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Discussion [The Verge] Tech Fails of 2022: The Nintendo Switch Really Showed Its Age

It is time for a Switch successor

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Exactly my point— the data we have does not definitively point to any release strategy. The Switch 2 will come when it comes.
Right! Which means all we can do right now is discuss and speculate, which is all this discussion is lol.

I do agree that the headline is bad (I even attempted to cushion it a bit in my thread title!), but I go out of my way to explicitly outline that, and the general parameters that I am approaching this discussion from, in the OP. I don't say Nintendo is doomed (or will be). I don't say sales are dropping. I don't say the Switch is being impacted in any material way at all by this perceived delay in getting the system out. I do attempt to discuss this uncharted territory for Nintendo when it comes to this generational transition (as you yourself note), along with Nintendo's own admission that this is an area they have sucked at in the past, along with my own fascination and interest in the topic as an industry enthusiast, and Nintendo fan in particular.

The pushback that is generating is bizarre to me. It almost feels like a lot of people are getting extremely defensive and replying to just the headline, and not actually engaging with what the discussion is meant to be.
I think a lot of people are just sick of it clogging up every Switch related discussion, particularly for exclusives. It’s been basically three years of every discussion about Switch games being ‘I wish I could play this on better hardware, Switch Pro when’ etc etc that get a little frustrating when you just want to talk about the games. This is the only enthusiast forum I’ve seen where this doesn’t really happen.
well said
I'm hungry for a switch 2 or pro, but it's not because I'm sick of my switch, it's because I never got around to buying one and I'd like to buy something that I can expect to receive support. Until then, I'm happy to work on my backlog.
I'm happy enough with the Switch, I can see where the article is coming from but it's only natural that a machine that has been on the market for as long as it has it beginning to feel dated. Do I wish XC3 looked nicer- yup- but visuals didn't stop me from playing 200 hrs.

They mention the Steam Deck in the article but I happen to have one and it is nowhere near as convenient as the Switch- specifically the OS and how broken it can be at times.
Well, the Nintendo Switch is six years old. Of course it shows its age. The same thing gamers said about the PS3 in 2012 and the base PS4 in 2019. This article is unnecessary.

It does strike me that the games that people on the internet are now complaining most about performance are precisely from series that never really ran on well on any hardware. Previous games from the Bayonetta, Dynasty Warriors, Fire Emblem and Pokémon series were never really graphical and technical showcases on earlier consoles. It's no different with the Nintendo Switch.

However, I would also want new hardware sooner rather than later. I don't want Nintendo to make the same mistake again as it did with the Wii.
What’s really wild to me, as someone who tends to actively participate in whatever community I tend to be part of, is that the simple act of actually being active with my posting seems to generate an unreasonable amount of pushback; it doesn’t matter where I am or what I’m posting, sooner or later, someone or the other will take umbrage at what they view as me posting excessively, either in general, or about some particular topics.

Kind of hoped this community would be better on that front but 🤷‍♂️

Anyway, yes, I agree with you. I love the Switch. I love Nintendo. I barely care for visuals and tech. I want a new Switch because the current one is clearly old, and the longer Nintendo takes to move on to their next system, the likelier the chance that third party support (integral to my enjoyment of the Switch) gets compromised as the industry moves on without Nintendo. Again.
I would just ignore those people. I like having you around and active!
In don't know what's more in bad faith : comparing the Switch to the Steam Deck without mentioning the fact that the Steam Deck's battery lasts ridiculously less time or that the $399 Steam Deck model isn't much use for modern AAA due to its very limited storage. Or calling the most sold system of the year a "tech fail".
The battery life claim is seriously overplayed, if you were to run the same games at Switch settings on Steam Deck it would last longer than the Switch. Of course if you use it to play high end games it will run out faster just like Breath of the Wild would bring a launch Switch down in 3 hours. Pokemon Scarlet / Violet kill my Switch OLED in around 3 hours, which is what I get playing most AAA games on Steam Deck at 30fps. And the limited storage is as much a problem as it is on Switch - ie, it’s not. Buy an SD card like everyone else.

I really don’t understand this need to tear down the Steam Deck when defending the Switch, especially in relation to a stupid article which doesn’t seem to understand the technical situation that’s happened with Bayonetta 3 and Pokemon.
it's wild to me that there's seemingly nowhere on the internet where wanting a new switch doesn't get pushback

most places you're expected to have given up on nintendo, most of this site doesn't care, and even the hardware thread is full of regulars insisting that they don't care about it and just enjoy the industry talk

I sometimes feel like I'm the only person on earth who wants pikmin 4 and splatoon to be 4K without emulation

Everyone is down for new hardware. It's just that people seemingly ignore hardware has cycles.

PS3 to PS4 was 7 years. PS4 to PS5 was 7 years.

360 to Xbox One was 8 years. Xbox One to Xbox Series was 7 years.

