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StarTopic Resident Evil 4 |ST| Back 4 Bingo

I ended up restarting on standard even though I made it like 5 hours in hardcore, and this definitely feels more like the RE4 I remember.
Phew. This has felt like such a stressful week. The only prescription: getting a little bit smacked and continuing Resident Evil 4
Me seeing, hearing or sensing anything after being jump scared to hell five minutes into this session:

Went with my second playthrough, made it to the castle in about 3 hours this time around
Credits are rolling. What a fantastic game, I'm really glad that Capcom is back.
Missed another treasure in the mausoleum, armors are blocking the way now and I couldn't find any way to move them so I guess I'm screwed.
Just finished Capter 10, I'm loving how they managed to tweak some stuff while remaining so faithful with so few (and tbh negligible imo) cuts.
Beat it just now, really liked it and will probably beat it a couple more times in the coming weeks/play more when Mercenaries comes out. If I had one criticism it would be the cutscene direction being a bit too sanitized compared to the original in some cases, a lot of scenes fell flat for me. The section with Luis was a highlight though.
I’m about to start chapter eight and I think it’s fantastic so far.

They’ve managed to walk a really fine line between retaining the original game’s charm and creating something fresh.

I know there’s bits and bobs around the edges that some fans will take issue with, but overall you’ve got to commend the team. It’s a wonderful reimagining that can stand alongside its inspiration with confidence.

It’s such an easy play too, the game never stops being engaging.The combat, the scavenging, exploration, puzzles… they just meld together so well. And much of that stuff is beefed up with some cool new additions and QoL improvements.

I really dig the campy storytelling in the original and while this remake does dial that back, it still retains that personality in places. My wife is having a blast watching me play this and early on she said ‘Leon’s like a superhero’ and we’ve both had a chuckle at some of the dialogue. She has no experience with the original game so it’s cool to see her pick up on some of those lingering vibes.

It being able to wrestle RE4 tonally into line with the recent games and remakes, while still paying respects to that original game is brilliant. The team obviously cares. But I also appreciate that for some that unique, pulpy identity is a huge part of RE4’s charm. So I understand why some might prefer this new take and vice versa.

But yeah, super impressed. RE4, like The Godfather, or Thriller, feels like something you shouldn’t touch. Maybe you rerelease these things, remaster them, add a new lick of paint, or even make small adjustments - but those media, and many others in that category of quality and significance, feel sacred.

RE2 was a very old game and reimagining that presented risks, but the result would be so different, it felt more… possible.

RE4 was so far ahead of it’s time that a remake, nearly 20 years later, still leans on the same core components. The comparisons are easy to make and the risk of failing to hit the mark is high.

I think they’ve done a smashing job so far. People will prefer what they prefer, but the fact that you can have a proper conversation about it is a testament to the work they’ve done here…

… unless if all goes to shit in the coming chapters!
"Alright, that's enough for today."

one hour later

"...ok, just a little bit more."

Reached the penultimate chapter. In the OG this has always been one of my least favourites for a variety of reasons and that doesn't really change with the Remake. It's still good but it leans almost a little bit too action heavy. Game has been great so far, and I appreciate a lot of the small and big changes. Not sure if it replaces the original but luckily we don't have to choose.
Personally i'm having an horrible somewhat miserable experience, im at the fight with the 2 gigantes and i'm about to quit, not because of the difficulty (doing my first playthrough on Hardcore) but because on how annoying i find the enemies and how they blindside you among many other things.

I'm a huge RE fan since the very first game. I own all the main games and most of the spin offs, but back in 2005 , when RE4 was originally released , it was a MASSIVE disappointment for me due to its story , enemies and such, im one of the guys who understands the importance of this game and yet i can't force myself to really love it, like with the Beatles LOL. I thought this time it was going to be different with the remake, taking into consideration how different RE2 and RE3 are. But nah , that loathing is still there.

