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News Octopath Traveler II announced for Switch, Playstation and Steam, launching February 24, 2023 (UPDATE: Prologue Demo available now, see threadmarks)

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You are losing the opportunity to play one of the best IPs from the last decade.

The last (secret) boss and it’s music is as good as sephirot from FF7.
Yeah, the true ending was almost to hidden i feel like.
And the connections where nebulous at best.

I personally dont feel like it has to be a single player story with 6 side stories, the game can keep the chunky character stories.
But the central narative needs to be less hidden and better interconnected insted of being religated to sidequests,
+ the characters themselves need to have more interactions during their stories.
Octopath 1 was A+ on gameplay and music, B on presentation, C+ on story.
Presentation is obviously improved, Gameplay seems to be expanded, lets see how the story is =D
You are losing the opportunity to play one of the best IPs from the last decade.

The last (secret) boss and it’s music is as good as sephirot from FF7.
Yeah I'm thinking of going back and playing 1 tbh. 2 looks really good so I should probably give 1 a proper chance.
With how SE is, we have to thank them for still releasing on switch
there wasn't ever a fear of Switch not getting this

I am in for this if they tweak some stuff from the first. Hopefully the game structure does a better job blending together the individual stories, for example.
they already said they're adding more character interaction while maintaining the individual stories
Not sure if this has been mentioned here yet, but there'll be a 1-hour livestream for the game on the 17th as part of TGS

While I don't think its gonna have a bad marketing cycle, I do not trust SE at all when it comes to promoting their games not named FF, DQ or KH.

At least since its a known game, I guess that helps. From Nintendo's perspective they will probably market it somewhat less than the og since its not exclusive.
Also should really start the mobile game, I've heard good things
Oh if you're interested definitely do check it out. More of the same of the OG really (with all of that godawful gacha baggage unfortunately). I've been taking things super slow and it sure has been an enjoyable time. Music, visuals, and feel are all there.

Edit: tbh I'm also thinking about dropping it lmao. The dailies/gaas-y life is just not for me. Instead of spending money you're essentially spending time which is just as bad.
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Yeah, the true ending was almost to hidden i feel like.
And the connections where nebulous at best.

I personally dont feel like it has to be a single player story with 6 side stories, the game can keep the chunky character stories.
But the central narative needs to be less hidden and better interconnected insted of being religated to sidequests,
+ the characters themselves need to have more interactions during their stories.
Octopath 1 was A+ on gameplay and music, B on presentation, C+ on story.
Presentation is obviously improved, Gameplay seems to be expanded, lets see how the story is =D
I don’t know.. primerose and oberich were awesome. The hunter too was amazing. I really liked all the stories. The scholar was the only so so, but I loved the voice from everyone.

But man, that last boss music… fuck it.. it’s too awesome. I just can’t handle when I hear that opera rock tune.
I don’t know.. primerose and oberich were awesome. The hunter too was amazing. I really liked all the stories. The scholar was the only so so, but I loved the voice from everyone.

But man, that last boss music… fuck it.. it’s too awesome. I just can’t handle when I hear that opera rock tune.
I mean, some of the stories where really good/great, no point against that. its just the aspect of connecting them somewhat more.

And the soundtrack is for shure one of the best of the last few years, top 5 on switch for shure. But... i honestly find many other tracks better then the last one... =O
(which is also awesome and great and all)
Please, PLEASE do something about the leveling system. Benched members not getting any exp and newcomers starting at Lv 1 made the first game a very tedious grindfest.
Ehh. I feel like this would only be a problem if you played certain ways, ways which it was dissuading players from doing by having things work this way.
Ehh. I feel like this would only be a problem if you played certain ways, ways which it was dissuading players from doing by having things work this way.
Yeah as a habitual "gotta keep everyone at the same level" kinda guy I never had any issue with Octopath's leveling system. That being said, for convenience's sake I think it's better to let benched party members get exp, even if its reduced
Game looks wonderful and was my goty for 2018 so i'll be on this for sure. New Fire Emblem and new Octopath in the first 2 months of 2023 is wild.
Weren't Octopath (the first) and Triangle Strategy announced like a year before release? I was pleasantly surprised when I saw that Octopath II is February.

