the Keves crew, your superiors tell Noah and company that they'll be going to battle with Agnus soldiers at the place with the orange grass (which I still think is Bionis Shoulder). You'll then likely switch perspective to Agnus side and start with just Mio and then grab your party members to do some busy-work missions before being called to battle at the orange grass place. I have considered you won't switch perspective at all and will just stick with Keves, I'm not sure how likely that is.

But after that, you'll be back with the Keves crew at the orange grass area. The two parties will meet up and have a big battle but it gets interrupted by fog infected beasts. Vandham shows up with Ouroboros crew who are on neither nation's side and helps defeat the creatures but is severely hurt in the attack. He unites both sides by telling them something about the fog and how it's a greater threat that can only be defeated if the nations join up, then your six party members will defect from their own armies and join Ouroboros together.

At a later point you'll get two more party members who will be older more mature characters
I don't mind waiting for september and savoring the prerelease hype, I just wish june would hurry up and get here for the summer direct and treehouse showcase. I'm dying to see combat and what sort of customization/character build options there are.

I mentioned this before in one of these xeno threads, but monolith started tweeting weekday updates for 2 three months before its release, and E3 (or whatever they have in june) would be about the same amount of time before 3's release. We could have constant news from E3 to release, I'm happy to savor that, I just want it to start already!
Bear in mind, Shulk, Reyn, Fiora, and Dunban all knew each other at the start of the game too but weren't fighting together at the beginning.

Despite some of the promotional stuff calling Mio the second protagonist, I still think Noah will get the main focus and we'll start the game in the Keves nation.

Here's my prediction (and you can all laugh at me when I'm proven horribly wrong): Noah could start off by himself and then Lanz and Eunie catch up with him later. If Noah's starting art is a positional, then you'll start with Lanz as well, and then Eunie will tag along later when some superior asks you to go on some busy-work mission in cave or something.

After doing some busy-work starter quests with the Keves crew, your superiors tell Noah and company that they'll be going to battle with Agnus soldiers at the place with the orange grass (which I still think is Bionis Shoulder). You'll then likely switch perspective to Agnus side and start with just Mio and then grab your party members to do some busy-work missions before being called to battle at the orange grass place. I have considered you won't switch perspective at all and will just stick with Keves, I'm not sure how likely that is.

But after that, you'll be back with the Keves crew at the orange grass area. The two parties will meet up and have a big battle but it gets interrupted by fog infected beasts. Vandham shows up with Ouroboros crew who are on neither nation's side and helps defeat the creatures but is severely hurt in the attack. He unites both sides by telling them something about the fog and how it's a greater threat that can only be defeated if the nations join up, then your six party members will defect from their own armies and join Ouroboros together.

At a later point you'll get two more party members who will be older more mature characters
The basic premise here is pretty much what I'm expecting as well. I think we'll actually switch between the two sides of the war, maybe even more than you listed here, though: I could see them alternating by chapter even a few different times before the two halves join together. Have to be careful with that as you don't want things to get repetitive or feel like you're leveling up two different parties and constantly moving back to the lower-leveled crew, etc., but I think it could be done well.
The basic premise here is pretty much what I'm expecting as well. I think we'll actually switch between the two sides of the war, maybe even more than you listed here, though: I could see them alternating by chapter even a few different times before the two halves join together. Have to be careful with that as you don't want things to get repetitive or feel like you're leveling up two different parties and constantly moving back to the lower-leveled crew, etc., but I think it could be done well.
Yea, that's one of the reasons I can't see the perspective switching going on for chapters. It would feel unsatisfying leveling two parties and keep switching back to a lower level group as you say, but also with a four-person group, I can't see making us wait too long before we can play around with different party compositions. On the other hand, it would be weird if perspective shifting is introduced upfront as a major element of the game but then never happens again after like chapter 2 or thereabout.

I can sort of imagine the game not doing perspective shifting at all. Like you could start off with Noah then grab Lanz and Eunie to do some mission in the first short dungeon; something happens and Noah gets separated from the two and he ends up alone in some wilderness area; Mio encounters him, recognizes him as a Keves soldier, and plans to take him out or capture him - like Elly first meeting Fei by holding him at gunpoint after both have become lost in the blackmoon forest (Takhashi does like recycling story beats); Mio sees his injuries and takes pity on him; they decide to help each other get back to safety out of the wilderness area then pretend they never met and go separate ways; they start to bond during this and it introduces you to Mio's gameplay (her being a dodge tank would work well in a section alone with Noah if he's the positional attacker like previous protags). This would give more motivation to them teaming up later if they form an attachment to each other before that. Then you would get Taion and Sena together after everyone joins up and be introduced to their gameplay together like Melia and Riki joining close together.
If the combat is an expansion of Torna (which seems to be the popular opinion), and the characters are in pairs, then I think that would make a lot of sense.
I'm not sure if it's the popular opinion but it's definitely the way I'm leaning after watching the trailer a few more times. It's mostly because of the way characters run through the map.

