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StarTopic [Spoilers Allowed] Nintendo Direct Speculation |ST8| Press Your (Nintendo Direct) Luck! [Read Staff Post]

Which heavily rumored "it's absolutely gonna show up this time" game are we NOT going to see?

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Why didn't they announce it on Pokemon day then?
IDK. Maybe they knew (some) people weren’t going to be happy with another BDSP-type game so they just announced the more ambitious Legends Z-A on Pokemon day to build hype? Or maybe they just decided to spread out the announcements to maximize impulse preorders?
here is the supposed email that someone from 4chan sent to Nintendo

Honestly given how much Game Greak/TPC tends to coordinate a lot of their media/merch/advertising in advance, it would be bit odd to have anything close to a mainline game be revealed here and not earlier. A niche spin-off sure, but a significant holiday release announced tomorrow would be a surprise given their history.
I think last year was the first year in a long time that a new mainline pokemon game wasn’t released. Going two straight years would be unprecedented.
they seem to consider DLC for mainline games an acceptable substitute for mainline releases; 2020 was also a "no mainline pokemon" year because it had Sword/Shield's DLC, just like last year had Scarlet/Violet's DLC
I still think y’all are underestimating the possibility of an outsourced Pokemon game similar to BDSP being this year’s holiday game.
I think not, if nothing else, because the Pokemon leakers have been dead silent this year. And assuming it gets revealed at the Pokemon Presents in August, that's potentially just a bit over 2 months of marketing time. Very unlike anything the company has done in the past.
Hey @NateDrake , about your F-Zero GX predictions. Is that wishful thinking or do you have inside info?

I ask because F-Zero GX is a difficult game to publish, not just because the profits are shared with Sega, but because the soundtrack is owned by a separate individual.

That means that if Nintendo were to remaster the game, they would have to sell it at a high price to be able to recoup its costs (and F-Zero doesn't really sell much). Either that or they would have to change the soundtrack so they don't have to pay royalties.
doesn't help when people try to watch a prediction video and the details from the tweets are said in the video.
This does suck and I've had things like movies spoiled for me in this fashion before. It does help to avoid certain parts of the internet around the time of release of whatever it is.
You know you didn't have to read the tweets right?
There's no need to be rude about it. It was impossible to be on the internet without being spoiled, you don't need to read his tweets when everyone reports their "hints".

Being in the spoiler thread and complaining about spoilers is wild
Lol, turns out this was a regular thread before. I've never been spoiled because of a spoiler thread neither, so what's your point? I'm still here cause Pyoro isn't leaking anything, he probably doesn't know anything
Saying you hope he lost his sources seems like your being petty and weird for no reason. The spoilers are for people who want to be spoiled lol
You say "petty" as I wished him to be found dead or something lol I'm just happy we can be surprised for once, especially when the Direct is in less than 24 hours. I didn't even wish he lost his sources tho? I just said it's obvious he hasn't sources (or he's keeping low profile) and that I'm happy I'M NOT BEING SPOILED THIS TIME. That's all, please don't put words in my mouth I never said, even less to call me "petty" or "weird".

You can't deny either it's annoying when we were sure the Direct was tomorrow and 90% of posts here were about whether Pyoro was breathing, peeing or eating, which is not my favorite subject about Directs.
My dream Direct:

Starts with an all-new 2D Donkey Kong
Link do the Past Remake in the middle
Prime 2 and 3 shadow dropped
Prime 4 as the 'one more thing'
Saying you hope he lost his sources seems like your being petty and weird for no reason. The spoilers are for people who want to be spoiled lol

It's completely irrelevant whether I "want to be spoiled" or not; regardless of any say anyone has in the matter, the moment pyoro tweets anything, it'll get enough interaction to automatically trigger various social media algorithms and I'll find out whether I want to or not. Basically the only way to not know would be to immediately go offline as soon as we're in a week where a direct is even likely and stay that way.

find this kinda hard to believe but this guy would be in the know (works for RPG Site) and it would bode well for this direct

Hardware wise, from what I have heard, the console is ready
It's the software they are trying to reinforce (first and third party wise) to properly sustain the first year
So...I dont know, I believe they are trying to balance things out with minor projects in terms of first party, pushing to enrich the next console first year
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There's no need to be rude about it. It was impossible to be on the internet without being spoiled, you don't need to read his tweets when everyone reports their "hints".

Lol, turns out this was a regular thread before. I've never been spoiled because of a spoiler thread neither, so what's your point? I'm still here cause Pyoro isn't leaking anything, he probably doesn't know anything
Sorry if it rubbed the wrong way! It was not my intention. I just thought the spoiler thread was made for these kinds of leaks etc
Is one legally obligated to divulge information on someone in this case? Yeah I guess so idk.
I'm not too far up on American Law, but the only information one is required to divulge are in cases where such activity requires divulgence. If the police or court have a warrant to investigate tax records of a company for example, then the company is legally required to provide them. I don't believe there is any situation where a specific person is required to talk about another's identity. There are criminal syndicates that have never talked about information about key individual's identity, let alone a leaker that gave vague information for a fucking mario game.

Nintendo cannot legally pry such information from a moderator's person, computer or even the private messages from Discord's servers unless there is damming evidence to suggest that the individual got it from an illegal source, and at that point they can contact authorities to obtain the information through a warrant with a suitable and relevant service. I'll hazard a guess that Nintendo does not have that evidence, as such they have no legal standing to obtain or intimidate individuals into discussing it. They could intimidate Pyoro into admitting who the source is, but that literally is impossible if they don't even know who Pyoro is.

Short answer: No, not really.
It reeks of an advertisement for that Discord server, to be honest.
Nintendo Pipeline is the discord server that used to be NintendoEra. Many people on that discord are either still on Era, or on Famiboards. No one from this discord server would go advertize it on 4chan like that, cause no one wants some 4chan fucks on there.
And I was gonna ask if the Pipeline was still around so I could go back... Now they'll never allow anyone in anymore.
Sylux Hunter reappearing all of a sudden surely is weird but so far he seems to be only trolling with Samus-bashing? I think he'll eventually just drop a hint for something lol.

I really hope Nate’s prediction of a Planet Robobot remaster comes true. That game deserves the HD treatment (and so does F-Zero GX, of course).

Something else I hope we FINALLY see here is Mega Man Match. I want to find out what it actually is already!
Woot Woot Nintendo Direct! I'm just now able to respond and react.
First off, I was wrong about the date, and I've never been happier.
Next, all I want is Fire Emblem. Anything else can happen and I'll be happy for the fans whose games appear, but all I want and need is Fire Emblem...

I just want kozaki back man
Kozaki is doing some pretty nice work in Heroes, so he's still around! He did the OCs for Books 1, 3, 5, 6, and now 8.

According to Nate he hasn't heard any update on Fire Emblem 4 in the last year, so he's under the assumption right now that it's not showing up here, but it's Nintendo so anything can happen.
Nintendo needs to Nintendo that game into the Direct!

I think it’s been almost 4 years at this point since the first time I’ve heard about FE4 Remake 🫠

I’m really looking forward to seeing the newer fans of the franchise figuring out the true heights it can reach (no quarrel with 3H or Awakening fans).
Are...are you saying there's a chance...?
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