Switch is approaching 6 years and people are acting like it should have already been replaced. Really, March 2023 would be the earliest for a new generation. March 2024 would be right on time for modern systems.

I'm surprised Nintendo didn't do a new 3DS type upgrade but otherwise, I dunno, the dramaticism just feels like enthusiasts forgetting what generations actually look like.
Everyone is down for new hardware. It's just that people seemingly ignore hardware has cycles.

PS3 to PS4 was 7 years. PS4 to PS5 was 7 years.

360 to Xbox One was 8 years. Xbox One to Xbox Series was 7 years.

Switch is approaching 6 years and people are acting like it should have already been replaced. Really, March 2023 would be the earliest for a new generation. March 2024 would be right on time for modern systems.

I'm surprised Nintendo didn't do a new 3DS type upgrade but otherwise, I dunno, the dramaticism just feels like enthusiasts forgetting what generations actually look like.
Because you're applying Sony and Microsoft's hardware cycles to Nintendo. We are currently in the longest hardware upgrade gap in Nintendos history. This is greatly enhanced now that they consolidated console and handheld.

Yes the DS lasted 6.5 years if you don't count the DSi as a meaningful upgrade (switch never saw an upgrade that's equivalent to that keep in mind) which would mean come holiday 2023. Switch is the longest running Nintendo console ever, which as a handheld it still holds up but as a TV console it is hella old and outdated.

But even with DS, you had the Wii launch two years after its life cycle so Nintendo fans still only had to wait 4.5 years from the Wiis launch to the launch of the 3DS.

Long story short, Switch has been out for a hella long time and it's definitely showing its age. We are in uncharted territory with Nintendos hardware refresh cycles.
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New hardware is indeed probably coming soon, though I don't really think this article does a great job discussing that.

Because you're applying Sony and Microsoft's hardware cycles to Nintendo. We are currently in the longest hardware upgrade gap in Nintendos history.
Not the longest ever, but the last systems to go substantially longer than this literally launched in the 80s.
Because you're applying Sony and Microsoft's hardware cycles to Nintendo. We are currently in the longest hardware upgrade gap in Nintendos history.
The Wii launched in November 2006 and was replaced by the Wii U in November 2012 for a lifespan of 6 years. The Switch will have been out for 6 years in March.
We are currently in the longest hardware upgrade gap in Nintendos history.
Wii , DS, 3DS, and Gameboy all lasted longer than the Switch has so far.

NOTE: Posted before the quoted post was edited, I did not selectively ignore the parts not quoted.
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The pushback that is generating is bizarre to me. It almost feels like a lot of people are getting extremely defensive and replying to just the headline, and not actually engaging with what the discussion is meant to be.
Genuine question: What does this thread based on that particular article achieve over your previous thread on the same topic?
Wii , DS, 3DS, and Gameboy all lasted longer than the Switch has so far.
Wii was six years, Switch will beat that. DS had the DSi which was a pretty drastic upgrade that Switch never got the equivalent of (imo), game boy got the game boy color which drastically changed that systems longevity and game capabilities, and 3DS got the n3DS which extended its life by making games run better and the system run faster.

If you don't count the DSi as a meaningful upgrade, my previous point still stands that DS' generation being long was tolerable because it still had the Wii release two years along side it which helped prevent it from showing its age as bad.

The Wii launched in November 2006 and was replaced by the Wii U in November 2012 for a lifespan of 6 years. The Switch will have been out for 6 years in March.
Nintendo was still launching the 3DS during the Wii -> Wii U gap. And the six year gap from Wii to Wii U is one of the reasons Wii U stumbled. Nintendo didn't strike while the iron was hot. They waited too long.
What’s really wild to me, as someone who tends to actively participate in whatever community I tend to be part of, is that the simple act of actually being active with my posting seems to generate an unreasonable amount of pushback; it doesn’t matter where I am or what I’m posting, sooner or later, someone or the other will take umbrage at what they view as me posting excessively, either in general, or about some particular topics.

Kind of hoped this community would be better on that front but 🤷‍♂️

Anyway, yes, I agree with you. I love the Switch. I love Nintendo. I barely care for visuals and tech. I want a new Switch because the current one is clearly old, and the longer Nintendo takes to move on to their next system, the likelier the chance that third party support (integral to my enjoyment of the Switch) gets compromised as the industry moves on without Nintendo. Again.

