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StarTopic Resident Evil 4 |ST| Back 4 Bingo

I think I’m getting worse at action games, I’ve died several times now. Or maybe it’s because it’s 1 am over here. Playing on normal btw.

I’m reading that others who started with hardcore are pretty content, but even as someone who completed the OG twenty times, REmake is tougher than the original. Encounters with the Ganados are for more engaging and versatile.

Arrived in the castle, the first encounter did not agree with me 😅
I’m on hardcore because I fell for the bait, and most encounters use most of my ammo. It’s pretty intense. Can’t say I’m not having a lot of fun though.
Xbox version results in diminished prestige of this legendary game, due to the busted deadzones. Sad times.
In regards to the castle

Just entered the castle and had my tussle with the Garrador. I’m really happy with the added crouch option, as sneaking around him worked well and I took no damage.

Felt pretty good
Playing this game, I'm reminded of what I love and dislike about remakes.

When it does something better than the original, I think "that's fantastic, that's great, why didn't I think of that?"

When it does something worse I'm a bit sour, even when it's something that wouldn't be a problem in an original game.

Anyways I've done a bit of the castle now and so far I think it's better than the original, which means it's a GOAT. Granted, I never saw the original as some untouchable masterpiece, probably because I only played it a few years ago, it has its fair share of flaws. REmake, on the other hand...
Just reached the Ramón Salazar bossfight and died like 10 times listening to Disney soundtrack and distorted DIE, DIE, DIE phrase. Had to put it down and do some errands with a dissapointed look on my face.

Sorry to be a downer but I dislike this remake immensely. The weak, more serious tone, the way Leon moves in cinematic, sluggish, Arthur Morgan's fashion, the enemies that take aeons to be killed, the gunplay is weak, the crafting is an absolute mess and clutters your inventory with resources while you're seeking for gunpowder. Everything is just straight up dissapointing, as much as I hate the boomer's "old game good" narrative. Production is stellar, I'll give you that. And I can't help but respect that Capcom actually decided to remake a holy cow, the pressure must've been immense. I can see a lot of people liking it and even preferring it to the original. I don't think that original is flawless, but it's a fantastic game. The remake, in my opinion, is nice to have, but I don't think I will be returning to it.

I also feel fooled by Capcom because Hardcore IS NOT the difficulty level you should pick if you "had played RE4 before". It has nothing to do with knowing the game, it's a ghastly Call of Duty Veteran mess that make you die a lot. Reminds me of being fooled by Ken Levine, who said that 1999 mode in Bioshock Infinite is challenging and going to bring back memories of how challenging System Shock 2 could get. It didn't bring back memories of SS2, it brought a lot of pain and resentment. Pretty much the same here. I don't know if I would have enjoyed the game more if I had played it on normal.

What a bummer :(
Just finished chapter 6 and subsequently the village section and after being very happy up until that point I cannot believe how bad that chapter was not just compared to the previous 5 chapters in this game but definitely when compared to how the village section concluded in the first game/version.

I'm hearing people saying that the castle is the best section which I always agreed with from the original and I'm hoping that is the case because man I did not like chapter 6. Don't want to be too spoiler-y but I was left to believe that the cuts were minimal and well I'd say getting rid of the memorable and satisfying conclusion to one of the 3 main sections of the game is a very big cut indeed.
Done with chapter 2, it's absolutely fantastic. Using that Era user's control settings definitely helped on Xbox!
Of course, I used this:

Nice! Thanks. Gonna give those a shot, once I start playing. I'm not on Xbox, but even on PlayStation, the aiming doesn't feel as responsive as it probably should've. I played the Chainsaw Demo many times, and quickly switching back and forth between it and the RE2 remake makes the deadzone downgrade pretty apparent.
Nice! Thanks. Gonna give those a shot, once I start playing. I'm not on Xbox, but even on PlayStation, the aiming doesn't feel as responsive as it probably should've. I played the Chainsaw Demo many times, and quickly switching back and forth between it and the RE2 remake makes the deadzone downgrade pretty apparent.