When seeing 4 party members at the same time the first thing that comes to mind is X, since that game allowed for a maximum party of 4. But the characters in that game prioritized moving through maps in a diamond/arrow formation, like so:



However what we see in 3 is the fourth character standing diagonally behind one of the other three characters instead, not unlike 2 or Torna:


For example, right here, Mio is standing diagonally behind Lanz, much like blades in 2 and teams in Torna do, assuming they are indeed forming a pair in this composition that would be a pure tank team.


In this one it's slightly harder to see because of the camera angle, but Eunie isn't really swimming alongside Noah and Taion, she's positioned diagonally behind Taion. Perhaps more interestingly she's not on the same side as Mio was in the previous pic, so it's not some predetermined order the game follows when placing a 4th party member (always on the right/left side), she seems to be intentionally paired with Taion, which would be a pure support team in this case.

So yeah, I'm really thinking this might be some sort of evolution of Torna, which wouldn't be that surprising since the battle system there was generally praised, and the main thing holding it back was how limited it was due to being for an expansion only.
Good catch about the party formation! I wonder if they intentionally unpaired some groups just to make us think it was a four-person party and hide that the pair up mechanic is returning.

If we get the torna battle system but with the customization options expected from a full length game, more arts available at once, the return of status effects on par with 1 and X, buff/debuff arts as well as utility arts that do interesting tactical things like battle soul, or the brainjack + servant sacrifice combo (which would be great for Taion), then this would easily be the best xenoblade combat system for me.

I'm going to throw out some other gameplay ideas/wants because I'm having fun with this:

- Let the topple combos have different branches. Break > Topple > Launch > Smash would be useful for racking up damage with the smash, but you could also do Break > Topple > Daze to prevent the enemy from acting longer, and when the daze finishes it would apply debuffs to the enemy's attack, accuracy, and evasion. So the launch and smash branch would be for killing quicker while the daze branch would be more for taking the threat out of strong enemies.

You would have party commands to tell your allies which combo branch to prioritize similar to how Torna had commands to tell the AI whether to focus on driver or blade combos.

- Eunie and Lanz have two weapons in one, others have pointed out that switching weapon stances could replace blade switching. I say have three categories of arts per character: Weapon Configuration A arts, Weapon Configuration B arts, and Inner arts. The weapons arts would change in combat depending on your weapon stance (and they would be more about damaging), but the inner arts would be ones that you always have access to (and would tend to be more utility).

Maybe have weapon arts on B, X, Y, dual tech on A, inner arts on Up, Right, Down, vanguard switch on Left, weapon switch on ZL, holding down ZR changes out arts to be party commands, and L + R for target cycling.

For example, a potential Eunie moveset could look like this:
Staff Arts:
  • Break Bash: Two hit physical attacks that attempts to inflict break on each hit.
  • Hypnosis: Inflicts sleep in a circle around Eunie.
  • Green Wind: Ether damage in a frontal cone, slightly heals the party on attack

Rifle Arts:
  • Lightning Blast: Cancel attack bonus damage and inflicts continual shock damage (to fit with 2 and torna's speedier combat with more frequent art use, make DOTs have a shorter duration but tick more often like every second instead of every other second).
  • Silencer: Small ether attack to one enemy that prevents them from using ether arts for five seconds.
  • Crippling Shot: Physical damage in a straight line ahead of Eunie. Causes enemies to flinch (like in X) and debuff their agility for 10 seconds.

Inner Arts:
  • Heal Wave: Heals Eunie and allies in a frontal cone ahead of Eunie. Removes one debuff from each party member and buffs evasion for a short time.
  • Last Stand: Adds art charge to all allies' arts. Costs some of Eunie's HP (unless there's some sort of spell points resource in addition to art charges, then have it cost that).
  • Mighty Gale: Increase the party's attack power. Costs some HP (or spell points)
Rearguard arts could be debuff cancel, one that lowers ether def on the vanguard's target, and one that boosts aggro on character with highest HP.
Swicth arts could be smash because that's what Haze does.

Sort of a mix of Sharla, Haze, and Irina. And yes, I named some of her arts after Shion's moves because Enel keeps comparing them lol.

Then instead of specials, they would have a ton Chrono Trigger style dual techs for each character match. If she was paired with Taion, they could have:
Lv. 1 Dual Special - Quick Refresh: Heals the party slightly, removes debuffs, and grants debuff immunity for 10 seconds.
Lv. 2 Dual Special - Ether Barrier: Taion surrounds the party in his origami birds and Eunie grants them a green ether aura (what they're doing in the trailer), the party gains 100% block rate and HP regen for 15 seconds.
Lv. 3 Dual Special - Ether Storm: Eunie grants each of Taion's origami birds an ether aura, Taion has his flock latch on to an enemy then discharge the auras for massive ether damage and healing the party for a percentage of damage dealt.

