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StarTopic [Spoilers Allowed] Nintendo Direct Speculation |ST8| Press Your (Nintendo Direct) Luck! [Read Staff Post]

Which heavily rumored "it's absolutely gonna show up this time" game are we NOT going to see?

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Maybe, but that would mean they functionally had 3-5 games ready that could have been crossgen with the Switch 2, and:

A. Felt that wasn't enough to launch the Switch 2 this year.
B. But is ok with not delaying said games to stock up the Switch 2 launch year.

I mean I would be surprised if they have more than like 2 games tbh.
personally I've always been inclined to take the "they delayed Switch 2 so it would have a stronger software lineup" rumors to mean a small number of key players weren't ready and that would have thrown off their whole cadence, not that they had absolutely nothing in the can

Like, if you were hoping to launch with Mario Kart or 3D Mario or something of that mega-huge caliber and it just wasn't gonna be ready in time, that'd be worth delaying a system to make sure you have all your ducks in a row even if you already have a decent number of the smaller/medium hitters like Metroid or a 2D Zelda or some remakes/remasters waiting in the wings

meanwhile, by the time those big hitters are ready, a whole new crop of "not tentpole 20 million sellers" could be ready to release alongside the main attractions. So may as well put out some of the B/C-listers you do have ready rather than just forfeit an entire second-half of a year
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Are we excluding Pokemon Legends Z-A?

Apart from that though, you're probably right. The only other title I can see doing 10+ million is a Donkey Kong game if that gets a Switch 1 release. Although maybe a successor to Nintendo Switch Sports as well if Midori's Anna codename ends up being for that.
Yeah I was excluding Pokemon.
Does anyone have any predictions, when it comes to third party's announcments?
  • Mega Man by Arika
  • Final Fantasy Tactics (remaster? new game?)
  • Bravely Default 3
  • Dragon Quest 3 2DHD
  • AI Somnium Files 3
  • Master Detective Archives 2
  • Rune Factory: Guardians of Azuma
  • Farmagia
  • Daemon X Machina Titanic Scion
  • New Digimon game
  • New Summon Night game
  • New Gust JRPG (Ryza 4? An anime adaption?)
  • Pac-Man World 2 remake
  • Recently yanked Tales of games
  • More Etrian Odyssey games (new one?)
  • Tomb Raider 4-5-6 remakes
Does anyone have any predictions, when it comes to third party's announcments?

I'm guessing Square Enix will showcase two of their games, mostly DQ 2D-HD and possibly live a live
Xbox might announce some game, maybe rare replay?
some obscure, but fun Wii Port, that was made from a third party
Team cherry with Silksong, but i feel like that'll be for the Switch 2

I'm also guessing
we might get confirmation of who're the actors for the Zelda Movie
  • Snowboard Kids 3
  • Mega Man Legends 3 Reborn
  • Body Harvest Remake
  • Banjo-Threeie: Fur-Realsies
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The chaotic side of my brain is immensely curious to see how the internet would react if Metroid Prime 4 somehow didn't show up this month.
Personally, I'd only feel a bit sad that they're waiting a few months for the switch 2 release window instead of giving it to us earlier.

Most fans at least know it's real and that it's coming, it's not a Silksong situation
The chaotic side of my brain is immensely curious to see how the internet would react if Metroid Prime 4 somehow didn't show up this month.
I would be immensely disappointed, but a small part of me wouldn’t be completely surprised either.
Midori, I'll trust that, despite your RPG-centric fame, your tastes alignes exactly like mine's and you're excited because we're getting Donkey Kong and lots of other platformers in that Direct.

I'll also automatically assume a whole bunch of fighting games there too, why not? Miracles happen, so Tatsunoko vs. Capcom returns in HD for Switch only!
Tatsunoko vs. Capcom returns in HD for Switch only!
in the June direct if they announced fire emblem 4 remake, kid icarus uprising remaster, 3D Donkey Kong, Star Fox or a Muramasa Rebirth port I would be so happy. Even just one of those things.
At this point, I don't even what Nintendo could show that'd make this an interesting Direct for me. All of the heavy hitters are being saved for Switch 2, and I can't think of any AA IP that I'd enjoy and would have a realistic possibility of being shown here. A new Devil Survivor or a FF9R would be cool, but that's about it... nvm, I forgot about Fantasian, that'd be really nice!
At this point, I don't even what Nintendo could show that'd make this an interesting Direct for me. All of the heavy hitters are being saved for Switch 2, and I can't think of any AA IP that I'd enjoy and would have a realistic possibility of being shown here. A new Devil Survivor or a FF9R would be cool, but that's about it... nvm, I forgot about Fantasian, that'd be really nice!
I could see a collab star fox game
At this point, I don't even what Nintendo could show that'd make this an interesting Direct for me. All of the heavy hitters are being saved for Switch 2, and I can't think of any AA IP that I'd enjoy and would have a realistic possibility of being shown here. A new Devil Survivor or a FF9R would be cool, but that's about it... nvm, I forgot about Fantasian, that'd be really nice!

