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StarTopic Nintendo General Discussion |ST8 May 2022| Prime Real E-ST8

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I’m watching Return of the Jedi

Obviously, The Rise of Skywalker is the worst thing that Star Wars movies have ever done

But “Jedi Rocks” is a close second
So what you're saying is that you don't like jizz ?
It's amazing how efficient you can be with blueprints when you know what the hell you're doing.
Yooooooo this just in! :D:D:D:D:D:D:D

If someone ever told me to draw venn diagram of "Nintendo Fans," and "Keeping Up Appearances Fans," I'd have drawn two circles; but I guess that would have been wrong.
Thought: what if you don’t actually recruit/turn Byleth in every FEW 3 hopes route as people are assuming? And they are all heavily divergent

Edit: in fact what if there’s one where we kill Byleth?
I assume the "make up for the discount" dross that Sony is doing is only if you got a discount directly through the PS Store, right? Like, if I got my PS+ on sale through CD Keys or whatever, they're not tracking that?

Or maybe they totally are and know which unique keys were put on sale.

Sony, much like Nintendo, is really into wringing every last dollar out of me that they can get, but in ways that are too obvious and sort of nakedly grubby. I mean, I'm glad to switch brands, take a gen off, etc. if it gets to be too much, but I really prefer not to. :(
Sony, much like Nintendo, is really into wringing every last dollar out of me that they can get, but in ways that are too obvious and sort of nakedly grubby. I mean, I'm glad to switch brands, take a gen off, etc. if it gets to be too much, but I really prefer not to. :(
I don't think I've ever seen something this disgusting from Nintendo at least. This is honestly the first time I can think of a company pulling this kind of "gotcha!" and literally forcing users to pay up if they want to continue.

Like, no. you messed up in allowing them to buy it still. Take the L, the minuscule loss in profits, and move on.
If someone ever told me to draw venn diagram of "Nintendo Fans," and "Keeping Up Appearances Fans," I'd have drawn two circles; but I guess that would have been wrong.
lol, Keeping Up Appearances, as a lot of other Britisch comedies, are brilliant! Smack the Pony, Bottoms, Coupling, Young Ones, The New Statesman, Allo Allo!, Absolutely Fabul;ous and the list goes on and on! I LOVE it!
I don't think I've ever seen something this disgusting from Nintendo at least. This is honestly the first time I can think of a company pulling this kind of "gotcha!" and literally forcing users to pay up if they want to continue.

Like, no. you messed up in allowing them to buy it still. Take the L, the minuscule loss in profits, and move on.
Wait, what did I miss? Sony tracks users that get their subscriptions through discounts and make them pay up???
I've just gotten really into making stupid, stupid niel cicierega style mashups

like, shitposting in the club
I still think people who throw a fit about Xenoblade’s handheld resolution are holding their Switch a little too close to their face.
Was gonna go the cinema after work, but the body and brain are sending off warning signals so it's a no no.
I'm at a waterpark right now and I found out about the shooting from other guests talking about it. God fucking dammit. Incoming "tHoUgHtS AnD pRAyeRs"
God it’s so sickening. Poor kids. Good luck to any American here. Hope some change can actually be achieved this time
Some people like the violence. Those people are going to make sure that it continues. Meanwhile, the rest of us trying to build and maintain a working civilization will continue to be threatened by those people.
Alex Jones really is one of the most evil people alive.
I'm hoping the millions he had to pay in legal fines will push him to not pull that shit again, and perhaps it will.

Won't stop others like him though /shrug
If only there was a solution to the gun problem plaguing America... oh wait! There is!

Seriously, fuck guns, fuck anyone who is willing to do harm with it, and fuck any politician who keeps enabling this shit to happen.
Nothing will change. Sandy Hook was the final straw, and America decided it was fine with dead kids. These shootings will continue as the US further slides into a fascistic Christian nationalist white supremacist country.

Those in this country need consider taking a stop the bleed/first aid class and keeping an ifak in their car.
At this point, I completely understand if people want to get there own gun for there own protection, I would if I was an American. Better to have one in case of emergencies to protect yourself and your loved one's if this will only continue (And I unfortunately assume it will).

Yeah, who would move there?

laughs nervously
My Zaidy, before meeting my Bubbie and having my mother here in Canada, was supposed to move to America, but had to stop temporarily in Canada. He loved it so much he didn't bother to travel to America and decided to stay.

You have no idea how glad I am this happened.

Fucking kids, ffs. How “protecting kids at all cost” is not a shared consensus?
Ffs, I've been reading about school shootings in the US since I was in high school, and at this point I would be more surprised if they actually did something about it rather than keep on riding their rotten horse of a 2nd Amendment.
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My evening is already ruined. Need to bounce back from this with some games or something
I still choose to believe that better days are ahead. That is how I get through every day.

It still sucks though.
And now that I'm back in town I'm gonna go back to this quick freelance job where I'm doing a t-shirt design for..
* checks *
A school!
I genuinely don't get why it's so damn difficult to ban assault rifles, shotguns, and any other gun that can fire bullets at a rapid pace. Like holy shit. We should ban all guns, but banning the extremely dangerous guns should be the bare minimum.
For a very vocal group of people, these guns (and the ownership of them) is core to their identity. Some of them legitimately believe their calling is to one day form a militia that defends itself from the government. Others just think it’s their right to own whatever they want because THEY’RE responsible. I mean, it’s not their fault these things happen, they say.

Selfish morons, they are.
I’m gonna play Excitebike 64 tonight. Jumpin’ Jim Rivers will be my reprieve from hellworld.
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