I actually thought about replaying RE2R before tackling RE4R, glad I didn't lol.
I think in general there are a lot of little moments from the original that aren't here and it adds up to make the remake feel kind of boring in comparison. The castle in particular feels like it's been completely sanded down.
I'm interested to see if I agree because lowkey the second half of the castle was the worst part in the original. It had a lot of highs (the minecart, statue fight, the Salazar fight etc) and a lot of lows (the cave where you basically just walk for 5 minutes, the predator qte hallway, the awkward as shit two Gigante fight).

Always thought the island got too much shit in comparison.
Salazar fight is so bad, holy shit. The animation lag creates major problems with stunlock and unavoidable damage. Problem throughout most of the game tbh
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Did the first chapter in the castle, that was much better thankfully.

Although is it just me or do enemies gain invulnerability when they pick up Ashley? It was really obvious when covering her in the water (I suppose now sludge) room. I used up so much rifle ammo because it just passed through them, and I'm 99.9% sure it wasn't like that in the original version.
Just hit the first save point in Chapter 6 and called it for now. This remake — in my opinion of course — is absolutely fantastic. I have been having such a good time with it! To me it strikes an ideal balance between honouring the original, messing with your expectations and expanding on what makes RE4 such a memorable adventure. Ashley already feels like more of a character than she ever has. And the combat really picks up around this point, which has been entertaining!

Really trying to not binge this too hard because I don’t want it to fly by…although I guess Mercenaries will be here sooner than later. If they end up selling extra content for that I might be in a little trouble

Also, paging @afternoon delight:
Them upping the dog's entrance to make it more dramatic with the lightning strike in the background had me dying lol.

Honestly, I was cheesing hard during that whole El Gigante fight.
Well, in chapter ten. Its been a wild ride.

Again, normal mode is challenging enough for me for a first run. There have been a few moments like in the new section of the castle where I still don’t know how I survived it; especially with the low amount of ammo I had. Still it’s a blast to play.

And sweet baby Redfield, they made the Novistador’s creepier. How? Especially during that certain surprise section.

- The section in the garden is always fun. They made the hounds/dogs super creepy in this game. With their creepy grin.

- Leon and Ashley this time around are a better pair compared to the original game. They don’t have a lot of dialogue, but it’s better. Like the VA for Ashley this time around as well.

- The Novistador’s… holy crap. They’re weaker compared to the bugs in the original game, but due to sheer numbers they’re still a threat.

- The part where I have to fight two Garradors was like the advance class of cat and mouse. After the wave of normal baddies stopped, it was just my patience which was tested.

- Novistadors in the water? Oh you bunch of bullies Capgod.

- The Verdugo fight is super tense, or well, I imagined it to be. As the original fight always yanked my chain, I used the same strategy, albeit slightly altered, from the OG; (Thank you rare Leon with rocketlauncher charm!) buy the rocketlauncher at a reduced 64,000 pesetas, freeze up Verdugo and shoot it to tiny pieces with said rocketlauncher. Win win in my book.

The game does something very good btw; that first time when I played the original I was super impressed and felt tension while playing it. The remake, which makes it even more impressive, gives me the same feeling. Love it.
statue "fight"
was a complete downgrade, damn.

Am I crazy, or did they just cut that part altogether?

Was it just the spinning head spitting fire? The statue chase is otherwise completely omitted or an optional thing I missed. It was iconic and silly in the OG release, but tonally I'm sort of glad they cut it out. The Ramon boss fight was way better though, in my opinion.
Man Castle is sooo different and yet so much the same, I don't think I've ever quite played a remake like this, which is both extremely deferential to the original text and yet so willing to make very daring (and often quite brilliant) changes to the original, and certainly not of a game I'm so infinitely familiar with. If nothing else this is one of the most fascinating games I've ever played.

Reworked Salazar fight sucked though, that and Chapter 6 have been the straight misses for me so far.
Am I crazy, or did they just cut that part altogether?

Was it just the spinning head spitting fire? The statue chase is otherwise completely omitted or an optional thing I missed. It was iconic and silly in the OG release, but tonally I'm sort of glad they cut it out. The Ramon boss fight was way better though, in my opinion.
No, you're correct. They removed the coolest part of it.
At the end of Chapter 5, about to do one of my least favourite parts of the original. So far the game has been stellar, though I sometimes feel like the game needs a better dodge (step).
Beat El Gigante.

