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StarTopic [Spoilers Allowed] Nintendo Direct Speculation |ST8| Press Your (Nintendo Direct) Luck! [Read Staff Post]

Which heavily rumored "it's absolutely gonna show up this time" game are we NOT going to see?

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I know it's a Sunday but I just really want the Direct to be on June 30th because that would be hilarious

maybe the 29th just so it's still in June in Japan too
Late on the Zelda talk, but Wind Waker is so funny to me because a lot of the content like the dungeons ends up feeling hollow, and the structure of the world, especially in a post-Breath of the Wild world, feels like a prototype for said game that wouldn't manifest for 14 years. (Picking up enemy weapons too lol) There's some cool stuff like finding the ghost ship, but that's it. Also ironic that a game that's all about breaking tradition in the story barely has much new things in terms of items, save for the Deku Leaf and the grappling hook, so it feels split between being its own thing and doing stuff from Ocarina of Time again. Not a bad game, but I wasn't prepared for how nearly everything outside of the Triforce Quest (which I think is fine on HD) was just there.

Ironically, Twilight Princess escapes that much better by basically being Ocarina of Time's final form on purpose, but actually having more new things in it as well as much stronger dungeon design. Still has some weird things like the Tears of Light, but it's a much stronger game over Wind Waker and would be my third favorite "traditional" Zelda, after Skyward Sword and Majora's Mask.

Anyways if WWHD/TPHD are on Switch and they run at 60fps, I'll probably rebuy them but I still keep my Wii U hooked up, so no 60fps, no buy unless there's somehow even more changes that might change my mind.
When was the earliest point that Pyoro leaked anything Direct related? Maybe tomorrow being a week before the event(hopefully) we get some hints...

That said, I'm pretty sure something Zelda will appear in the Direct. It can be a new 2D game but I'm feeling like they'd save that for cross gen so Switch 2 has a new Zelda in the launch window, so we get Twilight Princess Remastered this year. But maybe they feel like Breath of the Wild 4K is a big enough deal for Zelda for Switch 2 on year one? We'll see.
When was the earliest point that Pyoro leaked anything Direct related? Maybe tomorrow being a week before the event(hopefully) we get some hints...
Six days before the September Direct aired last year.

Which means if the Direct date is the 18th, he could start leaking as early as tomorrow.
When was the earliest point that Pyoro leaked anything Direct related? Maybe tomorrow being a week before the event(hopefully) we get some hints...

That said, I'm pretty sure something Zelda will appear in the Direct. It can be a new 2D game but I'm feeling like they'd save that for cross gen so Switch 2 has a new Zelda in the launch window, so we get Twilight Princess Remastered this year. But maybe they feel like Breath of the Wild 4K is a big enough deal for Zelda for Switch 2 on year one? We'll see.
Maybe tomorrow. But I got Thursday as the first true real day he can leak. So much anticipation on what he’ll tell us is in the direct
Maybe a less popular take but I loved the whole grid-based WW map with one island per square (at least as a kid). Sure it was very structured and predictable but I always enjoyed exploring each square one at a time and seeing what new island was there to find, what was on it, and so on.

I’m a structure guy - I actually genuinely like having some amount of structure in games. TTYD reminded me of that yet again - I miss having games from that era that were like “open the menu, here’s a vague map of the entire world that you will explore one section per Chapter, there are 7 Chapters where you collect a macguffin in each, and then a finale.”

I think it goes back to reading a lot of fantasy novels growing up that had maps at the beginning, often even with the route of the party already drawn in and labeled. So it became “ooh this area looks cool/dangerous/has a neat name! I wonder what’s going to happen to them when they get there…” So it’s all about the anticipation and building excitement even though you already know exactly where they’re going.
If Star Fox is indeed happening, who would y’all like to see be the developer for it? I feel there could be lots of interesting ways for a new SF to be pitched.
Two main ones I can think of:

A) Project Aces (Ace Combat) - I still think "Ace Combat with Furries...in SPAAAAAACE" makes the most sense for the brand's future. You want high quality dogfighting arcade action, along with a storyline straight out of a mecha anime? Go with a team that's been doing that for almost 30 years. Helps that Bamco and Nintendo already have a good relationship.

B) Sandlot - Alternatively, if you want something more like Assault's ground-based missions where you blast away a bunch of bugs? Then go for a team who could really take that much and not only do it right, but make it awesome. Sandlot's even good for letting you hop in machines and giant mecha, too.
We may not have a Direct this week, but we do have myself being stuck at the Houston airport for literally 24 hours waiting for my next flight home because United diverted my previous connecting flight and won’t offer compensation of any kind because it was due to “extreme climate conditions”!
Maybe a less popular take but I loved the whole grid-based WW map with one island per square (at least as a kid). Sure it was very structured and predictable but I always enjoyed exploring each square one at a time and seeing what new island was there to find, what was on it, and so on.

I’m a structure guy - I actually genuinely like having some amount of structure in games. TTYD reminded me of that yet again - I miss having games from that era that were like “open the menu, here’s a vague map of the entire world that you will explore one section per Chapter, there are 7 Chapters where you collect a macguffin in each, and then a finale.”

I think it goes back to reading a lot of fantasy novels growing up that had maps at the beginning, often even with the route of the party already drawn in and labeled. So it became “ooh this area looks cool/dangerous/has a neat name! I wonder what’s going to happen to them when they get there…” So it’s all about the anticipation and building excitement even though you already know exactly where they’re going.

