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StarTopic Nintendo Switch 2 Speculation Thread |ST| The Future is just Beyond the Present

What is the big day 1 launch game for successor of the Nintendo Switch System?

  • 3D Mario

    Votes: 234 78.5%
  • 2D Mario

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • New Donkey Kong

    Votes: 5 1.7%
  • Metroid Prime 4: Beyond

    Votes: 27 9.1%
  • Pokemon Legends: Z-A

    Votes: 4 1.3%
  • Star Fox

    Votes: 2 0.7%
  • New IP

    Votes: 1 0.3%
  • Mario Kart

    Votes: 19 6.4%
  • Super Smash Bros

    Votes: 2 0.7%
  • Splatoon

    Votes: 1 0.3%
  • Animal Crossing

    Votes: 2 0.7%
  • Other

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • New Zelda

    Votes: 1 0.3%

  • Total voters
I’d kick most of that content, including and especially Adventure Mode, to the curb if Smash Run got a second life and expanded. Sakurai didn’t come close to scratching the surface of how deep and awesome that mode could be.
Seconded. Smash Board on Wii U wasn't nearly as engaging as Smash Run on 3DS; I still don't feel I got to fully explore the entire map given it's vast complexity and how few people I knew had a 3DS, let alone SSB4 on 3DS to play multiplayer with.

So much more could be done that would be so cool. I'd love to see what it could accomplish and really lean into the party aspects of Smash
I didn’t mind adventure mode and SSE, but I thought it was generally agreed that shoehorning platforming stages into Smash’s gameplay was a misstep.

I think World of Light did good on focusing on Smash’s core gameplay, with some light RPG mechanics and world map stuff, and the brilliant flavoring of the spirit battles allowing them to cram in tons of game tributes and capture that “museum of gaming” aspect of Smash.
But WoL overstayed its welcome due to just being endless fights with the occasional boss fight, something that the Event Mode concept wasn’t made for. It’s why I brought up Invasion Mode from MK1, as it suffered from the same issues & the game as a whole was considered a downgrade in single-player content.

It’s also for the concern of overstaying one’s welcome that I suggested Melee’s Adventure Mode over SSE, the latter of which had those mentioned issues after a while.
Subspace Emmisary was great and Sakurai being upset people uploaded the cut scenes to youtube as a reason not to do it again was tragic. I'd also happily take a new version of Smash Run that allows 4 player split screen or local/online multiplayer where everyone is in the same instance.
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I believe we only got World of Light in Ultimate was because they simply didn't have enough time to develop anything else and their main focus was brining back all the characters. There was only 3 years of development time.
We’re just gonna disagree. Hopefully Nintendo will port all their Switch games with dlss on Switch 2 and call it good. I’m ready for Super Mario Odyssey 4K tbh. Might as well not make a new 3D Zelda. Just give us TOTK 4K because we know it will sell forever.
i would rater prefer if Nintendo updates such games with patchs, that allow them to reach the maximum perfomance/frame rate they can do, like a patch to Bayonetta 3 that allow the game at 720p/60fps, is so anti-consumer made you buy a game just to have 4K/60fps on it, a parch that allow this is a much better solution, i completely agaist that, is the same as Sony is doing with the Last of Us Part 2(the game was already patched at 4K/60fps on PS5, now you sugest do the same to Tears of the Kingdom, absolutely ludicrous what you sugest
World of Light was bloated. Its was way too long
This too

Honestly if you could combine Melee's adventure mode, Brawl's subspace, and Ultimate's WoL, you'd have the perfect Smash single player.

A non linear adventure where you either do platforming stages based upon the included ip, or fights against characters from that universe with gimmicks to emulate characters who aren't playable in Smash.
Do a Melee style adventure mode based on the series Ultimate added as DLC (plus FF7), and whatever gets added in the base game
Idk about anyone else but I really think World of Light is terrible besides the boss fights. There are no redeeming qualities other than the maps looked kinda cool. Just give us Subspace 2. Ditch the idea of fighting characters from other games by changing stats/AI behavior of a CPU character, many of the fights are no more unique than giving the CPU a metal box and bunny hood. Subspace was really cool because it made so many unique enemies, even if they weren't complex. It was more entertaining to kick a goomga across the screen and watch it barrel through a bunch of enemies in Subspace than it was fighting Mario for the 50th time in WoL except this time he has a triple jump!
As a Smash connoisseur, the only good single player modes the series needs are Classic Mode (which was mostly very good in Ultimate) and Event Battles (which were great on GCN but less so in every iteration afterwards). Give me 30-50 exciting setups for matches with a nice difficulty curve and I'm good.
I really the next Smash game to have a proper Story mode with cutscenes but with actual enemies and locations from the games represented.

