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StarTopic [Spoilers Allowed] Nintendo Direct Speculation |ST8| Press Your (Nintendo Direct) Luck! [Read Staff Post]

Which heavily rumored "it's absolutely gonna show up this time" game are we NOT going to see?

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fwiw, I think it does make sense to think something's probably happening with Starfox. There were Starfox objects found in Switch Sports' code, a trademark filed relatively recently, and in the past Miyamoto's said a new Starfox prototype gets made whenever there's new hardware

when or if we'll ever see it is a different matter, but odds seem very likely that some kind of Starfox project is currently in the works
I think it’ll be a Switch 2 project. No point in it coming now. The series is in dire need of hype.
Twilight Princess was incredibly barren. The dungeons were the only redeeming factor about the game and it has quite a bit of them.

Design philosophy doesn't really match up with BoTW. It's super linear with open areas that are unnecessarily large with almost no gameplay in them in between the dungeons.
You can tell that the old tweets aren't the actual Direct announcement by the fact Famiboards is still accessible 👀
Twilight Princess was incredibly barren. The dungeons were the only redeeming factor about the game and it has quite a bit of them.

Design philosophy doesn't really match up with BoTW. It's super linear with open areas that are unnecessarily large with almost no gameplay in them in between the dungeons.
To me, the dungeons are what make Zelda games, so I actually found botw and totk to be quite lacking. I enjoyed twilight princess a great deal more.
TP has always been my favorite Zelda since I first played it. Magical, replayable experience to me. Really felt the peak of the classic formula, and the final through and through traditional game of the series (SS is close in format but has the odd controls).
I hope the Star Fox game is just another re-imagining of 64 but they call it Star Fox Minus One (since we already had Zero)
Finally a star fox survival horror, the true shake up the franchise needed. No more furry mass effect
To me, the dungeons are what make Zelda games, so I actually found botw and totk to be quite lacking. I enjoyed twilight princess a great deal more.
I would say it's the climaxes that makes or breaks a Zelda game, Like Twilight Princess, WindWaker, Majora's masks and Tears of the Kingdoms, are all games that has some of my favourites conclusion to any games.

Like i Love dungeons and i truly think we'll see them return in the next game, but instead they'll be fully hidden in the open world, similar to the legacy dungeon in Elden Ring and the it'll rewards the players with weapons, some are mandatory, meanwhile the other's aren't
I hope the Star Fox game is just another re-imagining of 64 but they call it Star Fox Minus One (since we already had Zero)
nooo Fox don't do a kamikaze attack on Andross your an ace pilot ribbit
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TP has always been my favorite Zelda since I first played it. Magical, replayable experience to me. Really felt the peak of the classic formula, and the final through and through traditional game of the series (SS is close in format but has the odd controls).
I’d like to think that Skyward Sword is when the series started to deviate from the formula ALTTP established. But now that I think about it, the only difference between TP and SS is that Skyward has a pre-dungeon overworld that’s almost a dungeon, and TP doesn’t
TP is fantastic. WW is fantastic. Also I'm weird and I think every Zelda game is at a minimum 'very good', minus obvious exceptions like the CD-i titles. I feel like I belong nowhere.
I'm right there with you. Though, I haven't played that many Zelda games 😛
Just left for my break to see that PAPA GENO’S BEAT ME TO IT! GRAAAAAA!

Interesting that Papa seems to be doubling down on his 2D Zelda staring Zelda speculation. He even tells people to watch his old video and decide for yourself whether or not they agree with his "informed speculation"
TP has always been my favorite Zelda since I first played it. Magical, replayable experience to me. Really felt the peak of the classic formula, and the final through and through traditional game of the series (SS is close in format but has the odd controls).

Yeah, I agree about it being the end of an Era. This is incredibly nerdy and pedantic but I kind of see Zelda as having 4 eras currently

1. 1986-1997: Early-era

Early days of the series, Zelda was still finding it's identity and tweaking things with each entry. Dungeons are still more maze like and focused on combat with puzzles being slowly prioritized through the 90s, culminating with the release of Link's Awakening.

2. 1998-2006: Early 3D-era
Ocarina of Time creates a new identity for the series that balances dungeons, exploration, item based puzzle solving, world building and a more cinematic approach to story telling and iterates on this up to it's logical end point with Twilight Princess.

3. 2007- 2016: Experimental-era
Following Twilight Princess, it became clear Nintendo really wanted to break away from the shadow of Ocarina of Time and find ways to make Zelda feel freshbagain. I'd say all the games in this era are concerned with finding new ways to approach the Zelda structure - whether that be through new control outputs, remixing how the games are structured or trying to streamline their design to appeal to a broader audience.

