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Discussion [The Verge] Tech Fails of 2022: The Nintendo Switch Really Showed Its Age

It is time for a Switch successor

  • Total voters
I agree that is about time for a successor in 2023/2024, but still voted the 4th option because the discourse around Switch Pro/Switch 2 has been a constant annoyance for multiple years now.
Its been six years, Nintendo needs to move on.
why do they need to? isn't it usually when a consoles sales and software support die down that companies start talking about a successor? none of those things are happening with switch. the market is not really showing signs of being tired of switch and wanting to move on. it's the tech enthusiasts that are just banging on this drum for... 3 years now?
i mean yeah i think a new switch is coming next year either way but people talking about how nintendo NEEDS to release one doesn't make much sense to me.
why do they need to? isn't it usually when a consoles sales and software support die down that companies start talking about a successor? none of those things are happening with switch. the market is not really showing signs of being tired of switch and wanting to move on. it's the tech enthusiasts that are just banging on this drum for... 3 years now?
i mean yeah i think a new switch is coming next year either way but people talking about how nintendo NEEDS to release one doesn't make much sense to me.
The longer you wait, the more likely it is to run into a Wii to Wii U scenario. I know the Wii U had more problems than it releasing too late after Wii already fizzled; however, if Nintendo waits too long they run that risk. I see no issue with Nintendo pulling the trigger with Switch 2 with TotK and keeping Switch around for two years of cross gen games as a cheaper alternative.
The longer you wait, the more likely it is to run into a Wii to Wii U scenario. I know the Wii U had more problems than it releasing too late after Wii already fizzled; however, if Nintendo waits too long they run that risk. I see no issue with Nintendo pulling the trigger with Switch 2 with TotK and keeping Switch around for two years of cross gen games as a cheaper alternative.
i don't think the situation is really comparable to the wii -> wii u situation. by its 6th year software support for wii had fell off massively, and sales had fizzled out too. in its 6th fiscal year, wii sold 9 million, switch sold 23 million. in its 7th year, wii sold 4 million, by march 2023 switch will likely sell another ~20 million units. the situations are vastly different, both in hardware sales and software support.

from nintendo's perspective there's basically no reason to rush out a successor to a platform that's still doing this good, but this is just lost on a lot of people. all they see is a game running at not rock solid 30 fps and they think nintendo should go into panic mode.
i don't think the situation is really comparable to the wii -> wii u situation. by its 6th year software support for wii had fell off massively, and sales had fizzled out too. in its 6th fiscal year, wii sold 9 million, switch sold 23 million. in its 7th year, wii sold 4 million, by march 2023 switch will likely sell another ~20 million units. the situations are vastly different, both in hardware sales and software support.

from nintendo's perspective there's basically no reason to rush out a successor to a platform that's still doing this good, but this is just lost on a lot of people. all they see is a game running at not rock solid 30 fps and they think nintendo should go into panic mode.
No one is saying Nintendo needs to go into panic mode. But some people tend to forget that Nintendo is still in the technology industry and technology is always advancing and moving forward. Not having plans to release the next system because Switch is selling very well is exactly how to get into a situation of losing relevance if you are not ready to go WHEN Switch stops selling so well. No one can guarantee Switch will do 20 million in its 7th year when the new consoles are not supply constrained anymore. Will TotK even be a huge system seller to drive Switch hardware when most prospected buyers most likely already have a Switch because of BotW? I think it is obvious that TotK would be better served to launch a new system as opposed to being a great game on an already aging system thats over the hill.

Yet again, everyone will say Nintendo doesn't NEED to release a new system because the Switch is still selling 20 million a year; however, I will still take the stance of it ha sbeen six years already and I don't think it is wise to not have the next system ready to go before things fizzle, which could really be any month now. Whose to say Switch doesn't have a huge drop off once we get past this holiday and the Pokemon sales bump? It is not a guarantee that Switch sets the world on fire sales wise during the lead up to TotK. Wii was selling like hotcakes until it suddenly wasn't, even with the followup to the best selling zelda (at the time) on the horizon for it.
This lined urked me

There have been rumors of such a device, and its launch was reportedly postponed due to the chip shortage caused by the coronavirus pandemic. All that we’ve gotten is an underwhelming Switch OLED that has a better, slightly bigger OLED screen with similar internal specs and little else to tempt current owners. "

It briefly mentions the pandemic but seemingly just tosses it aside as if it wasn't a big deal and that it happened in the distant past. In case people have't gotten a clue yet, we are still facing the consequences of the pandemic even today. Supply chains have been fucked and are still fucked. That's a pretty significant reason why we haven't seen a new system yet. Continuously shouting how we need a Switch successor doesn't change the reality of what happened in the world and what is still happening the world.
Heck China is completely shuttered right now
How much money do people have that they are whining about not having another powerful device to buy?