You’re good. Keep posting - the forum is a better place because of it. Was it you that wrote that “Persona 5 is a damn slog” thread on Era? That one stuck with me haha

If somebody can’t handle the existence of a topic they should exercise the ‘ignore thread’ function.
It is time for an upgrade, but I‘ll not underestimate the Switch by thinking that it couldn‘t survive quite well for another year or so. Like I could see them selling 15+ million consoles next FY while probably still having one of their best software years ever.
The battery life claim is seriously overplayed, if you were to run the same games at Switch settings on Steam Deck it would last longer than the Switch. Of course if you use it to play high end games it will run out faster just like Breath of the Wild would bring a launch Switch down in 3 hours. Pokemon Scarlet / Violet kill my Switch OLED in around 3 hours, which is what I get playing most AAA games on Steam Deck at 30fps. And the limited storage is as much a problem as it is on Switch - ie, it’s not. Buy an SD card like everyone else.

I really don’t understand this need to tear down the Steam Deck when defending the Switch, especially in relation to a stupid article which doesn’t seem to understand the technical situation that’s happened with Bayonetta 3 and Pokemon.
I’m sorry if it comes out that way, I didn’t want to tear down the Steam Deck and I think it is a good system, I’m just kinda sick of people comparing it to the Switch when their only point of comparison is the portability (and even then, the Switch is a system that you can take with you when you travel, while the Deck is much more a « play in your bed » thing, which is fine!). It reminds me of people saying the DS/3DS sucked because of the PSP/Vita. Different systems, different market, different games, different pros and cons, both good in their own way and it’s not because one is less powerful that it’s worse.
Wii was six years, Switch will beat that. DS had the DSi which was a pretty drastic upgrade that Switch never got the equivalent of (imo), game boy got the game boy color which drastically changed that systems longevity and game capabilities, and 3DS got the n3DS which extended its life by making games run better and the system run faster.

If you don't count the DSi as a meaningful upgrade, my previous point still stands that DS' generation being long was tolerable because it still had the Wii release two years along side it which helped prevent it from showing its age as bad.

Nintendo was still launching the 3DS during the Wii -> Wii U gap. And the six year gap from Wii to Wii U is one of the reasons Wii U stumbled. Nintendo didn't strike while the iron was hot. They waited too long.
Even if we count revisions then, (and even then, only if we count just the revisions that boost power and not others like the OLED) we're still not in uncharted territory and it's still not the longest gap until next March. We're not there just yet.

Also, the Switch itself is unprecedented in its unification of Nintendo's previously separate hardware lines, so it's hardly surprising it's life cycle is playing out differently.
Just because previous Nintendo systems have tended to have a shorter cycle, it doesn't necessarily follow that the Switch must follow suit, as it is not a traditional Nintendo console or handheld.

Especially with how wildly successful the Switch is, it's not exactly surprising they are in no rush to replace it. This isn't a Wii situation because the Switch is not running out of steam the way the Wii was in 2011-2012.
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Because you're applying Sony and Microsoft's hardware cycles to Nintendo. We are currently in the longest hardware upgrade gap in Nintendos history. This is greatly enhanced now that they consolidated console and handheld.
No we're not.

Wii to WiiU was 6 years.

DS to 3DS was about 6.5 years.

Yes the DS lasted 6.5 years if you don't count the DSi as a meaningful upgrade (switch never saw an upgrade that's equivalent to that keep in mind) which would mean come holiday 2023. Switch is the longest running Nintendo console ever, which as a handheld it still holds up but as a TV console it is hella old and outdated.

But even with DS, you had the Wii launch two years after its life cycle so Nintendo fans still only had to wait 4.5 years from the Wiis launch to the launch of the 3DS.

Long story short, Switch has been out for a hella long time and it's definitely showing its age. We are in uncharted territory with Nintendos hardware refresh cycles.
Mixing handheld and console releases which do not share any development pipeline resources is silly.

Now that Nintendo has 1 singular platform due to how expensive it is to produce hardware and how much resources software development takes, there is no reason to think they wouldn't be closer to Sony and MS hardware cycles. Those are the platforms the Switch shares like 70% of its titles with.

Nintendo isn't some special entity immune to the realities of software development. The WiiU and 3DS highlighted how much more resource intensive development is. There is no reasonable way they can introduce new hardware in 4.5-5 years then gear up for a new generational platform release while being financially efficient.
Right! Which means all we can do right now is discuss and speculate, which is all this discussion is lol.

I do agree that the headline is bad (I even attempted to cushion it a bit in my thread title!), but I go out of my way to explicitly outline that, and the general parameters that I am approaching this discussion from, in the OP. I don't say Nintendo is doomed (or will be). I don't say sales are dropping. I don't say the Switch is being impacted in any material way at all by this perceived delay in getting the system out. I do attempt to discuss this uncharted territory for Nintendo when it comes to this generational transition (as you yourself note), along with Nintendo's own admission that this is an area they have sucked at in the past, along with my own fascination and interest in the topic as an industry enthusiast, and Nintendo fan in particular.