It would be a pretty simple way of sweetening the pill of reboot that cuts half the characters from Ultimate to make it more digestible for casual fans who may not care that much about eventual changes in balancing and character moveset (not saying they will go this route tough).

As for Classic mode, while I loved what they did with it in Ultimate, I kinda miss the old style of choosing the difficulty and number of stocks at the start and then going to fight a random set of enemies on their home stages with minigames in between.
It would be cool to have both: an actual "Classic mode" like the first three games you have to complete to get the character trophy/spirit and an "Arcade Mode" like Ultimate's Classic mode which unlocks another kind of reward.
Maybe the Arcade mode can also have a personalized intro and ending for every character like in other fighting games, which could be a potential comprise if they don't want to invest resources into a Subpasce-style Story mode.
Smash can do whatever it wants, they could make the singleplayer mode an RTS for all I care, as long as they bring back trophies.

Spirits are such a disappointment and I hope they don't return in the next game. I loved Melee, Brawl, and the Wii U/3DS games because they felt like Nintendo Museums, while Ultimate feels... kinda generic, and a big reason for that is the spirits.
As a Smash connoisseur, the only good single player modes the series needs are Classic Mode (which was mostly very good in Ultimate) and Event Battles (which were great on GCN but less so in every iteration afterwards). Give me 30-50 exciting setups for matches with a nice difficulty curve and I'm good.
Those alone won’t cut it in an era where Capcom & (from the looks of it) Bamco are doing more to deliver a complete fighting game package than even NRS’s most recent outing.

I really the next Smash game to have a proper Story mode with cutscenes but with actual enemies and locations from the games represented.

It would be a pretty simple way of sweetening the pill of reboot that cuts half the characters from Ultimate to make it more digestible for casual fans who may not care that much about eventual changes in balancing and character moveset (not saying they will go this route tough).

As for Classic mode, while I loved what they did with it in Ultimate, I kinda miss the old style of choosing the difficulty and number of stocks at the start and then going to fight a random set of enemies on their home stages with minigames in between.
It would be cool to have both: an actual "Classic mode" like the first three games you have to complete to get the character trophy/spirit and an "Arcade Mode" like Ultimate's Classic mode which unlocks another kind of reward.
Maybe the Arcade mode can also have a personalized intro and ending for every character like in other fighting games, which could be a potential comprise if they don't want to invest resources into a Subpasce-style Story mode.
You’ll need Nintendo to be willing to spend more on voice acting to get an actual story mode. As for roster cuts, they won’t axe half the roster unless they completely start from scratch (which hasn’t been done since 64 -> Melee).
I didn’t mind adventure mode and SSE, but I thought it was generally agreed that shoehorning platforming stages into Smash’s gameplay was a misstep.

I think World of Light did good on focusing on Smash’s core gameplay, with some light RPG mechanics and world map stuff, and the brilliant flavoring of the spirit battles allowing them to cram in tons of game tributes and capture that “museum of gaming” aspect of Smash.
Is it? Melee's Adventure Mode is one of my favorite things that Smash has ever done. I loved the silly platforming and different game world elements to it. But admittedly I'm a very casual Smash fan who doesn't particularly like fighting games, so I might just be looking for alternate play methods and things to do that aren't standard combat.
I would be 100% okay with a Switch 2 reveal that's very similar to the Switch 1's: A new 3D Mario, some multiplayer-focused games like ARMS and Splatoon 2 were at the time, and a ton of hardcore-focused RPGs like with Octopath, SMTV, and Xenoblade 2, plus some late ports and new 3rd-party games. I guess swapping out BOTW with Metroid Prime 4, but I'd still be very happy with that lineup!
As for roster cuts, they won’t axe half the roster unless they completely start from scratch (which hasn’t been done since 64 -> Melee).
Well, if people want new gameplay mechanics, a bigger focus on SP content, and veterans with reimagined movesets, then you are going to have to make sacrifices. You can't have your cake and eat it too.
Those alone won’t cut it in an era where Capcom & (from the looks of it) Bamco are doing more to deliver a complete fighting game package than even NRS’s most recent outing.
Those are neat but that's not why I play the games. If the fighting is good, then a slight garnish of modes plus online play is all I want. Everything else is bloat.
Those are neat but that's not why I play the games. If the fighting is good, then a slight garnish of modes plus online play is all I want. Everything else is bloat.
That’s the exact mindset most of the genre used to have……until NRS started to eat their lunch. Capcom went too hard with said mindset with SFV at launch, & we all know how that turned out.

