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StarTopic [Spoilers Allowed] Nintendo Direct Speculation |ST8| Press Your (Nintendo Direct) Luck! [Read Staff Post]

Which heavily rumored "it's absolutely gonna show up this time" game are we NOT going to see?

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Am I the only person in the world who enjoyed both the sailing and the Triforce quest in the original Wind Waker?

Yeah, the changing the wind thing wasn't fun, but I loved exploring that world so much that the sailing was enjoyable and immersive. As for the Triforce quest, the game's basically telling you "Go, explore, and figure things out" which is absolutely my shit. It's why I love games like Tunic, Outer Wilds, The Witness, etc. The Triforce quest feels a bit like that to me.
No I loved it
Am I the only person in the world who enjoyed both the sailing and the Triforce quest in the original Wind Waker?

Yeah, the changing the wind thing wasn't fun, but I loved exploring that world so much that the sailing was enjoyable and immersive. As for the Triforce quest, the game's basically telling you "Go, explore, and figure things out" which is absolutely my shit. It's why I love games like Tunic, Outer Wilds, The Witness, etc. The Triforce quest feels a bit like that to me.
i didn't mind the sailing , when the music swells it feels epic.;
That said, even back then in 2003 i found WW to be a truncated experience overall and my chief complaint was it's a wide open ocean with not much to do and few landmarks. that hasn't changed
Am I the only person in the world who enjoyed both the sailing and the Triforce quest in the original Wind Waker?

Yeah, the changing the wind thing wasn't fun, but I loved exploring that world so much that the sailing was enjoyable and immersive. As for the Triforce quest, the game's basically telling you "Go, explore, and figure things out" which is absolutely my shit. It's why I love games like Tunic, Outer Wilds, The Witness, etc. The Triforce quest feels a bit like that to me.
Because of the grid based designed the WW ocean always felt far too mechanical for me. I couldn't immersive myself in the illusion of exploring a vast Ocean, it felt like I was just waiting between loading zones to get to the next pile of rocks with a heart piece before moving onto the next. I had a far better time exploring Phantom Hourglasses ocean because each of it's ocean's 4 quadrants had a number of things to find in them.
No I loved it


Because of the grid based designed the WW ocean always felt far too mechanical for me. I couldn't immersive myself in the illusion of exploring a vast Ocean, it felt like I was just waiting between loading zones to get to the next pile of rocks with a heart piece before moving onto the next. I had a far better time exploring Phantom Hourglasses ocean because each of it's ocean's 4 quadrants had a number of things to find in them.
Fair enough. Strangely, Phantom Hourglass was awfully dull to me.
Am I the only person in the world who enjoyed both the sailing and the Triforce quest in the original Wind Waker?

Yeah, the changing the wind thing wasn't fun, but I loved exploring that world so much that the sailing was enjoyable and immersive. As for the Triforce quest, the game's basically telling you "Go, explore, and figure things out" which is absolutely my shit. It's why I love games like Tunic, Outer Wilds, The Witness, etc. The Triforce quest feels a bit like that to me.
Cutting down the search quest at the end was a big miss. I didn't know people didn't like that until I got into forums.
Am I the only person in the world who enjoyed both the sailing and the Triforce quest in the original Wind Waker?

Yeah, the changing the wind thing wasn't fun, but I loved exploring that world so much that the sailing was enjoyable and immersive. As for the Triforce quest, the game's basically telling you "Go, explore, and figure things out" which is absolutely my shit. It's why I love games like Tunic, Outer Wilds, The Witness, etc. The Triforce quest feels a bit like that to me.