Also, make art charges carry over between battles. That would've made earlygame xb2 so much better.
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We have an ESRB rating for Xenoblade Chronicles 3 now.

T for Teen - Violence, Mild Blood, Suggestive Themes, Language


Pretty much the same as any past Xenoblade game, but this is probably the first time we're seeing real blood again since the first one.

We saw a few tiny spurts of blood in the trailer. No mention of nudity though. Perhaps any implied sex might just be mentioned, or someone implies they want to sleep with someone (and is likely rejected). No mention of alcohol either this time.

I'm glad they doesn't look like they toned down the language though. I wonder if there will be anyone who speaks like Malos.
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We have an ESRB rating for Xenoblade Chronicles 3 now.

T for Teen - Violence, Mild Blood, Suggestive Themes, Language


Pretty much the same as any past Xenoblade game, but this is probably the first time we're seeing real blood again since the first one.

I doubt it'll be anything other than a couple drops, it seems that CERO got more stringent on blood over the last handful of years
We saw a few tiny spurts of blood in the trailer.
I don't remember any. If you're talking about those particles when Mio strikes Noah those are parts of his collar and not blood. You can see the collar damage appearing in the trailer.
I don't remember any. If you're talking about those particles when Mio strikes Noah those are parts of his collar and not blood. You can see the collar damage appearing in the trailer.
Oh ok, I did think that was blood.
I've been replaying Xenoblade the past week or so, and I spotted another landmark from Xenoblade 1 in the Xenoblade 3 trailer.


The High Entia structure that's next to the Leftherian titan in the distance. I know a lot of people noticed it and recognized it as High Entia but I haven't seen anyone actually connect it to the original game. Turns out it's actually this thing:


It's the teleporter beneath Alcamoth. In Future Connected we know Alcamoth is still way high up, so who knows if it still teleports you to it (If it still exists in Xeno 3's world), but I thought it was a neat little detail, heh.
We saw a few tiny spurts of blood in the trailer. No mention of nudity though. Perhaps any implied sex might just be mentioned, or someone implies they want to sleep with someone (and is likely rejected). No mention of alcohol either this time.

I'm glad they doesn't look like they toned down the language though. I wonder if there will be anyone who speaks like Malos.
At first I thought "Oh, no 'partial nudity' tag so maybe they toned down some of the stuff from XC2 (which we already thought from the character designs anyway)" and then I looked at the XC2 ESRB and it doesn't have 'partial nudity' either??? Which is pretty surprising to me. I guess 'partial nudity' is a lot more specific of a rating than I thought it was.
I've been replaying Xenoblade the past week or so, and I spotted another landmark from Xenoblade 1 in the Xenoblade 3 trailer.


The High Entia structure that's next to the Leftherian titan in the distance. I know a lot of people noticed it and recognized it as High Entia but I haven't seen anyone actually connect it to the original game. Turns out it's actually this thing:


It's the teleporter beneath Alcamoth. In Future Connected we know Alcamoth is still way high up, so who knows if it still teleports you to it (If it still exists in Xeno 3's world), but I thought it was a neat little detail, heh.

Nice catch.

Also shows how massive in size the boat itself is and everything else in that frame also being big just skews with the perspective.
I noticed an Eyrth Sea teleporter connected to the Leftherian titan but hadn't realized it was specifically the one to get into Alcamoth so good catch on that! I started replaying DE as well actually. The news of 3 really made me want to replay both 1 and 2 and maybe Torna and FC (I figured Elden Ring can wait until there's sale). I made it to the Fallen Arm right now.

Something surprising to me regarding Aionius's landscape is how much of the Bionis actually persisted into the world Shulk created. We know from the original ending, the top of the head and horn were sticking out of the water so I always assumed the new spherical planet was just sort of created around the Bionis with it stuck inside or mostly submerged, only the head and a bit of the shoulder and wings sticking out while Alvis worked his magic to spirit away Colony 9 to the surface.

In FC's quiet moments it's mentioned that Tephra Cave still exists (which means some chunk of the leg would have to exist as well), and in another Nene says Makna is gone and she misses it. Yet, in 3's trailer, we see an area that looks almost exactly like Makna (I'm pretty sure the two brown mushrooms are an asset taken straight from DE - or it could be the other way around). So, when Alvis created the new world, did he just break the Bionis up into chunks and formed new landmasses out of them? That means the rest of the Bionis was never submerged beneath the new Colony 9 but rather it really was only the head, shoulders, and wings sitting there with nothing beneath.

