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StarTopic [Spoilers Allowed] Nintendo Direct Speculation |ST8| Press Your (Nintendo Direct) Luck! [Read Staff Post]

Which heavily rumored "it's absolutely gonna show up this time" game are we NOT going to see?

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What kind o rage the people had? A game they want on Switch be an exclusive to 3DS and vice versa?
Basically that there were a host of 3DS exclusives (mostly Samus Returns) the same year as switch launch. But at that time, Nintendo was hedging on 3DS in case switch was another Wii U.

It's not really a problem if Nintendo says "This is for Nintendo Switch and Nintendo Switch 2", but it really depends.

The problem with the 3ds Directs back in 2017 was that it was an unneeded second-pillar that was detracting from the Switch, at least in the eyes of Nintendo fans. If you make games for "Switch platforms" that cover both the Switch 1 and Switch 2, there theoretically shouldn't be any harm done, especially if it's mainly for simpler games or ports of older titles.
Yeah. It probably is true there is less likelihood that there will be outrage as there would be zero switch 1 exclusive releases (from Nintendo) unless there is some issue with eshop compatibility. If that isn’t streamlined I could see indie title issues but that wouldn’t have as much anger.
honestly ya'll are a bunch of boot lickers i tell ya. brazil is just wrong. cope all u want. i will never believe a single word he says from now on and i suggest u all do the same but u prob wont and thats fine! we all have our own opinions. pyoro is the only reliable leaker and until he says anything dont believe a word from anyone else.
I like to believe that people are just being polite and nice about the situation.

I do think it's kind of weird that it's either people are like worshipping leakers OR they are dogpiling them.

It's completely fair to be skeptical of him now. And it's weird to deny people from being skeptical.
If recent trends for Nintendo hold, they probably will just drop an announcement trailer and press release about the next system. Then have some sort of showcase for software. But who knows anymore. I think any switch 1 focused presentation has to come before unless it’s all cross gen. Those post-switch 3DS presentations fomented lots of irrational hate and I think Nintendo would want to avoid that again
We also have to remember that this the first new generation that Shuntaro Furukawa will be president for, so we really don't know how they will decide to do things with the current leadership. All the previous generations were under Hiroshi Yamauchi, Iwata, and Tatsumi Kimishima.


I'd love to know in a couple years why Switch 2 was delayed if it's not immediately obvious. So far it seems the only reason that could be ruled out is to build up a stockpile at launch, because otherwise we'd have manufacturing leaks from the assembly lines.

I just hope for whatever reason it was delayed was to improve some aspect of the hardware to make it more powerful or at the bare minimum reduce the overall cost.
I'm back playing Elder Scrolls Online.
Also started Gauntlet 4 on Genesis.
And replaying Starbound with Arcana & Frackin' Universe.
Tell me you haven't spent much time on deviantart.com without telling me you haven't spent much time on deviantart.com
I remember seeing an artwork on FurAffinity that is just Fox & Falco in a bedroom and we only see the closed door and the speech bubbles.
The author only used StarFox 64 dialogue but you can bet things got quite hot behind the door :p

"Look at the size of that thing !"
I bet for a few Directs after the Switch 2 has come out and the Switch 1 is still being supported, Nintendo will have a “Switch 1 Segment!” in the middle of the Directs. This way it’s separated sufficiently and breaks up the bigger news in between.
To me, I feel like this will be the hardest part of the transition for Nintendo because they will have to make sure that, as long as the console is backwards compatible, that people know you can play these games on next generation hardware without letting that confuse people that don't have Next-Generation hardware that there are games that may not be they aren't playable on original Switch Hardware (if that makes sense... I think the distinction in the Directs will work but I feel like more people these days that aren't in the know all the time will get more from the press releases and social media posts where hopefully Nintendo is able to make things more clear!!)! Though they've done it before so I have confidence they can do it again! It just feels like it'll be harder within Directs to make that distinction but probably easier through normal marketing (which will probably be what most people see)! :)

This honestly probably won't be a concert after a Direct or two and we can see how they approach marketing Switch 1 games side by side with Next Generation ones!
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I have no info on Metroid whatsoever, my friend. Could be shadow-dropped or cancelled tomorrow for all I know, hahaha.
Metroid Prime 4 is the first quantum-state title that simultaneously exists and doesn't exist in this timeline/dimension/universe/existence. Nintendo truly innovated again, Bravo Vince.
Metroid Prime 4 is the first quantum-state title that simultaneously exists and doesn't exist in this timeline/dimension/universe/existence. Nintendo truly innovated again, Bravo Vince.
Schrodinger's Prime

I see this thread is taking Brazil's statement well.
Was gonna say that the thread dwelving into furryness was not in my bingo card and is one hell of a rabbit-hole (no furry pun intended here)
My fellow Gamers. We must always trust in the process, for it is the process that keeps us whole. The lack of a general direct only means that Nintendo isn't spending all of their time and money on an old, outdated console. They're making games and content for the new console. The console delay created this lack of content. Hold fast, friends. And wait for the day when the new console graces us with its profundity.
Direct in April or not, I think the fact that Nintendo will release Luigi and Paper Mario before the end of June means that we will have some sort of announcement soon.
We need to see what will release from July onwards and honestly June is too late for a July announcement (and maybe for an August one as well).
They can also shadowdrop a trailer for a game in July/August and then do a direct in June as usual obviously.
Direct in April or not, I think the fact that Nintendo will release Luigi and Paper Mario before the end of June means that we will have some sort of announcement soon.
We need to see what will release from July onwards and honestly June is too late for a July announcement (and maybe for an August one as well).
They can also shadowdrop a trailer for a game in July/August and then do a direct in June as usual obviously.
These two games could’ve been set in stone before the Switch 2 delay. I honestly don’t think Nintendo would care a lot about having a nearly empty H2. It doesn’t make a big difference imo.
These two games could’ve been set in stone before the Switch 2 delay. I honestly don’t think Nintendo would care a lot about having a nearly empty H2. It doesn’t make a big difference imo.
This right here, they won’t really start marketing the console until near the end of the year anyway, so why try splitting the audience’s attention between a stellar lineup and what comes next?

Genuinely, I believe Prime 4 is the only realistic H2 game we can expect that isn’t an easy port or remake.
This right here, they won’t really start marketing the console until near the end of the year anyway, so why try splitting the audience’s attention between a stellar lineup and what comes next?

Genuinely, I believe Prime 4 is the only realistic H2 game we can expect that isn’t an easy port or remake.
Are we really doing this again? How many times can Switch have "nothing new from Nintendo after X besides ports and remakes" and have that be wrong? There will almost assuredly be other new titles besides Prime 4 from Nintendo in 2H 2024. They may not be what the gamer(tm) audience cares about, but we literally just got Endless Ocean 3 announced out of nowhere in February for a May release.
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These two games could’ve been set in stone before the Switch 2 delay. I honestly don’t think Nintendo would care a lot about having a nearly empty H2. It doesn’t make a big difference imo.

Even if switch 2 launched on September this year they wouldn’t dropped switch 1 support so fast. They still like money :D

Remaster/porting/remake/spin off will likely fill H2 ( F-zero GX remaster, hyrule warriors, etc).
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