This game together with RE6 are the RE games that i hate the most for some reason and that includes Dead Aim and such.
Aaaand done. That was fun. Excellent remake that I find overall to be a pretty decent improvement over the original in some key areas. I still might prefer the original but this turned out much better than I expected. Onto new game plus, as is custom.
Personally i'm having an horrible somewhat miserable experience, im at the fight with the 2 gigantes and i'm about to quit, not because of the difficulty (doing my first playthrough on Hardcore) but because on how annoying i find the enemies and how they blindside you among many other things.

I'm a huge RE fan since the very first game. I own all the main games and most of the spin offs, but back in 2005 , when RE4 was originally released , it was a MASSIVE disappointment for me due to its story , enemies and such, im one of the guys who understands the importance of this game and yet i can't force myself to really love it, like with the Beatles LOL. I thought this time it was going to be different with the remake, taking into consideration how different RE2 and RE3 are. But nah , that loathing is still there.

This game together with RE6 are the RE games that i hate the most for some reason and that includes Dead Aim and such.

Sounds like you need to lower the difficulty tbh.
Got to the catapults in the castle and think I'm gonna table this one for a bit. Game is just missing something, gonna play some other games and maybe replay RE3 remake and Village instead to scratch that Resi itch.
I can’t stop laughing about this lone cultist who puttered up to me the other night, seemingly unsure what they were going to do but nonetheless determined to do the Los Iluminados proud.

I'm really curious to see if Separate Ways (assuming it comes) ends up adding some of the cut stuff. Ada's campaign in the original was rather repetitive outside of an area or two so it'd be neat if they spiced it up more by doing something like that.
Just finished chapter 15, they really doubled down on all the reasons people hate the Island didn’t they. Still had fun (I actually always enjoyed it) but I really felt like I was playing the end of Resident evil 5 and it was a pretty mean difficulty spike as well.
The island is better than the OG one, but it has some nasty difficulty spikes. But I never felt it was unfair, the game just gave you enough ammo to get by
duo Garrador fight last night was really entertaining watching them just mince up all their friends and I didn't have to waste any ammo. Job well done guys, now turn around and ah perfect, thank you gets out the magnum and one shots both
So satisfying.
Finished the game earlier today. Without going into spoilers too much the way I would sum the game up is that if this was say The Evil Within 3 or a new IP entirely I would've come away very impressed and could easily overlook the negatives. However, it very much is neither of those, I had very high expectations of it because of what it is, a remake of Resident Evil 4, I found myself constantly comparing it to the original game which I think is fair especially for all the changes that were made and I would say out of every 10 changes made (however minor such as crafting, the addition of 'side-quests', the changes to how more involved/less involved certain characters are, the spinel/gacha systems which are needed to obtain some very useful things) I would say I disliked 6 or 7.

It's a weird one where I'm really conflicted about a game I think is great and well worth the money (I will eat crow here somewhat and admit I was expecting the game to only be about 8-10 hours and it ended up being over 17 for me, although there were still a lot of missing things that I liked in the 2005 game) but feel is just a little bit of a disappointment. I just can't get over thinking the game where they made the merchant of all characters really, really annoying being the best version of this game/story/content.

It's not far off being a masterpiece but it ultimately is just a worse version of one.

Need some help with Waste Room strats on Professional - I can get all the Ganados through the bars, but then a final one spawns to fuck me over. Does anyone know how to deal with that one before he grabs Ashley?
Need some help with Waste Room strats on Professional - I can get all the Ganados through the bars, but then a final one spawns to fuck me over. Does anyone know how to deal with that one before he grabs Ashley?

Do you have the striker charm that increases moving speed?
My strategy is always to run right to Ashley, once you switch over the power. That way you‘ll cut off the Regenerator, too and only need to deal with some ganados.
All right so I've played little further and I think on reflection I've just encountered a scene that was downgraded quite substantially IMO from the original that kinda encompasses my main gripe with this game as someone who likes the original game far too much. It's not a huge spoiler, it's not even a fantastic scene in the original but it is just baffling how/why they changed it to me.