I didn't play the first one but the second one looks really good..... we'll see if I find the time for it. I'm glad Square is pumping out these games!
Weren't Octopath (the first) and Triangle Strategy announced like a year before release? I was pleasantly surprised when I saw that Octopath II is February.

I didn't play the first one but the second one looks really good..... we'll see if I find the time for it. I'm glad Square is pumping out these games!
shorter reveal -> release for ot2 is most likely due to it doesn't really need to take into consideration of system feedback from a demo due core system not really changed much imo from first game, so they most likely used the 1st game receptions to judge what are the improvements etc.
plus, both ot & trst are their team 1st time doing this type of game so demo feedbacks are important.
as for bd2, core system kinda changed when compared to bdff/b2nd which makes demo feedbacks are somewhat important too

inb4 they announce a demo + feedback survey during their tgs slot later this week, ruining my assumption...
Yeah I don't think the world is quite ready for this game yet..

All jokes aside, it's nice to see the team confident in what they have achieved being better than their first game, and hearing so many changes that will surely please people who didn't like the first game while still maintaining its identity.
Yeah I don't think the world is quite ready for this game yet..

All jokes aside, it's nice to see the team confident in what they have achieved being better than their first game, and hearing so many changes that will surely please people who didn't like the first game while still maintaining its identity.

Best Jrpg of 2023 right here folks. My god, reading all of that has me so excited!
Like with the first game, the characters have special themes that continue into the boss themes.


Like OT1, the characters' stories are divided into chapters, but unlike OT1, it will not follow the same pattern of "4 chapters per each story". While they can't go into details yet, they wanted each character's story to feel different this time, like you're playing different RPGs.

This sounds great, hopefully they can pull it off
Yeah I don't think the world is quite ready for this game yet..

All jokes aside, it's nice to see the team confident in what they have achieved being better than their first game, and hearing so many changes that will surely please people who didn't like the first game while still maintaining its identity.

That seems like they’ve done a really solid look at feedback from the first game. I love the way they’ve thought about the travel element, and tech level to make it feel different, and having the stories intertwine more. It’s basically come out of nowhere to be one of my most anticipated games next year. Fire Emblem, Octopath and Zelda is a hell of a first half of 2023 for me.
Going by the other HD2D title release strategy, I'm guessing we can expect a meaty demo in Dec or Jan.
Unless the multi-plat release this time around makes prepping all those separate demos too much work (I don't know how much extra work each demo version would add).
Nishiki wound up making 85 tracks for OT1, and as of the current updates 110 tracks for CotC. He can't give a specific number for OT2, but it's more than CotC.
I can’t believe this game was announced, this was the big reveal for me that got me excited during the direct! Just not expected at all with all the games that are coming from square Enix. Best moment of the direct by far!
probably gonna go back to OT1 to finish it up before pokemon drops. I'm really glad they're keeping the individual stories. I was worried that they'd listen to the detractors and do that "everyone teams up against a common bad guy" trope
Yeah I don't think the world is quite ready for this game yet..

All jokes aside, it's nice to see the team confident in what they have achieved being better than their first game, and hearing so many changes that will surely please people who didn't like the first game while still maintaining its identity.