The dog's entrance was absolutely incredible. Plus Leon actually talks to it during and after the fight now which was cute. Definitely tops the fight from the OG.

Still been pretty smooth sailing on hardcore. That one wolf miniboss for the merchant request was the hardest thing I've fought so far, nearly killing me and taking a good chunk of ammo to down.
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Beat El Gigante.

The dog's entrance was absolutely incredible. Plus Leon actually talks to it during and after the fight now which was cute. Definitely tops the fight from the OG.

Still been pretty smooth sailing on hardcore. That one wolf miniboss for the merchant request was the hardest thing I've fought so far, nearly killing me and taking a good chunk of ammo to down.
Somehow I managed to miss this sidequest and its huge reward lol, it was too late to backtrack there when I recalled about it.
Just another incentive to my future playthroughs I guess!
I'm loving playing this. While there's certainly some gripes I have, I think this is easily the best REmake since the original. It straddles that line between being more like a traditional remake ala REmake 1 and being a complete reimagining like REmake 2. It's definitely better than the latter in just about every way, at least.
I like that so much of the game is basically 1:1 but I also appreciate that they didn't feel the need to make everything exact. Because, while certain scenarios from the OG are absent, they added a lot of new stuff while also remixing (or sometimes even combining) some of the old scenarios.

I'm an hour or two into the island segment and I don't think I've experienced a cut where I've felt that bad about it. I prefer the remake and the original having these differences as it keeps one from making the other irrelevant.
I did my first chainsaw parry last night. If that was the last thing I ever did in a game, I think I could feel satisfied with my time in the hobby.
I finished this a few days ago and all I can really say about it is that I'm amazed they managed to make Resident Evil 4 Again without just making Resident Evil 4 Again.

There's stuff I like about the OG more, but conversely there's also tons of stuff I prefer about the remake. I like that it hits a lot of the same beats without just being a pure Metroid Prime Remastered-style remake of the original game. I personally thought it was absolutely sublime. There were some moments of friction for sure, but like the original game, the pacing is kind of immaculate and the game is just so much fun.

I'm actually starting a replay of the original RE4 with the HD texture pack installed now, and yeah. These games are just great.
Anyone else playing on hardcore and find that they can't play for more than like an hour and a half at a time? Every encounter is so stressful.

Also I was a bit disappointed with them still not explaining how Ada
survived falling to her death in RE2 and how Leon knows she's alive in RE4
I was hoping they'd be a bit explicit in explaining that or have Leon be genuinely shocked. It would have been nice to see the moment where Leon finds out
she's still alive.
Somehow I managed to miss this sidequest and its huge reward lol, it was too late to backtrack there when I recalled about it.
Just another incentive to my future playthroughs I guess!
Definitely make sure you’re well prepared if you fight him on hardcore or higher. He brought me from full health to 1HP in one hit. Ashley even screamed out Leon’s name so I thought I was dead until I realized I was still able to move lol
Well... the cabin siege could've gone a little better. Survived without dying, but I now have no ammo left except for my Red9 and some shotgun shells I just crafted, and all my full heals are gone lmao. Definitely was a rush though, looking forward to figuring out how to optimize that section on future playthroughs.
Beat the game a few hours ago. It was absolutely fantastic. I do think some things could have been done better. I can stand the story being a little less silly, but some gameplay sequences are ... less well scripted. That being said, I definitely prefer it to the original. The controls are just so much better and I can't think of anyway the expanded combat options ruin what the original was going for. I say this as someone who loves the fixed camera games and thinks there is genuine control benefits to those games compared to their remakes, I can't really say the same about the original RE4 controls (they might add a bit of tension at times in comparison, but also REmake 4 generally has harder enemies with better subversive elements anyways).

Definitely my 2nd favorite RE game now. Absolutely crazy how good it is.
Finally got a little time in on this again! Stopped right at the beginning of the castle. Game remains rad. I was a little worried about Ashley during the lead up to this coming out — it’s an aspect of the original I never enjoyed — but I think they’ve done a great job retooling how all of that works here.

