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StarTopic Nintendo General Discussion |ST8 May 2022| Prime Real E-ST8

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I genuinely don't get why it's so damn difficult to ban assault rifles, shotguns, and any other gun that can fire bullets at a rapid pace. Like holy shit. We should ban all guns, but banning the extremely dangerous guns should be the bare minimum.
Unfortunately, banning guns is impossible at this point. Its LONG past that being a feasible option :(

Need more heavy restrictions in attaining one, actual background checks (Extensive), security in every single school and mental health increase nation wide. Doubt any of this will happen because of the NRA and GOP loving each other....
I genuinely don't get why it's so damn difficult to ban assault rifles, shotguns, and any other gun that can fire bullets at a rapid pace. Like holy shit. We should ban all guns, but banning the extremely dangerous guns should be the bare minimum.
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We didn’t do anything after Sandyhook and people think that was a conspiracy now. So no hope anything will change. Of course the messaging from disingenuous actors will be about taking hunting rifles instead of doing common sense things like loophole closures, buy back programs, mental health coverage, or removal of assault/high capacity items. It’s a wedge issue for some politicians and they will fight tooth and nail against things supported by the majority of people in order to get some contributions and debate “wins”. Sickening. Can’t help but cry when you have an elementary age student and thinking the parents won’t get to see their kids again or it could happen to you.
I hope this does not come across as patronizing, unhelpful, insensitive, or anything like that, but here is the story of my home country.

In 1996, a lunatic gunned down 35 people at Port Arthur in Tasmania.

In response, the conservative government of the time greatly tightened gun ownership laws, banned all semi-automatic weapons, and introduced a compulsory buyback scheme to get rid of such weapons in the community.

In the 26 years since, there has not been a single gun massacre like that again.

I realize America is a totally different country. But for those folks who say gun control can't work, we are living proof that it can.
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I hope this does not come across as patronizing or anything like that, but here is the story of my home country.

In 1996, a lunatic gunned down 35 people at Port Arthur in Tasmania.

In response, the conservative government of the time greatly tightened gun ownership laws, banned all semi-automatic weapons, and introduced a compulsory buyback scheme to get rid of such weapons in the community.

In the 26 years since, there has not been a single gun massacre like that again.

I realize America is a totally different country. But for those saying gun control can't work, we are living proof that it can.
One of my oldest friends is from your neck of the woods and yeah, she talks with me about this all the time. I am very impressed and honestly jealous by how well it worked for yall there but am also terrified of the blood that would be in the streets if they tried that here. It can work, if you're living in a culture where people care about their neighbors. America is not that.
I hope this does not come across as patronizing or anything like that, but here is the story of my home country.

In 1996, a lunatic gunned down 35 people at Port Arthur in Tasmania.

In response, the conservative government of the time greatly tightened gun ownership laws, banned all semi-automatic weapons, and introduced a compulsory buyback scheme to get rid of such weapons in the community.

In the 26 years since, there has not been a single gun massacre like that again.

I realize America is a totally different country. But for those saying gun control can't work, we are living proof that it can.
You’ve got one government sadly the US has to deal with 50 +1. Both federal and state would have to be in lockstep and you’d still have counties that would refuse
You’ve got one government sadly the US has to deal with 50 +1. Both federal and state would have to be in lockstep and you’d still have counties that would refuse
This is exactly why our covid response was a joke. People are still screeching about how "Biden's covid mandates need to end" when he never even fuckin made any. Federal went "meh," then some states made mandates, then individual counties within those states refused to comply and we had shit like the "militia" that stormed Michigan's statehouse fully armed, and the pricks who conspired to kidnap the governor over the covid restrictions.

Over a vaccine and a piece of cloth on the face. Imagine the reaction if the government comes to take their children.
by "children" I mean "guns" and I'm almost not even being sarcastic
I don't have a positive outlook on things, America will either destroy the world along with other big countries, or the guillotine comes back in a big way either way a lot of people who don't deserve it will die. could happen in a few years could happen when I'm already dead, I don't know but it's what I believe
I genuinely don't get why it's so damn difficult to ban assault rifles, shotguns, and any other gun that can fire bullets at a rapid pace. Like holy shit. We should ban all guns, but banning the extremely dangerous guns should be the bare minimum.
I think exactly the same thing.
I genuinely don't get why it's so damn difficult to ban assault rifles, shotguns, and any other gun that can fire bullets at a rapid pace. Like holy shit. We should ban all guns, but banning the extremely dangerous guns should be the bare minimum.
Because the NRA and the people they bought have spent decades making guns and gun ownership an "identity" for an alarmingly large portion of the population. Including much of our law enforcement.