The pushback that is generating is bizarre to me. It almost feels like a lot of people are getting extremely defensive and replying to just the headline, and not actually engaging with what the discussion is meant to be.
I'm pushing back against this article because I genuinely don't think Nintendo are in a bad position here and it's only the people getting itchy feet waiting for their new console who are acting like they are. This isn't a Wii situation where Nintendo miscalculated the market and failed to notice it shifting from underneath them. Sales are healthy, their audience mindshare is growing and their software lineup continues to be stacked and of high quality. Take into account that 2023 sees a massively high profile move into film and the launch of their most hotly anticipated Zelda ever, and I'm failing to see any miscalculation on their part. In fact, I wouldn't be surprised if 2023 sees another year of strong sales for the Switch off the back of these two tentpole releases (I think Zelda is going to do monstrous numbers).

If the above wasn't happening and Nintendo were retreating into themselves with sales flagging while going radio silent on game releases, then I'd be a lot more concerned. But the company is in a strong position and subsequently has the time it needs to, let's be frank, get their next launch right. They don't need to release a new console right now. Far better to wait a little longer and launch when the market has settled post-COVID and they have a comprehensive launch lineup, rather than rush out a console with a half baked concept and an underwhelming slate of games ala the Wii U. .

If you had to pin me down, I'd say we'll be playing their new console by March 2024, but at the same time, it wouldn't surprise me if they eeked out one last holiday season from the OG Switch, especially if they have something Mario related up their sleeve to tie into the movie.
My cracked on its own. And it’s a little bent for some reason. Never dropped it or anything.

So mine is starting to show its age outside of games ironically lol

In all seriousness. It’s whatever to me. The new one will come eventually, I’m not someone who is in a rush for anything to release. Even if I joke around about like wanting a game now instead of it’s release date. It’s just fun and games for me.
Fail is a bit hyperbolic and dramatic, isn't? If a new piece of hardware doesn't come out in 2023, I don't know how these people would react. I'm looking foward to the next hardware as much as everyone else, but the way some sites have described the Switch has been nothing but amusing. But again, these articles seem to aim at the more hardcore audience so it makes sense, I guess.
What a stupid article. The switch is still in a great place when extra care is out into it. Handheld tech is still expensive and there isn't a cheap upgrade yet
I think a lot of people are just sick of it clogging up every Switch related discussion, particularly for exclusives. It’s been basically three years of every discussion about Switch games being ‘I wish I could play this on better hardware, Switch Pro when’ etc etc that get a little frustrating when you just want to talk about the games. This is the only enthusiast forum I’ve seen where this doesn’t really happen.

That said, any frustration I have with the discussion doesn’t mean I don’t agree that the hardware is pretty outdated at this point. I’m absolutely ready for a more powerful system and better looking games. Hell, the posts here about it not coming until 2024 are already sending me into a state of near despair.
It's this. All of this. Despite all my annoyed complaints about it, I still do want new hardware. I'm just sick of talking about it. I'm sick of the rumors that go nowhere. I'm sick of people acting like the Nvidia leak means that the device will look exactly like that and that it's clearly coming soon. I'm sick of it haunting every single thread for 3 YEARS. I hit a breaking point this year after the Splatoon OLED. I don't want to talk about it anymore.
Okay, new Nintendo hardware is on the horizon. It’s not confirmed right now, but it’s on the horizon. Speculation about upcoming new hardware is going to happen. It’s not exclusive to Nintendo, it happens to any system ever, especially popular ones; PS5 speculation was borderline impossible to avoid for 2019 and most of 2020, it’s not an indictment on the current system to discuss the follow up.

Also there’s no “moaning” or “whining”. You seem to have this impression that I go through my days with my teeth grit, throwing tantrums every day the Switch successor doesn’t get announced, but I’m simply talking about the next Nintendo hardware (impending, as you yourself like to point out) on an enthusiast forum dedicated to discussing Nintendo. Shit man, it’s not even like ALL I post about is the Switch successor, in the last one week, I made two threads discussing the Switch library, one discussing GOTYs (Nintendo and non-Nintendo), one shitpost thread about Furret, and ONE thread about Switch sales that included a sly “we’re never getting a successor”. This is also ignoring all the rest of my posting activity, none of which includes Switch successor talk (I’m not even in the top FIFTY posters on the Switch successor speculation thread EDIT: not even in the top 250!).

I don’t know what projected frustration you have about Switch successor discussions that you seem to believe should be focused on me, but not only have I talked very rarely about the Switch successor (one or two times a week if that) across all my posts, but even if I was posting ONLY about it, it would be very valid for an enthusiast board following Nintendo on the eve of whatever their next system ends up being.
Speculation about hardware is great, no where did I say otherwise. I want new Switch hardware myself but what we currently have is more than fine.

There is a difference between speculation about future hardware, such as discussing what the power of said system is going to be and what changes to something like the joy-con’s could be vs. demanding new hardware now because some devs bite off more than they can chew and release subpar performing games while other devs work within constraints and still release games with more than acceptable performance. One is speculation, the other isn’t.