I think the best thing they could do with the triforce quest is to remove it from the critical path and change the reward at the end to something that effects gameplay (maybe a cool super weapon or something). I think by being optional it would better serve the feeling exploration they are going for while also helping the pace of the main story significantly.
in hindsight I'm thinking that Wind Waker and Twilight Princess might actually be less likely than Silksong
My thinking as to why there won't be TP or WW is i expect Nintendo will try to milk more sales out of TOTK, either as part of a Xmas bundle or a price drop to $60 , or reintroduce it again surprise DLC/amiibo releases

I know it's confirmed there is no DLC, but I would not rule it out 100%.
The Triforce Hunt in Wind Waker is not good. I'm forever sad that something as beautiful as Wind Waker is also definitely my least favorite 3D Zelda.
The Triforce quest would have been fine if it was a game long quest where most players would naturally find most of them before the late game as a result of exploring with maybe 2-3 being locked behind that final story gate, with 2 of them being tied to unique challenge filled areas.
The Triforce quest would have been fine if it was a game long quest where most players would naturally find most of them before the late game as a result of exploring with maybe 2-3 being locked behind that final story gate, with 2 of them being tied to unique challenge filled areas.
See, I have heard this argument before (and also heard it for Prime's artifact hunt), but I feel that a) if you were exploring the world all along then neither fetch quest was an issue since you had all locations already unlocked and just had to drop by and pick the item(s) up, and b) I like that I get a victory lap across the world with my full kit of tools. That in and of itself has merit to me. Now the triforce quest in the original was a bit too protracted I agree (and the OG Japanese version sounds even more insane), but especially after the HD version's streamlining I feel like no one should be complaining (and no one should be complaining about the Artifact Hunt in Prime ever)
I'm currently replaying Mario Wonder and i gotta ask.....how many more "Bros Wonder" games do you guys want?
I would like a sequel in late 2026/early 2027 and eventually a 3rd game in 2030 before retiring that sub-series.
I want a the legend of zelda wonder.
Do the same thing they did with mario bros wonder but for 2d zelda
See, I have heard this argument before (and also heard it for Prime's artifact hunt), but I feel that a) if you were exploring the world all along then neither fetch quest was an issue since you had all locations already unlocked and just had to drop by and pick the item(s) up, and b) I like that I get a victory lap across the world with my full kit of tools. That in and of itself has merit to me. Now the triforce quest in the original was a bit too protracted I agree (and the OG Japanese version sounds even more insane), but especially after the HD version's streamlining I feel like no one should be complaining (and no one should be complaining about the Artifact Hunt in Prime ever)
I'm talking specifically about how it was in the original release. The issue of "have it available over the full game" is of course some players will expertly dodge all of them and then be forced to grind out all of the things at once.

I'm also a fan of victory lap with all the items to get all the things. The issue with games like Wind Waker and Metroid Prime (when I play them blind) is often I'm doing that over the course of the adventure. Suddenly getting one final item or quest that requires a victory lap of areas I've already cleared doesn't have the same effect on me when those areas have been stripped bare and there is a single room or obstacle to clear for that end game lock door. That same mindset is why I bounced off Link Between Worlds so hard, you could clear 90% of the map/collectibles near the start leaving little reason to go back unless a puzzle required the sand rod.
My thinking as to why there won't be TP or WW is i expect Nintendo will try to milk more sales out of TOTK, either as part of a Xmas bundle or a price drop to $60 , or reintroduce it again surprise DLC/amiibo releases

I know it's confirmed there is no DLC, but I would not rule it out 100%.
DLC probably not but I can see a next gen patch being marketed as big releases in the switch 2 launch window.

WW and TP aren’t coming soon imho.
I'm talking specifically about how it was in the original release. The issue of "have it available over the full game" is of course some players will expertly dodge all of them and then be forced to grind out all of the things at once.

