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Predictions Sonic Superstars - Review prediction thread

Sonic superstars Metacritic/Opencritic score?

  • 90+

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 85-89

    Votes: 8 5.1%
  • 80-84

    Votes: 44 27.8%
  • 75-79

    Votes: 65 41.1%
  • 70-74

    Votes: 25 15.8%
  • <69

    Votes: 16 10.1%

  • Total voters
Superstars looks decent, but a 3 HOUR GAME PRICED AT 60? That is far more insulting than Playstation releasing 70 dollar games. I’ll wait till a Christmas sale
+ Controls and physics are about right. People mention the Spin Dash launch speed or the air drag feels off, but I honestly don't know if they do. It feels like they're about right to me, but also a bit weird? I can't tell if it's the mechanics themselves or if I'm just used to 2.5D Sonic feeling "wrong" by default.

+ I dig the level design for the most part. It doesn't feel like Mania or Sonics 1-3, but it doesn't have to. The maps feel really straight-forward and a little dull if you just run forward, but I think the game is insistent on you exploring or engaging with puzzles, which reminds me a lot of Sonic CD. Which makes sense; same creator and all. There's still plenty of spaces to roll down steep hills and all that too, it's just a bit unconventional in it's shape. I can easily see someone giving the level design bad marks for the same reason I'm giving it good, haha.

+ Some of the music has turned out better than expected. A few jams have really surprised me along the way, and while there's one Zone with S4 instrumentation, it has a composition strong enough to stand over it. (And I don't just mean that in the way people swear S4's OST is good if it had better instruments, because I don't agree with that.) IDK who's who in the music credits yet, but kudos to those tracks.

+ There's a lot more creative ideas than I think I was expecting coming in. Not just stage gimmicks, but just in regards to the scenery. There's something weird about this game's vibe, and maybe the weirdest is it's insistence on strange animals. I kinda like it?

+ I love Trip. I love saving Trip. I hope Trip is having a good day.

? The Special Stages are kind of pushovers when you know what to do. Pretty mindless. Also very non-plussed by the bonus stages, especially the random wormholes that send you falling for a bit. Not true negatives because I don't have strong feelings on them, but they're weird? Hm.

? I can't seem to find much want to use any of the Emerald powerups. They seem extremely situational at best. I've played with them a bit, but I don't feel like there's a lot to them worth stopping in place to fiddle with. I have found a few places that you can explore using things like the fireball, so hopefully I'll get more mileage out of that.

- These are some of the worst bosses I've ever seen in a Sonic game. Not just for their cheap shots but how much they waste your time. I've never seen a Sonic game give this much pause between hits on an enemy before, ever. And it's REALLY hard to read when they're open to attack or when they're going to hurt you. Combine this with really frustrating arena layouts and just. UGH. They're like the number one reason I'm not super keen on continuing.

- It feels like when you lose rings, they disappear way too quickly. Again, don't know if this is following the frame count of how Mania handled it to a tee or what, but I'm tripping up a LOT on ring loss. I've died more than I ever do in the classics, and I can't call most of those deaths at the fault of enemy placement as much as just feeling like my rings don't last long enough.

- I said some of the music is good, but just as many tracks are fucking dreadful. The menu and boss themes are so, so bad. Jesus. They have to put away this soundfont for good. But it's not just that either, it's how some of these tracks loop after less than 20 seconds. It's like they asked them deliberately to go unsophisticated with the melodies; which makes no sense when put against the more complex tracks. This is easily the sloppiest a Sonic OST has ever been in execution.