The problem that you and many others fall into about how poorly perfoming Switch games are is you say it with a blanket statement. There aren’t many games that target 1080p or even 720p with 60 fps on Switch, I don’t think anyone is arguing that. But I sure as shit find it disingenuous to put things like Bayonetta 3 and Scarlet/Violet in the same breath as Kirby, Splatoon 3, and even a stellar port of Nier Automata that all released in the same year. Bayonetta 3 was in development for like 5 years and Platinum still put out an underwhelming product. They knew what the hardware they were working with was and they still decided to release the game in the state it was in. It’s not exactly a looker and while hardware constraints are absolutely a factor, at what point do we put onus on the developers to actually work within the constraints they’re given?
You know what's the worst thing about Switch Pro speculation though? It's the way that everyone seems to take every leak as gospel, then get angry when it doesn't work out. How many damn tech prototypes have gotten leaked that never released? How many insiders have gotten stuff wrong in the past? I'm not trying to call anyone out or insist that it's not happening, but can we hype responsibly? Nate went through some shit last year because of Pro rumors. All insiders did. People get shit wrong. For all we know the Nvidia leak could be completely outdated.
Yeah, I'll echo the sentiments of the Switch Pro speculation getting old, and this is coming from someone firmly in the "dear god please upgrade this console Nintendo" camp. There just isn't much to talk about, and there's so much negative energy surrounding the topic that really doesn't make up for the lack of new information. It just devolves into a toxic mess.

I don't mean this as a slight towards OP, or anyone else who wants a Pro. Hell, as I just said, I really want one as well. The only games I get on Switch these days are exclusives, minus a few exceptions where performance isn't going to be impacted. The topic just isn't fun to engage with at the moment.
You know what's the worst thing about Switch Pro speculation though? It's the way that everyone seems to take every leak as gospel, then get angry when it doesn't work out. How many damn tech prototypes have gotten leaked that never released? How many insiders have gotten stuff wrong in the past? I'm not trying to call anyone out or insist that it's not happening, but can we hype responsibly? Nate went through some shit last year because of Pro rumors. All insiders did. People get shit wrong. For all we know the Nvidia leak could be completely outdated.
Folks have latched on to the Nvidia leak because it's [stolen] information straight from the horse's mouth, rather than secondhand info from insiders or reporters. There's less room for misinterpretation when the info is laid out in source files. There have indeed been tech prototypes and unreleased models datamined from the gigaleak and Switch OS that never came out, and some that have, like the OLED model. The info in the Nvidia leak is not a prototype, it's a new graphics API in development since 2020 targeting specific hardware that's a member of Nvidia's 2021 Orin family, the same hardware that got a open-source Linux commit two months ago, indicating it's still being worked on. Could portions of it be outdated? Maybe. Could the entire thing be scrapped? Maybe. I'm not going to blame myself for being confident in the evidence in front of me. I think reasonable confidence is a form of responsible hype. I'm never surprised if an insider is wrong but I would be if this somehow never came to fruition, considering the work put into it and it matching up with Nvidia's timeline.
Its not even visuals for me

Its the resolution. If you fixed the switch's resolution in most third parties they would get sooo much better already.

As for the next switch... i want to play mp4 in 4k pls.

Resolution and framerate improvements were all I’ve wanted since the Pro talks began.
It seems a Tech Fail of the year would relate to some manner of technology that was released within that year, not some piece of hardware nigh six years in age which is generally considered, in those aspects not specifically related to its remaining the same against the relentless march of technological progress, to be very much a Tech Succeed.

But articles about how we need the Switch successor yesteryear are easy to write and generate clicks (not just regarding this piece). After all, when Nintendo finally announces new hardware, we can all shout that we did it, we forced Nintendo to get with the times.

Or something. I don't know. It's a statement that's gone on for some time now, and it doesn't really update to cover new ground. A deluge of articles stating it isn't going to convince those who don't already agree, and it's not going to make Nintendo start working on a successor.

They are, after all, already working on it. By all indications, we should be seeing that soon. Even if you don't want to take the different indications into account, we're just now getting to the point it might make sense to start really wondering, and even then maybe not quite there. The idea that it needed to be released, basically, now-ish at latest is diehard hyperbolic.

And I get the idea that Nintendo needs to release it before the Switch truly dies down, as they now have only the one console line. To release it while the current Switch can still keep going alongside would make sense.

And now powerful hardware -- as we appear to be getting -- would be useful to Nintendo. While I surely wouldn't be getting it right away, I do want Pikmin and F-Zero and StarFox and Metroid and so on and so forth to benefit from such hardware.

I guess I just don't see much value in articles making it a point that this technology that released six years ago is now six years old , especially given indications that the sought successor is set to release. I'm sure there's a better way to write about it, but I just don't think this is that.

