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StarTopic Nintendo General Discussion |ST15 Dec 2022| The Holidays Are a Time for Fami

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I stepped by my Animal Crossing town to hang out in the plaza and let the game idle in the background as it counts down to the new year, but found out there is no 2023 celebratory arch to order from the shop like there was for 2021 and 2022.

I've never felt New Horizon's lack of ongoing support harder.
I stepped by my Animal Crossing town to hang out in the plaza and let the game idle in the background as it counts down to the new year, but found out there is no 2023 celebratory arch to order from the shop like there was for 2021 and 2022.

I've never felt New Horizon's lack of ongoing support harder.
god why didn't they just, y'know, model ten of them

new horizons was built with an expiration date more than any other animal crossing horizons
Kinda hilarious at how much shit leaks in this day and age. With so big of a head count, it's hard to even pick out who the culprit would be internally.
Impressive. Recently, I have built one (1) Atari Lego set. So I'm a bit jealous of your productivity on this final day of January.
I'm so glad you're back on today of all days :ROFLMAO:

Cut my finger on a sourdough pretzel somehow when I was breaking it up to make it easier to eat.
and instead it tried to eat you
Rolled game #3 of my Exploring NSO project. This time the chosen game is... Wave Race 64!

I'm sure many (maybe most?) here have already played it but feel free to join with impressions or first time playthroughs if you feel like it!
As we draw near to the end of the this thread and the start of choco’s thread, I just wanted to say thanks for letting me host this one. December was a pretty great month! On to 2023!

Happy new year, Fam.
As we draw near to the end of the this thread and the start of choco’s thread, I just wanted to say thanks for letting me host this one. December was a pretty great month! On to 2023!

Happy new year, Fam.
great job on the thread and happy new year!
Finally got mods working for Bethesda games on steam deck. Oblivion and fallout new Vegas mods on the go let’s freaking go.

Quick, recommend me some good new Vegas mods

Roadwarden begins with a choice. If you decide to start the game, a message pops up, explaining the danger of being a Roadwarden (a sort of helpful traveler who will normally ‘die young or retire early’), and asks if you really do want to leave the safety of your city. The refusal option varies — excuse after excuse, if you keep clicking it, about checking your supplies or your horse, spending more time with your loved ones, or going to the alehouse. Eventually, the excuses run out, and the option is no longer available. You can either venture forth, as Baldur’s Gate would put it, or exit the game. It’s an appropriately ominous introduction to its world.

Roadwarden is still a very new PC game – it was released in September, and is also available on Mac – and it has been received well by both critics and fans. The developer, Aureus of Moral Anxiety Studio, has described the game as hostile, grim, and perfect for Autumn. It’s an apt description, from what I have played, and I asked him about the reasoning for these dark qualities.

“In part,” he says, "my personality is to blame. I’ve got no comedic talent, no strong attachment to a belief system that I would like to sell to others, no vision that keeps me hopeful about the future. In Ancient Greece, I’d be called a melancholic, but developing the game during the pandemic and the unjustified Russian invasion happening just outside my country’s borders definitely didn’t help.”

The objectives of this story​


His goal was “a humble tale, focused on tiny tragedies and personal tales. It’s not a game about a chosen one or a legendary hero, but rather about a lone traveler who tries to do their best in the world, against all odds, to fulfill their own goals in a world that, in some ways, has already collapsed.”

(It’s no surprise that one of his inspirations, Baldur’s Gate, fascinated him with the use of an iron shortage as part of its plot(opens in new tab).)

Another classic influence, which incidentally celebrates its 25th anniversary this month, is Fallout. The scene that particularly sticks out for Aureus is the interaction you have with the final villain of the game:

“There’s an option to “defeat” them without violence, by bringing up an obscure detail of lore that the protagonist can stumble upon during their investigation. This is one of the main tools aiding the player during social conflicts in Roadwarden.”

“But,” he continues, on the general note of the way classic old games have influenced him, “I was more interested in pursuing what I perceive as the soul of these games. They’re fantastic environments to sink in, despite all their threats and dark forces. I entered them repeatedly as a teen, never seeing them as hindered by their text-based dialogues or lack of fancy cutscenes. The style of writing used in modern high-budget RPGs, filled with witty remarks, friendly banter, and fully voice-acted, is just not what I’m looking for.

Narrative first​


Thankfully, there are other modern games that are willing to go in-depth with their characters and stories, such as Disco Elysium or Tyranny, but in some ways I’m still pursuing the highs I experienced as a young nerd, having video games not just for fun, but also for introspection. Planescape: Torment is the most important game of my life, even though it’s not the most obvious of my inspirations, considering how colorful, playful, and insane its setting is.”

The Steam page for Roadwarden describes it as an ‘illustrated text-based RPG’, and the game has invited various comparisons to fantasy fiction(opens in new tab). Aureus is very familiar with literature, having studied and written “free verse and minimalist poetry”, and he mentions two specific novels that influenced his work on the game.

