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Pre-Release Xenoblade Chronicles 3: Pre-release Discussion Thread (Spoilers from leaks/early copies NOT allowed)

Which side are you on?

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I've just watched snippets of this game, which they bumped up the release date several months of, and I can see why they would be so confident.

I'm a Xenoblade fan, so obvious bias is obvious. I would be excited, even if what they've shown wasn't this obviously incredible. But I haven't been impressed like THIS since the original, and X's 'check out these transforming flying mechs and giant space dinosaurs guys!!!' (before years and years and years of waiting and hanging on every bit of media ground out the glamour)

Oh, And not the originals original reveal as monado beginning of the world.... That one didn't leave much of an impression on me. The 14 minute exploration videos that kicked off operation rainfall.

This one really seems to encompass EVERYTHING people originally came to Xenoblade for again, at full steam, rather than specializing in one (World exploration) or the other (Story/character dynamics), leaving no fan feeling underserved in their particular area of appeal.

(And I personally believe the best part is when everyones particular immediate area of appeal is satiated, cross appeal skyrockets.)
Yup, the game really gives the vibe of something special, and that Nintendo thinks it is too
Well, that spoiler is a bit different since it was maybe technically a leak but wasn't it from the official website? I think that if your own website shows it, it's probably fair game :p.

But leaks from review copies, copies that get out into the wild somehow, etc., I'd say are a no-go
It was on NoA's site but they did remove it shortly after people noticed it implying it was something they weren't supposed to show yet. Similar to how they had to change the closed captioning after putting Nimue and Melia's names in there.
I expect that while there will be whispers of relatively minor leaks being shared in private circles, we won't have to worry about seeing any of it plastered all over the internet for a few weeks yet. Unless I just jinxed it.
It's finally July, can't wait!
Man, seeing your profile pic really makes me hope that new fantasy IP is real and we get to see it after Xenoblade 3 is out. I dont think I've ever been this captivated by just a piece of concept art. Monolith bringing their world design to a high fantasy action rpg sounds like a dream game. It's lived in my head for so long that I've even thought of a title for it; XenoCalibur.
Man, seeing your profile pic really makes me hope that new fantasy IP is real and we get to see it after Xenoblade 3 is out. I dont think I've ever been this captivated by just a piece of concept art. Monolith bringing their world design to a high fantasy action rpg sounds like a dream game. It's lived in my head for so long that I've even thought of a title for it; XenoCalibur.
I hope both Nintendo and Monolithsoft try something new. Just go crazy with a new concept.
Well, good news in that there won't be any leaks yet. Bad news in that this puts doubt about there being a preview embargo for the 13th.
Eh, I don't think so, or at least not meaningfully. It's a Nintendo game, it'll almost certainly have a preview embargo 2 weeks ahead of schedule. Even if it's not the 13th, it'll be some point during that week.
Random combat theory that might be a big stretch but I can't stop thinking about the game so I'm posting it anyway:

Before the direct, some were speculating the Yumsmith class would have both circle and diamond arts. I think we all gave up on that idea when the Yumsmith was designated a Keves class in the class select menu. But I noticed in one of the screenshots from friday's tweet, Riku and Manana are selectable for a chain order and they have both the Keves and Agnus icons on their portrait:


Several descriptions of the yumsmith say the class is transformable or protean. We've also seen a screenshot where Noah was in the Zephyr class and had somehow changed his zephyr arts to be circle arts implying some accessory or item in the game existed to change the shape of an art. So maybe yumsmiths have this ability to change arts' shapes innately - or it's a passive skill that yumsmiths have and can be mastered. So I think the yumsmith will have five arts like all the others but you can choose if you want them to be circle and diamond - rather than having a separate set of circle and diamonds like I was speculating before the direct.

We know yumsmiths have a break art because that's the one Sena used when we first got confirmation that the yumsmith class could be used by our main six before the direct. In the water combat screenshot, Noah has a diamond break art with a name that seems to translate as "Glitter Stream" which sounds like a nopon art name for its sillyness. I'm thinking Sena used Glitter Stream as a circle art while being an ogre in that tirkin battle clip while it became a diamond art when Noah equipped it as a swordmaster.

also updated my arts list with the new arts from friday's post, the fifth heavy guard art seen in the Japanese direct, and chain order finisher arts.
Yumsmith seems like an invaluable class given its A in combat and support, also helps that its ranged (I think?) And doesn't have to worry about attacks deflecting or getting clipped by minor AoEs plus can more easily position for the on field buffs
Yumsmith seems like an invaluable class given its A in combat and support, also helps that its ranged (I think?) And doesn't have to worry about attacks deflecting or getting clipped by minor AoEs plus can more easily position for the on field buffs
It has a C in support though an S in what I assume is tactics. As for being ranged, Riku seems to use his multi-tool torch thing as a gun but when Sena uses the break art, she uses it like a sword. So I'm guessing it's mostly ranged but will have some melee arts. Sort of the same as how certain ranged weapons in X still had melee arts (like the Assault Rifle's topple art).

