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StarTopic [Spoilers Allowed] Nintendo Direct Speculation |ST8| Press Your (Nintendo Direct) Luck! [Read Staff Post]

Which heavily rumored "it's absolutely gonna show up this time" game are we NOT going to see?

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Nintendo Ninjas playing a real life game of Among Us right now and are hidden amongst the staff at GameSpot to track down the culprit that leaked it.
Atlus, hire this man

That's really impressive though, you must love TMS and its characters
Lol thanks!

Ironically, the original idea started because I was halfway through the game and didn't feel connected to anything or anyone. The gameplay was good, but it wasn't great, and the characters were fun but not engaging. (But the backtracking on some maps was AWFUL.) So, after going through a quick nostalgia phase in 2020 (and still in my Persona 5 and Fire Emblem Three Houses phase), I hashed out a quick pitch of what I wanted from a sequel, and it snowballed from there...
I'm inclined to think Nintendo releases at least one of WW or TP this year, and then next year we see Hyrule Warriors 3 and/or BotW 4K. I don't think they're going to release another original Zelda title the year after TotK, and this is as prime a year for plugging schedule gaps as any.
But but I thought Nintendo didn't know the date of their direct yet

there's no way you of all people are tossing shade at Brazil...
Genuinely, if it's true that Among Us in the Direct, it is kind of crazy that the Directs and Keighley's events have become the venues where announcements for the game happens. If I remember correctly, the September Direct last year also had a pretty big trailer for an update for the game. It's interesting to think about and, with that happening in the Direct last year, it does give credence (at least in my mind) that this could be real!
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A 3 day window but the 19th is a federal holiday smack dab in the middle of one of the possibilities.

Makes me think it's June 25-27.

I guess the three day window could include a day that is off limits, but that feels weird.
Do we know if Nintendo's corporate offices in America recognizes Juneteenth? All federal employees have the day off, but only 39% of private employers in the US had the day off last year. I'm assuming they do but I can't find any info, only that their customer service support does not work that day.
A 3 day window but the 19th is a federal holiday smack dab in the middle of one of the possibilities.

Makes me think it's June 25-27.

I guess the three day window could include a day that is off limits, but that feels weird.
we don't know exactly how nate came to that three-day-window conclusion, could be him accounting for timezones based on a single date he's been given, or it could be an assumption based on multiple sources, dont think this counts out the amogus lead
A 3 day window but the 19th is a federal holiday smack dab in the middle of one of the possibilities.

Makes me think it's June 25-27.

I guess the three day window could include a day that is off limits, but that feels weird.
I mean, having a three day window doesn't mean it could to be in every day of that window. If Nate knows about a 18 to 20th window, he can rule out 19 anyway. That's still a three day window. At least, that's how I think about it, I'm not even coping since I've always thought (and I still do) the Direct is the last week.
If it's on the 18th, please for the love of the gods be early in the day EST. If the Direct airs while I'm on a plane I'm gonna die.
I hope it's at 12 EDT like the E3 conferences/directs used to be. They got the day right already.
Seriously dude should be quiet. The guy who keeps thinking he knows everything from the Switch 2 will release in 2023 with phony nonsense.
Hey. An eye for an eye makes the whole world go blind. P4bl0 and Brazil are both members of this forum and our community and we should be respectful, I think.
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Stuff like the Among Us direct date "leak" are great, a bit of actual investigative journalism is nice to see! Especially when its fans doing the leg work! Beats waiting to be told, writhing around endlessly on the dangled fish hook of leakers
Maybe this has been mentioned elsewhere and I just missed it, but one thing to consider about the Juneteenth ‘off-limits day’ discourse is that there are plenty of workplaces that observe the holiday on the Monday prior, instead of giving their employees a day off in the middle of the week. I’d imagine NoA would do the same.

I wouldn’t expect NoA to release a Direct on the 19th, but I don’t think it being in the middle of an 18th-20th ‘three day time window’ is that far fetched, given that people may be at work that day having had it off on the 17th.
September 12 - Fire Emblem remake
October 3 - Metroid Prime 4
October 24 - 2D Zelda
November 14 - Pokemon BW remakes
December 5 - Tomodachi Collection 3
Please do not imply that people should step back from the internet when they're being harassed and doxxed, or make light of it. It comes across as victim blaming. -TC, Zellia, BassForever, meatbag
FAMI is cooked!!! /JK

But hopefully she'll take a calmer approach, since the internet can sometime be stressful and exhausting.
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