But what's stranger still is how much of the Mechonis Sword is sticking out of the ground. Zanza broke it pretty close to the hilt, it shouldn't be able to stand as tall as it does. And to not fall over, a lot would need to be beneath the ground as well. It could easily be a retcon to make the image work of course.

But then you have Uraya which we saw merged into the central landmass at the end of 2. I figured over the centuries, the titans would sort of became indistinguishable from the landscape. The landmass itself is supposed to be made up of many other dead titans and yet it all just looks like one solid landmass. Here Uraya looks like it was cleanly separated from the land, there are no additional chunks of the land stuck to it. That could be a retcon as well, but 2 was made with the key image of Uraya slashed open next to the sword in mind. And of course, the fact it crashed on top of a mountain after being sliced open implies it was flying through the sky when the incident happened.

All that together almost makes it look like the two universes snapped back to how they were at the beginning of each game before merging. The more I think about it and look at screenshots, I start to wonder if this isn't exactly the far-flung future of both worlds, but something a lot weirder going on.
I doubt it'll be anything other than a couple drops, it seems that CERO got more stringent on blood over the last handful of years
Yeah, we'll never get anything like Xenogears again, but it'll be interesting to see how they'll use it since this obviously seems to be going for a much darker tone.

I noticed an Eyrth Sea teleporter connected to the Leftherian titan but hadn't realized it was specifically the one to get into Alcamoth so good catch on that! I started replaying DE as well actually. The news of 3 really made me want to replay both 1 and 2 and maybe Torna and FC (I figured Elden Ring can wait until there's sale). I made it to the Fallen Arm right now.

Something surprising to me regarding Aionius's landscape is how much of the Bionis actually persisted into the world Shulk created. We know from the original ending, the top of the head and horn were sticking out of the water so I always assumed the new spherical planet was just sort of created around the Bionis with it stuck inside or mostly submerged, only the head and a bit of the shoulder and wings sticking out while Alvis worked his magic to spirit away Colony 9 to the surface.

In FC's quiet moments it's mentioned that Tephra Cave still exists (which means some chunk of the leg would have to exist as well), and in another Nene says Makna is gone and she misses it. Yet, in 3's trailer, we see an area that looks almost exactly like Makna (I'm pretty sure the two brown mushrooms are an asset taken straight from DE - or it could be the other way around). So, when Alvis created the new world, did he just break the Bionis up into chunks and formed new landmasses out of them? That means the rest of the Bionis was never submerged beneath the new Colony 9 but rather it really was only the head, shoulders, and wings sitting there with nothing beneath.

But what's stranger still is how much of the Mechonis Sword is sticking out of the ground. Zanza broke it pretty close to the hilt, it shouldn't be able to stand as tall as it does. And to not fall over, a lot would need to be beneath the ground as well. It could easily be a retcon to make the image work of course.

But then you have Uraya which we saw merged into the central landmass at the end of 2. I figured over the centuries, the titans would sort of became indistinguishable from the landscape. The landmass itself is supposed to be made up of many other dead titans and yet it all just looks like one solid landmass. Here Uraya looks like it was cleanly separated from the land, there are no additional chunks of the land stuck to it. That could be a retcon as well, but 2 was made with the key image of Uraya slashed open next to the sword in mind. And of course, the fact it crashed on top of a mountain after being sliced open implies it was flying through the sky when the incident happened.

All that together almost makes it look like the two universes snapped back to how they were at the beginning of each game before merging. The more I think about it and look at screenshots, I start to wonder if this isn't exactly the far-flung future of both worlds, but something a lot weirder going on.
The whole Bionis was still there at the end of of XC1, it just crumbled and fell into the sea. With some parts surviving the fall, others not. You see it in the title animation for FC here -

So maybe Frontier Village ended up under water, but other parts of Makna forest still remained? Because that definitely looks like Makna.

And the Mechonis Sword is still broken in XC3. If you look carefully at the end of the trailer where the title is revealed you can see that it's sticking into a barren piece of land.



Which is why I think we may get another Tower of Babel. Especially with "Vandham" saying it's connected in some way to fighting the "true enemy".


With Uraya, if the merge of worlds happened some time after both endings then maybe the Mechonis Sword got flung through Uraya when the merge happened? Maybe that's the significance of them being paired together?
Yeah, we'll never get anything like Xenogears again, but it'll be interesting to see how they'll use it since this obviously seems to be going for a much darker tone.

The whole Bionis was still there at the end of of XC1, it just crumbled and fell into the sea. With some parts surviving the fall, others not. You see it in the title animation for FC here -

So maybe Frontier Village ended up under water, but other parts of Makna forest still remained? Because that definitely looks like Makna.