About attacks getting deflected when blocking, there's a transferable art called Maximum Voltage that seems to make it so your attacks can't be blocked in addition to buffing your attack power. I imagine that art will be a favorite for most players. Of course blocking may not be as big of a problem if auto-attack combos are gone (which we still don't have confirmation of).
Has anybody seen this? First real leak of the game?

(Xenoblade 3 spoilers, it's 9 pictures)

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Oops, I started a NG+ playthrough of Xenoblade DE after only finishing a NG+ of Xenoblade 2 a couple of months ago...
Oops, I started a NG+ playthrough of Xenoblade DE after only finishing a NG+ of Xenoblade 2 a couple of months ago...
After somehow getting youtube-recommended a video of all the rare blade awakenings, I have a strong urge to do a NG+ for XC2. But I know that would be a terrible idea with less than 4 weeks to XC3, so I'm just trying to distract myself with other games for a while.
We've got explanations on the two types of combos:

There are two types of art combos. One is "Break" to break the enemy, "Down" to make the enemy fall, "Stun" to stun the enemy, "Burst" to deliver a powerful blow, and so on! If the burst is connected, the enemy in a state of rage will be calmed down and an item will be dropped!

Let me show you another way to connect combos. Break" to break an enemy and "Down" to make an enemy fall down are the same, but "Rise" to launch an enemy and "Smash" to smash an enemy can do a lot of damage. Smash and burst, find your favorite combo!

So launch and smash is for big damage while daze and burst is more utilitarian by removing the rage status and dropping an item. We can also command our allies to focus on which combo to pursue presumably by pressing left on the D-pad several times to cycle between free, burst, and smash while the tactics menu is open:

The two combo routes can be directed by a strategy. You can choose between a "smash combo," which emphasizes damage, or a "burst combo," which emphasizes additional effects, and your friends will decide on their arts at the right time. It's a great feeling to work with your friends!

edit: Almost missed this. There was also a cutscene posted with an explanation on colony ranks. I think this might be the first clip we've seen of anything before the two parties fight at the place with the red grass (assuming the young Ethel is a flashback).

Colonies seem to be ranked from the Castle, the center of the nation. The lowest rank is called "Clod", the highest is called "Golden", and the next is called "Silver"!

Now that we know from the direct that Colony 9 is in the Millick Meadows and not even all that walled in by mountainous terrain, I'm curious how they'll limit the player's exploration for the first chapter.

edit 2: I'm curious if they make launch animation locked again. Daze might be better for chain attacks if so.
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Monolith really said we have physics.
Monolith: so we got loads of alpha transparencies, an open world, enough characters on screen to make omega force quake, AND hair physics!

Nintendo: you do remember you only have 3 cpu cores, right?

Monolith: I missed the part where that was my problem
Monolith: so we got loads of alpha transparencies, an open world, enough characters on screen to make omega force quake, AND hair physics!

Nintendo: you do remember you only have 3 cpu cores, right?

Monolith: I missed the part where that was my problem
Nintendo: But... just how?

Monolith: There's this device called Conduit, and...

Nintendo: The thing which destroyed the entire planet in your games? HAVE YOU GONE MAD?

Monolith: Relax, we're only using it to add hair/fur physics and a tiny bit of AI upscaling. There won't be side effects, don't worry.

Nintendo: Tell that to Capcom.
* throws newspaper on the desk *
We've got explanations on the two types of combos:

So launch and smash is for big damage while daze and burst is more utilitarian by removing the rage status and dropping an item. We can also command our allies to focus on which combo to pursue presumably by pressing left on the D-pad several times to cycle between free, burst, and smash while the tactics menu is open:

edit: Almost missed this. There was also a cutscene posted with an explanation on colony ranks. I think this might be the first clip we've seen of anything before the two parties fight at the place with the red grass (assuming the young Ethel is a flashback).

Now that we know from the direct that Colony 9 is in the Millick Meadows and not even all that walled in by mountainous terrain, I'm curious how they'll limit the player's exploration for the first chapter.

edit 2: I'm curious if they make launch animation locked again. Daze might be better for chain attacks if so.