This country is fucked, plain and simple. It's terrifying.
Because the NRA and the people they bought have spent decades making guns and gun ownership an "identity" for an alarmingly large portion of the population. Including much of our law enforcement.

This country is fucked, plain and simple. It's terrifying.
Speaking of it being "an identity"
You know that thing where people were putting stickers of stick figure parents and stick figure kids on their back windows?
Then they started doing stuff like two big Apple logos alongside two or three small Apple logos?
In my town there are literally SUVs driving around with stickers of two big AKs alongside two or three little AKs.
I shit yall not.
It is a lifestyle.
I hope this does not come across as patronizing or anything like that, but here is the story of my home country.

In 1996, a lunatic gunned down 35 people at Port Arthur in Tasmania.

In response, the conservative government of the time greatly tightened gun ownership laws, banned all semi-automatic weapons, and introduced a compulsory buyback scheme to get rid of such weapons in the community.

In the 26 years since, there has not been a single gun massacre like that again.

I realize America is a totally different country. But for those saying gun control can't work, we are living proof that it can.
Brazil had buyback programs and banned gun ownership/heavily regulated it. Mass shootings were very rare.

Well, a fascist was elected in 2018 and made buying guns easier than buying a pizza if you have money for it, not only that, but made the bullets basically impossible to trace. Not only the illegal traffic didn't stop, it enhanced with robbed legal guns, and robbed and trafficked guns from the army and police. Feminicide and homicides on traffic increased. Mass killings made by cops on poor areas are now harder to investigate and punish. Who could've guessed?!

I'm so sick of this, really.
Speaking of it being "an identity"
You know that thing where people were putting stickers of stick figure parents and stick figure kids on their back windows?
Then they started doing stuff like two big Apple logos alongside two or three small Apple logos?
In my town there are literally SUVs driving around with stickers of two big AKs alongside two or three little AKs.
I shit yall not.
It is a lifestyle.
Lifestyle is actually the word I was thinking of.
Its becoming harder and harder to not just offer the idea of moving to another country.

Because quite frankly, I don't think there's any other alternative other than lucking out and living in a smaller, blue, state.
We had an assault weapons ban.
Guess the political affiliation of the president and congress under which it was ended.
I think a gun ban in America could work. Gun nuts like to talk big, but when they wind up against the US military their resolve will collapse. Remember during the capital attack when that mob was trying to force it's way to the senators location and that security guard shot one of them? The rest of the crowd suddenly got cold feet and didn't try to climb through the window to follow her.

Talk is cheap and the idea of a bunch of disorganized and poorly trained gun nuts going up against an organized fighting force ends badly for them. Once they watch one of their own die the vast majority of them are going to surrender.

Things may turn violent briefly but it's better than spinning our wheels like we are considering people are dieing anyway. I can't say I would be sad to see a bunch of gun loving monsters doing the dieing instead of children and innocent shoppers.
Think I’m gonna play both Happy Home Paradise and Octo Expansion before starting a new game.

The expansion pass will be really good value if they keep adding big DLC expansions like these to it.

Edit: Sorry, I didn’t read the more serious conversation going on before I posted.
Think I’m gonna play both Happy Home Paradise and Octo Expansion before starting a new game.

The expansion pass will be really good value if they keep adding big DLC expansions like these to it.

Edit: Sorry, I didn’t read the more serious conversation going on before I posted.
A "Happy Home Paradise" is exactly what a lot of us need after today, actually.
Speaking of it being "an identity"
You know that thing where people were putting stickers of stick figure parents and stick figure kids on their back windows?
Then they started doing stuff like two big Apple logos alongside two or three small Apple logos?
In my town there are literally SUVs driving around with stickers of two big AKs alongside two or three little AKs.
I shit yall not.
It is a lifestyle.
Yep. This, this, and lots of this.

I remember during the last big shooting (because we tell our time here in days since the last mass shooting), one of my coworkers made it all about herself because everyone online thought she was awful for owning guns. She took the talk of gun reform so personally she turned a mass shooting into a referendum on her personhood.
You’ve got one government sadly the US has to deal with 50 +1. Both federal and state would have to be in lockstep and you’d still have counties that would refuse
We have a Federal Government here, each State has(had) its own regulations on Gun Control. The Prime minister at the time John Howard had to persuade a right leaning government and state leaders at the time to change the laws. He did get bit of resistance from some State leaders but threatened to hold a nationwide referendum to alter the Consitituion to give the Commonwealth constitutional power over guns

Regardless of all this though I agree with your sentiment that a universal ban on Automatic weapons in USA won't happen
Tbh I knew when I moved here it was only a temporary move; not that heading back to the UK is especially great (when it happens). Plus, for health reasons, I likely need to spend the 3 to 5 years after I leave the US back in Blighty.