An upgrade will come. If you just can’t handle it, play your PlayStation and stop yelling at your entertainment daddy to satiate your hunger for more pixels.
Honestly, the money part does worry me. I am just not at a point in my life right now where I'm interested in spending hundreds of dollars on a new console...especially when I know how difficult it's going to be to get one. Watching people struggle to get a new Xbox or PS5 has really ruined that part of the whole thing for me.
I don't think they're likely to hit another Wii -> Wii U situation, but the longer they wait the more likely they are to hit a Wii U -> Switch situation, where the developers have already moved on to bigger machines, making it more difficult and less worthwhile for them to put content on a new machine with a smaller userbase.
I don't think they're likely to hit another Wii -> Wii U situation, but the longer they wait the more likely they are to hit a Wii U -> Switch situation, where the developers have already moved on to bigger machines, making it more difficult and less worthwhile for them to put content on a new machine with a smaller userbase.
This also. Whether or not Nintendo is ready to move on because of the sales success of Switch, developers appear ready to move on with how many AAA (hell even AA) games miss Switch, or are launched at a much later time than other consoles, or just flat out cannot be ported.
No one is saying Nintendo needs to go into panic mode. But some people tend to forget that Nintendo is still in the technology industry and technology is always advancing and moving forward. Not having plans to release the next system because Switch is selling very well is exactly how to get into a situation of losing relevance if you are not ready to go WHEN Switch stops selling so well.
but i'm sure they do have plans. who thinks they've sat on their hands and waited and will only start planning the successor once sales die down? they are already deep into the development on the next hardware, according to all rumors.

No one can guarantee Switch will do 20 million in its 7th year when the new consoles are not supply constrained anymore.
we kinda can. in the first two quarters of this fiscal year they've already sold 6.7 million units, and this quarter that we're in is their big Q of the year, where they usually sell as much as Q2 and Q3 combined. with the sales of Q1 2023 we won't be far off from 20 million. the point being, there's a massive difference here with what switch is doing at this point in its life and what wii was doing.

Will TotK even be a huge system seller to drive Switch hardware when most prospected buyers most likely already have a Switch because of BotW?
not every big game is releasing with the intention of being a huge hardware seller. nintendo just had their biggest first party launch of all time with pokemon, i doubt they released it with the intention of breathing new life into hardware sales (which were doing fine anyway, same way they'll be doing in may 2023).

Yet again, everyone will say Nintendo doesn't NEED to release a new system because the Switch is still selling 20 million a year; however, I will still take the stance of it ha sbeen six years already and I don't think it is wise to not have the next system ready to go before things fizzle, which could really be any month now. Whose to say Switch doesn't have a huge drop off once we get past this holiday and the Pokemon sales bump? It is not a guarantee that Switch sets the world on fire sales wise during the lead up to TotK.
i'm sure they already have plans tho, and i don't think sales are about to fizzle down any minute now. there's still a lot of life in switch's sales, and totk doesn't need to give switch hardware a massive boost in sales. it's just gonna be a massive game released on a console with ~130 million userbase, which is really what any game should want. switch will be fine until holiday next year when a successor will likely release.
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600p third party games and 720p first party developed / published games when docked for people with 40-50+” 4k HDTV’s is an absolutely awful experience even up against the base PS4. A console from almost a decade ago…

They have a point and 2023 is past due for an upgrade. It’s a good job it looks like we’re getting it next year 😃
I think people are more likely in general to either upgrade their mobile devices every couple of years or buy multiple and share/hand me down amongst friends and family, so I think Nintendo can release Switch 2 even while the current Switch is doing well and market the two alongside each other, with the older one being positioned as a budget option, and eventually phase it out.

