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StarTopic [Spoilers Allowed] Nintendo Direct Speculation |ST8| Press Your (Nintendo Direct) Luck! [Read Staff Post]

Which heavily rumored "it's absolutely gonna show up this time" game are we NOT going to see?

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Are we really doing this again? How many times can Switch has "nothing new from Nintendo after X besides ports and remakes" and have that be wrong? There will almost assuredly be other new titles besides Prime 4 from Nintendo in 2H 2024. They may not be what the gamer(tm) audience cares about, but we literally just got Endless Ocean 3 announced out of nowhere in February for a May release.
Nintendo out of nowhere delayed the release of its new hardware, therefore has no games for H2 and also no interest in selling anything this holiday season. At the same time, despite spontaneously delaying its hardware, the unveil timing and marketing schedule has not changed because business plans are not dependent on factors such as current sales.
So yes we are really doing this again because the more often you repeat it the higher the chances of believing it.
Are we really doing this again? How many times can Switch has "nothing new from Nintendo after X besides ports and remakes" and have that be wrong? There will almost assuredly be other new titles besides Prime 4 from Nintendo in 2H 2024. They may not be what the gamer(tm) audience cares about, but we literally just got Endless Ocean 3 announced out of nowhere in February for a May release.

From November 4th 2023 to July 1st 2024, they released/have scheduled 2-3 original games (Princess Peach, Endless Ocean, and Side Order) and released/have scheduled 5 remakes (SMRPG, Another Code, Mario vs. DK, TTYD, Luigi's Mansion 2) so it has been pretty remake heavy for a minute here, lol.
This right here, they won’t really start marketing the console until near the end of the year anyway, so why try splitting the audience’s attention between a stellar lineup and what comes next?

Genuinely, I believe Prime 4 is the only realistic H2 game we can expect that isn’t an easy port or remake.
yes, exactly!
On the release date of Metroid Prime in 2002 (I was 13), I called up my friend on the phone, yelled "IT'S PRIME TIME!" and immediately hung up before he could say anything to me. Less than a minute later, he IMed me on AIM saying "Joe, you suck."
Damn it! I was sleeping so missed out on Nintendo Direct Speculation at Night where all of the "quality" posts are made.
I didn't buy a single Wii U game in 2016. In comparison I'm pretty happy with Paper Mario into SMTV:Vengeance into Tsukihime up until July. And if Endless Ocean runs well I'll probably get that at some point. So not too sad at this 'slow year' yet.
When has Nintendo gone a whole H2 with just one new game…I mean come on
Before the June Direct last year, there were people who genuinely thought Pikmin 4 would be the last Switch game of the year.

Even in 2020, the Switch had some H2 games. I know it can be fun to be dramatic but we'll have some sizeable releases in H2 2024, I promise.
Before the June Direct last year, there were people who genuinely thought Pikmin 4 would be the last Switch game of the year.

Even in 2020, the Switch had some H2 games. I know it can be fun to be dramatic but we'll have some sizeable releases in H2 2024, I promise.
The only thing I question about this, and I don't question it very much, is that if the 2witch delay is real then that means the sizable releases being prepped for H2 2024 were sizable 2witch games. So if we aren't getting those, then.. what is gonna pop up in that slot? Some of those oft-mentioned sat-on games that Nintendo has completed and are just waiting to release? That's all I can think of. Unless there were already gonna be some Switch games hitting this holiday alongside the 2witch and its games, which sounds.. I mean, possible, but they wouldn't be sizable.
When has Nintendo gone a whole H2 with just one new game…I mean come on
Why would it be such a problem? And why would it be surprising, after 2016 and 2020? The Switch 2 delay seemed to be quite spontaneous, and I wouldn’t mind them putting every bigger project on the next console and only having a few left for this year. It really wouldn’t be a big deal to not have many games in H2. Switch is doing just fine whether there are new titles or not at this point.
The only thing I question about this, and I don't question it very much, is that if the 2witch delay is real then that means the sizable releases being prepped for H2 2024 were sizable 2witch games. So if we aren't getting those, then.. what is gonna pop up in that slot? Some of those oft-mentioned sat-on games that Nintendo has completed and are just waiting to release? That's all I can think of. Unless there were already gonna be some Switch games hitting this holiday alongside the 2witch and its games, which sounds.. I mean, possible, but they wouldn't be sizable.
Considering they were still putting out 3DS games until 2019, compounded with the Switch 2 (presumably) being backwards compatible, I'd have to assume they weren't ever gonna just completely stop putting out games for the current Switch