Hurrah. coughs
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I interrupt this streak of dire depressing posts to give you an update on Excitebike 64

It’s good

It’s also really hard. Thank god for save states.

It looks like doodoo on the Wii U gamepad. But it looks a lot better on my TV.

Ok you can resume talking about depressing shit
I interrupt this streak of dire depressing posts to give you an update on Excitebike 64

It’s good

It’s also really hard. Thank god for save states.

It looks like doodoo on the Wii U gamepad. But it looks a lot better on my TV.

Ok you can resume talking about depressing shit
Look forward to it coming to switch at some point
I know it’s sometimes criticized for being too simplistic or on-the-nose, but games where you get to take down rich, powerful, and corrupt people in a real-ish setting feel SO good. Thinking specifically of games like Persona 5 and Yakuza: Like a Dragon, but you can even expand that to more fantastic settings like Elden Ring or really any From game, where the person/people in power cling to power at all costs and get more and more desperate to maintain the status quo even as the world falls apart around them. And you finally get to end it.

It may be escapism or wish fulfillment in many ways, but after events like today when you know literally nothing is going to happen to change anything and all the rich assholes in power will stay there and be perfectly comfortable, getting to experience something like that even in a game has a lot of appeal.
Think I’m gonna play both Happy Home Paradise and Octo Expansion before starting a new game.

The expansion pass will be really good value if they keep adding big DLC expansions like these to it.

Edit: Sorry, I didn’t read the more serious conversation going on before I posted.
No, please the levity is appreciated
I wish they would ditch the drip feed and just put their entire first party catalog up.

They can drip feed third party titles as they finish deals for them.

It is weird but I haven't minded the drip feed of N64 games because they gave us a road map of the first six games coming to the service after launch. Granted there are a dozen games easily that I wanted yesterday, but this hasn't felt so terrible to me.
I know it’s sometimes criticized for being too simplistic or on-the-nose, but games where you get to take down rich, powerful, and corrupt people in a real-ish setting feel SO good. Thinking specifically of games like Persona 5 and Yakuza: Like a Dragon, but you can even expand that to more fantastic settings like Elden Ring or really any From game, where the person/people in power cling to power at all costs and get more and more desperate to maintain the status quo even as the world falls apart around them. And you finally get to end it.

It may be escapism or wish fulfillment in many ways, but after events like today when you know literally nothing is going to happen to change anything and all the rich assholes in power will stay there and be perfectly comfortable, getting to experience something like that even in a game has a lot of appeal.
I like games where you get to take down rich, powerful, and corrupt people in a fantasy-ish setting.
this post is about Xenoblade

Watching Sonic 2 for some escapism tonight and outside of the stupid wedding scene it's been great. Tails is too adorable.
Tails is 𝓽𝓱𝓮 𝓫𝓸𝓲 and I'm so glad they retained his VA from Sonic Boom and the recent games. Best Tails actor ever imo, I don't think they coulda gotten a Hollywood Whoever that woulda done a better job than Colleen. I do love that they got Ben and Idris as Sonic &Knuckles but Colleen is just so perfect.

And Jim, man. Fuckin Jim.

and of course:
I finally beat Valkyria Chronicles 4 after buying it back in 2018.

Good game.

-Gameplay was great. Like all SRPGs, the game was more fun the goal objectives were unique. Addition of New class was nice. Worst chapters are the kill all enemies cause it takes far longer to beat and it’s boring. Hit boxes are awful still, I’m crashing into invisible obstacles, jumping over sandbags is sometimes impossible when it’s clear I can, place where it looks you can run through is a lie. Input troubles, a lot of times aiming or taking command refuses to active when clicking the buttons. So weird. The game is very easy overall tho. I got rank a for a lot of the chapters on a first go. Mainly being that if you pick up how defense order for everyone and level up scouts and troopers, you can basically run straight to the goal, granted when I say easy, I mean beating the chapters in one go. If you have to keep resetting to get that rank a, game is probably more difficult. Map layout is interesting at time.

-Worst thing about the game? The slowness of it all. VC is very slow, the book presentation is nice and cute, but it slows everything down to a crawl. Leveling up units is slow. Buying stuff is slow. Management is slow. battles are slow but that one I get.