I think Nintendo can release Switch 2 even while the current Switch is doing well and market the two alongside each other, with the older one being positioned as a budget option, and eventually phase it out.
I do suspect this is the overall plan, that the current Switch will continue to be supported for some time yet after a successor releases.

"2017 launch title The Breath of the Wild, a brilliant Zelda game that revealed all that the Switch was capable of — and not capable of — out of the gate."

The thing is, that BOTW was Wii U game first and foremost, the game was essentially build for Wii U. Switch version was done relatively with no major changes aside for things like resolution.
Pfft, the what now? There's no such thing as a Wii U. Don't go around making stuff up now, Lukas; it's embarrassing and unbecoming, and you could have at least made up a believable name.

Breath of the Wild showed us every facet of the Switch's capabilities right off the bat, and that is that.

I mean, from my perspective the platform not getting something like Soul Hackers 2, probably indicates how bad the dev cycle for SMTV was in getting it running appropriately on the Switch.
I'm sure I kept hearing that Soul Hackers 2 ran abysmally on the systems it did release on, when there shouldn't have been a reason for it to do so.

I sometimes feel like I'm the only person on earth who wants pikmin 4 and splatoon to be 4K without emulation
No, the ability to do that would be great, and especially beneficial for something like Pikmin. But that's also a bit different of a direction than this manner of conversion often goes. The What Nintendo Franchise Would Benefit Most from New Hardware thread is a great outlet for that and could foster discussion as to what in particular each title would get from an upgrade.

I think it's a frustrating trend that wishing something were different is so often treated as criticism
I often wish a great many things were different. Wishing things were different is a time-honored tradition.

It seems, in this case, it's often presented less as wishful thinking and more as criticism. Take the framing of the Switch as a Tech Fail, for instance.
You know what's the worst thing about Switch Pro speculation though? It's the way that everyone seems to take every leak as gospel, then get angry when it doesn't work out. How many damn tech prototypes have gotten leaked that never released? How many insiders have gotten stuff wrong in the past? I'm not trying to call anyone out or insist that it's not happening, but can we hype responsibly? Nate went through some shit last year because of Pro rumors. All insiders did. People get shit wrong. For all we know the Nvidia leak could be completely outdated.
Which is exactly why some discussion recently should be tempered. It's gotten to more than just speculation. There's people pointing to a trail from that nvidia leak to everything that has happened since August or September I believe and trying to insinuate people are stupid for thinking anything other than 1H of next year. Nintendo is fickle and sensitive to certain outside pressure. We know they worked on something. We don't know if they plan to bring that something to us or when. For me, I think it makes sense for 1H release but I've been a Nintendo fan for a long time and sometimes they like to do things that don't make sense to us lol. So I equally expect something later in the year or even in 2024. I don't really take a strong position anymore. It gets exhausting and needlessly toxic at time. I can't fathom anything after 2024 though.

But all this speculation has gone on too long. A lot of wear and tear when it comes to discussion. I'm just waiting for when Nintendo demands money for a gadget to play their games.
Everyone is down for new hardware. It's just that people seemingly ignore hardware has cycles.

PS3 to PS4 was 7 years. PS4 to PS5 was 7 years.

360 to Xbox One was 8 years. Xbox One to Xbox Series was 7 years.

Switch is approaching 6 years and people are acting like it should have already been replaced. Really, March 2023 would be the earliest for a new generation. March 2024 would be right on time for modern systems.

I'm surprised Nintendo didn't do a new 3DS type upgrade but otherwise, I dunno, the dramaticism just feels like enthusiasts forgetting what generations actually look like.
I think ultimately that's because speculation has gone on for so long lol. And that last part. Nintendo was kind of treating it like a handheld with the switch lite and the Oled version.
The only fitting reveal for new Switch/new SoC if Drake the rapper did it. Drake revealing Drake 😵‍💫
I think ultimately that's because speculation has gone on for so long lol. And that last part. Nintendo was kind of treating it like a handheld with the switch lite and the Oled version.
The DS got the DSi and the 3DS got the new 3DS. Upgraded internal refreshes have been something Nintendo has only done in their handhelds. So that's why I think a bunch of people assumed in 2019 when we heard from the Japanese insider (can't remember his name) that an enhanced system was coming. But at the time no one was thinking it was going to be a new chip. Just the shrunk Mariko chip upclocked and maybe some improved bandwidth.

The firmware leak that became the OLED had everyone fooled due to the reporting from Bloomberg and some insiders talking about what we now know is Drake (given the nvidia leak and the linux commits) but I think for people following closely, what was assumed to be just an enhanced platform or Pro in line with what Nintendo kind of did for the last 2 generations morphed into basically a whole new generation of hardware once we learned stuff from insiders an Bloomberg. The Nvidia leak last year basically highlighted a chip that was way way above what people expected and here we are.