So we've got Eunie using those mystery fans again, and Noah briefly using what looks like a shield and mace that I know people have speculated about being Vandham's weapons.
So we've got Eunie using those mystery fans again, and Noah briefly using what looks like a shield and mace that I know people have speculated about being Vandham's weapons.
Pretty sure these are just clips from the Direct, but never noticed Noah using the shield and mace

That's a lot of Shield + x weapons, honestly (Yumsmith, Guardian Defender, and now this shield and mace). Kinda funny since we basically had none in the series before Hugo. Hopefully they're differentiated a good deal
Assuming the Indoline guy's weapon isn't the fans or the shield and mace, and the class select screen is complete, I believe every Agnus weapon is accounted for.

Unless Isurd isn't a hero for some reason, but, like, c'mon
The combo clips are from the direct but the main difference is they have the actual audio with them. The only real revelation about that is we now know the snow area (Captocorn Peak?) uses the Keves battle theme. The normal battle theme seems evenly split between the six main areas we explore before Swordmarch:
Keves theme - Eagus Wilderness, Millick Meadows, Captocorn Peak
Agnus theme - Cotte Falls, Maktha Wildwoods, Erythia Sea

But the fan class and mace + shield class have been known about. So we know for sure what 19 of the class's weapons are:
# Class - Weapon - Role (Nation)
01. Swordfighter - Sword - Attacker (Keves)
02. Zephyr - Chakrams - Defender (Agnus)
03. Medic Gunner - Gunrod - Healer - (Keves)
04. Tactician - Katashiro - Healer (Agnus)
05. Heavy Guard - Shield-Sword - Defender (Keves)
06. Ogre - Hammer - Attacker (Agnus)
07. War Medic - Ether Cannon - Healer (Keves)
08. Guardian Commander - Sword and Shield - Defender (Keves)
09. Indoline guy's class - Double-headed Staff - Healer (Agnus)
10. Yumsmith - Multi-tool and Wok - Attacker (Keves only in the class menu but has both nations' icons in the chain order selection)
11. Full Metal Jaguar - Dual Guns and Drones - Attacker (Keves?)
12. Stalker - Bow - Attacker (Agnus)
13. Lone Exile - Double-headed Spear - Defender (Keves)
14. Incursor - Whip-Sword - Attacker (Agnus)
15. Signifer - Flag - Healer (Agnus)
16. Cammuvari's class - Lance - Attacker (Agnus)
17. Ethel's class - Dual Swords - ? (Keves)
18. Fan class - Fans - ? (Agnus)
19. Mace and Shield - ? (Agnus)

Then there are three characters widely assumed to be heroes: Isurd - Agnus fighter w/ knuckle-claw-like ring things, probably a healer; The third faction girl with Videl hair who uses mech arms - if she's the character in between Alexandria and Fiona that makes her an Agnus defender; and the last character in the class select menu is believed to be the Mysterious Raider who seems to be a Keves Attacker and uses dual axes. Those three would bump the known weapons up to 22.

If I'm understanding everything correctly, that only leaves one weapon unaccounted for if the 23 in the class menu is really the full list for the base game. Is that right or am I missing something?
If we do get an axe-wielding class, I better hear "WELCOME TO AXE TOWN, POPULATION: YOUR FACE" somewhere in this game.
The combo clips are from the direct but the main difference is they have the actual audio with them. The only real revelation about that is we now know the snow area (Captocorn Peak?) uses the Keves battle theme. The normal battle theme seems evenly split between the six main areas we explore before Swordmarch:
Keves theme - Eagus Wilderness, Millick Meadows, Captocorn Peak
Agnus theme - Cotte Falls, Maktha Wildwoods, Erythia Sea

But the fan class and mace + shield class have been known about. So we know for sure what 19 of the class's weapons are:
# Class - Weapon - Role (Nation)
01. Swordfighter - Sword - Attacker (Keves)
02. Zephyr - Chakrams - Defender (Agnus)
03. Medic Gunner - Gunrod - Healer - (Keves)
04. Tactician - Katashiro - Healer (Agnus)
05. Heavy Guard - Shield-Sword - Defender (Keves)
06. Ogre - Hammer - Attacker (Agnus)
07. War Medic - Ether Cannon - Healer (Keves)
08. Guardian Commander - Sword and Shield - Defender (Keves)
09. Indoline guy's class - Double-headed Staff - Healer (Agnus)
10. Yumsmith - Multi-tool and Wok - Attacker (Keves only in the class menu but has both nations' icons in the chain order selection)
11. Full Metal Jaguar - Dual Guns and Drones - Attacker (Keves?)
12. Stalker - Bow - Attacker (Agnus)
13. Lone Exile - Double-headed Spear - Defender (Keves)
14. Incursor - Whip-Sword - Attacker (Agnus)
15. Signifer - Flag - Healer (Agnus)
16. Cammuvari's class - Lance - Attacker (Agnus)
17. Ethel's class - Dual Swords - ? (Keves)
18. Fan class - Fans - ? (Agnus)
19. Mace and Shield - ? (Agnus)

Then there are three characters widely assumed to be heroes: Isurd - Agnus fighter w/ knuckle-claw-like ring things, probably a healer; The third faction girl with Videl hair who uses mech arms - if she's the character in between Alexandria and Fiona that makes her an Agnus defender; and the last character in the class select menu is believed to be the Mysterious Raider who seems to be a Keves Attacker and uses dual axes. Those three would bump the known weapons up to 22.