I'm also a fan of victory lap with all the items to get all the things. The issue with games like Wind Waker and Metroid Prime (when I play them blind) is often I'm doing that over the course of the adventure. Suddenly getting one final item or quest that requires a victory lap of areas I've already cleared doesn't have the same effect on me when those areas have been stripped bare and there is a single room or obstacle to clear for that end game lock door. That same mindset is why I bounced off Link Between Worlds so hard, you could clear 90% of the map/collectibles near the start leaving little reason to go back unless a puzzle required the sand rod.
I think if you are talking about the original, I agree, with the caveat being that I haven't played it in twenty years or so so I really can't argue about its effectiveness or friction properly, so I will defer to you on that entirely.

I do understand the point you are making though. That hasn't been my experience with any of the three named games, but I do get it. Ideally they would design it in a way where it doesn't instantly disengage a player like you (but let's be honest, as much as I like these and defend these, the explicit purpose of them was to pad out the game length, and there is no way to do that without pissing off at least some people).
I never had issues with the Triforce quest, I just didn't like the price of the maps. Tho I use to spam my Action Replay back in the day so I always had infinite rupees anyways. Lol
if this direct pulls through with something like the full rereveals of Dragon Quest HD-2D (especially if it's now the trilogy), Prime 4 and Silksong, a remake of FE4, a good Mario Party, Live A Live 2 and something like 2D Zelda or DK for the holidays, all of which seem fairly like fairly reasonable predictions, it might be an all-time great for me.
if this direct pulls through with something like the full rereveals of Dragon Quest HD-2D (especially if it's now the trilogy), Prime 4 and Silksong, a remake of FE4, a good Mario Party, Live A Live 2 and something like 2D Zelda or DK for the Holiday, all of which seem fairly like fairly reasonable predictions, it might be an all-time great for me.
I want an FF4 remake
We still talking about the best Zelda, Wand of Gamelon? Huge fan of that game and really think it stand the test of time.
I don’t really need a remake of wind Waker that fixes or adds to it. The game released in the state it did and it’s still great, what’s done is done.

Would much rather the next game just take inspiration from it. The thought of and charting islands in open air Zelda style just shoots serotonin through my body.
Exploration is the most fascinating subject in Wind Waker because it might be the biggest strength and biggest weakness in the game. There's remarkable scope for the Great Sea, a genuine sense of accomplishment at finding new locations, and the setting gives it possible the most unique identity in the series. The problem of course is that (more in the original release) is that it simply is too big for its own good and there's an eventual repetition that settles in because there's only so many kinds of combat and puzzles one can do with an ocean setting. That paired with an aesthetic that also gets a bit old after a while creates an experience that hits the point of diminishing returns the longer you do it. I'd never call it boring, but unlike a Phantom Hourglass which managed to freshen up the concept via stuff like ship parts and in interactive map, there's a basic nature of Wind Waker's oceans that does hinder it a bit.
I'm currently replaying Mario Wonder and i gotta ask.....how many more "Bros Wonder" games do you guys want?
I would like a sequel in late 2026/early 2027 and eventually a 3rd game in 2030 before retiring that sub-series.
honestly, give me DLC for wonder at most and then move on

it'd be very "stepping on rakes" to make 4 NSMB games that are widely criticized for feeling creatively in a rut, finally break away from that rut by making a fresh new style of Mario, and then immediately let that just become the new rut
Twilight Princess needs to be reimagined.
tbh I think they did that when they made Breath of the Wild. Twilight Princess always felt like they wanted to do something more open and less constrained, but for some reason decided to make it resemble Ocarina of Time much more instead. You see that a lot in the game - the world is huge, but isn't very full and zoned off all throughout; the combat has this large variety of sword skills through the Hidden Skill system, but so much of it is built around item use instead (one of the most annoying design ideas in this game and Skyward Sword is how much the items become tools that enemies are designed around rather than functioning as actual weapons) and it makes the combat feel so horribly slow; there's a lot of introduction to new story ideas and concepts which are then mostly forgotten in the second half of the game and I know there's people who defend this decision, but I never liked Ganondorf being the one in the driver's seat for Zant; and part of me also thinks that adding Heart Pieces to the dungeons was a last-minute decision because they were prioritizing those over the overall world map. It's an extremely uneven game that doesn't know what it wants to be and that is what drags it down for me.