I think when looking back it seems like a "this is the year" type thing especially the year of the OLED just due to major reporting out of Bloomberg (they dont report stuff without verification so wires were crossed but I don't doubt the sources) but after that it sorta became, okay we know its real, but when.

At least that's my view. None of this really stops me from just playing games on my Switch now cause who even knows if when this thing launches I'll have time for it. May as well have the fun while I know it can still be had :p
I won't lie that some of the reason that this article was written is probably indignance about Switch's continued success in the face of next-gen options from a tech site like The Verge.

But regardless of your feelings, we're at the point when new hardware is typically trotted out by Nintendo and... yeah, if Nintendo's own teams are pushing up against the walls of what can be reasonably achieved, there's no sense in fighting the notion that new hardware is coming.

So I still side-eye the reasoning for the article but come to the same conclusion from a more reasonable angle.
Switch can still produce good looking games, but it is 100% time for an upgrade. I do find it interesting that people weren't clamoring constantly for a new system when PS4 and Xbox One were aging (for the Pro and X, I mean). They had performance issues plenty but nobody was losing their minds about it, yet somehow Switch is just constantly nagged on about it. Just bizarre, this all reminds me of 2001 GameCube days where everyone complained about "cartoony" graphics of GC and the realistic graphics of Xbox, even though Playstation also had plenty of exclusive games with cartoony RPG graphics.
Switch can still produce good looking games, but it is 100% time for an upgrade. I do find it interesting that people weren't clamoring constantly for a new system when PS4 and Xbox One were aging (for the Pro and X, I mean). They had performance issues plenty but nobody was losing their minds about it, yet somehow Switch is just constantly nagged on about it. Just bizarre, this all reminds me of 2001 GameCube days where everyone complained about "cartoony" graphics of GC and the realistic graphics of Xbox, even though Playstation also had plenty of exclusive games with cartoony RPG graphics.
That's because Nintendo's hardware is different from both PlayStation and Xbox. The latter two have generally been similar boxes as far as power spec and the type of games they get, but Nintendo ever since. The Wii up to now have done their own thing so everyone always analyzes them with a microscope... For better or worse haha.

And now we have the hybrid system with its pros and cons. I do still think even for the successor or revision some need to keep their expectations and check, it won't be as much of a powerhouse as some are expecting IMO.
I am really predicting that Switch 2 is coming May 12th along with Zelda.

If I am right and that’s the case, it’s hard to argue that wasn’t that best decision — making this whole article and frenzy over switch’s power to be moot.

But it they don’t have Switch 2 on May.12th and we’re playing ToTK in 900p 30fps with drops (like BOTW) — well then I’m going to say they screwed up and need to get a new console out.
I am really predicting that Switch 2 is coming May 12th along with Zelda.

If I am right and that’s the case, it’s hard to argue that wasn’t that best decision — making this whole article and frenzy over switch’s power to be moot.

But it they don’t have Switch 2 on May.12th and we’re playing ToTK in 900p 30fps with drops (like BOTW) — well then I’m going to say they screwed up and need to get a new console out.
If it doesn't come with ToTK, I genuinely think that will be one of Nintendo's dumbest business decisions that I can remember. Like--you have to be so business inept to not pair the most anticipated game of 2023 with the most anticipated system. I just cannot fathom that stupidity, but it is Nintendo. Maybe I am missing something.
If it doesn't come with ToTK, I genuinely think that will be one of Nintendo's dumbest business decisions that I can remember. Like--you have to be so business inept to not pair the most anticipated game of 2023 with the most anticipated system. I just cannot fathom that stupidity, but it is Nintendo. Maybe I am missing something.
Prepare to be disappointed then.
I truly do expect to be disappointed, yes. I also think it will just be an absolutely idiotic decision. Like such a dumb business decision I can't think of a more recent, dumber one. You got a near 30 million seller, most anticipated, likely GOTY contender sequel to one of the great reviewed games of all time that began the Switch's run 6 years ago. I just...I just cannot understand. Does not compute.
I truly do expect to be disappointed, yes. I also think it will just be an absolutely idiotic decision. Like such a dumb business decision I can't think of a more recent, dumber one. You got a near 30 million seller, most anticipated, likely GOTY contender sequel to one of the great reviewed games of all time that began the Switch's run 6 years ago. I just...I just cannot understand. Does not compute.
BOTW has sold nearly 30M over a 6 year period, as you said. Now imagine what TOTK can do releasing on the same system, which now has well over 100M sold. Its day 1 sales are going to be colossal. Do you really expect Nintendo to turn that revenue down?

They launched BOTW on Switch at same time as the Wii U because they didn't have a choice in the matter. With TOTK they are in a much better position. If they felt it would be better to delay TOTK to launch with Switch 2 then Nintendo would absolutely not hesitate to do so. But as I said earlier in the thread, a one-two punch of Mario movie followed by perhaps the biggest game launch of the year is too tempting a prospect for them to pass up.