With games still coming out targeting PS4/XBO I think the sooner the better to give a great first impression of Drake, since it can handle those ports, and it'd be great to get them day-and-date. And because the sooner it comes out, the more likely (I think) we'll get patches for recent releases like Bayo 3, Persona 5, etc. Timing it with Zelda seems ideal and serendipitous.

It'd be a worse blunder if they mess up the launch marketing and undersell the device's capabilities.
I don't really understand what the panic is for. Wouldn't surprise me to see a successor within 12 months and, if that happens, that's very much in keeping with how Nintendo usually operate. While Switch - commercially - isn't running out of steam, so to speak, it has passed its peak and will continue to slow. I suspect Nintendo will want to offset that decline with a new device; equally, Switch declining slowly and having a strong sales curve means there's less pressure on the new system to perform explosively out the gate.
"2017 launch title The Breath of the Wild, a brilliant Zelda game that revealed all that the Switch was capable of — and not capable of — out of the gate."

The thing is, that BOTW was Wii U game first and foremost, the game was essentially build for Wii U. Switch version was done relatively with no major changes aside for things like resolution.
This year just had a ton of games that clearly needed more time polishing and aimed to go bigger than the teams ever got before.
Next year we'll have Tears of the Kingdom which got the time needed and will look great and everyone will forget lol.

Tbh 2019 already showed what Switch could do if the right development time and development choices were made with Luigi's Mansion 3 and Astral Chain.

2017 with Breath of the Wild and Odyssey showed it greatly too.

It's definitely time for refreshment, as some games really struggle to keep frame rates and have big issues with aliasing and sub native resolutions, but I wish we still have games also coming for regular Switch for many years to come. I'm thankful I can play Bayonetta 3 even if it has some pretty... Meh terrain textures. And I'll be thrilled to play Xenoblade 3 even tho it's actual resolution is low. And will be happy to play TotK, that I imagine won't suffer much with it. But I'll be happy to have those of you that badly want it, playing those games in 4K.
I think it's time for a Switch successor with a nice long cross-gen period, but the answer to this poll is still the fourth option

If you want to discuss the upcoming hardware that has been leaked, there is a dedicated thread to do so. There are also many, many other threads where it has been talked about to death. We really don't need a new thread every time someone writes a new opinion piece about how the Switch is old
I don't know if Nintendo needs to move on, but I sure want them to. It's time for a new Switch, and games like Bayo 3 running so poorly show us that.
Ultimately it's a visual medium very steeped in technology. It's not surprising that a significant portion of the player base are very ready to move on to new hardware after 6 years.

Whether Nintendo is "failing" or not I guess comes down to whether you see the seepage of enthusiast gamers and software out of the platform to competitors as a problem. These are early adopters, people that buy a lot of games, and a foundational block in boosting device popularity across social media and in enthusiast circles. A big part of the Switch's success was that it was able to actually sell 3rd party software, and attract non-Nintendo gamers to the platform. In a general sense I think you're playing with fire in losing people and software to Steam Deck or elsewhere because the Switch can no longer keep up, or the difficulty of developing for it is no longer worth the effort.

I mean, from my perspective the platform not getting something like Soul Hackers 2, probably indicates how bad the dev cycle for SMTV was in getting it running appropriately on the Switch. I'm sure there's been plenty of troubles out there over the years.
Honestly, the money part does worry me. I am just not at a point in my life right now where I'm interested in spending hundreds of dollars on a new console...especially when I know how difficult it's going to be to get one. Watching people struggle to get a new Xbox or PS5 has really ruined that part of the whole thing for me.
I pray that if there's a Switch 2 we have at least like 2 years of cross gen.
I only got to buy my Switch in late 2021, and I'm at the point financially that I have to save for months to buy a game on a sale, definitely won't be able to get a ~400$ console anytime soon.
I'm totally fine with playing my games at 720p30 as long as I get to play them, don't see any reason they'd make exclusives for this next machine like next year or 2024 when literally all of the possible ones could run decently on the Switch.
This also. Whether or not Nintendo is ready to move on because of the sales success of Switch, developers appear ready to move on with how many AAA (hell even AA) games miss Switch, or are launched at a much later time than other consoles, or just flat out cannot be ported.
That has been the situation since March 3rd 2017.
tech outlets and assorted nerds trying to kill the switch and failing has been one of the funnier arcs of these last couple of years. maybe the next article will do it.
I don't think anyone is trying to kill the Switch (indeed its indestructibility is well understood at this point lol), the fear in fact is partially motivated by a Nintendo with a product doing well against all odds, and with zero competition, has in the past led them to linger on a product line long after the market had moved on (the NES, the GameBoy, the Wii).

