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StarTopic Nintendo General Discussion |ST9 June 2022| This is Miyamoto. Have a fun summer!

What's hype in June?

  • A potential Direct

    Votes: 201 59.1%
  • Summer events in general

    Votes: 14 4.1%
  • Mario Strikers: Battle League

    Votes: 27 7.9%
  • Fire Emblem Warriors: Three Hopes

    Votes: 27 7.9%
  • Monster Hunter Rise: Sunbreak

    Votes: 25 7.4%
  • Cold drinks

    Votes: 32 9.4%
  • Warm smiles

    Votes: 14 4.1%

  • Total voters
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Yesterday, i said that i was playing Celeste for the first time and that it is really addictive. Well, i've just finished the game :3 and it's freaking awesome
Between multiplayer masterpiece Towerfall and Celeste, we can safely say Matt Makes Some Dang Awesome Games. With delicious, buttery smooth controls.

I can't shake the feeling that console war bullshit and overall cynicism is getting worse.
Nah it’s the same it’s always been
Nah it’s the same it’s always been
Same as it ever was!
I can't shake the feeling that console war bullshit and overall cynicism is getting worse.
I can certainly understand the feeling, but I feel like it's been this way for a long time.

During the Wii/PS3/360 days things were absolutely vicious with the Wii being damned as the "death of gaming" and a worthless gimmick/fad, while Xbox and PS fans tore into each other over their closely competing boxes.

Social media tends to lend a megaphone to the loudest voices in the room, and the most extreme 1% of any group of people tend to be louder than the other 99%.

So it may seem like most gamers are obnoxious console warriors at times, but in reality, that's just only console warriors feel the need to expend time and energy fighting over plastic boxes on the internet, while the vast majority of folks are happy to just play the games they enjoy. This goes for a lot of other things in life too.

It's been my experience that most people are fundamentally decent. Don't let the vocal minority get you down; just remember, the only reason they seem to dominate discourse is because most people are above that kind of pettiness and don't feel the need to engage with them.

And if it makes you feel better, just look at the wonderful and wholesome community we have here and all the awesome folks we share this forum with. :)
Console wars were, are, and always will be, dumb trash

don’t bother lending that any of your attention or mindspace, focus on enjoying yourself instead
Console wars were, are, and always will be, dumb trash

don’t bother lending that any of your attention or mindspace, focus on enjoying yourself instead
Even if you dont want to sometimes you make an innocent comment and people take it as an offense to their favorite company/box for weird reasons , I just ignore it but it is weird
Everybody's talkin' at me, can't hear a word they're sayin', I'm just avoiding video games at all timesssss
Sees all the people complaining about anime/game characters having heterochromia as unrealistic sigh… I have heterochromia. Heck I have the 2 rarer types that don’t even get repped in games. One eye is radial and the other is segmental. Brown and bluish gray. The radial has brown in the center and gray on the outer. Segmental varies over time but is always 2 distinct colors. Heck if you gave an anime character my eye color people would go nuts
Went to Meijer for the first time today, and they had a spot on the shelf for those chocolate koala cookies that I haven't seen in years, so I'll certainly be back sometime soon to see if they are in stock.
Even if you dont want to sometimes you make an innocent comment and people take it as an offense to their favorite company/box for weird reasons , I just ignore it but it is weird

For real. Let people like/not like entertainment things without making it personal. it’s okay to only play one platform or all of them, but your preferences are what’s right for you. Not for you to shame/impose on others.
Sees all the people complaining about anime/game characters having heterochromia as unrealistic sigh… I have heterochromia. Heck I have the 2 rarer types that don’t even get repped in games. One eye is radial and the other is segmental. Brown and bluish gray. The radial has brown in the center and gray on the outer. Segmental varies over time but is always 2 distinct colors. Heck if you gave an anime character my eye color people would go nuts
I also have heterochromia! One side brown and one side green! They literally see colors differently. If I close one eye colors appear warmer and if I close the other colors appear cooler.
Heterochromia rocks!! Fuck the haters! LOL
Nintendo showing PS Studios and Xbox Studios games in their commercials is the what gaming is about. Unity.
Yikes. She looks really bad. Like a Neptunia character or something. Hopefully the male MC looks better.
Considering what was said previously, could be just a female MC(Emily thought it was only male without female. This leak only has the female. The behind shot is the female design)
Sees all the people complaining about anime/game characters having heterochromia as unrealistic sigh… I have heterochromia. Heck I have the 2 rarer types that don’t even get repped in games. One eye is radial and the other is segmental. Brown and bluish gray. The radial has brown in the center and gray on the outer. Segmental varies over time but is always 2 distinct colors. Heck if you gave an anime character my eye color people would go nuts
I feel like if you look at Fire Emblem and your main takeaway is "wow that heterochromia is unrealistic" I just don't know how to talk to you
I also have heterochromia! One side brown and one side green! They literally see colors differently. If I close one eye colors appear warmer and if I close the other colors appear cooler.
Heterochromia rocks!! Fuck the haters! LOL
I dont think people hate heterochromia itself, just the huge overuse in (usually) japanese media.
I dont think people hate heterochromia itself, just the huge overuse in (usually) japanese media.
Yeah I understood, fuck people who hate the huge overuse of heterochromia in my weeb shit
my aggression is a joke yall, I don't actually mean any of this (except for the part where my eyes are different, that's 100% true)
The end of June could be so utterly and entirely weeby from Nintendo, I'm not sure non-weebs can handle a Fire Emblem spin off, a Monster Hunter expansion, and potentially a new Fire Emblem announcement plus a Xenoblade trailer (at the least) in the Direct.
The end of June could be so utterly and entirely weeby from Nintendo, I'm not sure non-weebs can handle a Fire Emblem spin off, a Monster Hunter expansion, and potentially a new Fire Emblem announcement plus a Xenoblade trailer (at the least) in the Direct.
And on top of all that, the Somnium Files sequel launches on the same day as Three Hopes, just to kick things into maximum over-weeb
I also have heterochromia! One side brown and one side green! They literally see colors differently. If I close one eye colors appear warmer and if I close the other colors appear cooler.
Heterochromia rocks!! Fuck the haters! LOL
cheers bud I’m a big ol’ homochrome but support your right to eyeballs hashtag happy pride hashtag love is love hashtag love wins
And my four day weekend comes to a close. Ate some pizza, finished Forbidden West, and read a shocking amount of Resident Evil Village fanfiction.
I’m late to the thread today because my fourth dose covid vaccine said “get wrecked lol” and helpless I had no choice but to acquiesce