This sounds d e l i c i o u s

I am especially looking forward to all the new day/night music themes and how this latent power mechanic works.
probably gonna go back to OT1 to finish it up before pokemon drops. I'm really glad they're keeping the individual stories. I was worried that they'd listen to the detractors and do that "everyone teams up against a common bad guy" trope
Thank God they are keeping the anthology feel of the first game; it makes the franchise stand out a lot more from its contemporaries. And if anything, it was quite cool to see how all the stories were both perfectly standalone during the main game and essentially (at times more, at times less) revealed their connected nature in the post-game, which I will shamefully admit I didn't finish as I was getting my ass whooped by those superbosses. (though I pretty much know everything that happens in it)
Thank God they are keeping the anthology feel of the first game; it makes the franchise stand out a lot more from its contemporaries. And if anything, it was quite cool to see how all the stories were both perfectly standalone during the main game and essentially (at times more, at times less) revealed their connected nature in the post-game, which I will shamefully admit I didn't finish as I was getting my ass whooped by those superbosses. (though I pretty much know everything that happens in it)
What I'm hoping is that the innerconnected stories thing is a mix of both original stories that involve multiple characters, and logical combining of stories for small segments where it makes sense. In the original there were several times where multiple characters would need to go to the same town to continue their chapters.

As a hypothetical example, if one character needs to fight in a tournament in their story to make money, and another is looking for information, the stories can interconnect where now the person with the info is in the tournament and won't share unless the party beats them.
What I'm hoping is that the innerconnected stories thing is a mix of both original stories that involve multiple characters, and logical combining of stories for small segments where it makes sense. In the original there were several times where multiple characters would need to go to the same town to continue their chapters.

As a hypothetical example, if one character needs to fight in a tournament in their story to make money, and another is looking for information, the stories can interconnect where now the person with the info is in the tournament and won't share unless the party beats them.
That would be cool but at the same time in the OG characters needed to go to the same towns only if you had actually recruited them and were actually doing their chapters, so, say (in OT II) you're going to do character A's chapter 2 where character B has their Ch. 3 but you don't have character B in your party what is the game supposed to do? Force you to have character B in your party and up to speed in order to tackle character A's Ch. 2? I mean I wouldn't mind it but you'd definitely loose the freedom that this aspect gave to the first game. It's just tough to do and I'd imagine that some of the core player base wouldn't like such a change.

Personally what I need is just characters feeling like they're actually there, which is easier to implement. Like I don't want a character jarringly act as if they are completely alone in a scene if they're traveling with 4/5/6 and so on more people. That's why I feel that creating a set scenerio that accounts for that with minimal reactions is needed and less convoluted. Though it is still unclear what exactly we are getting.
That would be cool but at the same time in the OG characters needed to go to the same towns only if you had actually recruited them and were actually doing their chapters, so, say (in OT II) you're going to do character A's chapter 2 where character B has their Ch. 3 but you don't have character B in your party what is the game supposed to do? Force you to have character B in your party and up to speed in order to tackle character A's Ch. 2? I mean I wouldn't mind it but you'd definitely loose the freedom that this aspect gave to the first game. It's just tough to do and I'd imagine that some of the core player base wouldn't like such a change.

Personally what I need is just characters feeling like they're actually there, which is easier to implement. Like I don't want a character jarringly act as if they are completely alone in a scene if they're traveling with 4/5/6 and so on more people. That's why I feel that creating a set scenerio that accounts for that with minimal reactions is needed and less convoluted. Though it is still unclear what exactly we are getting.
I think we're basically suggesting the same thing, just in different ways. In my example if you haven't recruited one of the characters or aren't far enough in their story, then you see the stories separately like you would in OT1 whenever you progress the second character's story. The fact they said the game isn't so rigidly structured into the same 4 chapters per character is likely so that they can have a mix of smaller and bigger moments that move each characters plot along. Those smaller moments are likely easier to interconnect with other characters bigger moments (or interconnect to other small story beats).