Ultimately Nintendo will do what they do, when they want to do it.
I am nothing if not fair

I agree that these considerations add nuance to any evaluation and discussion on the matter at hand, and they need to be given more weight; I think, however, this piece is simply talking about how, the end result is, in 2022, the Switch, in spite of numerous new models and revisions in the nearly six years since its launch, is now begging for an upgrade; the pandemic was almost 3 years ago. I think we are now approaching the time when it can no longer be used as an immediate explanation for things.
“The Pandemic was almost 3 years ago.” Maybe in whatever fantasy land you live in? Production lines are just now getting back on track but they’re still nowhere near pre-pandemic levels, and let’s be absolutely fucking clear here, the pandemic STARTED 3 years ago, it didn’t end 3 years ago. Things didn’t even begin to start to go back to normal until more than halfway through 2021.

Perspective is important here and it’s getting really fucking tiring seeing people act like things should have been back to normal in an extremely short amount of time.

Hell, we are only just now starting to PS5’s out in the wild and that’s a pretty good indicator right there that things are still far and away from being normal.

I swear, if I never have to see another Switch pro whining thread from Phantom Thief it’ll be too soon.
tech outlets and assorted nerds trying to kill the switch and failing has been one of the funnier arcs of these last couple of years. maybe the next article will do it.
They aren’t trying to kill it, they just don’t like it’s current state and that’s fair. As Phantom Thief says, this behavior of Nintendo often led to dissatisfaction. Your always gonna have one wing/side of people who think that they should’ve moved on a long time ago and introduce more powerful systems and another wing that thinks they should keep it as it is. Nothing wrong with that imo.
“The Pandemic was almost 3 years ago.” Maybe in whatever fantasy land you live in? Production lines are just now getting back on track but they’re still nowhere near pre-pandemic levels, and let’s be absolutely fucking clear here, the pandemic STARTED 3 years ago, it didn’t end 3 years ago. Things didn’t even begin to start to go back to normal until more than halfway through 2021.
The point is that three years ago, the pandemic was totally new and a disruption that could not possibly have been accounted for. Today, the pandemic is a constant and pervasive way of life, something that should be accounted for in any plan (and something that shouldn't be single handedly responsible for delaying your plans, if it is, your planning was bad, and that needs to be called out).

No one is saying the pandemic "ended".

Hell, we are only just now starting to PS5’s out in the wild and that’s a pretty good indicator right there that things are still far and away from being normal.
And Nintendo is apparently using chips and parts far easier to source and far less subject to supply constraints, by all accounts. No one expects them to launch with 30 million Switch 2 consoles in 2023, but at this point they should have enough ready for a launch year (see above: the pandemic is a 3 year old reality at this point, you no longer get to claim it as an unforeseen disruption).

I swear, if I never have to see another Switch pro whining thread from Phantom Thief it’ll be too soon.
You are free to never open one again.
I still enjoy the Switch to a great deal but I would love new hardware to come out. I don't really care about it selling really well either. For me as a sales freak I love good numbers but as someone who enjoys video games I would like to have fresh hardware accompanying Zelda tbh.
It's been almost six years since the Switch was launched. It's kinda obvious that there is a successor or some sort of upgrade in development. The Nvidia leak also points in that direction. People who say that it's just a hoax, that there's nothing in development whatsoever are just being foolish. As successful as the Switch is, these companies don't go for six freaking years without doing, thinking, discussing and developing anything in terms of future hardware.

That said, these hardware-begging spiels on every review that comes out have their own merit, but we've got to a point where it's just bland, meaningless parroting, and sometimes with a lack of criteria too. I've seen people begging for a Pro after BOTW, after Xenoblade 2, after Xenoblade 3, after Pokémon S/V, just to name a few examples. These games have significantly different issues, were mostly developed by different teams, with different release strategies and schedules, for different publics, but all the Pro-begging puts them all in the same basket. We can have legitimate criticism about technical issues and performance without falling into Pro-begging, and hardware isn't always the main problem here.

