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StarTopic Nintendo General Discussion |ST33 June 2024| Bash at the Beach feat. chocolate_supra

  • Thread starter Deleted member 1081
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I need an avatar of this
Not sure how you wanted it cropped but here ya go, perfect squares for pfp:


Bought some shirts at a thrift stand by my house. They were always open when I was working on Saturdays, but I managed to catch them. Saw a Kakashi shirt that was a bit small for me, but I wanted it, anyway. It was cheap, too, cost me a mere $46!
Real ones also did Miitomo
I actually did! From day one when the app launched, until the day it was closed! And funny story... when I started dating my boyfriend, we used Miitomo to know each other better when we were apart (as we lived like 2 hours of each other back then); So the experience has a very special place in my heart 💕
I need to fix one of mine so I’m just wondering how easy it is to get in there and swap out the stick
Oh it's not tough at all as long as you're gentle. You can actually see the back of the stick mechanism in the photo I posted, it's the big silver thing and you can see it's just held in with two screws and the ribbon wire.

I checked my Amazon purchase history btw and it was by a company called Veanic. Not sure how it compares to iFixIt but they worked! Two sticks and the tools.

The only thing that caught me off guard was the way the ribbon connectors attach. They are very fragile and one or two have a locking mechanism that has to be carefully released before the ribbon will come out. Some connectors have plugs that'll pull off with the included tweezers and some have the flip-up locking thing, so just keep an eye on which is which. If you follow an instruction set online, go slowly, and be careful of screws it aughta be relatively easy. I've done it three times each already.

Oh and the L and R shoulder buttons are spring-loaded and can pop out if you're not careful. They don't have to be messed with to get at the sticks but once the battery tray is removed (the piece I have laid over to the left in the photo) the L and R buttons are sorta free to pop out. So be careful, you don't wanna have to hunt for those little springs if they get loose 😅
Oh it's not tough at all as long as you're gentle. You can actually see the back of the stick mechanism in the photo I posted, it's the big silver thing and you can see it's just held in with two screws and the ribbon wire.

I checked my Amazon purchase history btw and it was by a company called Veanic. Not sure how it compares to iFixIt but they worked! Two sticks and the tools.

The only thing that caught me off guard was the way the ribbon connectors attach. They are very fragile and one or two have a locking mechanism that has to be carefully released before the ribbon will come out. Some connectors have plugs that'll pull off with the included tweezers and some have the flip-up locking thing, so just keep an eye on which is which. If you follow an instruction set online, go slowly, and be careful of screws it aughta be relatively easy. I've done it three times each already.

Oh and the L and R shoulder buttons are spring-loaded and can pop out if you're not careful. They don't have to be messed with to get at the sticks but once the battery tray is removed (the piece I have laid over to the left in the photo) the L and R buttons are sorta free to pop out. So be careful, you don't wanna have to hunt for those little springs if they get loose 😅
This is both reassuring and equally terrifying. I may still give it a go but I’m like baby DIYer still.
I’m loading up Disney plus tonight. I’ve been miserable lately but I’m in the mood for some movies or shows to watch ( I do have Hulu, paramount, max, crunchyroll and prime)
I beat Mario Wonder tonight! Loved the final stage although the last two levels felt like the ghost of New Super Mario Bros. coming back to punish all the haters 😂 “Oh you didn’t like it when the enemies reacted to the music? How about an entire stage and boss fight centered around it? How you like that?” 🤌❤️

And now the “real” game begins…

I’m loading up Disney plus tonight. I’ve been miserable lately but I’m in the mood for some movies or shows to watch ( I do have Hulu, paramount, max, crunchyroll and prime)
Highly recommend X-Men ‘97. Probably the best D+ MCU show since WandaVision or Loki S1. The Star Wars shows have generally been pretty excellent although with like 1 or 2 duds in there.
Well that’s ending 2 of WO4U down! Now to collect all the fragments of Perseus(have 6) for the true one XD. Oh also Musou chains are broken for grinding

Finished a route 1 playthrough of Star Fox Snes. Been ages. Such a wild game for the tech and a satisfying play
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The WiiU actually left a more lasting impression on me than, say, the Wii did. A lot of which is due to the games, and, I reckon, also thanks to the big jump in tech coming from the Wii aka GameCube 2.0 (as far as processing power was concerned).
The WiiU actually left a more lasting impression on me than, say, the Wii did. A lot of which is due to the games, and, I reckon, also thanks to the big jump in tech coming from the Wii aka GameCube 2.0 (as far as processing power was concerned).
I've said it before but the WiiU was the system that made me a Nintendo fan again after years of being an Xbox follower. Yeah Skyward Sword got me to pick up a Wii and start paying attention to Nintendo again, but the WiiU was the reason I never unpacked my 360 after moving. Loved the concept, loved the library, I was hooked by that thing. Most games I'd ever owned for a single console before the Switch came along and turned the dial up to 11.

I’ve started filming my second music video! Shouldn’t be too much longer now…
Can't hold on much longer (but I will never let go)

this post would be so funny in retrospect if your new song turns out to be about Sonic
Wii U was the first system for me where I felt I was missing out :(

I played some great games in the system and the MK 8 matches were fantastic, but several third party games I wanted play didn’t appear. So I got a PS3 on the cheap
I've said it before but the WiiU was the system that made me a Nintendo fan again after years of being an Xbox follower. Yeah Skyward Sword got me to pick up a Wii and start paying attention to Nintendo again, but the WiiU was the reason I never unpacked my 360 after moving. Loved the concept, loved the library, I was hooked by that thing. Most games I'd ever owned for a single console before the Switch came along and turned the dial up to 11.
While I’d never stopped being a fan, I certainly was less invested during parts of the 3DS days. DS and PSP were both fantastic for me, and when the respective successors released, I was, at first, all-in on them, too. Buuut while the 3DS had a pretty good software library to keep me entertained for roughly two to three years, I felt that the releases on the platform were not consistently good enough for me to stay invested long term. The weak hardware also became an annoyance to me at the time. The Vita was much more alluring in terms of hardware, but lacked the software catalogue to stick the landing, either. Handheld gaming had become a bit less appealing to me overall, then, around 2014.

