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StarTopic Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door |ST| A Classic Re_rinted!

Power Bounce is just straight up not fun. I don't know if they changed things up with it but the input timing feels absolutely brutal. Used to be the main thing I liked to use but every time I try it now it's like sunk cost.
Power Bounce is just straight up not fun. I don't know if they changed things up with it but the input timing feels absolutely brutal. Used to be the main thing I liked to use.
Huh, it feels almost the same for me.
Edit: Actually I do somewhat see what you're saying now. The frame window gets more and more narrow with every successful input. Hopefully people can adjust to something like this overtime.
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So battles are a bit sluggish compared to the original. Very noticeable. Action commands feel a little off, even from origami king. It’s a little weird, but somehow I’m able to get super guard better then the standard block.

Some screen transitions are a bit longer. One that’s notable is when you go to the house to the bandit that robbed you, there’s a delay when the screen flips.
The frame rate is surprisingly distracting, it’s much more noticeable here than say in Pokémon Scarlet.

Great! Do you have the German line on hand?
Aber nein! Mach dir um mich keine
Sorgen! Ich weiß sowieso nicht, ob ich noch
länger bei meinen Schwestern bleiben
möchte. Wir verstehen uns nicht gut. Ich habe lange gebraucht, um zu
verstehen, dass ich ihre Schwester
bin... und nicht ihr Bruder. Deswegen fühlt es sich jetzt noch
schlimmer an, wenn sie mich schlecht
behandeln. Und du warst so nett zu mir, deshalb
möchte ich jetzt dir helfen. So macht
man das doch, oder?
Game looks stunning when not moving. The frame rate is surprisingly distracting, it’s much more noticeable here than say in Pokémon Scarlet. Maybe because I’m used to the same thing in 60.
That's a real shame. I'm about to start it up for the first time and I'm so nervous I'm going to get nauseated while playing. 😕
The framerate feels more than fine for exploring but battles feel kinda slow and I wonder if the frame rate has anything to do about it? I haven’t played the original so I have nothing to base that on but idk if that’s the issue.
Wasn't able to pick up my copy until after work, so, I'm still in chapter 1. Game looks absolutely gorgeous, like just stunning. The music is pretty great so far, although Rogueport is a little busy musically.

I've never been super bothered by lower frame rates, as long as they're stable, and this game has a very stable frame rate. Honestly, I was playing Origami King earlier and this feels smoother in a way.
The framerate feels more than fine for exploring but battles feel kinda slow and I wonder if the frame rate has anything to do about it? I haven’t played the original so I have nothing to base that on but idk if that’s the issue.
I think it's mostly the animations taking longer rather than the fights itself(although guarding seems to have a bit of an input delay).
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I mentioned getting through chapter 1 earlier. A couple things:

The evil spirit cursing Mario with the paper airplane thing was great. I don't know why, but it saying "I chortled" made me laugh.

Hooktail offered me 10,000 coins and I said no, since I thought he was bluffing. But then I fell for it when he offered me a badge, and he called me an idiot. Reminder that nothing in life is that easy!

Partially through chapter 2 now. I was not ready for:

Flurrie's introduction

I look forward to continuing tomorrow!
I don't know how to feel about the softer sound design they put on this, brought over from Color Splash and Origami King. I guess it technically fits this aesthetic better? The hammer just doesn't feel the same anymore
Someone please notify me when there's a mod up that replaces the dialogue with that of Book of Mario: Thousands of Doors
@Lugia667 Power Plus must be one of the best. The thing people do in these games is do the low health builds to max dps.
For moves... I'm guessing:
Fire Drive? Powerbounce?

Question: Are we really supposed to just guess to figure out all the recipes in this game?
Just finished Chapter 1, I feel like a kid again playing this. In Hooktail's Castle I caught myself remembering doing the same things when I was younger and it made me smile.

All of the new sprites for characters are all so cute, and some of them are really funny. The one new sprite of the Bandits smiling is especially adorable.