I think there's enough evidence of a new system coming out soon. But it will be done when it's done.
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Such a strange article title, when I think of tech failings of 2022 I would imagine the article covering tech that debut this year not 2017. Anyway we all know due to leaks that a successor is on its way and even without that knowledge there is no logic behind Nintendo resting on their laurels just because the Switch is a success.
there is no logic behind Nintendo resting on their laurels just because the Switch is a success.
See, you'd think this, but this is exactly what happened with the NES (the entire reason Sega was able to gain a foothold), the Gameboy (the entire reason that thing lasted 15 years on the market), the SNES (although to be fair to Nintendo, their hand was forced here as there was no way that Project Reality was going to be ready before 1996), and even the Wii (the entire reason the Wii U was two years late and somehow still rushed).

We have enough precedence for this that people who worry aren't coming out of nowhere, there is a long established trend of Nintendo taking longer than they need to for new platforms just because the current one is doing well, absent any external impetus (such as when they leapfrogged the bulk of the GBA generation because of Sony's PSP threat).
The point is that three years ago, the pandemic was totally new and a disruption that could not possibly have been accounted for. Today, the pandemic is a constant and pervasive way of life, something that should be accounted for in any plan (and something that shouldn't be single handedly responsible for delaying your plans, if it is, your planning was bad, and that needs to be called out).

No one is saying the pandemic "ended".

And Nintendo is apparently using chips and parts far easier to source and far less subject to supply constraints, by all accounts. No one expects them to launch with 30 million Switch 2 consoles in 2023, but at this point they should have enough ready for a launch year (see above: the pandemic is a 3 year old reality at this point, you no longer get to claim it as an unforeseen disruption).

You are free to never open one again.
The pandemic disrupted literally every single supply chain out there. Do you think that Nintendo is unique in how they went about adapting? The pandemic was constantly changing throughout the first year and while some were able to pivot easier than others, it still took astronomical amounts of time for every company to adjust to the new world that was laid out before us.

And so, what, you think Nintendo hasn’t adjusted and accounting for the pandemic now? Is that why we’ve got reports that dev kits for the Switch Pro/2 are in developer’s hands right now? Or that the leaked specs show that what they release will easily be a large improvement over the current Switch?

You are constantly ignoring the signs that the new hardware is on the horizon to move this narrative that Nintendo is just resting on their laurels when we have definitive proof that that isn’t the case.

If another year goes by without any acknowledgement from Nintendo themselves, then sure, you could argue that they’re going to wait for Switch sales to dry up. It’s pretty clear that the pandemic disrupted their plans for the pro or whatever since we’ve had reports for so long and they ended up making adjustments.

Right now all you’re doing is moaning and whining for a product that we know is coming. Learn to be patient and stop making the same thread every other week.
The pandemic disrupted literally every single supply chain out there. Do you think that Nintendo is unique in how they went about adapting? The pandemic was constantly changing throughout the first year and while some were able to pivot easier than others, it still took astronomical amounts of time for every company to adjust to the new world that was laid out before us.

And so, what, you think Nintendo hasn’t adjusted and accounting for the pandemic now? Is that why we’ve got reports that dev kits for the Switch Pro/2 are in developer’s hands right now? Or that the leaked specs show that what they release will easily be a large improvement over the current Switch?

You are constantly ignoring the signs that the new hardware is on the horizon to move this narrative that Nintendo is just resting on their laurels when we have definitive proof that that isn’t the case.

If another year goes by without any acknowledgement from Nintendo themselves, then sure, you could argue that they’re going to wait for Switch sales to dry up. It’s pretty clear that the pandemic disrupted their plans for the pro or whatever since we’ve had reports for so long and they ended up making adjustments.

Right now all you’re doing is moaning and whining for a product that we know is coming. Learn to be patient and stop making the same thread every other week.
Okay, new Nintendo hardware is on the horizon. It’s not confirmed right now, but it’s on the horizon. Speculation about upcoming new hardware is going to happen. It’s not exclusive to Nintendo, it happens to any system ever, especially popular ones; PS5 speculation was borderline impossible to avoid for 2019 and most of 2020, it’s not an indictment on the current system to discuss the follow up.

