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StarTopic [Spoilers Allowed] Nintendo Direct Speculation |ST8| Press Your (Nintendo Direct) Luck! [Read Staff Post]

Which heavily rumored "it's absolutely gonna show up this time" game are we NOT going to see?

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It’s more a combo of things for me — no hints from Nate, nothing from Pyoro, Brazil saying recently that he didn’t know the date. Feels like at least something would be public knowledge at this point.
What would be funnier this Direct in the year of mid being the best Direct in ages or it being the most disappointing shit ever and causing meltdowns
Best Direct ever, it would just be too ironic

We have gotten so many shit Directs too post-covid, we need a break
It’s more a combo of things for me — no hints from Nate, nothing from Pyoro, Brazil saying recently that he didn’t know the date. Feels like at least something would be public knowledge at this point.
Nate will likely stay silent until the very end because he doesn't want news articles being written about it

Pyoro could just start hinting on the weekend

Brazil has gotten things wrong in the past, no offense, just stating he's not infallible
What would be funnier this Direct in the year of mid being the best Direct in ages or it being the most disappointing shit ever and causing meltdowns
Probably it being the best. Expectations for this direct are already extremely low as is, I don’t see how it can really cause meltdowns unless they remaster Animal Crossing Amiibo Festival or something like that lol
It’s more a combo of things for me — no hints from Nate, nothing from Pyoro, Brazil saying recently that he didn’t know the date. Feels like at least something would be public knowledge at this point.
When it comes to pyoro we go through this same scenario where some posters will say “maybe he’s not saying anything this time because he’s caught or there’s nothing to leak”. It’s gonna get old hearing that. It’s either he doesn’t have to leak yet or it’s not going to be next week
If pyoro doesn’t say anything tomorrow or Saturday then will most of you give up on the direct for next week?
Personally, no. At some point, a leaker has to stop leaking. We've also heard from many over the years how stressful and thankless it can be.

Even if Pyoro does ultimately leak aspects of this Direct, I don't want to put that pressure of expectation and importance on a leaker like that. While I think attention is a major motivation for many, I also don't want to trap them in that motivation by giving them so much attention that we don't believe a Direct is happening until they say it is. I guess I want to leave the door open for them to stop, or at least minimize how much I contribute to that door appearing closed.

Hopefully this makes some sense.
What would be funnier this Direct in the year of mid being the best Direct in ages or it being the most disappointing shit ever and causing meltdowns
Can’t possibly be worse than amiibo festival………

At least Nintendo has just YouTube or Twitter dropped trailers for the games they think will not have mass appeal.
Didn't multiple people in here say that Nintendo wouldn't dare do a Direct the same week a LM2 HD? Do those of you who suggested that still believe it?
This game has no buzz, so having it in a direct and doing a small dive into it before launch actually would be the smartest thing Nintendo could do for that particular game.
It's not really a big deal if it's next week or not. We're getting it within the next two weeks, we know that for certain. That's much better than not knowing if we'd get one at all, or if it'd be a mini or a partner showcase.

As for Pyoro, I wish he'd just shut up and not spoil things that are literally just days away from being announced.
I now have to go on work trip the Monday through Wednesday of the last week of June. You can bet that the direct will be announced for one of those dates.
This game has no buzz, so having it in a direct and doing a small dive into it before launch actually would be the smartest thing Nintendo could do for that particular game
Seems to be the case amongst enthusiast circles but I'm confident the game will do really well, in fact I would say it's their biggest release of the year so far
Nate will likely stay silent until the very end because he doesn't want news articles being written about it

Pyoro could just start hinting on the weekend

Brazil has gotten things wrong in the past, no offense, just stating he's not infallible
No offense taken at all, but when was it that I shared wrong info with you guys?

I’m asking this because, as Nate so aptly predicted, this past week has shown that people on the internet will misreport stuff said on these boards in amazing ways and then turn around and blame me for it.

It’s weird to be put in doubt in this context when the only pointed info I laid out this time was that there wouldn’t be a Direct this week, which…
I was mostly referring to the April Direct info
Oh, the post-delay “what I’m hearing” round-up? That’s fair, then.

I think I made it clear in that very post I was sharing something I shouldn’t at that point because I was high on my on supply at that time, so I don’t feel too bad about it, hahaha.

Out of curiosity, are you still working with the 2-3 week Window, rather than a specific date?
Was this aimed at me? If so, I have no further info to share regarding the date. I still don’t know it.
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Oh, the post-delay “what I’m hearing” round-up? That’s fair, then.

I think I made it clear in that very post I was sharing something I shouldn’t at that point because I was high on my on supply at that time, so I don’t feel too bad about it, hahaha.
Not asking for the date, but previously you said you had heard Nintendo hadn't set a date yet for the Direct, has this changed?
Oh, the post-delay “what I’m hearing” round-up? That’s fair, then.

I think I made it clear in that very post I was sharing something I shouldn’t at that point because I was high on my on supply at that time, so I don’t feel too bad about it, hahaha.