Well, if people want new gameplay mechanics, a bigger focus on SP content, and veterans with reimagined movesets, then you are going to have to make sacrifices. You can't have your cake and eat it too.
Like I said, Smash pretty heavily reuses assets between games (especially animations). Hell, Smash Wii U being the base for Ultimate was how they were able to bring everyone back. So while I expect there to be cuts, they won’t be massive unless the next Smash game completely clears the board (see SFV -> SF6 or MK11 -> MK1[2]).

At worst, the base roster will be at 3DS/Wii U’s total launch roster count before newbies.
That’s the exact mindset most of the genre used to have……until NRS started to eat their lunch. Capcom went too hard with said mindset with SFV at launch, & we all know how that turned out.

Like I said, Smash pretty heavily reuses assets between games (especially animations). Hell, Smash Wii U being the base for Ultimate was how they were able to bring everyone back. So while I expect there to be cuts, they won’t be massive unless the next Smash game completely clears the board (see SFV -> SF6).

At worst, the base roster will be at 3DS/Wii U’s total launch roster count before newbies.
And I'm saying that they should let go of this idea that most veterans should come back if they want to shake things up. If you expect majority of the veterans to return, then the whole conversation about rebooting and reimagining Smash is moot. Again, you can't have your cake and eat it too.
And I'm saying that they should let go of this idea that most veterans should come back if they want to shake things up. If you expect majority of the veterans to return, then the whole conversation about rebooting and reimagining Smash is moot. Again, you can't have your cake and eat it too.
I never said they should completely reboot, hence why I mentioned that such a thing hasn’t been done since 64 -> Melee & how Smash usually relies on existing assets.

I’d expect a reboot of assets between entries for Street Fighter or Mortal Kombat, but that’s not Smash’s MO.
That’s the exact mindset most of the genre used to have……until NRS started to eat their lunch. Capcom went too hard with said mindset with SFV at launch, & we all know how that turned out.
Smash is batting in a different league than Capcom in terms of popularity. I think NRS did a great job with MK & Injustice but those games also have pretty big casual appeal that SF lacks.

too young for smash and/or mcu to be cool and novel, too old to be a fortnite kid
i honestly thought you were like 40. you remind me of a friend i have who is also raccoon bastard and old so maybe i was just biased towards raccoons being old.
I would sign for Switch 2 very similar to the og Switch one just with more TP stuff because we come form the best selling N system
i dont want to play the next Animal Crossing and wait months-years for content that was in prior Animal Crossing( cof cof Gyriod, Brewster, oh wait Animal Crossing New Horizons did that)
The alternative then is whatever you're unhappy with not being there with day one you're just stuck with until next generation, or longer. And resources being finite, you can never expect any new entry to be a superset of all previous games at launch, especially if we actually expect fresh things.
It is definitely Splatoon 2.5, and Splatoon 2 was Splatoon 1.5. So does that make Splatoon 3 Splatoon 2?
Splatoon 1.75. Next comes Splatoon 1.875.
Would a handheld-only Switch 2 cost less than a hybrid Switch 2?
It would allow for many of the same sorts of savings Lite has. No need for three separate batteries, three separate sets of motion controls, wireless Joy-Con communication, etc.
Btw, it still wasn't basically every PS5 first-party title getting cross-gen releases. I know TLoU remake, Demon's Souls, Returnal and Ratchet & Clank didn't, there were probably others - and Sony's first-party output is much lower than Nintendo's.
Aside from the four you mention, I think all that's left is Astro's Playroom and a few remasters of earlier PS4 games.
The alternative then is whatever you're unhappy with not being there with day one you're just stuck with until next generation, or longer. And resources being finite, you can never expect any new entry to be a superset of all previous games at launch, especially if we actually expect fresh things.