Can't remember if this was in the original or not but Goombella's tattle on Flavio in the bar that mentions "what is he doing here so early in the day, is he doing alright" got a big laugh out of me.
Played up to Shwonk Fortress. I need to stop and gush because I am downright giddy right now

-The updated visuals are gorgeous. I love the lighting, and the added animations for partners and NPCs add so much life to the world, it's wonderful

-The new soundtrack is excellent (oh god, the title music, aaaaaaaaah). Sometimes I feel like it deviates from the OG sound a little too much, but that's just nostalgia talking. The battle theme changing based on location is objectively a massive improvement

-Combat is, of course, the same. It's quick and snappy as usual, stylish moves add a fun little wrinkle that make each action you take slightly more engaging. I never really bothered with those back in the day, but they're quite fun. It still quite easily beats the heck out of every single Paper Mario game since, like here's hoping IS stopped to think "hmmmm, maybe we were on to something with these RPG systems back then" when they were making this, because I can't bear another dumb Paper Mario combat system after this, I just can't

-Speaking of which, the Battle Master is a nice little addition. Back in the day I would have really appreciated him because I was terrible at like 50% of the action commands in the game, but he also gives you the timing for stylish moves and lets you practice those, which is quite useful to me even now

I'm just getting started and I'm already getting hyped to do the Pit of 100 Trials. God, we are sooooo back
If the chapter 2 battle theme sounds like Castlevania, 3’s sounds like Sonic. The dynamic battle music adds so much flavor to the game, I love it!
One thing I found off putting at first was how every surface seems to be reflective, I’m guessing they are going for the glossy paper look but it was a bit weird seeing reflections in the grounds of rogueport and such haha.
I wanted to savescum for black Yoshi but without the ability to speed up text it would simply be too time consuming and the time window for black is very narrow. Thankfully I got pink which was my second option!
Okay, so this game is absolutely gorgeous and the sound design is stellar. I love all the soundtrack additions (Goombella's theme ❤️). I just collected the Moon and Sun Stones and stopped, otherwise I'd be up all night.

The 30FPS does suck, though, especially given how beautiful the game is. All the details, textures and effects are a total headache-inducing blur when moving, which is 90% of the time. Call me whatever, but the game actually looks phenomenal with motion interpolation on an LG OLED. All the details remain sharp and clear when moving. It's a shame it adds so much input lag that combat becomes unviable—I played TotK this way.

Can't wait to replay this if they patch it for the next system.
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Game looks stunning when not moving. The frame rate is surprisingly distracting, it’s much more noticeable here than say in Pokémon Scarlet. Maybe because I’m used to the same thing in 60.
I realize this thread is over the framerate discourse, and I feel bad adding to it. But despite knowing it's a stable 30, something about it feels stuttery to my eye, and I can't put my finger on it. Loading up Paper Mario on NSO just feels smoother, and I can't describe why. Maybe it's faster camera movements, maybe the higher resolution draws attention to it, maybe it's just my brain expecting 60 fps after revisiting this game on and off for 20 years, or maybe it's something weird with the frame limiter. Whatever it is, it just doesn't look smooth to me.

Mario’s little thumbs up is so cute even when he’s antagonizing people

It's a replacement of his talking animation from the original, likely because his wave was unfortunately similar to a certain Nazi gesture (and subsequently removed from the European localization back then). Strangely, his mouth no longer opens for the thumbs up, so it's not always clear that he's supposed to be speaking when he does that.
I'm enjoying it. The introduction was a bit of a slog. I don't know how much I love the battle gameplay yet. Visuals are nice, if a little jaggy in places. The dialogue I feel is what's gonna make me stick with this game.

One thing I found off putting at first was how every surface seems to be reflective, I’m guessing they are going for the glossy paper look but it was a bit weird seeing reflections in the grounds of rogueport and such haha.

I noticed that too. Even rough paper can be a bit reflective in strong light, but they could've dialled it back or blurred it a bit more
Just got to the start of Chapter 3! I remember finding this one SO funny as a kid. Wonder if I'll feel the same way now? Either way, I'm still having an absolute blast! I wanna give Vivian a hug so bad after Chapter 2! Soon...