Ammo supply definitely getting a little lean. I should probably get rid of one of my guns too. I feel like I almost never use the rifle but then just as I’m about to sell it off, it comes in handy!
I got to the section where you eventually fight El Gigante. Hearing his heavy breathing as I walked through the area had me on the edge of my seat.

If you don't peep the spoiler, the gist of it is "this game's atmosphere rules; I love this game; this is an amazing remake".
All right so I've played little further and I think on reflection I've just encountered a scene that was downgraded quite substantially IMO from the original that kinda encompasses my main gripe with this game as someone who likes the original game far too much. It's not a huge spoiler, it's not even a fantastic scene in the original but it is just baffling how/why they changed it to me.

It's the scene in the audience room/throne room/whatever it is called in the castle. In the original version Leon falls victim to one of the castle's many, many traps that are a feature of the castle in the original and is plummeting to his death as a result. You have a QTE which success or failure at results in 2 different outcomes. Fail, and you get a gruesome death scene, succeed and you get one of the best gags in the game that leads very well into the next and very famous codec which includes the 'right hand comes off'. It's a good and memorable section of the original.

This game? Basically scraps almost all of the above. Leon just gets yeeted into a pit this time and the cutscene plays itself, no QTE, no gory death scene, no gag at Salazar's expense and no subsequent codec. It all just segways very weirdly into the Verdugo fight as I don't see why he even went down there when they should've just assumed Leon was a goner.

Like sure, on its own it's no big deal but it's not the only part of the game so far (I'm still not done with the castle) where a previously good moment was changed for absolutely no reason and changed for the worse. It all too often feels sanitised, the rough edges sawed down, the parts where the game got really extra and memorable in the original just tampered with and game doesn't go as far as it should in recapturing why the original is so adored IMO.

I remember when we got a glimpse of Salazar in one of the trailers last year I think it was and straight away the reaction was "There see! Salazar is back and his design is even goofier, they have still 'got' it!" and like that's just it, one a surface level glimpse that may be true, but I cannot fathom anyone when comparing such a memorable and important character between both games in their totality still claiming that now. They somehow made Salazar boring and forgettable even.

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What a ride. Have to collect my thoughts, but it’s a good ass remake.
Can’t wait to get back to this later. The last stretch of escaping the village was my favourite so far! Excited to hit the castle and try out that magnum
All right so I've played little further and I think on reflection I've just encountered a scene that was downgraded quite substantially IMO from the original that kinda encompasses my main gripe with this game as someone who likes the original game far too much. It's not a huge spoiler, it's not even a fantastic scene in the original but it is just baffling how/why they changed it to me.

It's the scene in the audience room/throne room/whatever it is called in the castle. In the original version Leon falls victim to one of the castle's many, many traps that are a feature of the castle in the original and is plummeting to his death as a result. You have a QTE which success or failure at results in 2 different outcomes. Fail, and you get a gruesome death scene, succeed and you get one of the best gags in the game that leads very well into the next and very famous codec which includes the 'right hand comes off'. It's a good and memorable section of the original.

This game? Basically scraps almost all of the above. Leon just gets yeeted into a pit this time and the cutscene plays itself, no QTE, no gory death scene, no gag at Salazar's expense and no subsequent codec. It all just segways very weirdly into the Verdugo fight as I don't see why he even went down there when they should've just assumed Leon was a goner.

Like sure, on its own it's no big deal but it's not the only part of the game so far (I'm still not done with the castle) where a previously good moment was changed for absolutely no reason and changed for the worse. It all too often feels sanitised, the rough edges sawed down, the parts where the game got really extra and memorable in the original just tampered with and game doesn't go as far as it should in recapturing why the original is so adored IMO.

I remember when we got a glimpse of Salazar in one of the trailers last year I think it was and straight away the reaction was "There see! Salazar is back and his design is even goofier, they have still 'got' it!" and like that's just it, one a surface level glimpse that may be true, but I cannot fathom anyone when comparing such a memorable and important character between both games in their totality still claiming that now. They somehow made Salazar boring and forgettable even.

Definitely the cutscenes in general are a big step down. During the big cheese fight you blow up a barrel and within a fraction of a second he's transformed. Like oh... hi?

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