It's the scene in the audience room/throne room/whatever it is called in the castle. In the original version Leon falls victim to one of the castle's many, many traps that are a feature of the castle in the original and is plummeting to his death as a result. You have a QTE which success or failure at results in 2 different outcomes. Fail, and you get a gruesome death scene, succeed and you get one of the best gags in the game that leads very well into the next and very famous codec which includes the 'right hand comes off'. It's a good and memorable section of the original.

This game? Basically scraps almost all of the above. Leon just gets yeeted into a pit this time and the cutscene plays itself, no QTE, no gory death scene, no gag at Salazar's expense and no subsequent codec. It all just segways very weirdly into the Verdugo fight as I don't see why he even went down there when they should've just assumed Leon was a goner.

Like sure, on its own it's no big deal but it's not the only part of the game so far (I'm still not done with the castle) where a previously good moment was changed for absolutely no reason and changed for the worse. It all too often feels sanitised, the rough edges sawed down, the parts where the game got really extra and memorable in the original just tampered with and game doesn't go as far as it should in recapturing why the original is so adored IMO.

I remember when we got a glimpse of Salazar in one of the trailers last year I think it was and straight away the reaction was "There see! Salazar is back and his design is even goofier, they have still 'got' it!" and like that's just it, one a surface level glimpse that may be true, but I cannot fathom anyone when comparing such a memorable and important character between both games in their totality still claiming that now. They somehow made Salazar boring and forgettable even.


They weirdly just straight up don't explain some plot beats in this version, like they never mention Salazar's aging disease or explain what happens to the second Verdugo. It's like they assumed every single person has played the original.

I think the versions of Saddler and Salazar we got in this version are great but cutting all their codec stuff and replacing it with nothing just means they are in the game a lot less, and that sucks
Ashley seriously needs to hit the gym when she gets back to the Whitehouse and do some cardio because man she gets exhausted even after running 6 feet down the hall.
I just got to the castle and I have mostly positive feelings on this game with one blanket caveat. It's incredibly competently made; I can see someone who never played the original RE4 being blown away by this. I'm not even someone who holds RE4 in this unbelievably high esteem; I replayed it a couple of years ago and kinda stumbled my way through the village and only retaining my grip on the controls by the time I hit the castle, and overall really enjoyed myself and grew to appreciate its limitations.

I guess my issue is this just feels like RE2 Remake with an RE4 skin? I get there's gotta be a lot of asset reuse and development is hard and takes a while but when I hit the section in the village where you fend off the horde of Ganados with Luis, and the planks of wood come up looking exactly like they did in RE2 and functioning the same way, that's when I noticed that a couple of the Ganados feel like they have the same character models as some early characters from RE Village. When the big cheese is chasing you and Ashley it feels eerily similar to Mr. X.

It's incredibly polished but maybe at the expense of the original RE4's identity. It's very stock-feeling. Definitely less special.

I fully intend to finish it though. Hope that feeling wears off as I get further into the castle.
OK I have finish the game (standard difficulty), I came blind with no trailers or gameplay explanation, and I have some quick thoughts. This is not resident evil 4, it is definitely a version of re4. I have not played the original in years but here is what I remember that it differs from the original:
  1. The horror direction goes more with jumpscares than action (at least in the first half of the game).
    • The original was about shooting your way through enimies and play around with the terrain to survive.
  2. The knife!!! I did not know you could parry until Krauser (LOL).
  3. Bullets are non existing in this game, you have to craft, craft and more craft.
    • I guess they wanted to use the knife for the 1 to 1 encounters.
  4. The layout is almost 1 to 1.
    • I would say that after the castle the game does goes a different layout. There are no lava sections, the cart section is shorter, but they added new ones.
  5. QTE are still here, albeit less to a certain extend.
  6. The Krauser fight was greatly improved! I dont remember if it needed improvement, but it is better than the QTE cinematic.
Overall, I like the game for what it is, a different take on re4. It is not bad or worse, just a different take.

