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Predictions Sonic Superstars - Review prediction thread

Sonic superstars Metacritic/Opencritic score?

  • 90+

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 85-89

    Votes: 8 5.1%
  • 80-84

    Votes: 44 27.8%
  • 75-79

    Votes: 65 41.1%
  • 70-74

    Votes: 25 15.8%
  • <69

    Votes: 16 10.1%

  • Total voters
I had a lot of fun with Frontiers! It also had... a lot of problems that you can't just overlook. Like the max I would give it is a 7. I don't know how experience the pop-in (on literally every platform), slippery physics, and horrible camera and go "yeah that game was absolutely amazing." Honestly as a Sonic fan myself I think there's a level of like "oh hey, this one doesn't actively suck, it's amazing!" on release but I think 10 years from now people won't look as fondly on it.

Anyway back to the topic at hand, I think this'll score in the 60s. I hope to be pleasantly surprised though!

Yep, this is what I mean really. Even if you like the game there has to be some level of objectivity to a review still. Like, I'm really digging the new Assassin's Creed right now but if I was reviewing probably wouldn't land higher than a 7.5. Critique isn't as simple as "I HAD FUN, 9.5 / 10"
I heard the game was sold to someone early.

So I imagine we're in that funny period of "someone played the game bad and now people think it's shit" or something lol.
They were certainly bad at the game and the co-op multiplayer just simply does. not. work. but the level design, especially in the back half, is easily the worst in the series. Really bad bosses. Terrible Sonic 4-esque music. Nonsensical story/cutscenes.
I shouldn’t be surprised at this point but it’s nonetheless a little disappointing that they might have flubbed this. I want to love Sonic games but Sega doesn’t always let me ☹️
it sounds like they made half a sonic game and then had to rush it out for christmas

this blows
Feels like that's the rule more than the exception when it comes to Sonic games.

TBH I think that's probably one of the bigger reasons for the quality gulf between Mario and Sonic; Nintendo tried that like once and absolutely learned their lesson, whereas Sega just keeps banking on the Sonic name to do the heavy lifting for them.
Was really hoping that Sonic fans would get a win and that Arzest wouldn't pull an Arzest, so we could have two top-tier 2D platformers drop in the same week. Still hoping for the fans' sake that this is a fun game and these leaked impressions are wrong or exaggerated somehow.
Feels like that's the rule more than the exception when it comes to Sonic games.

TBH I think that's probably one of the bigger reasons for the quality gulf between Mario and Sonic; Nintendo tried that like once and absolutely learned their lesson, whereas Sega just keeps banking on the Sonic name to do the heavy lifting for them.
Which Mario are you referring to?
I'm not a big Sonic fan but man I wish they could just make an actually good Sonic game consistently. Like, I wanna live in a world where Sonic games average 84 on metacritic.
Let's not jump the gun on this game sucking just yet
I'm not a big Sonic fan but man I wish they could just make an actually good Sonic game consistently. Like, I wanna live in a world where Sonic games average 84 on metacritic.
Eh, I don't play enough Sonic games to know for sure but reviewers seem to rate Sonic on a "more accurate" or "less inflated" scale than other games honestly. I could see this game being pretty good and still getting a 79, which is not what usually constitutes as "pretty good" on Metacritic.
How did it go from "all the previews say its really good" to "worst game this year?" 😅

Like I said, people are gonna be split.

Previews always say a game looks awesome.

Balan Wonderworld was probably some of the most fun I’ve had jumping into a 3D platformer in a long time...and if the early preview demo I played is any indication, the journey ahead looks splendid indeed.

Same guy gave it a 6/10 a month later.

This demo of Balan Wonderworld accomplishes its job of showing players what to expect from the full game. The real strengths this demo demonstrates are the cutely brilliant art style and its open-ended level design. While there are a few questionable design choices, the core gameplay loop more than makes up for it with its whimsical exploration. If the full game is made up of the same enticing level design as this demo, this will certainly be a platformer to put on your radar.