I'm not expecting them to go crazy with giving the game dozens of alternate ways for scenes to play out depending upon who you have or haven't recruited and how far you are into any of their stories. I'm just hoping that when it makes sense for two stories to cross that the game will acknowledge that and perhaps tweaks some things to fit that.
I think we're basically suggesting the same thing, just in different ways. In my example if you haven't recruited one of the characters or aren't far enough in their story, then you see the stories separately like you would in OT1 whenever you progress the second character's story. The fact they said the game isn't so rigidly structured into the same 4 chapters per character is likely so that they can have a mix of smaller and bigger moments that move each characters plot along. Those smaller moments are likely easier to interconnect with other characters bigger moments (or interconnect to other small story beats).

I'm not expecting them to go crazy with giving the game dozens of alternate ways for scenes to play out depending upon who you have or haven't recruited and how far you are into any of their stories. I'm just hoping that when it makes sense for two stories to cross that the game will acknowledge that and perhaps tweaks some things to fit that.
Yeah I do believe we essentially want the same thing at the end of the day ahah.

I get what you are saying is just that I struggle to see what you are describing as "easy" (as in, the game's production cycle/cost will actually allow it) to implement. To me that still seems like a headache, but maybe I'm not picturing it correctly. Like in your example you still need to come up with three scenerios for two characters right? A) character a alone, B) character b alone, and C) character a and b together in their respective story chapters. And even then, who's to say that most players won't simply end up missing the intertwined version. Again, I'm probably just having a hard time seeing this concept realized.

Hopefully tomorrow's stream answers our questions, though I kind of doubt it ahah
Yeah I do believe we essentially want the same thing at the end of the day ahah.

I get what you are saying is just that I struggle to see what you are describing as "easy" (as in, the game's production cycle/cost will actually allow it) to implement. To me that still seems like a headache, but maybe I'm not picturing it correctly. Like in your example you still need to come up with three scenerios for two characters right? A) character a alone, B) character b alone, and C) character a and b together in their respective story chapters. And even then, who's to say that most players won't simply end up missing the intertwined version. Again, I'm probably just having a hard time seeing this concept realized.

Hopefully tomorrow's stream answers our questions, though I kind of doubt it ahah
The idea isn't about people seeing all intertwining stories, it's more of a flag system where people will have slightly different experiences depending upon if they've recruited everyone and how they're progressing each story. Here is my example a bit better explained

Character A has a major story scene involving a tournament to make money. In the second round of the tournament he fights a unique npc we'll call Ronaldo. Ronaldo is uniquely named but is overall not relevant to A's story.

Character B has a minor story scene where he meets Ronaldo at a bar because he's heard rumors Ronaldo knows about the location of a thing. B can either fight or use a path action to get the info from Ronaldo.

Those are both of their stand alone scenarios if you were to play either story straight through. However if you have both A&B then you trip the flag that combines these events.

When A signs up for the tournament, and when B sees that Ronaldo is in the tournament, B offers to join A in said tournament. During Round 2 when the Ronaldo fight happens, B confronts Ronaldo about what he knows, Ronaldo agrees to talk if the party wins. After the fight Ronaldo agrees to tell B what he knows at the bar.

It's ultimately a very minor change to how the solo scenarios play out. A still fights Ronaldo as part of the tournament, and B gets info from Ronaldo at the bar, the game just intertwines these events to have the stories feel more interconnected.

The more simple option can be if you cleared A's or B's scenario first then your action is reflected when you do the others. If you do A's tournament first then bring A to B's scene, Ronaldo will acknowledge his loss to A and "see no reason to lose twice" sharing info with B without the need to fight or path action. If you do B's bar scene first then bring B to A's tournament, then Ronaldo can comment on how you dealt with him before (I won't go as easy as I did in the bar/you can't bribe me to avoid this fight).

Any of the above interconnects the story in a way that'll feel meaningful to the player without being overly complicated. It still keeps the 8 scenarios largely stand alone, but does little things to make the party feel like they're traveling together.
The idea isn't about people seeing all intertwining stories, it's more of a flag system where people will have slightly different experiences depending upon if they've recruited everyone and how they're progressing each story. Here is my example a bit better explained

Character A has a major story scene involving a tournament to make money. In the second round of the tournament he fights a unique npc we'll call Ronaldo. Ronaldo is uniquely named but is overall not relevant to A's story.