Was this aimed at me? If so, I have no further info to share regarding the date. I still don’t know it.
So Brazil, a while ago you said you heard Prime 4 is this year. Have you any new info/confirmation about this?
I mean unless it’s a partner or mini, June is the big direct of the year so I’m not too worried content wise
Same. I'd also love to see the full return of Krool and the Kremlings. We need those bros back in a new adventure.
Agreed. Heck go twinsanity with it
If pyoro doesn’t say anything tomorrow or Saturday then will most of you give up on the direct for next week?
Shrug eh maybe the bird finally got caught. No leaker is infallible or lasts forever
So Brazil, a while ago you said you heard Prime 4 is this year. Have you any new info/confirmation about this?
That’s not true, my friend. I’ve been very clear in saying that I have no information on Prime 4, like here (post from February) and here (post from April). I once speculated that Prime 4 could be this year because it’d fit in neatly in-between what I do know of Nintendo’s upcoming schedule.

I do not at all mean to be rude - much love to you for even giving a shit about what I say, truly -, but stuff like this is why I’m always striving to be careful with what I say. If even members in here end up jumping a few steps ahead, I have no idea wha stuff the internet outside these walls can come up with, haha.

I’m being reticent about further info on the Direct date for that same reason. I do have more info today than I did on Monday, but I’m not 100% on any particular date, so I’ll just chill.
That’s not true, my friend. I’ve been very clear in saying that I have no information on Prime 4, like here (post from February) and here (post from April). I once speculated that Prime 4 could be this year because it’d fit in neatly in-between what I do know of Nintendo’s upcoming schedule.

I do not at all mean to be rude - much love to you for even giving a shit about what I say, truly -, but stuff like this is why I’m always striving to be careful with what I say. If even members in here end up jumping a few steps ahead, I have no idea wha stuff the internet outside these walls can come up with, haha.

I’m being reticent about further info on the Direct date for that same reason. I do have more info today than I did on Monday, but I’m not 100% on any particular date, so I’ll just chill.
In all honesty: I’m so sorry for what you (and the others) have to go through.

I think the major problem is not people that read your thoughts directly, but a lot of youtuber or journalist that report things in a wrong way or with clickbait titles that are really not true.

I usually stay silent because I feel like I’m not entitled to give my opinion on this, since I’m not part of this to begin with, but sometimes is really hard not to speak up. I hope you know that what you do is appreciated and that even if there are a lot of people that read what they want to read in your posts, there are also people that pay the right attention to what you say.

(Just to be clear: I’m not referring to anyone in particular when I talk about the people that misunderstand, I’m just talking about what happens in general whenever an someone shares some info)
In all honesty: I’m so sorry for what you (and the others) have to go through.

I think the major problem is not people that read your thoughts directly, but a lot of youtuber or journalist that report things in a wrong way or with clickbait titles that are really not true.

I usually stay silent because I feel like I’m not entitled to give my opinion on this, since I’m not part of this to begin with, but sometimes is really hard not to speak up. I hope you know that what you do is appreciated and that even if there are a lot of people that read what they want to read in your posts, there are also people that pay the right attention to what you say.

(Just to be clear: I’m not referring to anyone in particular when I talk about the people that misunderstand, I’m just talking about what happens in general whenever an someone shares some info)
It’s all good! I appreciate that, but I take it in stride when it comes to actual members of these boards. Y’all are good people.

I just have to be a stickler for accuracy when people mention what I have or haven’t said because I use my literal face and name on everything I post online. It’s directly related to my livelihood, even. That’s no game - no way to escape from that, hahaha.
Despite what I said about Pyoro and not leaking Switch 2 stuff a few days ago, I fully support him leaking the next direct

First of all, Pyoro posting at all would confirm a direct 10000% happening the following week. When Pyoro didn't post a single thing despite everyone else saying a partner direct was happening in a few days, that should have been a sign that the partner direct wasn't happening on the day people thought it was happening. And he makes the wait for these directs more fun/exciting. The whole "is X a partner?" gag from the last direct was pretty hilarious and the only good thing to come out of that dogshit partner direct

So I say, call in the bird! I hope he is seen today.
Always fun to do once in a while.

Post your (1) dream game announcement during the direct.

Idc how out of this world it is but it's gotta be..only 1
Custom Robo is the dream
I want my Robos back Nintendo.... Please
Idk if it was already brought up (this thread is so big and I am not on Fami very often) but don't expect FFT or FF9 remakes at the Direct, it is too soon. But apparently SE has some nice surprises at the Direct outside of DQ-HD2D. These come from some posters on Era with insiders knowledge. Won't name them because they are mostly low profile.
I am super impatient for this Direct. Nintendo and SE combo is always a win in my book.
Idk if it was already brought up (this thread is so big and I am not on Fami very often) but don't expect FFT or FF9 remakes at the Direct, it is too soon. But apparently SE has some nice surprises at the Direct outside of DQ-HD2D. These come from some posters on Era with insiders knowledge. Won't name them because they are mostly low profile.
I am super impatient for this Direct. Nintendo and SE combo is always a win in my book.
twewy 3 confirmed
I just remembered another game that might pop up in the (international) Direct:

TWEWY is so effin dead and that makes me so effin sad
There's the Reynatis collaboration, so it's not 100% dead but I think that game (most likely) bombing will deal the killing blow.
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