And the Mechonis Sword is still broken in XC3. If you look carefully at the end of the trailer where the title is revealed you can see that it's sticking into a barren piece of land.



Which is why I think we may get another Tower of Babel. Especially with "Vandham" saying it's connected in some way to fighting the "true enemy".


With Uraya, if the merge of worlds happened some time after both endings then maybe the Mechonis Sword got flung through Uraya when the merge happened? Maybe that's the significance of them being paired together?

Babel Tower? Imagine if they make us platform vertically up sword valley lol

I hadn't noticed the Mechonis Sword was on top of a rust-colored mountain until you pointed it out so that explains it a bit. What's sticking out matches what's left at the end of xb1. I see it now that you put them side by side. I feel like there would still need to be more sticking into the mountain to keep it from falling over but that's probably not something you're supposed to think hard about, realism likely isn't the priority.

I knew the Bionis was still around in the new world, I just thought most of it was submerged like you said and the FC intro didn't really imply anything different to me. I can understand a piece of the back splintering off as it was falling down which would allow for a chunk of Makna floating about. Colony 9 being at the end is weird though since that's in a little bowl tucked in the calf at the bottom of the Bionis, you'd think it would be the first area to sink which is why I thought Alvis worked his magic to reposition it.

Actually, I always thought they just rebuilt Colony 9 from scratch until Future Connected came out and mentioned Tephra Cave was still outside of it implying the whole calf bowl is on the surface of the ocean.

I still find Uraya's placement to be odd though. The two giant structures next to each other is definitely meant to give us the impression that the sword slice it open but that could be a red herring. I just find it odd how cleanly it separated from the landmass at the end of 2. It plunged headfirst into the landmass, you'd think its face would be all messed up or it would've started rotting like the Cliffs fo Morytha.

Also, speaking of all these returning areas and merged area, is anyone else a little worried all the field themes could just be remixes of the old themes? I guess some of the merged areas like the Leftheria-Eyrth area could have new songs that incorporate references to the themes of the two merged areas.
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Also, speaking of all these returning areas and merged area, is anyone else a little worried all the field themes could just be remixes of the old themes? I guess some of the merged areas like the Leftheria-Eyrth area could have new songs that incorporate references to the themes of the two merged areas.

Not worried at all. All the areas we've seen still look uniquely their own and we still don't know how many references will be part of the topography. We don't know enough to be jumping to conclusions. I personally can't see Monolith Soft deciding to use remixed old themes and calling it a day. The theme at the end of the trailer isn't a remix of older main themes cause of the Mechonis Sword and Uraya, so I don't see why field themes would be either.

Also, I personally think a lot of people forget that while Xenoblade 3 is tying together the worlds depicted in Xenoblade 1 & 2, it is still a completely original entry that will set out for the future.
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Not worried at all. All the areas we've seen still look uniquely their own and we still don't know how many references will be part of the topography. We don't know enough to be jumping to conclusions. I personally can't see Monolith Soft deciding to use remixed old themes and calling it a day. The theme at the end of the trailer isn't a remix of older main themes cause of the Mechonis Sword and Uraya, so I don't see why field themes would be either.

Also, I personally think a lot of people forget that while Xenoblade 3 is tying together the worlds depicted in Xenoblade 1 & 2, it is still a completely original entry that will set out for the future.
I was just thinking of Torna, it had an original theme and new areas had new themes but then Gormott gets a jazzy remix and Malos's battle gets an acoustic version of his theme. So I thought 3 could have a new theme and such but if Takahashi feels the themes of each area is important to the identity of that area then he might push for flute-based arrangements of those themes. I hope I'm wrong and that you're right.

We see a Bionis Leg cliff and Gormott's tail in the grasslands but no specific landmarks or topography of those areas are visible so you have a point. I presume the area Mio runs through is the Digit 5 Crevass which looks different enough. But then that Makna area looks like it's taken straight out of Definitive Edition which has me wary.

Your second paragraph speaks to my biggest concern. I absolutely want 3 to have an identity of its own. I know this is an unpopular opinion, but when 2 was announced, I was on board with the idea of Xenoblade being Nintendo's Final Fantasy. I thought following Soma Bringer and Xenoblade 1, Takahashi could use the numbered series to make unique fantasy worlds with standalone stories while the X series would be the ongoing story. I was dead set against 2 being connected to 1 but when the game finally came out, they won me over and I was impressed with the unique way they handled the connection.

Still, I thought you could only do a unique connection like that once. I got wary again when those rumors of 3 broke out last year. After seeing the trailer, it doesn't look like the fan service blowout I was expecting from the rumors so my fears were relieved, but I still can't let go of some concern regarding how the past of the previous two games will hang over the original story of this one.