Atlus are sitting on such a goldmine. Ok they brought back Etrian Odyssey, but what about Radiant Historia, Devil Survivor 1 and 2, SMT IV, Strange Journey etc.
i have exactly one game i want at the direct. ive wanted it at every direct since 2019! that FE4 remake has been a persistent rumor for so long and its like tormented me because that's probably what'd i'd call my favorite game of all time and imagining it done up in HD with full voice acting makes me feel kinda crazy. even before rumors about it started going crazy theres been a general Fan Expectation for it since 2017 when shadows of valentia released and established IS was remaking things semi-chronologically
So, obviously no Direct is ever going to be perfect, right? Someone’s always going to complain or not be interested. What do you all think is, like, the highest percentage of happiness for everyone you could reasonably get to from a standard Direct? 60%? A little over half of everyone walking away pleased with how it went?
Atlus are sitting on such a goldmine. Ok they brought back Etrian Odyssey, but what about Radiant Historia, Devil Survivor 1 and 2, SMT IV, Strange Journey etc.

Its crazy they haven't done a multiplatform remaster of SMT4. It seems like it would be such a easy money maker for them.
SMT4 remaster would make this a GoaT-tier Direct for me, tbh. They seem to have forgotten about Radiant Historia. During an interview today, Hashino said they wanted to make ReFantazio because Atlus had never tried fantasy before.
i don’t think Midori knows Direct contents

She may have a general knowledge of Switch H2 and its speculating most unannounced games will be at next Direct.
Remember a year ago when everybody (including, allegedly, Nintendo) thought the Switch 2 would come out in 2024? And how the common refrain was that if that's the case, surely after Zelda they'd be holding onto anything big for next-gen? And then they announced Mario Wonder and it sold 10 million copies?

I'm not saying Nintendo definitely has a heavy-hitter up their sleeve for H2, but tbh it wouldn't surprise me at all if they roll out something impressive in this direct that most of this board would, if asked today, be convinced "has to be something they're saving for Switch 2 at this point"
Atlus are sitting on such a goldmine. Ok they brought back Etrian Odyssey, but what about Radiant Historia, Devil Survivor 1 and 2, SMT IV, Strange Journey etc.
They'll definitely have more of their past catalog remastered over time. Persona 1/IS/EP, Soul Hackers, and Digital Devil Saga 1/2 are probably the "easiest" since they wouldn't require conversion from the dualscreen DS/3DS to one screen and also sold reasonably well, although Strange Journey should be easily adaptable (with the EO remasters setting a template for how to handle it), and Devil Survivor 1/2 shouldn't be too bad since those games can really be done on one screen.

Unrelatedish, they really should've released a remaster of Soul Hackers around the time of Soul Hackers 2's release, at least to introduce PS/PC/Xbox users to the game.
the prospect of finally seeing Prime 4 is actually crazy.
It's going to feel so surreal. My brain literally can't comprehend being in a world where I've seen what Metroid Prime 4 looks like, let alone one where I'm playing it.
I feel like it’s about time we see the new Bloodstained game, so that could show up here. Although I’ve been saying that for a while now
As always I don’t have a lot in the way of major expectations and I’ll be trying to go into this as blind as possible (which has really upped my enjoyment of the presentations). S-E has been nearly MIA for everything so far aside from LIS. I expect they’re going to turn up at Nintendo’s event with Asano’s team and probably not much else, although a surprise Harvestella or Dungeon Encounters sequel might be cool. A last minute Visions of Mana port announcement would make my day too.

For Nintendo we still need a reveal for the Fall’s big tentpole title. I don’t think MP4 is it, but I hope MP4 is there. I think a DK game could work better as a tentpole release due to the Mario association. Would be nice to see 2D Zelda of some sort and the FE4 remake that’s been rumored. And some sort of bone thrown to NSO be it a new classic games roadmap, new system, new comped DLC, or new perks would be cool.

I got nothing otherwise, been a bit living under a rock this year so far.

I feel like it’s about time we see the new Bloodstained game, so that could show up here. Although I’ve been saying that for a while now
The Classic Mode II DLC is coming on the 11th. It’s a canonical story that appears to serve as an epilogue. We know a sequel is in active development since 505 Games said as much about 2-3 years ago.

I’m fully expecting we get a sequel announce this year. If not this Direct then at the Switch 2 event. The timing is right, the devs have made a good push to wrap up all the stretch goals that were promised in the last quarter. Plus the aforementioned DLC.

It really feels like they’re clearing the decks and table setting for something this year.
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