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Which heavily rumored "it's absolutely gonna show up this time" game are we NOT going to see?

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After staying away from the internet for a handful of hours, I expected to come back here to find out Pyoro has leaked various games, but he hasn't.

It's cool in a way and I'm not complaining, but it makes me wonder if Nintendo has taken care of his source.
It's finally happened, no way.
AND I KNOW YOU KNOW SOMETHING , 2 questions , you can say if nintendo brasil will make some announcement at gamescon latam ? do you belive people can ask about the new games from direct there ?
gamescom LATAM is a big "?" to me as well, but they can announe things there yes (And I think they will)
You guys think Retro have two games in development???
I think for a while they kinda did, in that most of Retro worked on Prime Remastered and our best guess is that was finished maybe mid-2021, a few years after the Prime 4 reboot. So they were likely juggling both for at least a bit there

but personally I'd guess they've been all-hands-on-deck for Prime 4 in recent years
I'm gonna make a bold prediction for tomorrow: Super Mario Galaxy 2 Deluxe

It suspiciously never got included in 3D All-Stars, Nintendo needs something big for the holiday season, it can serve as an appetizer for the next 3D Mario, etc.

I'm really just coping because SMG2 is my favorite game of all time, but since this is the final direct of the Switch era, I'm just gonna throw my wild dream out there one last time...
I don't know whether to be excited or not about this Direct. The quietness is exciting but concerning (possibly a nothing burger Direct?). No leaks to go off of, so if anything cool happens at least we'll get some funny reactions on YT.
I think for a while they kinda did, in that most of Retro worked on Prime Remastered and our best guess is that was finished maybe mid-2021, a few years after the Prime 4 reboot. So they were likely juggling both for at least a bit there

but personally I'd guess they've been all-hands-on-deck for Prime 4 in recent years
Yeah, Prime Remastered had a lot of work done to the game so that’s probably it.

I just hope they’re in beginning stages of a Switch 2 project even if it’s just an enhanced version of Prime 4.
You're all burying the lede. You're looking for the leaked trees and missing the potential forest. You need to look inward and realize the greatest potential for the Direct.

In the June Direct 2021, two years before the first movie's release, we got the Mario casting list that broke the internet.

Tomorrow's Direct is the June Direct two years before the second Mario movie releases.

EDIT: I didn't math correctly.
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Final first-party predictions, feeling a little more optimistic than before:

Opener: Fire Emblem 4 remake, available September
Middle: New 2D Zelda game starring playable Zelda, available November and serving as this year's big holiday title
Closer: Metroid Prime 4, vague 2025 window
Headlines: NSO Updates including DK64, Diddy Kong Racing (these will be the consolation prizes for us DK fans), Metroid: Zero Mission, etc., Luigi's Mansion 2 reminder PLUS a digital shadow-drop for LM1 and physical release later for October, Kirby Robobot remake coming February 2025, new Mario baseball for August, Metroid Prime 2 + 3 bundle a la Pikmin 1 + 2 for September, F-Zero 99 Update (NO GX Remastered, as much as I'd love it), and DLC for at least a couple titles.

I'm not feeling WW and / or TP here, but I DO still think they're very possible to come out down the line and can be titles to appeal to Switch 1-only owners after the Switch 2 has come out - which will be backwards compatible to play them there as well. Other rumored remakes / remasters like F-Zero GX and Kid Icarus Uprising I personally think are a longshot of ever happening, but who knows - maybe Nintendo will want to continue the momentum of 99, for instance, and build with GX and then a brand new retail title down the line, if we're lucky. I'm kind of hoping this is the "finally!" Direct where we get the bulk of rumored games confirmed and dated, but knowing Nintendo, many will be omitted (leaving us to wonder still what exists and what doesn't, like always), and at least a couple very surprising titles will be there. Best of luck to us all tomorrow - feels cool to be going in blind this time!
You're all burying the lede. You're looking for the leaked trees and missing the potential forest. You need to look inward and realize the greatest potential for the Direct.

In the June Direct 2021, two years before the first movie's release, we got the Mario casting list that broke the internet.

Tomorrow's Direct is the June Direct two years before the second Mario movie releases.
That was September 2021
just fyi, I am stealing the hell outta this

you rang? 😁

honestly though I'm more a fan of the StreetHunter spoiler:

Goofy name but imo it flows better with the body lines and ironically looks more like the 90s TRD wing than that silver TRD concept tribute does.

Now if only it were possible for me to see out those damn cars.
I'm gonna make a bold prediction for tomorrow: Super Mario Galaxy 2 Deluxe

It suspiciously never got included in 3D All-Stars, Nintendo needs something big for the holiday season, it can serve as an appetizer for the next 3D Mario, etc.

I'm really just coping because SMG2 is my favorite game of all time, but since this is the final direct of the Switch era, I'm just gonna throw my wild dream out there one last time...
I know you're coping (and so am I), but I was actually thinking that a Super Mario Galaxy 3 would be a great capper to the generation
didn't prime remastered have alot of support studios though?
It did, but even still the number of people credited under the Retro Studios section of Prime Remastered's credits is not exactly small (and bear in mind the original staff were relegated to a "based on the work by the original staff" note at the end)

Pyoro getting doxxed was just a matter of time, no one gets clout on the internet without his/her real identity getting leaked eventually. Also no shade to Pyoro but being in a Discord server dedicated to leaks/(possibly) NDA breaches is not the smartest idea.

This being said I hope Fantasia gets a physical edition.
Shadowdrop - MP2+3 HD, physical later
Sept - FE4R
Oct - MP4
Nov - Pokemon Gen 5 Remake
Dec - Nothing
Reminders for nwc: nes edition (with some goofy remix challenges) and lm2 hd (with simple things like boss rematches)

NSO road map with Smash Bros

3rd party: DQ 1-3 2DHD, Ace Attorney Investigations Collection, Among Us, Darkest Dungeon II, Beyond Good and Evil 20th
what are the chances for a new console? I know Nate was talking about it, and I really think it’s weird how few Dreamcast games are on switch. No Sonic adventure 1 or 2, no space channel 5, no jet set, no nothing. And its been roughly the same distance from now to the Game Boy line as it was from Game Boy line to N64/Genesis
what are the chances for a new console? I know Nate was talking about it, and I really think it’s weird how few Dreamcast games are on switch. No Sonic adventure 1 or 2, no space channel 5, no jet set, no nothing. And its been roughly the same distance from now to the Game Boy line as it was from Game Boy line to N64/Genesis
GameCube time!
I don't understand why Nate and MVG both think it's too late in the year to announce and release MP4. Do I not remember Nate saying previously that it would have a quick marketing cycle a la Metroid Dread?

Mid-June to mid-November is 5 months.
It was only 4.5 months between the Switch's reveal and release.
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I don't understand why Nate and MVG both think it's too late in the year to announce and release MP4. Don't I remember Nate saying previously that it would have a quick marketing cycle a la Metroid Dread or no?

Mid-June to mid-November is 5 months.
It was only 5.5 months between the Switch's announcement and release.
Yeah hard disagree with nate on this reasoning
IMO, the Dreamcast and GameCube have similar issues — you can’t have too many games pre-loaded in the app because the file size starts to get too large. I know there are ways around this (pick a few games at a time to download, cloud streaming, etc.), but they all feel too different from the way the rest of the service works for me to think Nintendo will go with them.
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