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StarTopic [Spoilers Allowed] Nintendo Direct Speculation |ST8| Press Your (Nintendo Direct) Luck! [Read Staff Post]

Which heavily rumored "it's absolutely gonna show up this time" game are we NOT going to see?

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Here’s a thought, the Direct branding and formatting has clearly changed, but what if announcement timing has as well? The Partner Showcase was announced at 5pm EST two days before the show (which aired at 9am). Correct me if I’m wrong, but didn’t the 2022 Partner Showcase share its announcement timing with standard Directs? (announcement the morning before at 9am EST).

Maybe we get an announcement next Tuesday at 5pm for an airing on the Thursday, bypassing Juneteenth altogether?
Sounds realistic
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Here’s a thought, the Direct branding and formatting has clearly changed, but what if announcement timing has as well? The Partner Showcase was announced at 5pm EST two days before the show (which aired at 9am). Correct me if I’m wrong, but didn’t the 2022 Partner Showcase share its announcement timing with standard Directs? (announcement the morning before at 9am EST).

Maybe we get an announcement next Tuesday at 5pm for an airing on the Thursday, bypassing Juneteenth altogether?
I think the direct can be announced on Tuesday.
Updated predictions:

Green circle: Likely
Yellow circle: Maybe but don't count on it
Red X: Nope

Prime 4 incoming

They should do something they never had done before, Open up with Metroid Prime 4 but only that it's development and we will release more info very soon! End the show with Metroid Prime 4 blowout and release date for Oct/Nov this year!
The fact that we're going into 2025 at all for next gen is still surprising for me and I'll assume that the Direct will accordingly be a bit light. I expect like a remake or two, maybe something small like Pushmo or BoxBoy resurfacing, maybe one marquee title that like say Donkey Kong paired with one lower effort title like Mario Baseball, and some additional ports/push with new content on NSO. That's about all I expect from Nintendo at this point and will be pleasantly surprised with anything else. I've given up on predicting exactly what they'll do with Metroid but I'll be pleasantly surprised if it shows up.
Samus slow walks to her ship

"Looks like the Federation has got itself into trouble again. What would those guys do without me? You owe me again, Adam."

🎵Yo, listen up here's a story About a little guy That lives in a blue world🎵

Nintendo and Retro Studios Presents

Metroid Prime 4
I love the Guardians, but if Samus starts cracking jokes like Star-Lord, that would make me sad
But what if this Star-Lord-influenced Samus refers to Adam Malkovich as a dickhead during a cutscene? Wouldn't that be all worth it?
Not really into Metroid or Fire Emblem, so I'm going into the direct with low expectations.

That saying, Kid Icarus Uprising or AA7 please. Maybe anything Star Fox, other than Zero please.
The least I was ever hyped for Direct like ever. The only thing that it will have MP4 in it but other than that? I don't give a fuck honestly. Just hurry it up so we can move to Switch 2 reveal in September.
I’d say it’s the most exciting ever for a direct, both because of how long it’s been since the last Direct and also because of how little we know of the second half of the year
Fire Emblem and Prime 4 both releasing this year would make a killer direct for me. Hell, even another Prime remaster instead of 4 would suffice.
Hope they reveal as little as possible this direct, leave it for the future showcase
Thats what I’m basically expecting. Mario Party isn’t next gen material nor are ports and remakes (except an OoT remake). Metroid Prime 4 I see them saving to tie its marketing hand in hand with Switch 2. A new DK game and a smaller Zelda title I can see happening now from their very big franchises. Everything else saved for next gen.
A Direct with a Metroid Prime 4 gameplay reveal and a new Donkey Kong would already be the best Direct of all-time. It can literally just be those two games and nothing else.
"Listen up everyone. I, Princess Zelda, am assembling a team to take down the Demon King. We need need a squad with a diverse set of skills. I will be our strategist"

Zelda: The Wise Princess

"I need someone as swift as the wind"

Tulin: The Hopeful Rito"

"Someone whose heart burns like fire"

Yunobo: The Cowardly Goron

"We need someone that strikes as hard as lightning"

Riju: The Tiny Gerudo

"And we need someone as smooth as water"

Sidon: The Handsome Zora

"But most of all, we need someone to lead us. You! You yes you, silent knight. Do you have the courage to take on this adventure?"


Link: The Hero

The Legend of Zelda: The Champions

Fall 2024
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I'm pretty curious about what's going to be at the Direct. Like, yes, I do expect Metroid and Fire Emblem as big announcements, but surely there is something else?

Nintendo hopes to sell enough Switch consoles by the end of March to surpass the lifetime sales of the Nintendo DS, and I'm not sure if a price cut is enough to do that. Assuming they're even planning one: Nintendo has managed to get this far without messing with the price, who's to say that they wouldn't hold off even longer? And if that's the case, there definitely has to be some title with wide enough appeal to push them over the line and hit that 13.5 million target for the fiscal year.
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I just know there's going to be a lot of "why didn't they save this for Switch 2", y'all need to strap in to the idea that we will continue to get Switch 1 games even after the successor has released.
The interesting question for me is what will constitute the big holiday game this year. Nintendo's typically had a Mario, Smash Bros, or Pokémon title to effectively be the big seller for Christmas, with only Age of Calamity in 2020 being the big exception (and given the pandemic who's to say what initial plans were changed). Dread did sell well, and a hypothetical Prime 4 could be expected to carry the load given the hype, but I'm genuinely curious if there's something else out around the same time to effectively be the other reliable seller for the season.
The interesting question for me is what will constitute the big holiday game this year. Nintendo's typically had a Mario, Smash Bros, or Pokémon title to effectively be the big seller for Christmas, with only Age of Calamity in 2020 being the big exception (and given the pandemic who's to say what initial plans were changed). Dread did sell well, and Prime 4 could be expected to carry the load given the hype, but I'm genuinely curious if there's something else out around the same time to effectively be the other reliable seller for the season.
Mario Panty

(Yes, you read that right. It's not a typo.)
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