Like when Takahashi speaks about coming up with 1 and 2, they sound so inspired. After spending several years doing a harder sci-fi thing, he was inspired by seeing some animation from Gonzo's Brave Story and connected it with his sudden inspiration of a story that takes place on two giants, began making models before ever pitching the game and having staff pose to figure out the logistics of the how the environments on the giants could work. With 2, he talked about how he wanted to do a story with a different feel to his usual stuff and something that sparked hope using the words juvenile and festive to describe what he was going for, and how he looked at movies that captured his imagination when he was a kid like Galaxy Express 999 and Oliver!.

He didn't talk about any inspiration like that for his message regarding 3, the focus just seemed to be "isn't it cool the worlds you liked are now connected?" and I know I should have more faith in Takahashi's artistry than that but some stuff for this game does have me feeling its inspiration was largely driven by just wanting to please and wow fans by giving them what they want more than any personal desire or fire Takahashi had.

Don't get me wrong, my excitement drastically outweighs my concerns. I think this could have the best exploration, combat, and designs in the series, and will be a ton of fun, I just think it could overall feel a bit lesser if it's focused too much on the "remember thing you liked in other game?" aspect. I hope you're right, and the game does carve out its own identity. You have to admit though, a game that wasn't trying to be a sequel to two other games would have an easier time of that.
I was just thinking of Torna, it had an original theme and new areas had new themes but then Gormott gets a jazzy remix and Malos's battle gets an acoustic version of his theme. So I thought 3 could have a new theme and such but if Takahashi feels the themes of each area is important to the identity of that area then he might push for flute-based arrangements of those themes. I hope I'm wrong and that you're right.

We see a Bionis Leg cliff and Gormott's tail in the grasslands but no specific landmarks or topography of those areas are visible so you have a point. I presume the area Mio runs through is the Digit 5 Crevass which looks different enough. But then that Makna area looks like it's taken straight out of Definitive Edition which has me wary.

Your second paragraph speaks to my biggest concern. I absolutely want 3 to have an identity of its own. I know this is an unpopular opinion, but when 2 was announced, I was on board with the idea of Xenoblade being Nintendo's Final Fantasy. I thought following Soma Bringer and Xenoblade 1, Takahashi could use the numbered series to make unique fantasy worlds with standalone stories while the X series would be the ongoing story. I was dead set against 2 being connected to 1 but when the game finally came out, they won me over and I was impressed with the unique way they handled the connection.

Still, I thought you could only do a unique connection like that once. I got wary again when those rumors of 3 broke out last year. After seeing the trailer, it doesn't look like the fan service blowout I was expecting from the rumors so my fears were relieved, but I still can't let go of some concern regarding how the past of the previous two games will hang over the original story of this one.

Like when Takahashi speaks about coming up with 1 and 2, they sound so inspired. After spending several years doing a harder sci-fi thing, he was inspired by seeing some animation from Gonzo's Brave Story and connected it with his sudden inspiration of a story that takes place on two giants, began making models before ever pitching the game and having staff pose to figure out the logistics of the how the environments on the giants could work. With 2, he talked about how he wanted to do a story with a different feel to his usual stuff and something that sparked hope using the words juvenile and festive to describe what he was going for, and how he looked at movies that captured his imagination when he was a kid like Galaxy Express 999 and Oliver!.

He didn't talk about any inspiration like that for his message regarding 3, the focus just seemed to be "isn't it cool the worlds you liked are now connected?" and I know I should have more faith in Takahashi's artistry than that but some stuff for this game does have me feeling its inspiration was largely driven by just wanting to please and wow fans by giving them what they want more than any personal desire or fire Takahashi had.

Don't get me wrong, my excitement drastically outweighs my concerns. I think this could have the best exploration, combat, and designs in the series, and will be a ton of fun, I just think it could overall feel a bit lesser if it's focused too much on the "remember thing you liked in other game?" aspect. I hope you're right, and the game does carve out its own identity. You have to admit though, a game that wasn't trying to be a sequel to two other games would have an easier time of that.

No, I completely understand your concerns and they are valid. For example, and this is just a nitpick, but the boat in the trailer looks like they're reusing a slightly redone Junkz model, and I don't mind that all that much, but it would have been interesting to get a boat with a wholly new design, but when I'm playing the game I just know that's not going to be something I'm gonna really care about anyway.

You know, I was actually convinced a third game wasn't going to be a direct sequel either, so I was completely taken by surprise that it was when it was revealed, but just like you I wasn't at all disappointed by what I saw. I remember telling myself before it was revealed that I didn't want Saito back as character designer (due to me wanting them to try something new), but I felt no disappointment when I saw that it was his character designs in the trailer and really liked them. Very strange 😂
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Babel Tower? Imagine if they make us platform vertically up sword valley lol

I hadn't noticed the Mechonis Sword was on top of a rust-colored mountain until you pointed it out so that explains it a bit. What's sticking out matches what's left at the end of xb1. I see it now that you put them side by side. I feel like there would still need to be more sticking into the mountain to keep it from falling over but that's probably not something you're supposed to think hard about, realism likely isn't the priority.