Also there’s no “moaning” or “whining”. You seem to have this impression that I go through my days with my teeth grit, throwing tantrums every day the Switch successor doesn’t get announced, but I’m simply talking about the next Nintendo hardware (impending, as you yourself like to point out) on an enthusiast forum dedicated to discussing Nintendo. Shit man, it’s not even like ALL I post about is the Switch successor, in the last one week, I made two threads discussing the Switch library, one discussing GOTYs (Nintendo and non-Nintendo), one shitpost thread about Furret, and ONE thread about Switch sales that included a sly “we’re never getting a successor”. This is also ignoring all the rest of my posting activity, none of which includes Switch successor talk (I’m not even in the top FIFTY posters on the Switch successor speculation thread EDIT: not even in the top 250!).

I don’t know what projected frustration you have about Switch successor discussions that you seem to believe should be focused on me, but not only have I talked very rarely about the Switch successor (one or two times a week if that) across all my posts, but even if I was posting ONLY about it, it would be very valid for an enthusiast board following Nintendo on the eve of whatever their next system ends up being.
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it's wild to me that there's seemingly nowhere on the internet where wanting a new switch doesn't get pushback

most places you're expected to have given up on nintendo, most of this site doesn't care, and even the hardware thread is full of regulars insisting that they don't care about it and just enjoy the industry talk

I sometimes feel like I'm the only person on earth who wants pikmin 4 and splatoon to be 4K without emulation
Oh Jesus F Christ, are we really seeing this in the same year Xenoblade 3, Mario Strikers, Switch Sports (say what you will about their content, these games deliver tech wise, moreso when it comes to anything developed by Next Level Games) Kirby, etc...

This is tiring, and just a cheap way to get clics for The Verge.

Bayonetta always pushes the target hardware to the point of never actually delivering. Happened on Xbox 360, happened on Wii U and happened on Switch once again. More than the console's fault, it's Platinum's development ethos.
No. It ran fine on 360 and Bayo 2 ran fine as well. The hardware is old. It needs to be updated. It always amazes me the people who want to defend a corporation.
most places you're expected to have given up on nintendo, most of this site doesn't care, and even the hardware thread is full of regulars insisting that they don't care about it and just enjoy the industry talk
Bruh you’re on a Nintendo site, you’re not gonna get much criticism for Nintendo not having a more powerful device on here unlike places like Era, Gamefaqs, Reddit, etc.
it's wild to me that there's seemingly nowhere on the internet where wanting a new switch doesn't get pushback

Anyways, I want one too. Very much. Playing the Witcher 3 next-gen update at Ultra Performance DLSS (360p, baby) makes me more excited for the potential.

But I know it's in development, soo there's not much I feel I can do other than wait.
it's wild to me that there's seemingly nowhere on the internet where wanting a new switch doesn't get pushback
What’s really wild to me, as someone who tends to actively participate in whatever community I tend to be part of, is that the simple act of actually being active with my posting seems to generate an unreasonable amount of pushback; it doesn’t matter where I am or what I’m posting, sooner or later, someone or the other will take umbrage at what they view as me posting excessively, either in general, or about some particular topics.

Kind of hoped this community would be better on that front but 🤷‍♂️

Anyway, yes, I agree with you. I love the Switch. I love Nintendo. I barely care for visuals and tech. I want a new Switch because the current one is clearly old, and the longer Nintendo takes to move on to their next system, the likelier the chance that third party support (integral to my enjoyment of the Switch) gets compromised as the industry moves on without Nintendo. Again.
linger on a product line long after the market had moved on (the NES, the GameBoy, the Wii)
The Switch is just not comparable to those systems. The software sales point to a large and active audience. The market has clearly not “moved on” from the system.

it's wild to me that there's seemingly nowhere on the internet where wanting a new switch doesn't get pushback
Well maybe if this article was titled “We Want A New Switch” that would be fine and dandy

But no it’s called Tech Fails of 2022

There’s this sentiment that Nintendo NEEDS to release the next system or else they “lose their momentum” whatever that means

But seriously, just look at the numbers at Installbase. The Switch is not a Wii situation, the market is still very engaged