On the home console side of things, I had the chance to both play on PS3 and Wii. The former left me feeling pretty cold, but I actually ended up actively disliking the latter back then. So when handhelds started to leave me hanging a bit with the 3DS and Vita, I thought the next best thing to give a chance would be the PS4, given my critical perspective on the Wii the generation before.

I was largely PS4 only between 2014 and the first quarter or so of 2016, with the very occasional game on 3DS (and a re-play of FF7, P3P and P4G on Vita). And what can I say? I didn’t love it, haha. The PS4, for all the support it got, never really felt like “my console”, for lack of a better description. My personal investment in it was barely there, despite buying and trying dozens of games for / on it.
So when I, in turn, got to try Hyrule Warriors and Bayonetta 2 on my brother’s WiiU in the latter half of 2015, I was blown away. I hadn’t enjoyed gaming that much since the DS / PSP days. Well, got myself a WiiU during 2016 (which I sadly don’t have anymore), played the shit out of Bayo 1+2, Hyrule Warriors, Splatoon, Mario Kart 8, Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate, among others, and basically jumped in on the Switch train day fucking one. Not only did it address my issues with the 3DS, but simultaneously combined it with the WiiU game experience I had enjoyed so much in the meantime (and it also took over the powerful handheld-crown from the Vita!). Basically the best of both (/all three) worlds, and the same sentiment mostly has stayed true to this very day.
Wii U left me cold. Granted, all of Gen 8 left me cold outside of the handhelds, and even those were a bit of a mixed bag.

I've been trying for a while to pinpoint why, but it might be a combination of factors - the increasing toxicity in gaming culture in the early 2010s (something that has, in my opinion, still not subsided, though it is nowhere near as bad as in ~2011 to ~2019) turning me off the medium a fair bit, every console leaving me deeply unimpressed (the Xbox One was... well, Xbox One, the PS4 felt like it was coasting on an easy victory with very little incentive to purchase one outside of promises for games I really didn't care for and the Wii U... look, I may rag on Twilight Princess a lot, but it having a Wii version was a nice way to play something that was decidedly up my alley early in the Wii's life cycle and the Wii U just didn't offer something like that), me feeling a little burnt on the handhelds (I love the 3DS and Vita, I just thought they needed more time in the oven) and getting back into playing on PC again after a few years.
This is so oddly satisfying to have on.

It breaks down the layers of Beep Block Skyway and builds them up into the full track.

I know this direct won't be about the succ but man, I can't wait for it for the simple reason that I want to finally experience the Xenoblade games at a resolution and IQ level that won't make my head hurt (assuming the games get patched). I'll never understand how I can play blurry/foggy/framey-ass N64 games with nary an issue, but the Xenoblade games on Switch somehow just make me feel sick and drained like when I'm playing a VR game.
I know this direct won't be about the succ but man, I can't wait for it for the simple reason that I want to finally experience the Xenoblade games at a resolution and IQ level that won't make my head hurt (assuming the games get patched). I'll never understand how I can play N64 blurry/foggy/framey N64 games with nary an issue, but the Xenoblade games on Switch somehow just make me feel sick and drained like I'm playing a VR game.
I can only imagine what XC2 and even games like Age of Calamity (even if it's not really my thing) would look like if they could run at an actually solid framerate and locked resolution
I know this direct won't be about the succ but man, I can't wait for it for the simple reason that I want to finally experience the Xenoblade games at a resolution and IQ level that won't make my head hurt (assuming the games get patched). I'll never understand how I can play blurry/foggy/framey-ass N64 games with nary an issue, but the Xenoblade games on Switch somehow just make me feel sick and drained like when I'm playing a VR game.
What's weird is I have the opposite problem. When I see some of the outrageous detail of a lot of modern AAA games, especially in 4K, it's like there's waaaay too much visual information and my brain starts rejecting it. Even at 1080p some of it was rough for me to discern (Nioh and Doom come to mind) but some of the stuff I've seen at 4K just knocks my eyes out. It's too much, 1080p was like the sweet spot for me.

Granted the XB games don't even render at that, and all I've really wanted from the next hardware (as far back as the "Pro" days on Era) was for the XB games to run at a native 1080p. That's all I wanted!

Obviously what we're getting will be so far above my expectations that it's almost comical. But luckily I don't expect Nintendo to abandon their easy-to-read visual styles in favor of super-res photoreal AAA stuff.
What's weird is I have the opposite problem. When I see some of the outrageous detail of a lot of modern AAA games, especially in 4K, it's like there's waaaay too much visual information and my brain starts rejecting it. Even at 1080p some of it was rough for me to discern (Nioh and Doom come to mind) but some of the stuff I've seen at 4K just knocks my eyes out. It's too much, 1080p was like the sweet spot for me.

Granted the XB games don't even render at that, and all I've really wanted from the next hardware (as far back as the "Pro" days on Era) was for the XB games to run at a native 1080p. That's all I wanted!

Obviously what we're getting will be so far above my expectations that it's almost comical. But luckily I don't expect Nintendo to abandon their easy-to-read visual styles in favor of super-res photoreal AAA stuff.
oh I dont even care about the 4K or 60fps or high level of detail or whatever. Its whatever sharpening filter they use plus the blurriness that prevents me from being able to play them for long periods of time

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