Such a lovely game to revisit. Welcome back, Paper Mario!
In the middle of Chapter 2 right now; the game feels great but I do have a few nitpicks (and they're all nitpicks, the game is great on the whole).

  • The battle UI is slightly too big for my liking. The original had the move selection dial above the head of the character doing the move and the move menu extended naturally from that. The remake kinda awkwardly floats it to the left of the center and the action selection menu is moved to the left of the dial. It's not a dealbreaker on handheld but on TV mode, it creates a bit of unnecessary mental friction when picking moves.
  • The script is pretty hit or miss. Some changes feel great, others feel like they're just a touch too literal or were replacing jokes in the original that aren't as funny in the remake. (Big standout is the change of Bowser telling a hammer bros that he's fat by telling him to train until his hammer has abs. The second joke just... isn't that funny. I get the reason why a fat joke wouldn't fly today, but the abs joke is a bit too overwritten and it doesn't really work well with Bowsers character).
  • Lack of text scroll back sucks, unless I just wasn't able to find the button for it. While I'm at it, the new dialogue boxes also kinda lack the same animated punch of the originals. It seems they relied a lot more on the voice SFX to carry that sorta thing in the remake.
  • Adding a skip menu to the cooking segments is nice. What's not nice is that it's a fade to black skip instead of a speedup. It genuinely feels slower to skip than to just sit out the entire thing.
  • The new shadows work well in most places, but sometimes the game veers into Wind Waker HDs overdone bloom effects. TOK had the same problem. A side effect of this is that sometimes rooms have a way darker ambience than they did in the original. Rogueports bar and inn are particularly standout examples of this. (Rogueports Underground on the other hand has really solid lighting, which is just kinda odd with that in mind.)
  • 30fps doesn't matter that much, except for 2 notable cases: super guards and hitting the third lottery symbol. I'm sure it's just a timing thing but it actually throws me off. One thing I do like is that Mario now blocks even if you mistime the input. It gives better visual feedback than both the original and 64 where pressing the command at the wrong time didn't do anything. Move timings don't have this issue for me.
  • Old chapter 2 had the most boring area design in the game. New chapter 2 has a pretty neat rainbow gimmick but it's also pretty straining after a little while.

All in all, its been fun to revisit TTYD so far. Can't wait to see what else the game has in store.
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In chapter 2 playing docked.
Does anyone have the issue there being a short flicker or flash on screen when changing walking direction or jumping occasionally? Only 2nd chapter only docked. It's drivin me mad 😿
The fact Mario and the partner do the guard/super guard animation even if you whiff the timing badly throws me off. It's the one "feature" of the remake I'd turn off if I could.
There's definitely 4 Star Pieces in Hooktail Castle, right? Then why is the map telling me I've only got 80% of them? Just went back there and looked several times for each of them and... I can't get 100% on it, despite seemingly having all of them :mad:
Other than the text speed and the fact that the battle menus sometimes eat your inputs it feels like, two other minor nitpicks:
1. It feels like partners are way worse at following you in this version? I feel like they're always lagging way behind the second you get on uneven elevation.
2. I think the coin bonuses after boss fights are a completely pointless change that break the economy of the game for no reason. Guess it wouldn't be modern IntSys without doing something like that...

I would really like a patch to clean up some of those really minor QOL things, it makes the game feel a little less polished than the Gamecube version. I wonder if they actually had a decent amount of trouble adapting the TOK engine to work with this game's battle system. Either way, whether it be something that can be fixed on Switch or maybe even something where they could fix it in a patch that also adds 60fps to a Switch 2 version, that'd be my dream for this.

The new music and animations are fantastic so far, and other than the above it's pretty much a perfect new version of the game, having a great time with it.
So first time playing, just finished chapter 2. I love the vibes coming from this game. Idk how to explain it but the game is very self aware but not annoying about it and I love it. The dialogue is witty. The music slaps too!

Was this theme ever in the original? I don't seem to ever recall this.
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Other than the text speed and the fact that the battle menus sometimes eat your inputs it feels like, two other minor nitpicks:
1. It feels like partners are way worse at following you in this version? I feel like they're always lagging way behind
2. I think the coin bonuses after boss fights are a completely pointless change that break the economy of the game for no reason. Guess it wouldn't be modern IntSys without doing something like that...