Just say you want a new Switch. No need to scoff at the old hardware. No need to explain why it makes business sense. Just say you want a new Switch with the newfangled processors and DLSS and whatnot

the likelier the chance that third party support (integral to my enjoyment of the Switch) gets compromised as the industry moves on without Nintendo
3P support for Nintendo has massively improved in the Switch era and I see no reason why it wouldn’t grow stronger

Feel like this is much less of a problem nowadays with how scalable everything is

The highest end AAA games will skip Switch 2 regardless, while AA and indies will still show up on the system
It is what it is. I wish it didn’t have to get to this point but here we are. I think we all can agree new hardware will be released from Nintendo next year. I better be playing Pikmin 4 and the new Zelda next year. That’s all I care about. 🤷🏾‍♂️
Bruh you’re on a Nintendo site, you’re not gonna get much criticism for Nintendo not having a more powerful device on here unlike places like Era, Gamefaqs, Reddit, etc.
I think it's a frustrating trend that wishing something were different is so often treated as criticism
it's wild to me that there's seemingly nowhere on the internet where wanting a new switch doesn't get pushback

most places you're expected to have given up on nintendo, most of this site doesn't care, and even the hardware thread is full of regulars insisting that they don't care about it and just enjoy the industry talk

I sometimes feel like I'm the only person on earth who wants pikmin 4 and splatoon to be 4K without emulation
I think a lot of people are just sick of it clogging up every Switch related discussion, particularly for exclusives. It’s been basically three years of every discussion about Switch games being ‘I wish I could play this on better hardware, Switch Pro when’ etc etc that get a little frustrating when you just want to talk about the games. This is the only enthusiast forum I’ve seen where this doesn’t really happen.

That said, any frustration I have with the discussion doesn’t mean I don’t agree that the hardware is pretty outdated at this point. I’m absolutely ready for a more powerful system and better looking games. Hell, the posts here about it not coming until 2024 are already sending me into a state of near despair.
The Switch is just not comparable to those systems. The software sales point to a large and active audience. The market has clearly not “moved on” from the system.
The interesting thing is that the NES, GameBoy, and SNES were not dead either when their successors should have been introduced (in fact the NES was in the prime of its life, and SNES was hitting its stride with DKC and Super Metroid). History would still say that it was a bad decision to linger on those systems longer than Nintendo needed to (particularly the NES, where Nintendo's reluctance to move on from their moneymaking machine single handedly contributed to there being an underserved market segment that Sega was able to get their foot in the door for and snatch a lot of marketshare in).

From a business perspective, the NES, which at the time was in its peak years with an extremely engaged global install base and a literal captive third party development community, should still have preempted competition with a successor, rather than Nintendo having to spend years chasing, catching up to, and then overtaking Sega.

The market has not moved on from the Switch. The market had not moved on from the iPod in 2007 either, Apple still introduced the iPhone. Because transitioning your audience your new product at the peak of the existing product's popularity is objectively a good business move.

3P support for Nintendo has massively improved in the Switch era and I see no reason why it wouldn’t grow stronger

Feel like this is much less of a problem nowadays with how scalable everything is

The highest end AAA games will skip Switch 2 regardless, while AA and indies will still show up on the system
Because I am no stranger to Nintendo building up good third party relations within a generation, and then still dropping the ball with them moving into the next generation. Yes, the scalability of most game code/middleware, plus Switch using standardized, well supported, industry-familiar hardware means that it's less likely to be a third party reset than past generations (plus the existence of hardware like Series S and Steam Deck is great for Nintendo as well, since it ensures that the baseline spec that third parties, even AAA ones, develop for are within the presumed Switch 2 spec range), but again, this is an area where third parties are all too happy to drop Nintendo at the first sign of trouble, meaning it is to Nintendo's advantage to minimize any potential signs of trouble to begin with; chief among the actions they can take to do so? Not take too long to get the Switch 2 out.

I agree the title is inflammatory, btw, and that is the first thing I say in my OP. The discussion in this topic is meant to be less about the title and more about the general sentiment.
No. It ran fine on 360 and Bayo 2 ran fine as well. The hardware is old. It needs to be updated. It always amazes me the people who want to defend a corporation.
Neither Bayo 1 nor Bayo 2 gone for the scope Bayo 3 got.
Astral Chain looked marginally better than either, buy aimed for 30fps.
Bayonetta 3 totally could've had better visuals and run better with more time of polish.
It's not a Switch problem only, you can see if from how the "hub world" looks very bland with the grass textures being ugly AF and water being horrible, but then you go to that Viola level based on ancient Japan and it just delivers looking awesome, with a lot of visual features and running like butter.