And if I can be completely honest for a second - it really tends to bug me when people say the dungeons are this highly important part of Zelda games (maybe because my favourite Zelda game has the least of them), not because I dislike them*, but because I like to view games as a complete package. And I generally don't care if there's less of something else if the overall experience is enjoyable, but that's ultimately the issue I have with TP (and SKSW) - I just don't enjoy the overall package.

*and I don't think TP's dungeons are that great outside of Lakebed and Temple of Time
people here confident its going to be a good direct?

I hope so!

My biggest bet is that Metroid Prime 4 will show up, but past that, I'm looking at some more Dragon Quest (not just HD-2D, but also X Offline)... and I think that's about it. Realistically, I prefer being surprised by stuff rather than wasting time on expectations. That said, since we were talking about The Wind Waker just now... isn't there supposed to be a game with the other guy that heavily features sailing out later this year?
People who talk shit about CDi Zelda games don't realize the veritable gold mine of memes we would be without if they didn't exist. Yes they were awful, but YouTube Poops are proto-shitposts, and we are enriched all the more for them.



Okay, but do you know ANY popular memes about the third CDi game? Zelda's Adventure is so bad, people don't even meme about it.
Wait… gamers… if Amogus wasn’t part of the Direct, then why wouldn’t Innersloth just re-edit the video and upload it like, today or tomorrow? There would be nothing stopping them from doing that, but they aren’t. Maybe this really is it y’all
Wait… gamers… if Amogus wasn’t part of the Direct, then why wouldn’t Innersloth just re-edit the video and upload it like, today or tomorrow? There would be nothing stopping them from doing that, but they aren’t. Maybe this really is it y’all
It being attached to some kind of show is definitely what makes the most sense imo, and at this point we're running out of shows it could be at other than a Direct (and as people pointed out, they were just at SGF on Friday so they easily could have put it there instead)

definitely leaning towards Team Amogus Leaked The Direct Date, personally
Okay, but do you know ANY popular memes about the third CDi game? Zelda's Adventure is so bad, people don't even meme about it.
No because it doesn't have funny animation. I do know it has an easter egg promoting a game that never came out that wasn't found for decades though!
I’m gonna be real. If we didn’t have a Direct confirmed, I would absolutely be in doomer mode saying that they’d be skipping this direct too, after they skipped February.

Ever since they started skipping out of June Directs 2 out of the past 4 years, I have been a lot less certain with them.
Re: Mario Wonder - I feel like the brand has a game or two under it more. Maybe a game and DLC. But I can’t see Nintendo squeezing more than two games out of it. Granted, I wonder how theyll pull new 2D Mario after Wonder
Wait… gamers… if Amogus wasn’t part of the Direct, then why wouldn’t Innersloth just re-edit the video and upload it like, today or tomorrow? There would be nothing stopping them from doing that, but they aren’t. Maybe this really is it y’all

They most likely signed a marketing deal with Nintendo for x amount of years for them to promote Among Us news on Directs hence the panic delete
Re: Mario Wonder - I feel like the brand has a game or two under it more. Maybe a game and DLC. But I can’t see Nintendo squeezing more than two games out of it. Granted, I wonder how theyll pull new 2D Mario after Wonder
Still have to finish that game, but Wonder DLC would be really great.
Please people just remember this Direct will be about Switch only
With Switch being way past its peak
It could be a great direct but yeah people shouldnt get their expectations too high(it happens anyways though every time lol)
fwiw, I think it does make sense to think something's probably happening with Starfox. There were Starfox objects found in Switch Sports' code, a trademark filed relatively recently, and in the past Miyamoto's said a new Starfox prototype gets made whenever there's new hardware

when or if we'll ever see it is a different matter, but odds seem very likely that some kind of Starfox project is currently in the works
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