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StarTopic Nintendo General Discussion |ST32 May 2024| Endless Ocean Season!, Paper Mario Season!

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I've always wanted to write a bizarre bugfix log...

Version 0.1.1 - Bug Fixes & More!​

A newer version? Already?! You bet. Here's what changed:
  • Post Office colliders now span the entire length of the Post Office
  • New NPC: Flaus! This helpful, cryptic stranger drops passage-finding hints to help newer players escape the Death Maze
  • Gap Dash now works as expected when backtracking to the RGB Gate room in the Death Maze
  • Option Menu still does not go anywhere because I haven't built it yet
  • Grunt's lost items can no longer be picked up twice, preventing him from disappearing before his time
Tried the demo a bit, was just getting to the maze, but unfortunately I had to come to work ;_;.
Really nice vibes and charming :).
The Lego Zelda announcement took me down a rabbit hole of Lego Youtubers. It's fascinating. They talk about Lego the way we talk about games. They can tell when a kit has unique molds and then pieces come previous sets. They know all of the colors Lego uses on their pieces. Individual kit designers at Lego even have their own fanbases.
The Lego Zelda announcement took me down a rabbit hole of Lego Youtubers. It's fascinating. They talk about Lego the way we talk about games. They can tell when a kit has unique molds and then pieces come previous sets. They know all of the colors Lego uses on their pieces. Individual kit designers at Lego even have their own fanbases.
You should really watch LEGO Masters on FOX. The stuff they build on that show is incredible.
Tried the demo a bit, was just getting to the maze, but unfortunately I had to come to work ;_;.
Really nice vibes and charming :).
thank you so much!! I'm so glad to hear that you're enjoying it!
I'm not sure how accurate the translation is, but the tweet said that it would be distributed worldwide on Netflix.
The source article I saw just said exclusive Japan streaming rights. No mention of worldwide, tho it does use unlimited? I mean we all know machine translation is easy to mixup, but here’s the actual press release from the distributor https://news.ponycanyon.co.jp/2024/05/98596
Edit: yeah just Japan rights, no mention of international, double checked with a buddy
Netflix is just such a pain these days. So I’m hoping not
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Quoted by: D36
I have played two minuits of GB so far, but I liked how
interacting with the bench and choosing rest made the MC just sit down on the floor
well there's a famous "dad joke" here of greeting people at your place and saying "take a chair and sit on the floor"
I have played two minuits of GB so far, but I liked how
interacting with the bench and choosing rest made the MC just sit down on the floor
I've gotten a lot of positive feedback about it! Which is great! I definitely did it because I thought it was funny. and a lot easier, lmao.

well there's a famous "dad joke" here of greeting people at your place and saying "take a chair and sit on the floor"
I don't think I know that dad joke but that's absolutely the energy I was going for, like.

take the prompt a little too literally

oops, you missed

and look. let's be real. I've done the same
The source article I saw just said exclusive Japan streaming rights. No mention of worldwide, tho it does use unlimited? I mean we all know machine translation is easy to mixup, but here’s the actual press release from the distributor https://news.ponycanyon.co.jp/2024/05/98596
Edit: yeah just Japan rights, no mention of international, double checked with a buddy
Netflix is just such a pain these days. So I’m hoping not
You've got a point, but Shimada seems to be tweeting the news in different languages.

If Netflix Japan's the only ones to have streaming rights (as far as we know), then I don't know what to make of this.
I've gotten a lot of positive feedback about it! Which is great! I definitely did it because I thought it was funny. and a lot easier, lmao.

I don't think I know that dad joke but that's absolutely the energy I was going for, like.

take the prompt a little too literally

oops, you missed

and look. let's be real. I've done the same
You sure can rest at those benches, technically.

Played a bit more, I really like how the game looks and sounds. The dash move feels really fun to do, I enjoy walking around and just pushing space to zoom.

Is the north gate of Shorenuff where you can't swim the end of the demo?
You sure can rest at those benches, technically.

Played a bit more, I really like how the game looks and sounds. The dash move feels really fun to do, I enjoy walking around and just pushing space to zoom.

Is the north gate of Shorenuff where you can't swim the end of the demo?
Yes, it is — I realized that I should have made that clearer a little too late. Normally there's another city after Jorts, Chisco — victory there can carry you either east or west, and Shorenuff is up the west coast

you'll be able to repair the seawall bridge by the lighthouse and go all the way out to a marshy little island — I think that's currently where you'd gain the ability to float on water

the lighthouse will be a bit more of a mini-dungeon once complete, but you'll probably need to head east first to restore the True Flame



lots of things happening, lmao
are costco hot dogs any good'?
I've never tried one so I can't speak to their quality but they do have something of a following. I dunno if it's the novelty of the fact that they haven't changed the price in like a decade or more or if they're actually really good but I do hear a lot of people are into them.