I think the plan would have been a few "tentpole exclusives" at launch and then some "cross-gen but plays best on Switch 2" games during the launch window. Like, 3D Mario or a new Mario Kart would obviously be Switch 2-only and get delayed along with the console, but I could see some less demanding, not quite as "system selling" games being intended as cross-gen and still coming out this year. Things like all the various rumored remasters/remakes, a new Mario Party, maybe something weird and unexpected like Rhythm Heaven or Tomodachi Life, and possibly even Prime 4 could all (imo) plausibly fall into "were gonna be cross-gen, but will now just be current gen with next-gen upgrades/patches coming later" territory to fill out the year, and some of those could definitely end up being sizable in terms of selling power
This right here, they won’t really start marketing the console until near the end of the year anyway, so why try splitting the audience’s attention between a stellar lineup and what comes next?

Genuinely, I believe Prime 4 is the only realistic H2 game we can expect that isn’t an easy port or remake.
if Metroid Prime 4 is a cross-gen title as many supect, Nintendo will have to think of a game that could fill the H2 slot(maybe Donkey Kong?)
Maybe it's controversial but I don't really want any more Switch 1 games tbh. I'd rather they just come out on Switch 2 at this point.

Like, if that rumoured DK game shows up as a Switch 1 game coming out this year I'll be pretty sad.
Ultimately, delaying the Switch 2 would have been a move done begrudgingly and Nintendo would have a contingency plan in place to shore up the holiday season in its stead. They wouldn't go "oh well, I guess we'll have nothing for H2." Even the Wii U got one last holiday game in 2016, and that was a dead system. The Switch will likely have a few H2 titles.
It’s reasonable to believe that the Switch won’t have that much games for the second half of this year because:
  • Development teams have slowly been working on Switch 2 games, and as they’ve finished current projects, have been reassigned to fully commit to finishing, optimizing and releasing games for the next generation console, meaning there’s almost no one in first party working on Switch games and why remakes and remasters are the order of the day: third parties were outsourced to compensate for lack of manpower
  • If the Switch 2 was gonna come out H2 2024, then that means that the amount of Switch 1 games was going to be limited and a lot was going to be cross-gen and next-gen games
  • Even if, hypothetically, there aren’t going to be cross gen games, Nintendo would have thought that it was better to release those Switch 1 games with the successor to serve as some incentive for with the other hypothetical that, maybe, the Switch 2 has a backwards compatibility boost (graphics, performance and load times)
Ultimately, delaying the Switch 2 would have been a move done begrudgingly and Nintendo would have a contingency plan in place to shore up the holiday season in its stead. They wouldn't go "oh well, I guess we'll have nothing for H2." Even the Wii U got one last holiday game in 2016, and that was a dead system. The Switch will likely have a few H2 titles.
People forget that there's a possibility that we can get a GameFreak game. Maybe Explorers of the Sky remake, or Black and White remakes, or even X/Y HD Remasters
To be clear, I'm not questioning there being Switch games for H2, I'm just questioning whether they'd be "big" games.

Oh god

Yall I'm Dringing

Somebody stop me
I still think that, if the Switch 2 is fully backwards compatible, then the line between Switch 1 and Switch 2 games will be kind of blurry. For instance, if a Switch 1 game releases just a few months before the Switch 2 does, as long as Nintendo makes it clear that you can play it on the new platform, I don't think the sales will be hit in any significant way. That's why I wouldn't rule out something like Metroid Prime 4 or Donkey Kong releasing on Switch 1.
I still think that, if the Switch 2 is fully backwards compatible, then the line between Switch 1 and Switch 2 games will be kind of blurry. For instance, if a Switch 1 game releases just a few months before the Switch 2 does, as long as Nintendo makes it clear that you can play it on the new platform, I don't think the sales will be hit in any significant way. That's why I wouldn't rule out something like Metroid Prime 4 or Donkey Kong releasing on Switch 1.
Yeah. At this point in the Switch's life, I don't think Nintendo cares for Switch 1 ecosystem hardware units. At this pont i presume they're gonna treat the Switch like how they treated the 3DS as the laucnh of the Switch was coming
Heard about the lack of an April Direct Thursday night, and have only had time now to respond. While that really sucks as I was hoping for something to look forward to in terms of game hype, I'm actually okay with it...so long as I get a Fire Emblem announcement either beforehand or in the Direct itself, whenever it appears. That's what matters most to me, with everything else being icing on the cake.