-Disappointing story, the villains weren’t really memorable and some characters didn’t have much in the way of development to feel much for them. Making Angie a little girl is a easy way to feel for someone (sad backstory too) but she has so little screen time that she was just a plot device in end. Final boss Villian is basically like Izuka from Fire Emblem Path of Radiance. Could’ve used more screen time. I couldn’t help but be amused at forseti’s goal when he’s described as master tactician yet his plan is so poorly thought out. It was obvious Where it was going after a while, but his resolution was so quick that it felt like it didn’t happen. The Valkyria Crymaria was the most disappointing part since their plot line was the most interesting but after it’s resolved, it’s like nothing happened lol. Would’ve like to do into more that direction then Angie, would’ve felt more unique in a sense of the themes they would’ve tackled instead. Tho VC 1 did something similar. Waltz was…there. Basically just womanizing. Too many villains taking MainStage, think it would’ve worked much better to trim that and expand on those characters.

-music was okay. Other then music that plays in battle, it was rather forgettable but not bad.

-graphics look nice. Rag doll physics are hilarious tho. I lost Claude once and his body basically jump 20 feet in the air before dropping back down.

If you like SRPG’s I recommend it for the gameplay. Some might like the story too. Got its moments, I think the game was better before it got super serious since I had trouble taking it serious. There’s a death scene early on that you’re supposed to feel something but I forgot that character existed since they have like 2 lines. Wish they focused on fewer plot points then the multiple ones the game goes through. Be warn tho, game is slow lol. But also nice that it lets you save anytime.
Tails is 𝓽𝓱𝓮 𝓫𝓸𝓲 and I'm so glad they retained his VA from Sonic Boom and the recent games. Best Tails actor ever imo, I don't think they coulda gotten a Hollywood Whoever that woulda done a better job than Colleen. I do love that they got Ben and Idris as Sonic &Knuckles but Colleen is just so perfect.

And Jim, man. Fuckin Jim.

and of course:

I know there's talk that Jim Carrey is done with acting but I hope they can bring him back one more time for the third movie.
I know there's talk that Jim Carrey is done with acting but I hope they can bring him back one more time for the third movie.
Same here. He evolved into something so fun, and he said on multiple occasions that he pushed hard for the movie character to resemble the game character more. Which is awesome, for an actor as big as Jim to care about the minutiae of stuff like that in what's essentially a kid's adaptation. I think he was insinuating he'll retire in general but still do projects he cares about every so often if they come up. I don't think that rules out a return for Sonic 3, just rules out him being a "working actor." Think Rider Strong coming back for Girl Meets World. And if he does fully retire and decide not to come back... well, considering the direction the lore seems to be going in by the end, I think the series could grow past Robotnik (especially if Stone, in his deep obsession, just takes over in his place).

But we'll see. We got a third movie AND a tv series coming, so we should get some idea soon.
Same here. He evolved into something so fun, and he said on multiple occasions that he pushed hard for the movie character to resemble the game character more. Which is awesome, for an actor as big as Jim to care about the minutiae of stuff like that in what's essentially a kid's adaptation. I think he was insinuating he'll retire in general but still do projects he cares about every so often if they come up. I don't think that rules out a return for Sonic 3, just rules out him being a "working actor." Think Rider Strong coming back for Girl Meets World. And if he does fully retire and decide not to come back... well, considering the direction the lore seems to be going in by the end, I think the series could grow past Robotnik (especially if Stone, in his deep obsession, just takes over in his place).

But we'll see. We got a third movie AND a tv series coming, so we should get some idea soon.

Yeah, there's still a few big villains sitting in the wings beyond what is known. I'm curious though how deep they are willing to go. was obvious, but what about after that? I can think of two other villains before you have to get obscure as hell.
Kirby 64 is really charming. It’s kind of a shame that movesets are so simple but doing combinations is fun and there’s something about the visuals/mood of the game that’s so cozy. A good vibes game.
Conservatives who pull out the ol' "UM ACKSHUALLY IT WAS THE PERSON BEHIND THE GUN THAT KILLED PEOPLE NOT THE GUN, SO THERE'S NO PROBLEM WITH GUNS" deserve to be drop kicked into a bottomless hole
Physical copies for Klonoa other than the Switch version have never shown up for preorders here.

I’m gonna have to import a PS5 copy from Europe aren’t I?
Yeah, there's still a few big villains sitting in the wings beyond what is known. I'm curious though how deep they are willing to go. was obvious, but what about after that? I can think of two other villains before you have to get obscure as hell.
Yeah as much as I'm enjoying these movies I gotta admit if they start going for The Deadly Six or something I'm gonna dip. I'd honestly rather see Lee Majdoub simply take over the mantle over them dragging some of the weaker, weirder monster villains in.

The writers have said they won't recast if decides not to come back, but that they were hoping to lure him back with a really strong script.
I unironically would love to see a "really strong script" for Sonic The Hedgehog 3.
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