Character B has a minor story scene where he meets Ronaldo at a bar because he's heard rumors Ronaldo knows about the location of a thing. B can either fight or use a path action to get the info from Ronaldo.

Those are both of their stand alone scenarios if you were to play either story straight through. However if you have both A&B then you trip the flag that combines these events.

When A signs up for the tournament, and when B sees that Ronaldo is in the tournament, B offers to join A in said tournament. During Round 2 when the Ronaldo fight happens, B confronts Ronaldo about what he knows, Ronaldo agrees to talk if the party wins. After the fight Ronaldo agrees to tell B what he knows at the bar.

It's ultimately a very minor change to how the solo scenarios play out. A still fights Ronaldo as part of the tournament, and B gets info from Ronaldo at the bar, the game just intertwines these events to have the stories feel more interconnected.

The more simple option can be if you cleared A's or B's scenario first then your action is reflected when you do the others. If you do A's tournament first then bring A to B's scene, Ronaldo will acknowledge his loss to A and "see no reason to lose twice" sharing info with B without the need to fight or path action. If you do B's bar scene first then bring B to A's tournament, then Ronaldo can comment on how you dealt with him before (I won't go as easy as I did in the bar/you can't bribe me to avoid this fight).

Any of the above interconnects the story in a way that'll feel meaningful to the player without being overly complicated. It still keeps the 8 scenarios largely stand alone, but does little things to make the party feel like they're traveling together.
Thank you for your thorough example. I get what you're saying and it could work just fine, but at the same time you would have to write scenerios around these things which by nature then can become troublesome, mainly if you want to have many of these intertwining stories for all 8 travelers. I don't think it's by chance that every single other JRPG series wouldn't do that but just have a central narrative and introduce/remove characters. I don't know if maybe something like SaGa does what you're describing but still, my biggest concern with that would be not cornering the writers with having to always fit chapter scenario with chapter scenario for many characters and many story beats. In the original OT as well what you described could have worked for how many of the 32 chapters? It just seems like a massive hurdle but as always, agree to disagree I guess ahah
From the stream :

- You can switch from night and day with a simple button press. Naturally there are different activities to do for each.

- If I'm not mistaken, they said there is a night theme for everything, even the game over music.

-They're playing right now, on the map, there are a lot of icons for characters stories (both solo and pairs).

-Seemingly more elevation in towns.

-The day and night switch is seemless, no transitions whatsoever, I love it.

- The water effects are less sparkly.


- We got a glimpse of the new normal battle music, the victory theme seems to be a remix of the original, like the main theme.

- The interiors of the shops are much more detailed.

- The visual effects when using BPs are different from the first game, a bit more "intense" I would say.

- You can speed up battle, like in Bravely default.

- Transition form the cutscene to gameplay a super smooth as well.
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From the stream :

- You can switch from night and day with a simple button press. Naturally there are different activities to do for each.

- If I'm not mistaken, they said there is a night theme for everything, even the game over music.
And the music switches seamlessly from night theme to day theme and viceversa too! Poor Nishiki ahah
More verticality and movement options (canoes baby!) is just fantastic. Looking at the map there are definitely set double character stories, maybe actual chapters(?)
Looks fantastic. Looks like they are running the PlayStation build. I wonder how it will run on the Switch. The original was far less pretty and only managed 720p when docked. Make me really nervous about this new one on Switch...
ah, this reminds me I still haven't finished my playthrough of the first game. I think I was like 30 hours in and gave up with how characters just seem completely irrelevant to each other's stories, like they're not even there when stuff happens. The banters between chapters aren't enough. I hope they improve that in the second game. The gameplay is good though.
Yeah that's a Nishiki battle track, christ he's going all out

Edit: adding a clip of it for those who missed it
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