4. 2017- present: Modern-era

Successfully reinvents Zelda as an open world sandbox focused on exploration and interactivity with puzzle solving becoming less binary in the process. Series is also visually rebooted with new iconography and lore.
I’d actually be kind of disappointed if this year’s Zelda game is Hyrule Warriors 3. I know many people want to see the Imprisoning War, but I’d much rather have a new 2D game or an interesting new spinoff. That rumoured game where you play as Zelda sounds far more interesting to me than a new Hyrule Warriors.

Maybe a hot take, but FE Warriors Three Hopes > Hyrule Warriors AoC
Dungeons are high up there with what I enjoy most when I'm playing a Zelda game but they're also what I remember least. The Zelda games I remember best (MM, WW) don't have particularly great dungeons.
Majora’s Mask is an odd one in that it only had four dungeons, 2-3 of them aren’t all that great, and yet it has one of the best dungeons in the entire series (Stone Tower Temple)
I know I'm in the minority but I hope they stop these story-relevant Warrior games restricted to the cast of a single game. Give me the crossovers, please.
the original hyrule warriors atp feels so definitive and comprehensive im way fine with the rest of that subseries being focused on singular games, FE warriors on the other hand? the first one barely scratched the surface of the series, so a sequel being used to further expand 3H felt like a bit of a waste
Yeah, no more Warriors games please.

If the Zelda game is a Warriors that’ll be such a huge disappointment. New 2D, or remasters please.
If we get another Warriors game I’d personally rather it be a franchise that hasn’t gotten one yet, like Xenoblade

or, you know, if you want, kirby
An Imprisoning War Hyrule Warriors would be awful, that was one of the worst parts of TOTK. I'd prefer a new franchise like a Mario or Xenoblade Warriors.
Folks, we don't need to argue about whether the next Zelda thing should be ports, a 2D game, or Hyrule Warriors when Nintendo can just give us me all of the above.
Majora’s Mask is an odd one in that it only had four dungeons, 2-3 of them aren’t all that great, and yet it has one of the best dungeons in the entire series (Stone Tower Temple)
Majora's Mask is my favorite game of all time, so I'm 100% biased here, but I'd say Woodfall is a solid starting dungeon and Snowfall is pretty impressive. I don't even hate Great Bay anymore now that I fully understand its design, but it's absolutely frustrating on a first playthrough.

But yeah, Stone Tower Temple is goated, revisiting a temple structure like that in a next-gen Zelda game would go crazy
I genuinely don't see them making a Imprisoning War warriors game. They themselves said they're basically done with this era of Hyrule, and storywise there's no way to make a warriors game like that unless you played it 100% straight and gave us the canon backstory of TotK.
Majora's Mask is my favorite game of all time, so I'm 100% biased here, but I'd say Woodfall is a solid starting dungeon and Snowfall is pretty impressive. I don't even hate Great Bay anymore now that I fully understand its design, but it's absolutely frustrating on a first playthrough.

But yeah, Stone Tower Temple is goated, revisiting a temple structure like that in a next-gen Zelda game would go crazy
I should play that again. Replaying Ocarina of Time last year reminded me how much I love the franchise since that was my first one.
Paper Zelda: Imprisoning War

C'mon, Nintendo...

Majora's Mask is my favorite game of all time, so I'm 100% biased here, but I'd say Woodfall is a solid starting dungeon and Snowfall is pretty impressive. I don't even hate Great Bay anymore now that I fully understand its design, but it's absolutely frustrating on a first playthrough.

But yeah, Stone Tower Temple is goated, revisiting a temple structure like that in a next-gen Zelda game would go crazy
I always loved the 4 dungeons in MM by how distinct they are from each other and integrated to the....ecosystem? Environment? they are. That game is constructed so beautifully
If Star Fox is indeed happening, who would y’all like to see be the developer for it? I feel there could be lots of interesting ways for a new SF to be pitched.
While I know the contemporary staff is quite different from what I'm about to reference, I'd love to see Sega get a shot at Star Fox. That's a company with a long history of space shoot em ups, did an excellent series of rail shooters with Panzer Dragoon, were incredibly skilled at home games with an arcade like focus, and made their line of titles with anthropomorphic animal mascot characters one of the most famous IP's in the world with Sonic. If anyone could effectively make a sequel/spin-off to Star Fox that did justice to its best ideas, its them.
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