With a late-May Direct, I can see the FE4R being either a mid-to-late August game or an early-to-mid September game. Both months have several other things coming out I'm looking forward to, so I don't mind adding another to the list. Although I was hoping to play the game during the summer so I could devote as much time as I desired to it...
say donkey kong motherfucker say it
Are we really doing this again? How many times can Switch have "nothing new from Nintendo after X besides ports and remakes" and have that be wrong? There will almost assuredly be other new titles besides Prime 4 from Nintendo in 2H 2024. They may not be what the gamer(tm) audience cares about, but we literally just got Endless Ocean 3 announced out of nowhere in February for a May release.
I'm just expecting nothing because the current narrative makes it seem like Nintendo should be in panic mode with holiday plans that would've originally been all about a new console being thrown out recently. If they have some new stuff planned for this, cool, it'll probably be my jam, I'm just setting my expectations to what I think is reasonable to avoid being let down if the next Direct isn't like June 2021 or 23
honestly, whether Prime 4 is a 2025 cross-gen game or a holiday game really comes down to the scope of the game IMO. if it's like a 10-15 hour first time playthrough game that is super familiar to the original trilogy, then yeah most likely this year. if it's something significantly bigger then that then I think it's cross-gen for switch 2
With the discussions of the second half of the year.

I’ve been thinking and I think the best choices for this holiday, since the delay I think was because of switch 2 exclusives and not cross gen.

  1. Pokémon games arriving to NSO, since they won’t be any Pokémon related product this year because of ZA development.
  2. Prime 4 is 50/50 since Metroid games has been often hardware related showcase’s, like DS prime federation, GameCube Metroid prime and Metroid dread for the switch Oled. And I wouldn’t be surprised if Nintendo would want Retro to showcase the lighting, shadows and ray tracing capabilities, but at the same time prime 4 would make a lot of sense for the holiday because of the large install base and trying to grow the Metroid brand.
  3. New DK game, because we are assuming it’s a 2D DK game. Because of the Mario movie and theme park it would be a nice fit, heck maybe hire Seth rogen for the marketing of him playing it. Like Brie Larson in animal crossing.
  4. Lastly having the rumored fire emblem 4 remake arrive sometime this second half.
  5. remasters (like Zelda WW, TP and prime 2-3) and smaller obscure titles.
By looking at these line ups, it would satisfy a lot of fans, plus with all these titles it would give Nintendo enough time to solely focus on switch 2 exclusives and non of these games will overshadowed by the switch 2 exclusives.
There's absolutely nothing - not even from insiders - to suggest that Nintendo is in some supposed "panic mode" or whatever, that's entirely a fanmade narrative. Again, Nintendo very well may have never planned for Switch 2 skus of Switch 1 games, and was simply gonna market them as being playable on Switch 2 in an alternate universe where the console released this year. In fact, I bet they'll still market 2024/early 2025 Switch games that way anyway.

Either way, they may have had Switch 1 software planned to release alongside of or in the vicinity of the Switch 2 in the second half of this year, and thanks to the delay they're simply releasing that software during the original (or close to original) planned dates, now prior to Switch 2 being revealed/released.
There's absolutely nothing - not even from insiders - to suggest that Nintendo is in some supposed "panic mode" or whatever, that's entirely a fanmade narrative.
But with the world in the state that it's in and many of us dealing with anxiety, burnout, and even panic attacks, it's sorta nice to think that our friends at Nintendo might be going through some of the same emotions. Helps us to not feel so alone.
let's rank Daft Punk albums:
1. Discovery
2. Random Access Memories
3. Tron Legacy OST
4. Homework
5. Human After All

everything above Human After All is pretty good
let's rank Daft Punk albums:
1. Discovery
2. Random Access Memories
3. Tron Legacy OST
4. Homework
5. Human After All

everything above Human After All is pretty good
I really wanted the Tron Legacy soundtrack to get nominated for Best Original Score at the Oscars solely so Daft Punk would have shown up the ceremony in their robot helmets.
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