Splatoon 1.75. Next comes Splatoon 1.875.

It would allow for many of the same sorts of savings Lite has. No need for three separate batteries, three separate sets of motion controls, wireless Joy-Con communication, etc.

Aside from the four you mention, I think all that's left is Astro's Playroom and a few remasters of earlier PS4 games.
such contents on Animal Crossing New Horizons, was comtent that was day 1 on prior Animal Crossing games, why do i need to wait months just to have diving?features that should be day 1
such contents on Animal Crossing New Horizons, was comtent that was day 1 on prior Animal Crossing games, why do i need to wait months just to have diving?features that should be day 1
Features like that would take time. Not everything can be made on time and ready day 1.

Also, I think they meant to release updates every now and time, to keep the interest going and fresh, which is a good strategy.
I would be 100% okay with a Switch 2 reveal that's very similar to the Switch 1's: A new 3D Mario, some multiplayer-focused games like ARMS and Splatoon 2 were at the time, and a ton of hardcore-focused RPGs like with Octopath, SMTV, and Xenoblade 2, plus some late ports and new 3rd-party games. I guess swapping out BOTW with Metroid Prime 4, but I'd still be very happy with that lineup!
I think it’ll be similar, but much better because of third party. A new IP from Nintendo to launch day 1. BotW switched for Prime 4. Monolith Soft with a new IP. No Splatoon. We’ll see 3D Mario. Maybe Wave Race or Star Fox. Square, Capcom, EA, Rockstar, Sega, Atlus, Ubisoft, etc.

Switch presentation wasn’t as positive for everyone. This, I believe will be a lot more positive. I’m hoping they don’t do the reveal only on a stage in Japan, but we’ll see.
Nintendo has market both Smash and MK 8 as “Ultimate” versions of their respective IPs in term of having lots of legacy content. Smash Ultimate has all fighters from previous games and almost all stages meanwhile MK has added with BCP a lot of retro tracks and various misses veteran racers like Diddy Kong, Birdo, etc.

You can of course adding more and more content like fighters/stages for Smash or racers/tracks to Mario Kart but I think maybe its getting a little of saturation.

So maybe they can try something more or less fresh. Some ideas..
  • Mario Kart: Let it be a Nintendo Kart with half racers/tracks from Mario/DK/Yoshi IPs and the other with other Nintendo IPs like Zelda/AC/Splatoon/Pikmin/etc. Have a single player mode where you are in an open world map and must resolve challenges/missions, face races, bosses, etc. Aside from Grand Prix and Battle modes you have a new Battle Royale 64 player mode in same single player map.
  • Smash: change gameplay to more 2.5D style, like Power Stone. Reduce roster to have more focus on Switch-era (new) titles (Example: FE fighter representation can be Marth, Byleth and Alear). Add a single player mode that is like Tekken Force, playing like a beat-em up with platform/exploration sections. Get back other single-player modes like Break the Targets.

Neither of these future ganes will have retro content like stages/tracks by start. Both of them will have DLC (paid) support for 3 years.

Considering Switch NG is probably getting full BC with Switch 1, I think Nintendo can find a way so both iterations can coexist with each other.

Do you want the classical “ultimate” experience? Buy Mario Kart 8 DX and Smash Ultimate

Do you want something new and fresh? Buy next Mario Kart and Smash titles.
Nintendo has market both Smash and MK 8 as “Ultimate” versions of their respective IPs in term of having lots of legacy content. Smash Ultimate has all fighters from previous games and almost all stages meanwhile MK has added with BCP a lot of retro tracks and various misses veteran racers like Diddy Kong, Birdo, etc.

You can of course adding more and more content like fighters/stages for Smash or racers/tracks to Mario Kart but I think maybe its getting a little of saturation.

