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StarTopic [Spoilers Allowed] Nintendo Direct Speculation |ST8| Press Your (Nintendo Direct) Luck! [Read Staff Post]

Which heavily rumored "it's absolutely gonna show up this time" game are we NOT going to see?

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Given Nintendo released the Switch Tropical Freeze port at full price and have never done significant sales on it, I'm fully expecting $60 individually for WWH and TPHD with likely minimal improvements from their WII U version, aside from the possibility of New Funky Mode inclusion for both.
Real talk, I have a google doc that's over 100 pages on how TMS 2 could function and what I'd like to see from it. The bulk of it is information on playable characters (class, Carnage spirits, aesthetic and inspiration, song style, notes and biography for supports, etc.), NPCs, and antagonists. But gameplay pitches, dungeon themes and bosses found in them, recruitment time and the calendar system,* several major sidequests, post-game content notes, NG+ notes, shops and locations that can be visited, and several more things are also included. I also have several side documents to parse out some of the more granular information and ideas, such as affinities and how they work into gameplay. I've worked on this on-and-off since 2020, so it makes sense that it's this long. (The bulk of the work was done between 2020 and 2022, with some major revisions in 2023 and only minor touch-ups this year.) Maybe someday I'll commission some concept art of the idea and be foolhardy enough to pitch it to Nintendo or IntSys, but not today...

My notes for TMS 3 & potentially 4 are far shorter, roughly 6-10 pages total.** My notes for a true SMT x FE crossover are probably 3 pages at most. (My notes for an SMT x FE are a single page, and I'm pretty sure I've combined several of the ideas I wanted to try out there into another game or into SMT x FE proper.)

*Unlike Persona and Three Houses, tackling the non-story dungeons will not affect the calendar at all. There's an in-world reason for this too!
**The big problem is that I'm not sure what I want to do with TMS 4. Originally it was its own story, but then I worked it into TMS 3 as "The B-Sides," a story that takes place halfway through the game while the main plot is happening, that has its own story, characters, and gameplay style. But then the theme I wanted to explore with this story changed, and I found another way it can work into TMS 3, but I'm not exactly sure how it meshes altogether just yet. Ultimately, TMS 3's story, theme, characters, style, and key aesthetic are all set in stone for me, and have been for the longest time. TMS 4's key aesthetic changes due to two competing ideas, both of which could fit in TMS 3, but not together. Well, maybe together, but it'd be weird. I'd have to think on it.
Atlus, hire this man

That's really impressive though, you must love TMS and its characters
Y'all don't understand, Nintendo didn't set the date yet to troll the leakers! That's why they don't know about the date yet

GameSpot accidentally posted a trailer saying new content is "out now", with the associated blog post dated the 18th, now deleted.

Not sure what other upcoming event could have hosted Among Us, and Nintendo has a good relationship with Innersloth. If it's not at the Direct, one has to wonder why it wasn't at SGF with their presence.

So, I expect the 18th.
You might be into something
GameSpot accidentally posted a trailer saying new content is "out now", with the associated blog post dated the 18th, now deleted.

Not sure what other upcoming event could have hosted Among Us, and Nintendo has a good relationship with Innersloth. If it's not at the Direct, one has to wonder why it wasn't at SGF with their presence.

So, I expect the 18th.
do you have screenshots of the blogpost? very curious about this lead
As a big Zelda fan (it’s my favorite gaming franchise of all-time), I don’t even care for TWW/TP HD being on Switch. Don’t get me wrong, I’ll be there day one and will play the heck out of them if they do release on Switch, but I’d rather they just wait until Switch 2. Reason for that being is how much different could they possibly look than what’s already on Wii U? At least with the new hardware we could see some pretty significant changes visually plus they’d be in 4K.

We’re nearing the end of the Switch’s life and they haven’t come yet, so what’s another year or two for a couple of ports that would be better than what we’d get if they released today? We’ve waited this long, so I hope Nintendo waits too.
That is a hilarious way to accidentally get the date out there, if it's true.
I want to be clear these weren't my discoveries, it's been discussed by Among Us fans for a few days and only today did a friend reach out to say "hey is this Direct related" so I decided to share it here.

Personally I'm convinced.

Probably shouldn't be

But I am.
Regarding the existence or "wishful thinking" of WW / TP on Switch, didn't several reputable insiders say these are real and just being held? Could even be for next year or the year after to keep feeding the Switch while Switch 2 enters in.
Quoted by: Joe
after a bit of digging, this gonintendo article seems to be one of the few remnants of the original upload as well, giving an actual source to that blogpost link.
undisputed evidence for the 18th which would made it a tuesday.

You fools, “date of Nintendo Direct potentially being leaked out through Among Us trailer being uploaded early” WAS on my bingo card!
Regarding the existence or "wishful thinking" of WW / TP on Switch, didn't several reputable insiders say these are real and just being held? Could even be for next year or the year after to keep feeding the Switch while Switch 2 enters in.
I don't doubt that they could come to Switch, but the only hesitation I have is them being released as a double pack, which many people seem to think they would be. To me, that doesn't seem likely, but I could be wr ong.
Honestly just a bank shot. I hope for it every year, but I would love to see Golden Sun 4 or a Dark Dawn remake. Everything else would be icing on the cake for me.
undisputed evidence for the 18th which would made it a tuesday.

I can dispute it;

Innersloth was just gonna drop it independently of a Direct if they like.

While I certainly THINK this is part of the Direct, I'm sure as heck not certain!
I can dispute it;

Innersloth was just gonna drop it independently of a Direct if they like.