all jokes, responses, and contributions to the shitpost abyss by me Susmave will be tempered by the oofing of the bones for the foreseeable future
smart theys say “let me get vaccine dunked and then build furniture for six hours in direct window sunlight to the extent that I somehow compound my already severe sunburn, because how could that possibly turn my already chronic but manageable pain into my skeleton burning me out from the inside like some kind of ludicrous filament of nigh impossible architecture??”
Lot of new threads today eh? buries head in general

Had a fun day of adventurey errands and work, hope you’re all doing well
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while I’m delirious and rambling I want you to know that the entire phrase “helpless I” back there is the combination proper noun and taco bell, no commas hidden nor implicit set loose to feast on my linguistic idiosyncrasies

also our wedding photos showed up and they’re beautiful so my partner and I spent most of the time I wasn’t working today flipping through them and getting emotional while splayed across surfaces in extreme pain
Watching MS’s Direct it really feels like their game line up is going in a unique direction to the other console makers.

Nintendo and Sony both have a lot of games that understandably have evolved from consoles in the past. A lot of action adventure, platformers, some Jrpgs, arcadey sports games etc.

Microsoft’s lineup on the other hand seems very evolved from historically PC oriented genres. FPS, WRPG, Simulators, RTS etc.

It gives their lineup a really different feel.
It also means I don’t give a single shit about it but that’s fine 😂
The end of June could be so utterly and entirely weeby from Nintendo, I'm not sure non-weebs can handle a Fire Emblem spin off, a Monster Hunter expansion, and potentially a new Fire Emblem announcement plus a Xenoblade trailer (at the least) in the Direct.
Hey this past half-year was pretty mediocre from the weeb standpoint. The weebiest game release was Elden Ring, and that's a game for weebs who are still in denial about their weebiness

But now, now we will have our revenge (on...the gaming industry. Or something. Idk haven't thought that far). The Summer of Weeb is upon us
Normally I save Obi Wan Kenobi for Friday night, but I'm out the next 2 evenings so I decided to watch episode 5 today. Good stuff yeah.
The end of June could be so utterly and entirely weeby from Nintendo, I'm not sure non-weebs can handle a Fire Emblem spin off, a Monster Hunter expansion, and potentially a new Fire Emblem announcement plus a Xenoblade trailer (at the least) in the Direct.
I love it when people get so confused and angry about all the attention Nintendo gives to JRPGs because it shows how little they cared for Nintendo's handhelds. There's a reason why JRPGs get so much love and it's because us handheld folk, the ones who kept Nintendo afloat during hard times, feast on this genre like there's no tomorrow.
Also I can't even begin to tell yall how weird it felt when I found out how much younger Jason Alexander was than me during the filming of Seinfeld. He still strikes me as an older dude even when I watch the show now but I'm closing in on being a decade older than he was at the time.
Also I can't even begin to tell yall how weird it felt when I found out how much younger Jason Alexander was than me during the filming of Seinfeld. He still strikes me as an older dude even when I watch the show now but I'm closing in on being a decade older than he was at the time.
As a man who went bald in his very early 20s I can tell you it was definitely the lack of hair that made him look much older.

Edit: of course this is at the top of the page
As a man who went bald in his very early 20s I can tell you it was definitely the lack of hair that made him look much older.
Most of my best friends went bald in their 20s though, I'm used to that. But there's something about George's face and mannerisms and vocal performance that just screams "old and ornery" to me. Even Elaine! I'm definitely much older than JLD was during Seinfeld but she still strikes me as older. Must be the shoulders in all her outfits. 🤷‍♂️

Edit: of course this is at the top of the page
Be proud, buddy
I just saw Jurassic World Dominion.

Holy hell. They made a worst film then Fallen Kingdom and Jurassic Park 3.

It’s not even entertaining like Fallen Kingdom was. Such a waste of the old cast.

Watch it if you want. But I don’t recommend it.
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