I almost forgot, if I remember correctly in the credits scene of the original re4 there was a short story with frame images explaning why there are no ganado kids or babies in the game. I think that was missed in the remake.
I just got to the castle and I have mostly positive feelings on this game with one blanket caveat. It's incredibly competently made; I can see someone who never played the original RE4 being blown away by this. I'm not even someone who holds RE4 in this unbelievably high esteem; I replayed it a couple of years ago and kinda stumbled my way through the village and only retaining my grip on the controls by the time I hit the castle, and overall really enjoyed myself and grew to appreciate its limitations.

I guess my issue is this just feels like RE2 Remake with an RE4 skin? I get there's gotta be a lot of asset reuse and development is hard and takes a while but when I hit the section in the village where you fend off the horde of Ganados with Luis, and the planks of wood come up looking exactly like they did in RE2 and functioning the same way, that's when I noticed that a couple of the Ganados feel like they have the same character models as some early characters from RE Village. When the big cheese is chasing you and Ashley it feels eerily similar to Mr. X.

It's incredibly polished but maybe at the expense of the original RE4's identity. It's very stock-feeling. Definitely less special.

I fully intend to finish it though. Hope that feeling wears off as I get further into the castle.
I can see that. The modern REmakes are all of a kind, for better and for worse. RE4 Classic is very much its own thing, and really no other game in the series (even those that try!) have that exact same feeling.

I personally think REmake 2 is one of the best games of the last generation, so this gets mostly positive marks from me. There are some things about the original I miss, though, so I'm glad I can easily swap between them on any platform!
I just got to the castle and I have mostly positive feelings on this game with one blanket caveat. It's incredibly competently made; I can see someone who never played the original RE4 being blown away by this. I'm not even someone who holds RE4 in this unbelievably high esteem; I replayed it a couple of years ago and kinda stumbled my way through the village and only retaining my grip on the controls by the time I hit the castle, and overall really enjoyed myself and grew to appreciate its limitations.

I guess my issue is this just feels like RE2 Remake with an RE4 skin? I get there's gotta be a lot of asset reuse and development is hard and takes a while but when I hit the section in the village where you fend off the horde of Ganados with Luis, and the planks of wood come up looking exactly like they did in RE2 and functioning the same way, that's when I noticed that a couple of the Ganados feel like they have the same character models as some early characters from RE Village. When the big cheese is chasing you and Ashley it feels eerily similar to Mr. X.

It's incredibly polished but maybe at the expense of the original RE4's identity. It's very stock-feeling. Definitely less special.

I fully intend to finish it though. Hope that feeling wears off as I get further into the castle.
It definitely feels more like a sequel to RE2 than the OG RE4 did, between characters actually feeling the same and the gameplay feeling like a closer evolution. OG RE2 to OG RE4 was a HUGELY drastic change in gameplay, let alone a huge landmark in third person gaming in general, so it's naturally gonna feel that way I think.

As someone who has played the original dozens of times, I think the OG is a more special game while this remake is a much better game. If that makes sense. Both shine brightly their own ways despite being obviously similar which I like.
I can see that. The modern REmakes are all of a kind, for better and for worse. RE4 Classic is very much its own thing, and really no other game in the series (even those that try!) have that exact same feeling.

I personally think REmake 2 is one of the best games of the last generation, so this gets mostly positive marks from me. There are some things about the original I miss, though, so I'm glad I can easily swap between them on any platform!
Oh I agree. RE2R is the quintessential Resident Evil. I just don't like how homogenized Resident Evil has felt lately as a result.

I do hope Capcom takes it easy with the series after this. There's been a new RE something every year since 2017. It's a lot. Give RE9 time to cook, no more remakes.

It definitely feels more like a sequel to RE2 than the OG RE4 did, between characters actually feeling the same and the gameplay feeling like a closer evolution. OG RE2 to OG RE4 was a HUGELY drastic change in gameplay, let alone a huge landmark in third person gaming in general, so it's naturally gonna feel that way I think.