- These visuals are crusty as hell, jeeeeeesus christ. The only way to truly appreciate them is to pretend you're playing a XBLA/PSN game, or a sixth gen title. It's rough, folks. LOL

Overall so far: ???????/10
Super confused so far. The gameplay and level design is a decently fun time but the horrible bosses and unpolished visuals/music are driving me nuts. I'll try to pick it back up later.
As a lover of the Sonic Adventure OST, I am once again saddened by Jun Senoue’s “classic Sonic” output. It’s obviously not a lack of talent, there just seems to be a weird creative decision by him to make classic tracks sound overly simple and repetitive.
Superstars looks decent, but a 3 HOUR GAME PRICED AT 60? That is far more insulting than Playstation releasing 70 dollar games. I’ll wait till a Christmas sale
Isn't that how long it takes to beat an average sonic game? Why is it surprising it supposed to be a fast 2d platformer I don't except it to be long. Short and fun is good especially for sonic
Well, look at the bright side, Sonic sacrificed himself for Nintendo to realize Arzest are bad and probably won't work with them again after this game bombs.

Thank you Sonic, your sacrifice won't be in vain 🙏
Why are we saying it will bomb already wait for the sales at least lol
Isn't that how long it takes to beat an average sonic game? Why is it surprising it supposed to be a fast 2d platformer I don't except it to be long. Short and fun is good especially for sonic
Yeah, but those sonic games (the genesis games, advanced games, rush games) were of very high quality. Superstars doesn’t seem bad, but isn’t exactly meeting the standard of other games. I don’t have a problem if they want to make a more chill sonic game as long as it isn’t priced with more high quality titles. Funny thing is, Im still gonna get the game despite my complaining
Review from someone who's played the first 6 zones
From what little I've seen of the level layouts (I've been trying to go in as fresh as I can) I almost get more of a Sonic Advance vibe? Could it be they're maybe leaning a little more towards that than the Genesis series?
Sega probably locked in an October release date early on, before they learned that Nintendo and Sony would also be cooking something big for that month. They can't move it earlier, since that gives the devs less time to finish the game, they already have another game slated for November, and they don't want to miss the holiday season. So they're stuck in October. I do question if it was truly infeasible to not have it the exact same week as SMBW and Spider-Man 2, though. I legit thought that it would at least have a week of breathing room before realizing, no, it's releasing a mere three days before. That's crazy.
Welp the Switch version has been dumped and posted around online. If you're still trying to avoid spoilers leave the internet, game is about to get torn apart.
SEGA: “Sprites are outdated and wont sell these days” hires fucking Arzest to make some crusty-ass visuals instead

Pure comedy. Sure sounds like a Sonic game alright, wasn't gonna get this at launch, but guess I’m better off avoiding it and replaying Mania instead.
I would've rated Frontiers 85, since I love it. But it got reviews in the 60s. So what do I know? 😅
I have the same issue. Frontiers was so much of what I had been wanting out of 3D Sonic for so many years that once I started gaining some momentum in it I was genuinely giddy and have been gushing about it ever since. It's rough around the edges yeah, and I coulda done without the combat skills entirely, but overall I really loved it. I'm hoping it's the same with Superstars.
I have the same issue. Frontiers was so much of what I had been wanting out of 3D Sonic for so many years that once I started gaining some momentum in it I was genuinely giddy and have been gushing about it ever since. It's rough around the edges yeah, and I coulda done without the combat skills entirely, but overall I really loved it. I'm hoping it's the same with Superstars.
Exactly the same with me. I even went back to it the other day, just to show something to my brother, but I just wanted to keep playing.

Back in the day I skipped Sonic Heroes, Shadow the Hedgehog and Sonic 2006. But I still like the freedom of running in 3d as Sonic. Sonic Colours was great, but not that. Generations was amazing. I skipped Forces, only to recently try it and liking it more than I expected. I guess I am hungry for these kinda games.

So I don't know how I'll feel about Superstars.
after seeing some of the leaks I'm feeling less confident in my low 80s predictions, who let Sonic Team and Arzest cook.
Curious to see how it'll compare with the final product and reviews.
SEGA: “Sprites are outdated and wont sell these days” hires fucking Arzest to make some crusty-ass visuals instead

Pure comedy. Sure sounds like a Sonic game alright, wasn't gonna get this at launch, but guess I’m better off avoiding it and replaying Mania instead.

lol I thought the same thing. Sprites just won't sell, so instead of Mania 2 we will make another bad game that will piss everyone off and that will certainly be a sales success.
We should find out soon enough. I think the review embargo is up today.