“Two novels that hit me right in the gut as I was developing Roadwarden were George R. Stewart’s “Earth Abides” and Olga Tokarczuk’s “The Books of Jacob”, [the latter] only recently translated to English. Both of these novels left a deep cut in the game’s story and setting, and the latter of them may be one of the greatest works I’ve ever read.”

The universe of Roadwarden​


Roadwarden takes place in a fantasy world (influenced by Warhammer, the work of Hayao Miyazaki, and Aureus’s experience with the game Gothic) that Aureus has worked on for over ten years. It’s named ‘Viaticum’, and it was born from his need for a setting for his tabletop RPG system:

“Many people would expect I now have a Tolkienesque shelf of manuals, maps, bestiaries, chronicles, and so on, but the opposite is true - I keep reshaping the small corner of Viaticum I’m most interested in, pursuing specific goals. I play with turning vague ideas into something more materialized, trying to find out what could have happened if they were led to a logical conclusion. My setting remains humble, but to me personally, it’s more interesting to consider how its dwellers perceive sleep, food, animals, or sex than what sort of military strategies kings use in faraway continents.”

Reactivity, too, was also very important to him. As in a game like Inkle’s 80 Days, there are all sorts of story scenarios. You choose how to approach places, what to say to people, and even how you treat your horse.

“It’s hard to explain how absurdly obscure some bits I wrote are. It was crucial for me to give each player the illusion that the game fully recognizes their journey, as if everything that happens to them is organic and intended, even though I have no idea which quests they’ll pursue, which roads they’ll explore first, which NPCs they’ll like the most.”

Making a game isn't easy​


This target of reactivity proved to be costly in terms of the game’s code and the potential for ports, apparently: Aureus blames himself, noting that he is “not a real programmer, just a monkey with a keyboard and a helpful game engine, and right now the game’s spaghetti code is such a mess it may never be ported to another platform, or translated to another language.”

With that said, he does seem to derive some satisfaction from how Roadwarden has done justice to his world of Viaticum.

“I wanted Viaticum to portray a fantasy realm in which nature overwhelms humankind. Therefore, the wilderness was meant to be the main obstacle put in the way of players.

This concept has stuck with me ever since, but the way I introduced it to the world was lacking, and my first video game projects didn’t correct it. Roadwarden is the first project where I see this world fully working outside of my tabletop campaigns, and it may be that only now I’m ready to close this chapter of my life.”

Roadwarden is available on Steam (opens in new tab), where it currently holds an 'Overwhelmingly Positive' rating.

I think I could use this.

Gameplay doesn't necessarily do it for me, but I wouldn't mind getting embroiled in the lore and story of a game.

Hell, that's why I played through the whole Kingdom Hearts series and that game's story is wack.
I'm so glad you're back on today of all days :ROFLMAO:
My apologies for being gone for so long. I saw your request for me to do the January thread, but with how busy I was at that time, I was not able to commit to it without producing a thread that was going to come in far below expectations. We have high standards here on Famiboards. 🧐
Finally got mods working for Bethesda games on steam deck. Oblivion and fallout new Vegas mods on the go let’s freaking go.

Quick, recommend me some good new Vegas mods
I only used Blues Radio for FNV. On the subject, can you do that with the games installed to the SD card? I can see mod managers being a bit of a problem.
Today I learned James Gunn from Gauardians of the Galaxy-fame actually wrote the story for Lollipop Chainsaw lmao.
I have brownies baking in the oven. Would anyone like some of my brownies when they are finished? I am not offering any, merely gauging interest in whether or not people would eat my brownies if given the opportunity.
I only used Blues Radio for FNV. On the subject, can you do that with the games installed to the SD card? I can see mod managers being a bit of a problem.
The video I watched said people made it possible but I don’t really know for sure. I have a 256 gb model so I have some spare space for some of them
god why didn't they just, y'know, model ten of them

new horizons was built with an expiration date more than any other animal crossing horizons

They did for the fireworks! It said 2023. They thought of that.

I would visit my New Horizons village today but I'm pretty sure they all think I'm dead.

One of my villagers told me it's nice to have me back "even if just for one day." 😭
Happy new year, kyodais! Wishing y’all the very best for the year to come, and take care!

My mom: "watch the oven and make sure the turkey is well cooked"
Me "how will I know???"
Mom closing the door and yelling: "gotta go to the supermarket, be back in an hour"
Thank you for steering the ST @Red Monster , it's been fun shenanigans along the way and as fine an end to shitposting in 2022 as anyone could hope for!
Since I posted this thread, I’ve earned over 1,000 famicoins. Over 600 of those were from this thread alone.

Being the OP of the general discussion thread pays well.
Back in my day, OPing the ST was a volunteer gig, you didn't get paid shit for it

I just realized I was the last OP to not get paid, god dammit
Since I posted this thread, I’ve earned over 1,000 famicoins. Over 600 of those were from this thread alone.

Being the OP of the general discussion thread pays well.
Can we make coins retroactive to previous STs?
Asking for, you know, not myself, but the other previous ST creators, of course.
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