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News Nintendo Direct announced for June 21 (40 minutes long, focused on games releasing this year, 7AM Pacific, 10AM Eastern, 4PM Central European)

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....................................You know what, I got nothing more to say. In fact, I'm going to back off of this thread right row to avoid seeing any horse memes. I just can't.
@Legion of Primes New profile pic?

I can't believe I just watched the greatest 3-minute video in human history. Nintendo dropping this gameplay trailer after a Direct announcement, but before the Direct itself, has convinced me that this will be a genre-defining masterpiece.
Idk about you guys, but this game has Bingo 2 and the entire Kitchen Timer Trilogy, so like, day 1 buy
I live for the day MC Horace bursts out of an assist trophy, covers the screen, and screams EVERYBODY 1 2 SWITCH before neighing like a hell horse.
Every Nintendo game needs to have Horace in it as an Easter egg, like the Pizza Planet truck in Pixar movies.

Like imagine collecting Horace’s mask as a treasure in Pikmin 4.
Guys, PLEASE don't that image anymore. It's horrifying. At least put a NSFW tag or something man if you have to for the memes.
I think these reactions are a little bit exaggerated imo
Its what you would expect from a 1-2-Switch sequel. Looks identically to the previous game with new minigames and more players. Doesn’t look good but it looks just like more of 1-2-Switch.
Nintendo's so sick of this community bickering about 'insiders' they unleashed the forbidden Stinky Horse marketing campaign. Some of you really don't deserve a Direct.
Why didn't they just cancel it?
Cause the game is made and they sold so many copies of 1 2 Switch for 60 (!!!) dollars so 30 dollars for this will probably sell a few copies.
The Nintendo employees supposedly saying it would hurt Nintendo's image as great software developer were overreacting lol, not the first shitty Nintendo game, not the last one. If anything, they'll get away with it for it being so weird and unique as a concept, even if it's a rip off and shitty as fuck.
I pre-ordered the horse game because I found it super cheap and figured, bottle of wine, Friday night, me and the gf will have at least one good time rinsing it and then it can just sit on my shelf forever, but that trailer makes me think maybe we should climb into a bin instead
I'm genuinely sad this wasn't shown in its entirety during the Direct tomorrow. The meltdowns would have been incredible.
I'm relieved because it means the Direct will be good.

I'm sad because it would have been really, really funny.
I pre-ordered the horse game because I found it super cheap and figured, bottle of wine, Friday night, me and the gf will have at least one good time rinsing it and then it can just sit on my shelf forever, but that trailer makes me think maybe we should climb into a bin instead
Bring your whole building or your whole block and you'll have fun !
This is a game that is best enjoyed when played with 30 people it looks like ! Lmao, what a game.
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The post-match analysis of leakers and gotchas over who was right to doubt/believe rumours does not need hostility. Please treat other members with kindness.

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