I knew the Bionis was still around in the new world, I just thought most of it was submerged like you said and the FC intro didn't really imply anything different to me. I can understand a piece of the back splintering off as it was falling down which would allow for a chunk of Makna floating about. Colony 9 being at the end is weird though since that's in a little bowl tucked in the calf at the bottom of the Bionis, you'd think it would be the first area to sink which is why I thought Alvis worked his magic to reposition it.

Actually, I always thought they just rebuilt Colony 9 from scratch until Future Connected came out and mentioned Tephra Cave was still outside of it implying the whole calf bowl is on the surface of the ocean.

I still find Uraya's placement to be odd though. The two giant structures next to each other is definitely meant to give us the impression that the sword slice it open but that could be a red herring. I just find it odd how cleanly it separated from the landmass at the end of 2. It plunged headfirst into the landmass, you'd think its face would be all messed up or it would've started rotting like the Cliffs fo Morytha.

Also, speaking of all these returning areas and merged area, is anyone else a little worried all the field themes could just be remixes of the old themes? I guess some of the merged areas like the Leftheria-Eyrth area could have new songs that incorporate references to the themes of the two merged areas.
I doubt they'll be full-on remixes. I wouldn't be surprised if they incorporate a bit of each area into a new theme though. I fully believe whatever they go with it will still have it's own identity.

Even if half of the game is reused locations, I think they'll all still feel fresh and unique. I mean, having Eryth Sea and Leftheria being a combined area where you can explore by boat already seems really cool.
I was rewatching the first trailer a hundred times to the point I basically memorized it, and I noticed that they pair the characters.
Noah and Mio
Lanz and Sena
Eunie and Taion
So I could definitely see there being a gameplay mechanic surrounding those pairs. There is a scene where Eunie and Taion seem to use an attack or other skill together after all. They also complement each other in different attributes. Noah and Mio are represented by black and white respectively. Lanz and Sena are both physically strong, but one is tall and quite bulky and the other more petite. Eunie is hotheaded, while Taion seems more calculating or reserved.
The mild blood is from the really animesque comic relief scenes where the whole cast get nose bleeds after meeting Pyra for the first time.
Random thought for speculation that popped in my head earlier today:

At the beginning of the trailer when Noah plays his flute by himself, the ether light particles are blue. When five Keves off-seers are playing lead by the blonde off-seer without Noah, the particles are yellow.

In Soma Bringer, during the prologue in Junel Forest, the party draws soma from a soma cage. Most people's soma is yellow, red, or pink. Welt (the main boy) draws blue soma and the other characters make a big deal of how rare that is. It's been a few years since I've played Soma Bringer and there's not really any englsh language sites or let's plays of the fan translation to help refresh my memories so I don't remember exactly why Welt's soma was blue. I guess it had something to do with him being Orpheus's special chosen boy or something.

Maybe most off-seers draw yellow ether from the dead and Noah is unique in how the ether he draws is blue like Welt. The Keves army recognized this and that's why they gave him the ceremonially important red sword replicating the monado of legend or something like that. It could hint at him being related to someone important or being some new reincarnation of Klaus.

edit: Oh, and in an earlier post, I said I thought the area Mio was running through was the Digit 1 crevass. During my recent replay of DE, I was looking down from the Distant Fingertip and suddenly realized that ring sticking out of the sand in front of Mio is actually the circular gate around the Hidden Village in the palm of the Fallen Arm. That's all that remains of the Hidden Village in xb3.
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I watched Luxin's video, it's actually not that far off from what I've been saying. Torna system but with more customization, being able to feely put any pair of characters together, bring back buff/debuff arts, single-target healing, and branching paths to the break-topple combos. I largely agree with him, and I agree that the clock-ouroboros symbol on the weapons will in some way be 3's main combat gimmick like visions were for 1 and blades were for 2.
I watched Luxin's video, it's actually not that far off from what I've been saying. Torna system but with more customization, being able to feely put any pair of characters together, bring back buff/debuff arts, single-target healing, and branching paths to the break-topple combos. I largely agree with him, and I agree that the clock-ouroboros symbol on the weapons will in some way be 3's main combat gimmick like visions were for 1 and blades were for 2.
Yeah most of the stuff has been commonly theorized since the reveal trailer. I think paired characters seem pretty likely at this point, curious about if the rest of the predictions will turn out correct or not
Agreed that paired characters are pretty likely, I especially thought so after Renmazuo pointed out how the party formation moves on the map in their post higher up on this page. Switching weapon stances is pretty much a lock as well. The stances per character seem like:
  • Noah: Monado Replica Unactivated / Monado Replica Activated
  • Lanz: Shield / Greatsword
  • Eunie: Staff / Ether Rifle
  • Mio: Melee Stance / Throwing Weapon Stance (the rings themselves would stay the same)
  • Taion: Flat nopon-looking origami / Bird origami
  • Sena: Hammer / ???