As someone who has played the original dozens of times, I think the OG is a more special game while this remake is a much better game. If that makes sense. Both shine brightly their own ways despite being obviously similar which I like.
The OG RE4 was a complete departure meant to throw away most of the aspects of the series and start fresh. Given that Leon and Ada are reused, there was definitely an opportunity to make more direct ties with RE2 and I don't blame them for doing that; it was probably the correct move.

Regarding the bolded, I know what you mean but I hesitate to call it better. It's definitely easier to play than the tank controls but stopping to shoot in the OG RE4 IMO creates a more tense horror environment than just putting a shiny new Leon in the dark loud rain with more traditional 3rd person shooter controls. It's like if a horror game had ATB. It's limitations are what make it special.

Like I don't feel ANY of OG RE4's tension in the remake. At all. Feels like I'm playing an action game.
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The OG RE4 was a complete departure meant to throw away most of the aspects of the series and start fresh. Given that Leon and Ada are reused, there was definitely an opportunity to make more direct ties with RE2 and I don't blame them for doing that; it was probably the correct move.

Regarding the bolded, I know what you mean but I hesitate to call it better. It's definitely easier to play than the tank controls but stopping to shoot in the OG RE4 IMO creates a more tense horror environment than just putting a shiny new Leon in the dark loud rain with more traditional 3rd person shooter controls. It's like if a horror game had ATB. It's limitations are what make it special.

Like I don't feel ANY of OG RE4's tension in the remake. At all. Feels like I'm playing an action game.
I definitely felt a bit less tension overall in this game mostly just because I usually know what's coming as someone who has played the OG so much lol (despite there being many surprises). And RE4 was my first ever survival horror experience, so I didn't think it had a chance of reaching that level of fear in my own personal case. As far as tension in relation to feeling overwhelmed during the actual combat gameplay, I've found Hardcore and Professional much more tense as the enemies are a lot more aggressive. If you haven't, I think watching some people who have never played the original play the remake would help give a bit more appreciation for how tense it can actually get.

The OG tank controls never bothered me either as it fit with the gameplay, but I also just prefer what they've done here (similar to RE2 remake). And I think what they cut and added made and already greatly paced game even better (especially regarding the island). To me, the OG is much better as an arcade-y adventure while the remake is more of an immersive adventure. I didn't want to come out of this with the OG being made irrelevant, and I'm glad it didn't end up that way. I'll continue to revisit them both.
I didn't want to come out of this with the OG being made irrelevant, and I'm glad it didn't end up that way. I'll continue to revisit them both.
yeah i think this is the right takeaway. the original thankfully is both widely available and really not made obsolete by this one so everyone kinda wins.
So far enjoying the game, but there are some things that I like more in the original and other that I like more from this remake:

Things that I prefer from the remake so far:
  • The stealth section after chapter 1 where the game teaches you the use of knives.
  • The use of the knife to parry.
  • Crafting system.
  • Puzzles are a throwback to the original, but imo some are better.
  • That area before the lake is now better to me to get the fuel for the boat.
  • All the areas around the lake.
  • No QTE for running of rocks.

Things I dislike from the remake:
  • Del Lago fight and design.
  • Garrador was too easy to defeat.
  • Ashley AI has given me more problems, and never had a problem with the original one.
  • Castle may look more realistic, but I miss the luxury look from the previous one. (If this makes any sense as I don’t know how to out it)
  • Ada’s scenes. However, I like how she looks and sounds.
  • Reaching the castle is uneventful. No tension behind it. Just a bridge that elevates for no reason.
  • Leon does not feel to me as agile and responsive as in the original.
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I get there's gotta be a lot of asset reuse and development is hard and takes a while but when I hit the section in the village where you fend off the horde of Ganados with Luis, and the planks of wood come up looking exactly like they did in RE2 and functioning the same way, that's when I noticed that a couple of the Ganados feel like they have the same character models as some early characters from RE Village. When the big cheese is chasing you and Ashley it feels eerily similar to Mr. X.
Really? I played Village right after REmake 4, and didn't notice any similarity in the character models. I'm also pretty sure that Mendez's scripting is not taken from Mr. X, it's a pretty simple scripted event where he walks behind you in a linear fashion. That shouldn't take Mr. X 's AI at all.