And a few months later in this same guy's 5/10 review...

Balan Wonderworld falls short on all gameplay fronts, making it a mostly unfun title with a criminal amount of missed opportunities.... A vital factor for what makes a platformer fun is the gameplay loop, which is where Balan Wonderworld lacks...The level design is rather inoffensive...
Which Mario are you referring to?
Sunshine. And I say this as a Sunshine enjoyer, but i think it's fairly obvious how they absolutely rushed that game out the door because they figured "surely something with Mario on the cover can save the Gamecube." Which of course didn't work out for them.

I think after rushing Sunshine (and similarly, Windwaker) didn't turn things around for them, that's when Nintendo really got it firmly in their heads that they couldn't just bank on brand recognition alone and need to also make sure they take the time to get things right (something something bad game something something delayed game))
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Previews always say a game looks awesome.

Same guy gave it a 6/10 a month later.

And a few months later in this same guy's 5/10 review...

geez 😳
Previews always say a game looks awesome.
Didn't Mario Wonder have very glowing previews?

They were certainly bad at the game and the co-op multiplayer just simply does. not. work. but the level design, especially in the back half, is easily the worst in the series. Really bad bosses. Terrible Sonic 4-esque music. Nonsensical story/cutscenes.

Ah interesting.

Well anyway looking forward to more impressions next week then unless any of y'all are able to play it early.
Gadzooks what the heck happened?! I played a level at Comicon, thought it was great. I heard a song during the Sonic Symphony a couple weekends ago, I loved it. Now I'm hearing later levels and music ain't no good to no body?

I walked in this thread popped a 85-89 in the drop box then started reading. My vote forever lost.

If this turns out as bad as it is sounding then man oh man. What is it going to take to get consistently good Sonic games again? Arzest... Sonic Team... Grrrrr. If I ever met one of the developers in person(again) I'd give em the frowning of a life time. Like this >;(

Is it just the talent? Or does Sonic Team need a corporate culture more like Nintendo's to give it more time?
Yeah think I'm waiting on a sale for this lmao, after seeing some of the leaked footage of later stuff Sonic Mania this ain't.
This game is so weird. Whether or not it seems like a quality product keeps fluctuating.

I'll go with 75-83, and I won't apologize.
this is basically exactly what i'm thinking but, i'll one-up you and minimize the window: 77-81.

edit: just saw the 4 hour comments. pretend i never said the above. i'm thinkin 66-71 !!
Allllright so I checked out some of the leaked gameplay.

Not as bad as Sonic 4 Episode 1 but definitely very basic in those later levels. Probably won't get it next week, more time for other games until Spiderman 2 lol.

edit: oh shit these boss themes are just Sonic 4 soundfont nonsense lmao. Jun Senoue strikes back!
considering mania+'s score of 91 for switch i'm expecting a low 80 or high 70. Def won't be as good and priced higher, but I think it'll still be a ton of fun
lmao from the leaked footage dropping this to 68-71, really looks like they had a pretty good game which they stopped developing halfway through
hes not in the credits
wait.. by "he" you mean Jun Senoue?

Jun Senoue isn't in the credits? The lead of the music team, who composed some of the tracks himself, is not in the credits?

its really weird, I suppose he might have an alias?
Well that's odd. He's been part of the marketing and everything. Tee Lopes has been talking about working under him on the project and collaborating with him on some of the songs. What the hell..?
is the music bad? maybe it's like when a director puts a fake name on a stinker
general vibe im getting is that its wildly inconsistent. Some tracks have been very well received, and others have been meh to this sounds bad. Whether it will be good overall for you will probably be how much you can tolerate sonic 4 syndrome.
Well, look at the bright side, Sonic sacrificed himself for Nintendo to realize Arzest are bad and probably won't work with them again after this game bombs.

Thank you Sonic, your sacrifice won't be in vain 🙏
I actually liked Senoue's music in Sonic 4
it was the only thing about Sonic 4 that I did like

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