So maybe they can try something more or less fresh. Some ideas..
  • Mario Kart: Let it be a Nintendo Kart with half racers/tracks from Mario/DK/Yoshi IPs and the other with other Nintendo IPs like Zelda/AC/Splatoon/Pikmin/etc. Have a single player mode where you are in an open world map and must resolve challenges/missions, face races, bosses, etc. Aside from Grand Prix and Battle modes you have a new Battle Royale 64 player mode in same single player map.
  • Smash: change gameplay to more 2.5D style, like Power Stone. Reduce roster to have more focus on Switch-era (new) titles (Example: FE fighter representation can be Marth, Byleth and Alear). Add a single player mode that is like Tekken Force, playing like a beat-em up with platform/exploration sections. Get back other single-player modes like Break the Targets.

Neither of these future ganes will have retro content like stages/tracks by start. Both of them will have DLC (paid) support for 3 years.

Considering Switch NG is probably getting full BC with Switch 1, I think Nintendo can find a way so both iterations can coexist with each other.

Do you want the classical “ultimate” experience? Buy Mario Kart 8 DX and Smash Ultimate

Do you want something new and fresh? Buy next Mario Kart and Smash titles.
Changing Smash’s gameplay to be like Power Stone wouldn’t make it Smash anymore. It’d be like trying to make Street Fighter into a platform figure.

Smash is a 2D platform fighter, it’s a core part of its identity. You can do a Power Stone-like spin-off, but it won’t replace Smash as we know it now (nor should it).
Nintendo has market both Smash and MK 8 as “Ultimate” versions of their respective IPs in term of having lots of legacy content. Smash Ultimate has all fighters from previous games and almost all stages meanwhile MK has added with BCP a lot of retro tracks and various misses veteran racers like Diddy Kong, Birdo, etc.

You can of course adding more and more content like fighters/stages for Smash or racers/tracks to Mario Kart but I think maybe its getting a little of saturation.

So maybe they can try something more or less fresh. Some ideas..
  • Mario Kart: Let it be a Nintendo Kart with half racers/tracks from Mario/DK/Yoshi IPs and the other with other Nintendo IPs like Zelda/AC/Splatoon/Pikmin/etc. Have a single player mode where you are in an open world map and must resolve challenges/missions, face races, bosses, etc. Aside from Grand Prix and Battle modes you have a new Battle Royale 64 player mode in same single player map.
  • Smash: change gameplay to more 2.5D style, like Power Stone. Reduce roster to have more focus on Switch-era (new) titles (Example: FE fighter representation can be Marth, Byleth and Alear). Add a single player mode that is like Tekken Force, playing like a beat-em up with platform/exploration sections. Get back other single-player modes like Break the Targets.

Neither of these future ganes will have retro content like stages/tracks by start. Both of them will have DLC (paid) support for 3 years.

Considering Switch NG is probably getting full BC with Switch 1, I think Nintendo can find a way so both iterations can coexist with each other.

Do you want the classical “ultimate” experience? Buy Mario Kart 8 DX and Smash Ultimate

Do you want something new and fresh? Buy next Mario Kart and Smash titles.

Why would they change Smash to a 2.5D fighter? That’s not even Smash. Smash is Smash. Why would we go changing the genre of it or the style of fighting game it is? There’s no reason for this to happen.
Changing Smash’s gameplay to be like Power Stone wouldn’t make it Smash anymore. It’d be like trying to make Street Fighter into a platform figure.
Why would they change Smash to a 2.5D fighter? That’s not even Smash. Smash is Smash. Why would we go changing the genre of it or the style of fighting game it is? There’s no reason for this to happen.
I think that depends on what is Smash for Sakurai and not for us. If for him Smash is a fighting game that serves as a crossover between different franchises, it can be either 2D, 2.5D or 3D.
I think that depends on what is Smash for Sakurai and not for us. If for him Smash is a fighting game that serves as a crossover between different franchises, it can be either 2D, 2.5D or 3D.
Smash takes core design philosophies from 2D fighters and Kirby. Sakurai created an entire new genre of Fighting games with Smash, in which it dominates for better or worse. Changing it to a dead, niche genre is a death sentence for the series.
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