I do see it with the boards though, and I think the barrels are the same as Village. Village is actually the game that started the yellow paint thing. But im pretty sure major assets are almost entirely new. RE4 took minor assets from REmake as well iirc.

I do agree with you though about slowing down on RE. I don't like how the new mainline entries almost feel less like a premium product than the REmakes. Capcom is putting all the sophisticated gameplay engineering in the REmake basket, while the new games have all the new scenarios in it. It creates this uneven scenario where you go to the REmakes for great gameplay (i.e. REmake 2 for survival horror, REmake 3/4 for action) and the new games for something fresh. With each missing the other side, it just isn't the same imo, especially since only the newer games continue RE's wackiness and inventiveness.
The only thing I noticed when playing RE4 was the boat in the middle of the lake looking almost exactly like the one you quickly run across during the fish boss segment of RE8. Though, if that is the same asset, they definitely edited it quite a bit.
Started my playthrough on PC yesterday.
Loving it. But goddamn, who thought dropping so many bear traps was a good idea ?!
I only played the demo area but I don't love it yet?

It could be that I'm used to the shooting in the original but the camera seems too close to Leon and claustrophobic, aiming feels less precise, and it doesn't really seem like I can strategically kill everyone because the weapons are so under powered. I feel like I'm being forced to run away.

Do the combat encounters start to balance more in your favour or is this more of a running away simulator? Any tips?

I'll probably love it once I start to figure things out.
Okay, a bit of technical/specific questions but here I go:

Do you have a smoke?

Regarding the Deluxe Edition DLC and some of the bonus weapons that must be avoided in Professional for certain challenges, how does it work?
Should I avoid installing this DLC specifically or am I fine for a Pro. playthrough as long I don't drag those weapons from the storage to my case?
Or maybe that only concerns unlockable weapons that are actually broken with infinite ammo & such?

I'm also wondering about that treaser map expansion from that same DLC: how does it work exactly?
Does it activate for the whole game from the go, whatever save file you use?
I wouldn't mind to activate it in my NG+ playthrough but again, not on a fresh Pro. mode file as I feel it would make it easier by allowing more treasures to be sold.

Last question, not related to DLC though but how are deaths counted in Pro. mode if there are no autosaves?
Does it make a difference on Game Over if I press "Continue", "Load save" or quit the game then load my save again?
I can't see myself getting an S+ rank in Pro. mode if deaths are all counted whatsoever, unless they don't actually influence rank :)

Now I'm past Verdugo and I have almost no bullets! Here's hoping the beginning of Chapter 11 is a long hallway full of gunpowder
I only played the demo area but I don't love it yet?

It could be that I'm used to the shooting in the original but the camera seems too close to Leon and claustrophobic, aiming feels less precise, and it doesn't really seem like I can strategically kill everyone because the weapons are so under powered. I feel like I'm being forced to run away.

Do the combat encounters start to balance more in your favour or is this more of a running away simulator? Any tips?

I'll probably love it once I start to figure things out.
Yeah, the first village sequence is meant to exhaust you as they keep coming until the bell rings. It's more balanced after that.
I think the game does an excellent job of giving and taking away resources.

You’ve always got enough stuff but they drain and replenish your stock at a really nice pace.

I’m heading into the final stretch now and I feel it’s such a well-balanced game that really makes you think about what you’re doing. It’s thoroughly engaging.

The love child of RE2R and RE4 continues to deliver for me.
Oh fuck I forgot that I left off paused at the beginning of the Krauser fight and I legit have sweaty palms lol

Krauser ❤️
Island continues tonight. Forgot the first time you run into Krauser is just a teaser. I really hope motherfucking MIKE is in the remake.

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