I have played two minuits of GB so far, but I liked how
interacting with the bench and choosing rest made the MC just sit down on the floor
I loved that

Are you sure? Better check on @chocolate_supra
Nah, I don't shield myself from the rain. I love it too damn much.

Although I could understand if someone saw me in the rain and mistook my hair for a wet squirrel tail
I'm kind of afraid Sony will not change the form factor of the rumoured PS5 pro which if they would change it, probably makes me getting a PS5. I still want to play the Demon's Souls remake lol 😂
Pikmin 4 DLC!!! /s

Also it’s such a random post, hopefully it’s hinting at something.
I wanted to make a joke it hints at a mobile Pikmin game nobody wants, until I realized Pikmin Bloom exists (maybe people like that? I haven't played it so I don't know) .
I wanted to make a joke it hints at a mobile Pikmin game nobody wants, until I realized Pikmin Bloom exists (maybe people like that? I haven't played it so I don't know) .
Pikmin bloom is surprisingly quite decent for a mobile game, since it’s a glorified walking tracker, but a good and fun one.

Maybe it’s hinting at a pikmin summer short.
Yes, it is — I realized that I should have made that clearer a little too late. Normally there's another city after Jorts, Chisco — victory there can carry you either east or west, and Shorenuff is up the west coast

you'll be able to repair the seawall bridge by the lighthouse and go all the way out to a marshy little island — I think that's currently where you'd gain the ability to float on water

the lighthouse will be a bit more of a mini-dungeon once complete, but you'll probably need to head east first to restore the True Flame



lots of things happening, lmao
That all sounds really good! Horse did say that the bridge went to the wrong place (incinerate them btw bad vibes).

Going to start spamming "where's grogol" whenever there's an Indie world now
That all sounds really good! Horse did say that the bridge went to the wrong place (incinerate them btw bad vibes).

Going to start spamming "where's grogol" whenever there's an Indie world now
fuck yeahhhh

it'll happen too, if you give me a few years and a tulpa of me to take my place at my dayjob
just wait 'til we put my wife's game up there

I'm the shitposter but they're the artist (also shitposter but more poignantly)

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You've got a point, but Shimada seems to be tweeting the news in different languages.

If Netflix Japan's the only ones to have streaming rights (as far as we know), then I don't know what to make of this.

I mean those 2 don’t have to be inclusive but yeah that makes it seem more likely. Annoying but I have my ways
Wasn't that the plot of February?
good point. let's uh. not do that again!

I guess I'll keep grindin' & cryin'!

(fun fact: in the Grögol Bonanza demo, you can fling meat at Horse. I like to think the meat is smiling...)
I had this strange feeling the other day: For the first time in years and years, I had a brief moment where I felt completely detached from the gaming community.

Thing is, I've been involved in a massive music project recently, so my head has been full of music, not games. And it sort of opened my eyes on how the two art forms and communities differ from each other. I caught myself almost longing back to the metal band days, thinking about how - even though metal music is very male-dominated and sort of dudebro in a similar fashion to how game spaces can be -there was just this whole different vibe. No angry snipes on social media or toxic climate at tournaments, just people going to gigs and parties to perform and have fun. And how music is so much more immediate and accessible to be emotionally moved by, as opposed to a game.

I think the viral Valorant tweet is what broke me (If you didn't see, it's an instance of a player saying the most vile and disgusting shit ever to a girl who was playing alongside him, and the replies were full of equally awful behaviour) and made me feel like, "what on earth am I doing in this subculture?" even though I know there are friendly spaces in games, like here. I have another meeting with the girl coder group on the 4th, but I honestly don't feel much up to it. I'd rather make more music.

Anyone else getting random feelings like that?
I had this strange feeling the other day: For the first time in years and years, I had a brief moment where I felt completely detached from the gaming community.

Thing is, I've been involved in a massive music project recently, so my head has been full of music, not games. And it sort of opened my eyes on how the two art forms and communities differ from each other. I caught myself almost longing back to the metal band days, thinking about how - even though metal music is very male-dominated and sort of dudebro in a similar fashion to how game spaces can be -there was just this whole different vibe. No angry snipes on social media or toxic climate at tournaments, just people going to gigs and parties to perform and have fun. And how music is so much more immediate and accessible to be emotionally moved by, as opposed to a game.