Bayonetta 1 didn't run fine on PS3.

Also neither 1 nor 2 nor any Platinum title is locked 60FPS in any platform, and those didn't have the same ambition and amount of content, stuff on scream, giant enemies and demanding mechanics.
I will say that if the Nvidia data breach hadn't happened I'd be a lot more fervent and pushy about wanting a 4K Switch, since the only info we'd have are insiders and Bloomberg.

I acknowledge not everyone is aware of it, possibly having tuned out all Switch Pro rumors after last year. I also acknowledge this board is the only real good source of information describing it in-depth, since you need something with experience to parse through the contents and media sites wouldn't touch it due to legal troubles. So it feels like the overwhelming majority don't know Nintendo has been developing a more powerful DLSS-enabled console for years already, or are unconvinced it's coming soon. So, I realize I've been unfair in evaluating how other folks feel, and I do apologize.

I think it's of course, totally fine to want a more capable Switch regardless of how well the current one is selling. Even when it is explicitly a developer issue (coughPokemoncough), it'd be nice to have a device to just brute force it. And of course, 2160p Tears of the Kingdom - yum. I frequently hop back and forth between bleeding edge gaming on my PC and my Switch and maybe I'm weird, but I have a high tolerance for returning to sub-1080p sub-60 fps visuals, maybe it's just how convenient the Switch is. I'm "fine" with the Switch insofar as I've refused to buy bad ports and I have a good TV. But I would not kick a Switch 2 out of bed. Much of my reaction to current subpar performance has been "hope this gets patched!"

My less favorite part of the discussion is the excessive hyperbole and misrepresentation (not here, but ... elsewhere), "every game is 720p" "can't run indies" "basically 15 year old hardware" "Switch fans rub Nintendo's knob". And also the weird pessimistic predictions about performance that aren't based in reality like so-and-so indie pixel art game or 360 port can't run on the Switch, or insinuating it's the Switch's "fault" that a bad port is bad. (Meanwhile, the Witcher 3 next-gen patch is being lambasted for its poor optimization, clearly we all need 4090s). My least favorite are the weird comments about mental health, that people speculating about and anticipating Switch 2 have something "wrong" with them. That unfortunately does happen here and I want to see less of it.

I'm being off topic so... I mean, I would agree with portions of the article, but framing it as a 'tech fail' is odd. It'd be a tech fail if Switch sales were plummeting and Nintendo wasn't doing anything about it, or if Switch 2 is released and it's below expectations.
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What I sincerely hope is that we get a Switch Pro alongside Tears of the Kingdom next year and everybody is happy, the tech enthusiasts being able to play their games at 4K with DLSS, and we that don't have the money to move on still being able to enjoy our games on the current Switch for years to come.
Because transitioning your audience your new product at the peak of the existing product's popularity is objectively a good business move
It’s also objectively a good business move to continue supporting your currently wildly successful system

I could bring up counterpoints but at the end of the day, we don’t know what Nintendo is thinking. And I think it is extremely premature to imply that not releasing a new system in the next six months is an unsound idea

chief among the actions they can take to do so? Not take too long to get the Switch 2 out
Well sure. What’s contentious is how long is too long.
It’s also objectively a good business move to continue supporting your currently wildly successful system

I could bring up counterpoints but at the end of the day, we don’t know what Nintendo is thinking. And I think it is extremely premature to imply that not releasing a new system in the next six months is an unsound idea

Well sure. What’s contentious is how long is too long.
I think Nintendo's window of opportunity for releasing the successor goes through to March 2024. Obviously earlier is better, but I don't think if they don't release it by or with Zelda, they're doomed or anything.

I also think that, given the points you yourself raised about game code scalability and standardized hardware, supporting your currently wildly successful system, and putting out is not in opposition to getting the successor out either - in fact, Sony and Microsoft are both showing us how to do exactly that.
If new hardware does not release by May with Zelda (which could happen, and I think it will happen). It will be something else, even better than partner showcases talk. Get ready.

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