If I'm understanding everything correctly, that only leaves one weapon unaccounted for if the 23 in the class menu is really the full list for the base game. Is that right or am I missing something?
Mysterious Raider?

Also I don't think 23 will be the full list for the base game, I think we'll at least hit 24
Mysterious Raider?

Also I don't think 23 will be the full list for the base game, I think we'll at least hit 24
The mysterious raider is a quest boss the party fights at about 16:40 in the direct. Its shape matches the last hero class pretty well - especially the feet looking like two prongs. It's the popular opinion on who the last hero is I've seen on reddit and some other places, I thought it might've been brought up here before but I can't remember.

Personally, I'm not entirely convinced these 23 are it either but I also have to admit there's not much evidence otherwise.

Anyways, while re-watching a few scenes from the direct just now, I think we can see Vandham's weapon. It looks like some kind of gun with the same orange ether as Gray's guns.

This could mean the mace and shield aren't his and this would be the 23rd weapon possibly accounting for all classes in the selection screen we saw. That's assuming Vandham is a hero of course.

On an unrelated note, has it been discussed here how the description for the expansion pass is slightly different and more detailed on the NoA site than anywhere else? I only just noticed so sorry if it's old news. But it says challenge mode will have two rulesets like DE - standard and survival. Not sure how I feel about that. It also says the launch day DLC outfits will comprise of three palette swaps for each outfit. We knew they were palette swaps but didn't know how many. And it's implied the later outfits are just palette swaps for the two new heroes which is a little disappointing.

edit: Oh wait, the DLC descriptions are different now than what I saw before. Another instance of NoA revealing things too early? They've been out of step with Monolith this whole marketing cycle lol.

edit 2: Found an image on reddit of what the description previously said on NoA's site. There's no real proof this wasn't doctored, but I can confirm it's the same as what I saw before for whatever my word is worth: https://i.redd.it/18jvtk9ld7891.jpg
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Monolith wasn't coy about showing all the blades silhouettes in 2, I doubt they wouldn't do the same with 3
Well not really thinking about Monolith spoiling things or not, more the actual number 24 fitting better than an odd number like 23. 24 is divisible by both 3 and 2 so we'd have an even split of roles and region allegiance with that number.

Though considering Yumsmith may be some sort of dual-region class that isn't exactly an ironclad argument.
Yeah, I'm in agreement about the Mysterious Raider, or a mech of the same type, likely being the last Hero silhouette after seeing this image. It matches up extremely well, especially the feet.

Okay so apparently you can have multiple ouroboros out at the same time. Was not expecting that. I don't think the player hit any prompt for it. Maybe it's like overdrive where allies will try to do it when you do it?

Interlinking can be performed at any time during battle. During interlinking, powerful Ouroboros Arts can be used without limit, but the "Heat Gauge" rises as time passes. The Heat Gauge will be released when it accumulates, so you want to hit a powerful Talent Art before then!

Using Fusion Arts, Ouroboros can be strengthened from 1 to 3 levels. These levels are called Interlink Levels, and the higher the number, the more powerful the Ouroboros. It is important to know whether to become an Ouroboros right away or to use the power of the Ouroboros while it is powered up by increasing the Interlink Level!

During interlinking, you can "switch" with your partner's Ouroboros body! For example, you can use Ouroboros Lanz's defense-oriented moves and then switch to Ouroboros Senna's attack-oriented moves. Switching between the two bodies is a good idea depending on the situation!

So using fusion arts increases interlink - though we've seen plenty of footage where that didn't happen. And the clip in the last tweet is the first time we've seen blaze as an actual status and not the field ring. The healthbars turn purple with bleed and blaze but not poison for whatever reason. Maybe the UI just wasn't finished in the clips where characters are poisoned?

First clip also confirms Valdi has a defense up field ring.
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Wow, an epic set of updates regarding Ouroboros gameplay systems.

Has anyone noticed that elements of their face/head designs share traits with the Malos Black Siren? The eyes and mouthplates are quite similar, especially on the Dark Noah/Mio combo.

The large back mounted weapons also remind me of the Skell Hyper Rail Cannons from Xenoblade Chronicles X; the animations, fire rate and perceived impact are all there...
Eunie's Ouroboros form has the cannons floating on either side, and they can switch between a high impact/slow fire mode and then some sort of rapid fire machine gun system.
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