General review embargo for Sonic Superstars lifts tomorrow - Sonic Stadium will be among those with a first review, so be sure to check back with us for the definitive verdict!

This was posted up yesterday

sounds like you'd been hoping for Adventure 3 just like me ;)
Yeah. Contrary to most people, I still go back to the Sonic Adventure games, and I enjoy playing them.

But I love great 2d games too. I played Sonic Rush the other day on a used DSi my daughter got, and it is still fun and fresh feeling.

I did however want 2d graphics in the next 2d playing game, not 3d. But I'll be happy as long as the gameplay is good. And first impressions are good.

Seems like the embargo has been lifted
78 from 4 reviews right now

Seems like the embargo has been lifted
78 from 4 reviews right now
dropped to 74 now.

edit: now 73
edit 2: back up to 74
edit 3: 71 now! dangerously close to sub 70
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with the overwhelming amount excellently designed 2D platformers made by 1-3 indie devs on shoestring budgets, there's no excuse for Arzest (a small professional studio) to not knock it out of the park with this.
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OTOH I'll reserve full judgement until actually playing the game. game reviewers get persnickety with Sonic for odd reasons so good chance the game is better than its MC score
Honestly at this point you just have to laugh at Sonic Team's complete and consistent inability to follow up any kind of success. Just an utterly hapless franchise carried by the marketability of its cast and its appeal to young children (and fan creators)
OTOH I'll reserve full judgement until actually playing the game. game reviewers get persnickety with Sonic for odd reasons so good chance the game is better than its MC score
I say this as a Sonic fan

Most Sonic games are mid and deserve the mediocre scores they get.
The reviews seem fine. It doesn't feel like anyone's saying it's particularly better or worse than the average sonic game, but from this thread's vibes you'd think this was the second coming of Balan
Sitting at 74. It seems that my initial prediction of 75 was maybe not that far off, and my freak out yesterday where I dropped my prediction to 65 was less than scientific.
Honestly at this point you just have to laugh at Sonic Team's complete and consistent inability to follow up any kind of success. Just an utterly hapless franchise carried by the marketability of its cast and its appeal to young children (and fan creators)
Arzest made this game, not Sonic Team.
The reviews seem fine. It doesn't feel like anyone's saying it's particularly better or worse than the average sonic game, but from this thread's vibes you'd think this was the second coming of Balan
In a post Sonic Mania world, I'm a lot less forgiving of a mid 2D Sonic game.
In a post Sonic Mania world, I'm a lot less forgiving of a mid 2D Sonic game.
I understand, that team is great. That's why I'm very excited for what they do next in Penny's Big Breakaway.

Superstars seems fun to me, probably will enjoy it about as much as I enjoyed the advance games and maybe as much as Rush. Remains to be seen! My only point was that it seems like people have already pinged this as a flop, when it seems like... Fine. But that's the nature of discourse, especially when it comes to sanic
I understand, that team is great. That's why I'm very excited for what they do next in Penny's Big Breakaway.

Superstars seems fun to me, probably will enjoy it about as much as I enjoyed the advance games and maybe as much as Rush. Remains to be seen! My only point was that it seems like people have already pinged this as a flop, when it seems like... Fine. But that's the nature of discourse, especially when it comes to sanic
I'm sure the game will be decently fun. I dunk on Arzest for obvious reason, but outside of Balan (and I put most of the blame for that on Naka) their games are mostly just fine/bland.

As for the games sales potential, I'm sure like Frontiers it'll be fine. It'll be marked down to $30-$40 in a few weeks and a bunch of us will jump in on it then.
honestly reading through the reviews seems like it’s better than the number let’s on at first.

A lot of them seem to be pretty good to decent game but coop is completely broken 6/10

definitely not reaching mania heights (lol) but I’m going to reserve true judgement until I play the game

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