Maybe Nintendo will surprise us and reveal a Switch 2 in a couple of months to launch with TOTK. But they could absolutely just release a graphical upgrade pack + DLC for TOTK when Switch 2 launches to encourage existing owners to take the plunge.
I'm definitely interested in finally seeing some new hardware. I'm just really curious as to when it might feel like I "have to" have it. Will it draw my attention at launch, or will I wait awhile? Prime 4 will be my ultimate selling point, but also Animal Crossing. Not having to deal with all the tedious arrival and departure screens alone would be huge, and holy moly, if we're going to be able to flood our islands with things, stuff like this can't happen! Please!

What’s really wild to me, as someone who tends to actively participate in whatever community I tend to be part of, is that the simple act of actually being active with my posting seems to generate an unreasonable amount of pushback; it doesn’t matter where I am or what I’m posting, sooner or later, someone or the other will take umbrage at what they view as me posting excessively, either in general, or about some particular topics.

Kind of hoped this community would be better on that front but 🤷‍♂️
For what it's worth: personally, I really admire and appreciate your activity level on the board! I've observed that you're often in the habit of putting a high degree of effort into your OPs, and creating a myriad of interesting frameworks for discussion. I know different people will naturally express varied impressions about which threads they find to be of interest, and which threads don't appeal to them, and that's perfectly alright, but as someone who doesn't consider himself all that great at making threads about specific topics in the way you typically do, I appreciate the output! It doesn't just go for you, either: I always see other community members putting together solid day-to-day threads, and I'm super grateful, as I depend on them for my daily browsing material, but I ain't great at making them. 😅 The occasional OT or ST is more my comfort zone.
A successor to PS5 and Series X is long overdue since the hardware seems incapable of keeping up with games such as Gotham Knights. Let's hope we see pro versions of these consoles in 2023 at the latest.
Underrated best post. We need a successor to the switch successor threads so the community can keep up with these.

As for the actual topic at hand, it's fine to want a successor, but sales of current switch models seem to indicate a lot of people still don't actually need one. And between that, and the possibility of chip scarcity struggles, it's understandable why Nintendo might be iffy on dropping one.

We're probably getting one in 2023 since i just got an OLED a week ago ahahaha
"Switch should've been replaced/improved" commentary started cropping up as early as 2020, usually to do with how the console doesn't support 4K resolutions (a thing Nintendo will be most assuredly concerned about, given how widespread it is...) and while it holds more water now than it does then... Nintendo is probably wary of just dropping the device right now. 2022 was not a great year for a lot of people's economic standing and pushing for a 200-300$ leisure device may not be the best choice right now.

The Switch's successor will come out when it comes out... and I'm putting money on the table that a subset of tech opinionators will complain about it being "too weak" anyway.
is it ok to want new hardware and still think the Switch is awesome and love to play games on it?

i think Switch is the best console ever but I understand that it's time to move on and games are really starting to struggle, to a point where gameplay is getting compromised.
I can see people getting defensive if this article was written in 2020 after four years on the market, but here we are on the verge of Switch's SEVENTH year on the market (unprecedented for Nintendo to go this long without introducing a new system or a huge refresh) and people are acting like its not time for Nintendo to move on yet.

The only reason people is getting defensive is that a lot of online enthusiasts are claiming new games suck, while

  • Xenoblade 3 performs way better than Xenoblade 2 did in '17
  • Fire Emblem Engage is visually like a generation above Three Houses
  • I bet that Zelda TotK will perform better than BotW

Yes, we know that Violet/Scarlet has huge issues, even to the point that Nintendo addressed them and will patch the game out (not only for bugs, but to improve performances), with Arceus launched the vey same year, performing better on a bigger scope that what Sword/Shield did back in the days

Yes, we know that Bayonetta 3 has some struggle, but it is a very different, larger-scope episode than the predecessor and honestly, if in '16 someone would have showed that game running on a portable device, it would have been speechless

We are at a point than people claim the hardware was behind its time even before launch, while in '17 it was one hell of a portable device, and people faking it is not a portable are fooling themselves

And if the Switch 2, so wanted by everybody on the web, will still be a hybrid no: it won't compete visually with PS5. Ditto.


Is the console in its 5th year, entering the 6th? Yes
Would this be a regular moment to think about introducing the new hardware, in-between the 6th and 7th year of life-cycle? Yes
Should they have introduced it already? No
Does the Switch sucks and its game suck? No

it would be enough to share opinions keepong in mind a bit of fairness, and I think nobody would be defensive against the claim that in H2 '23 or H1 '24 a new, more powerful and up-to-date hw would be very welcomed and possibly needed too, to gain adequate third party support and allow first party teams to not be left behind the competition

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