I think the viral Valorant tweet is what broke me (If you didn't see, it's an instance of a player saying the most vile and disgusting shit ever to a girl who was playing alongside him, and the replies were full of equally awful behaviour) and made me feel like, "what on earth am I doing in this subculture?" even though I know there are friendly spaces in games, like here. I have another meeting with the girl coder group on the 4th, but I honestly don't feel much up to it. I'd rather make more music.

Anyone else getting random feelings like that?
I think social media for some hobbies has a real tendency to move to an extreme, in that few people want to challenge terrible behaviour and deal with a stream of bullshit from some internet randoms. It’s just that for some reason, some interests are more prone to it? Anything related to gaming or sport is terrible for this. I used to think ‘that’s the internet for you’ but it’s not the same for all hobbies. Most of the art and books communities I talk to are way less likely to take a new talking point or release and immediately split into teams and start arguing, and even less likely to have entire sub communities that are blatantly assholes, or bigotry as a mainstream thing.

Even before social media, gaming and comics perhaps had corporate assistance in this in that, when they were aimed at children, you had console wars started by advertising departments and then the early games mags just doubled down on it. Plus the different worlds of Marvel and DC was an early multimedia showing of getting kids to buy into an ecosystem of sorts.

Still, I guess my point is that I agree- some hobbies seem more prone to toxic, childish online behaviour than others.
I had this strange feeling the other day: For the first time in years and years, I had a brief moment where I felt completely detached from the gaming community.

Thing is, I've been involved in a massive music project recently, so my head has been full of music, not games. And it sort of opened my eyes on how the two art forms and communities differ from each other. I caught myself almost longing back to the metal band days, thinking about how - even though metal music is very male-dominated and sort of dudebro in a similar fashion to how game spaces can be -there was just this whole different vibe. No angry snipes on social media or toxic climate at tournaments, just people going to gigs and parties to perform and have fun. And how music is so much more immediate and accessible to be emotionally moved by, as opposed to a game.

I think the viral Valorant tweet is what broke me (If you didn't see, it's an instance of a player saying the most vile and disgusting shit ever to a girl who was playing alongside him, and the replies were full of equally awful behaviour) and made me feel like, "what on earth am I doing in this subculture?" even though I know there are friendly spaces in games, like here. I have another meeting with the girl coder group on the 4th, but I honestly don't feel much up to it. I'd rather make more music.

Anyone else getting random feelings like that?
Yeah, I had feelings like that a few weeks ago when the Stellar Blade discourse was a thing. Problem there was it wasn't just hitting gaming spaces but art, anime, etc as well, so it felt almost inescapable. To pivot to something not as gross though, to some extent I feel that way in the car hobby now as well. A lot of the Japanese cars I loved in my 20s have quickly moved to being "collector status" thanks to the internet so now the prices have shot up and the clubs that used to be wholesome, friendly shadetree mechanic types are suddenly filled with "ban the poors" trust fund jerks who I can't stand to talk to. Doesn't help that several of the close friends I used to have in the hobby have somehow evolved from "nice nerds who gushed over mechanical stuff with me" to "cops."

It's something I was going over with my therapist, actually, how much I've let other people be a part of what I enjoy, to a point where other people can then ruin what I love. I'm now trying to not think so much about doing things to share with people but to do them for me, community be damned, as a total outsider if I have to. If I'm the only long-haired lefty at a car meet blasting 90s jpop when he rolls up then fuck it, I'll own that proudly. I don't even have to talk to any people, I'm there for the cars anyway (and sometimes the dogs people bring).

I mean I'll have a ton of anxiety while doing so, but still. Point is I gotta let it me about me and not them, or their bullshit will drown me. Which is supposed to sound encouraging, but I dunno how it comes across. 😅

But to bring it back closer to what you were talking about, I didn't see the Valorant thing but I am aware of it because I saw people's reactions to it, absolutely shredding the guy and his type. I hate that that's even "a type" but there are others out there. We may not be as loud as them but we're out there. And we're here. On Famiboards Dot Com.

I think it's awesome that you have your music to make. I'm glad you have a thing your brain can beeline into when other stuff gets rough. But I also think the girl coder group sounds awesome too, sounds like a really good space to be into games and tech without the threat of all the outside garbage. I'd hope that the loud online jerks don't ruin that for you. We need more of yall and less of them.
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