I would really like a patch to clean up some of those really minor QOL things, it makes the game feel a little less polished than the Gamecube version. I wonder if they actually had a decent amount of trouble adapting the TOK engine to work with this game's battle system. Either way, whether it be something that can be fixed on Switch or maybe even something where they could fix it in a patch that also adds 60fps to a Switch 2 version, that'd be my dream for this.

The new music and animations are fantastic so far, and other than the above it's pretty much a perfect new version of the game, having a great time with it.
I just buy more badges with the extra money. The economy of TTYD was never a serious issue, and you're still limited by bag space and badge points. The only place I can see extra money being "game breaking" is if you're not very good at the game and rely on Jammin Ultra's with a 50 hp 50 fp Mario to beat the final chapters. Then the extra cash would go a long way cause you'd be able to stock up on the best healing items throughout the game.
I just buy more badges with the extra money. The economy of TTYD was never a serious issue, and you're still limited by bag space and badge points. The only place I can see extra money being "game breaking" is if you're not very good at the game and rely on Jammin Ultra's with a 50 hp 50 fp Mario to beat the final chapters. Then the extra cash would go a long way cause you'd be able to stock up on the best healing items throughout the game.
Honestly yeah, the more I think about it, it's nice to be able to pick up more badges than I did in the OG. Think I had to get over my knejerk reaction to change there, lol.
Other than the text speed and the fact that the battle menus sometimes eat your inputs it feels like, two other minor nitpicks:
1. It feels like partners are way worse at following you in this version? I feel like they're always lagging way behind the second you get on uneven elevation.
2. I think the coin bonuses after boss fights are a completely pointless change that break the economy of the game for no reason. Guess it wouldn't be modern IntSys without doing something like that...

I would really like a patch to clean up some of those really minor QOL things, it makes the game feel a little less polished than the Gamecube version. I wonder if they actually had a decent amount of trouble adapting the TOK engine to work with this game's battle system. Either way, whether it be something that can be fixed on Switch or maybe even something where they could fix it in a patch that also adds 60fps to a Switch 2 version, that'd be my dream for this.

The new music and animations are fantastic so far, and other than the above it's pretty much a perfect new version of the game, having a great time with it.
I don't agree with the latter. Unlike the modern games, the coin bonus feels like a proper reward bonus. It doesn't destroy the economy unlike the modern trilogy where money is just handed to you left and right for doing the most trivial of things. So I don't see how you find it pointless here.
Edit: Huh, I'm honestly not too sure about the first point either. At least from my gameplay, my partners most of the time has kept up with me.
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Picked up my copy and am loving this replay. I love how they gave Frankly kazoos in his theme! Also I've been playing games with cluttered UI recently, so to have literally nothing on your screen while moving is so nice.
First-time player here…well, not really, I originally tried it in highschool but didn't get more than an hour into it because I was more into brown Xbox 360 and ps3 shooters than I was Nintendo games

Im loving it so far, I really enjoyed origami king back in 2020 as well. I'm at the start of the first chapter. So far combat feels amazing, I love the cardboard aesthetic of everything.

I love that it makes marios world feel so much bigger. Its neat to see familiar Mario races and new races, taking on roles that are maybe a little darker and more sinister than what we are used to.

I hope this game is popular enough to get rogue port featured in one of the Mario movies, id love to see it with that hyper expensive looking detailed aesthetic.
Games beautiful, but yeah the slow text speed is annoying.
Also it feels like there's some weird delay when choosing moves in battles and during other times?
I'll probably get used to it, but it just makes the game feel slower and less snappy than it should.

Hopefully they'll patch it, feels like an easy fix, but with Nintendo you never know.
The battle menu does seem a touch laggy, yeah. Not overly so, but it's noticeable.

I don't mind the text being slower for the first time you see dialogue. I feel like I'm actually reading the dialogue - which is one of TTYD's strengths - rather than speedrunning through it.

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