Well said, and I very much agree about loving structure in games. It’s one of my least popular gaming opinions, but it’s why I prefer almost all the classic Zeldas over BOTW. I have no problem with many preferring it, I just get overwhelmed by such gigantic, open-ended games, and I also find games this huge and long to be a lot less replayable than games I know I can clear 100% within a week or two.
We may not have a Direct this week, but we do have myself being stuck at the Houston airport for literally 24 hours waiting for my next flight home because United diverted my previous connecting flight and won’t offer compensation of any kind because it was due to “extreme climate conditions”!
I haven’t really had to deal with it since I don’t fly much, but the DOT put out some guidelines and rules about airlines properly compensating people for significant delays. If your situation applies to what’s stated on the site you can see if that helps get things moving.

We may not have a Direct this week, but we do have myself being stuck at the Houston airport for literally 24 hours waiting for my next flight home because United diverted my previous connecting flight and won’t offer compensation of any kind because it was due to “extreme climate conditions”!
ah the magic of airports
Maybe tomorrow. But I got Thursday as the first true real day he can leak. So much anticipation on what he’ll tell us is in the direct
Yeah if it was like prior times, I believe it should be nothing tomorrow, but early morning Thursday (like 2:00 AM Pacific) all bets are off.
We may not have a Direct this week, but we do have myself being stuck at the Houston airport for literally 24 hours waiting for my next flight home because United diverted my previous connecting flight and won’t offer compensation of any kind because it was due to “extreme climate conditions”!
Ugh, sorry about that. I hate being stuck at airports, especially when they try to pull shit like that.
Despite my constant complaints about TotK, and how much it disappointed me, I largely agree. I think at worst there might be one or two 7/10s and those would be Phantom Hourglass and Tri Force Heroes. The former is held back by some poor design choices and repetitive segments, while the latter is well Tri Force Heroes.
Tri Force Heroes was awesome
I'm currently replaying Mario Wonder and i gotta ask.....how many more "Bros Wonder" games do you guys want?
I would like a sequel in late 2026/early 2027 and eventually a 3rd game in 2030 before retiring that sub-series.
I want them to do Super Mario Wonder Maker, and then do a Mario Metroidvania
At that point it's just a popularity contest between the two franchises and does that really matter? Obviously Zelda is bigger than Pikmin. And I like Pikmin a lot more than Zelda. Plus I feel like the bigger the series, you will naturally more find critics and naysayers on the internet. Need I say anything about Pokemon?
no pls don't i cannot handle anymore pokemon discourse
Is there a historical link between maintenance and Directs? I know there is between game-specific maintenance and game updates.
After wasting the past 30 minutes, I can conclude... kinda? Sorta? Not really. Like, yes, maintenance has occurred around the time a Direct happens, but maintenance also happens like... constantly? Maybe someone else has found a pattern, but just scrolling through the past two years doesn't really give me the vibe that "Oh shit, Nintendo is working on the servers! Direct incoming!" when them doing X or Y with the eShop, NSO, or any other general network service happens several times a month. It just tells me that "Huh, sometimes they do maintenance a day or two before/after a Direct. That's neat, I guess."
We may not have a Direct this week, but we do have myself being stuck at the Houston airport for literally 24 hours waiting for my next flight home because United diverted my previous connecting flight and won’t offer compensation of any kind because it was due to “extreme climate conditions”!
I doubt that the direct is coming in this coming week. We haven't had enough fake direct leaks to signify it.
Wow are you guys really that starve for news that we welcome that dumb bird to spoil a direct that we know for a fact is coming in the next two weeks , i guess im built different where i would rather to be suprised by what is actually shown to me, instead of reading about it in some riddled tweet
This was probably not your intent, but there is a strong smug aura to your comment.
Apart from Metroid Prime 4 & Silksong I would like to see also
  1. Snowboard Kids NSO
  2. Dark Souls 2 port
  3. Xenoblade Chronicles X
Is there any chance??
P.S. One can dream!
People who talk shit about CDi Zelda games don't realize the veritable gold mine of memes we would be without if they didn't exist. Yes they were awful, but YouTube Poops are proto-shitposts, and we are enriched all the more for them.




I think Miyamoto is a very friendly man, and doesn't want to harm anyone.

I also think that the person(s) responsible for this are the only ones who should never ever enter a Nintendo building when Miyamoto is there too.


I think the original second part of this post could've been seen as dismissive and bad taste joke, so i edited. Wasn't my intention, sorry.
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Wow are you guys really that starve for news that we welcome that dumb bird to spoil a direct that we know for a fact is coming in the next two weeks , i guess im built different where i would rather to be suprised by what is actually shown to me, instead of reading about it in some riddled tweet

I think Pyoro’s tweets are fine, it helps manage expectations once we know a few bits coming in the Direct.

Imagine we don’t get any this time though……
Wow are you guys really that starve for news that we welcome that dumb bird to spoil a direct that we know for a fact is coming in the next two weeks , i guess im built different where i would rather to be suprised by what is actually shown to me, instead of reading about it in some riddled tweet
Congrats on not wanting to be spoilt on a mediocre end of lifespan direct
Wow are you guys really that starve for news that we welcome that dumb bird to spoil a direct that we know for a fact is coming in the next two weeks , i guess im built different where i would rather to be suprised by what is actually shown to me, instead of reading about it in some riddled tweet
I always thought the best part about directs was actually seeing the games, Pyoro tweets just build up more anticipation for that
Having Pyoro be part of a Nintendo Direct hype-cycle is actually fun for me.

If he is not, I don't mind too much either :D.
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