One thing about using an improved version of the Torna system is that I can't see the red HP mechanic working. Presumably, every character would have their own stats and HP in 3, unlike Torna where the blades had the same HP as the driver. Maybe switching out just restores red HP of the character being swapped out so their health is up when you switch back to them.
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It’s been 8 weeks since the reveal. Now there are about 21-25 weeks left. We’re roughly a quarter of the way, which honestly isn’t that bad. “E3” is soon-ish, and then from June, we’ll probably get weekly/daily updates leading up to release.
It’s been 8 weeks since the reveal. Now there are about 21-25 weeks left. We’re roughly a quarter of the way, which honestly isn’t that bad. “E3” is soon-ish, and then from June, we’ll probably get weekly/daily updates leading up to release.
The hype is real here! But I’m not sure if I’ll watch/read everything they’ll show before release…

With Xeno X I followed every detail Nintendo gave us and it was not so bad in the end because the main story was a small part of the game’s gargantuan content and there wasn’t real context for the cinematic scenes.

For Xeno 2 I really stopped watching/reading anything new after E3’s trailer and Treehouse demo (it was a rough summer/fall health-wise for me) so in the end I went mostly “blind” with the game (I avoided the final Xenoblade 2 Direct, commercials and reviews except ratings, music samples and some minor descriptions of the different nations of Alrest).

It was a good decision because some time after completing the game I went back to see those materials and oh my… wtf Nintendo and/or MonolithSoft were thinking showing all those story/maps spoilers in launch promotions?

So now I’m not sure if I want to see/read anything they’ll show or avoid everything I can until the game is on my console… The fact that this time there’s a explicit connection to the previous games will make my brain to over-analyse each frame, name, dialogue…

On the other hand I can’t wait to see a new Treehouse demo to see the gameplay…

The hype is real here! But I’m not sure if I’ll watch/read everything they’ll show before release…

With Xeno X I followed every detail Nintendo gave us and it was not so bad in the end because the main story was a small part of the game’s gargantuan content and there wasn’t real context for the cinematic scenes.

For Xeno 2 I really stopped watching/reading anything new after E3’s trailer and Treehouse demo (it was a rough summer/fall health-wise for me) so in the end I went mostly “blind” with the game (I avoided the final Xenoblade 2 Direct, commercials and reviews except ratings, music samples and some minor descriptions of the different nations of Alrest).

It was a good decision because some time after completing the game I went back to see those materials and oh my… wtf Nintendo and/or MonolithSoft were thinking showing all those story/maps spoilers in launch promotions?

So now I’m not sure if I want to see/read anything they’ll show or avoid everything I can until the game is on my console… The fact that this time there’s a explicit connection to the previous games will make my brain to over-analyse each frame, name, dialogue…

On the other hand I can’t wait to see a new Treehouse demo to see the gameplay…

Now you mention it, I think I would also need to avoid E3 and subsequent trailers, unless it is a gameplay trailer like the dedicated Direct for XC2. Probably during the E3 period, I'll purposefully avoid the direct trailer and dive straight into the Treehouse stream.
I don't recall the XC2 trailers and info being THAT bad about spoilers. It's important to remember that watching them after playing the game, they'll feel much more spoiler-y, but that's mostly from having pre-knowledge about context. In the moment when they first come out, you're unlikely to really know what you're looking at to get too spoiled from them.

I find the key to avoiding spoilers (other than going blackout and avoiding most everything) is to avoid re-watching and over-analyzing and discussing trailers and pre-release info, since usually via the internet hivemind that's how you start to get too much info. If you just watch the Direct trailers a time or two and don't obsess over them, you should be okay (varies by person, of course).

The problem is NOT obsessing over new trailers and possibilities is HARD when you're really excited about the game :p.
saying shit like "omg! they shown X in the trailer? don't they care about spoilers!?" or "you thought that was interesting? keep playing 😉" is more spoilery than the trailers themselves
I mean I think XC3's trailer was fine in terms of avoiding spoilery content. There's a lot of theories as to what exactly is going on (theories I expect to be atleast partially correct), but its all far from concrete right now. I also think the spoilers shown in past games don't really work as spoilers given that newbies aren't going to know the full context of what's being shown. Ironically enough I think the real area where Xenoblade is spoilery is in stuff outside of the Xenoblade games (Smash, Catalyst's Figure).
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