While I certainly THINK this is part of the Direct, I'm sure as heck not certain!
and i have a dispute to your dispute! innersloth was just at SGF with two big announcements, why would they hold off for a week to drop it with no fanfare if they had an opportunity to reveal it to a huge audience? unless they were gonna reveal it to an even HUGER audience! though ofc like you said nothing is certain, im holding onto the copium that its part of the direct
and i have a dispute to your dispute! innersloth was just at SGF with two big announcements, why would they hold off for a week to drop it with no fanfare if they had an opportunity to reveal it to a huge audience? unless they were gonna reveal it to an even HUGER audience! though ofc like you said nothing is certain, im holding onto the copium that its part of the direct
I mentioned this earlier, and it's part of why I think it's likely this is relevant to a Direct!

I don't think it's copium, there's nothing to cope! We know there's one this month and now there's this oddball "out now" 18th announcement!
To be honest, I don't know why it's commonly accepted that Wind Waker and Twilight Princess would be released together in one package. That sounds like an extremely wishful thinking kind of thing to expect from Nintendo, who I'm sure would prefer to sell the games separate.
I think it's a remnant of people hoping for a "Zelda All Stars" collection with OOT, WW, and TP back when the rumors started. Then when N64 NSO became a thing and OoT was on it people sorta just separated that out from their expectations and it went from an All-Stars situation to a dual-pack situation.

Not that I believe Ninty will do it, just that I remember those expectations from waaayyy back.
To be honest, I don't know why it's commonly accepted that Wind Waker and Twilight Princess would be released together in one package. That sounds like an extremely wishful thinking kind of thing to expect from Nintendo, who I'm sure would prefer to sell the games separate.
I think it's because people think that both "have to be" released before the Switch 2 arrives when if they do exist they could still release after Switch 2. I know it didn't start out that way but I think it's why it's widely believed.
To be honest, I don't know why it's commonly accepted that Wind Waker and Twilight Princess would be released together in one package. That sounds like an extremely wishful thinking kind of thing to expect from Nintendo, who I'm sure would prefer to sell the games separate.
Imran Khan claimed that they would be bundled for $60 back in February 2021

Alright, June 18th it is unless someone wants to come by and deconfirm it, don’t need it though have a nice Monday evening Nate & Brazil
To be honest, I don't know why it's commonly accepted that Wind Waker and Twilight Princess would be released together in one package. That sounds like an extremely wishful thinking kind of thing to expect from Nintendo, who I'm sure would prefer to sell the games separate.
I believe over the years Andy Robinson, Nate, Jeff Grubb, and Imran Khan have all claimed a WW/TP double pack was in the works and have referenced it as one of those "yep, they're just sitting on it" things, so I think that's probably where it's coming from
Among Us info accidentally leaking something which coincides with a “Out Now” with what could be a possible date for a Direct….im buying it a bit lol.

June 18th Direct Tuesday morning lets go
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I'm not entirely convinced that anybody actually had hard evidence that there are Switch versions of WW and TP. I think a lot of people are just saying they are coming at some point like many other Wii U games and hoping that surely, at some point, they will be right.

so brazil gets a two week range while nate gets three days

I wonder if anyone is epic enough to get it down to like 18 hours
Out of all the numbers of hours you could have picked, it had to be 18 eh? I see what you were doing ;)
Wait....the 18th.....FE18......Sigurd says "among us" in a funny way in Engage.....

It was there in front of us all this time! /s
I think both Wind Waker and Twilight Princess HD Switch versions exist and they are either a “break glass in case of emergency” or save them for after Switch 2 is out to form the anchor of a holiday for Switch 1 in the cross gen period. This year or next year seems like the time then, it just depends on how many games Switch 1 has this holiday. I think they are going to have enough to save them for 2025 is my current guess, but whenever they drop I want them.
GameSpot accidentally posted a trailer saying new content is "out now", with the associated blog post dated the 18th, now deleted.

Not sure what other upcoming event could have hosted Among Us, and Nintendo has a good relationship with Innersloth. If it's not at the Direct, one has to wonder why it wasn't at SGF with their presence.

So, I expect the 18th.
This may be it....

Its funny that the answer to when the direct is could be literally AMONG US


so brazil gets a two week range while nate gets three days

I wonder if anyone is epic enough to get it down to like 18 hours
Maybe Among Us has lol
I think both Wind Waker and Twilight Princess HD Switch versions exist and they are either a “break glass in case of emergency” or save them for after Switch 2 is out to form the anchor of a holiday for Switch 1 in the cross gen period. This year or next year seems like the time then, it just depends on how many games Switch 1 has this holiday. I think they are going to have enough to save them for 2025 is my current guess, but whenever they drop I want them.
I pray everyday we get a Collectors edition again, imagine WW/TP/MM3D/OoT3d all in one package.
I think both Wind Waker and Twilight Princess HD Switch versions exist and they are either a “break glass in case of emergency” or save them for after Switch 2 is out to form the anchor of a holiday for Switch 1 in the cross gen period. This year or next year seems like the time then, it just depends on how many games Switch 1 has this holiday. I think they are going to have enough to save them for 2025 is my current guess, but whenever they drop I want them.
Makes sense, if we consider Nintendo are now more willing to use Remakes and Remaster as gaps, same thing has happened throughout the Switch generation with games like Xenoblade definite editions, Links awakening, Skyward Swords HD, 3D World+Bowser Fury and much more.

Also i can see Nintendo using these HD ports and remake as filler for Switch 2, also as big releases for Switch, which makes sense, with the install base that big.
people are always so weird here about nate, it's mad embarrassing, just let the man live
This goes for leakers in general. Namely Midori as of late too. People have been coming sideways at her for no reason in this thread. I don’t understand the bitterness about leakers ESPECIALLY in a speculation thread, where they drive so much of it.
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