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News Nintendo Direct announced for June 21 (40 minutes long, focused on games releasing this year, 7AM Pacific, 10AM Eastern, 4PM Central European)

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Isn't it pretty suspicious that this Pyoro account has tweeted more in the last 2 days than they did in the last 10 months that they've been active. Or the fact that the account was created in March 2021, but didn't start tweeting until September 2022?

I believed that maybe they were legit with the first tweet about the direct (even if the things it said were fairly predictable), but now I'm doubting it.
I don't think this is referring to Pikmin 1/2. It's too close to Pikmin 4 for that. Maybe next year?
Even an official acknowledgement would be enough to send me over the moon even if it is slated for 2024 haha

I think this is just saying Everybody 1-2-Switch and Pikmin 4 are going to be there.
Let me dreeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaaaammmmmmmmmmmmm
In what may be the most elaborate excuse for missing a Nintendo Direct ever, I will be on a boat during tomorrow's presentation searching for Basking Sharks and Minke Whales.

I wonder what kind of 4G signal I can get just off the North Atlantic Coastline...
Isn't it pretty suspicious that this Pyoro account has tweeted more in the last 2 days than they did in the last 10 months that they've been active. Or the fact that the account was created in March 2021, but didn't start tweeting until September 2022?

I believed that maybe they were legit with the first tweet about the direct (even if the things it said were fairly predictable), but now I'm doubting it.
I definitely get the skepticism, but I think it could be as simple as the account got more attention so they decided to tweet more. 2D Mario and Detective Pikachu 2 have also been hinted at from other people, it's just a big question mark when it comes to Super Mario RPG.
The closing announcement will be pretty interesting.
In the past we usually had zelda as a big closer, we also had xenoblade with 3 and definitive edition, bayonetta 3 and splatoon 3. Of course none of this series will be the closer unless they go crazy and end the direct with either splatoon 3 or TotK dlc.
This really feels like the best moment to close a direct with metroid prime 4, just like bayonetta 3 closing the september 2021 direct. Of course they could also end with Mario 2d but the final spot seems to be usually reserved for a more core oriented franchise (with splatoon 3 the only exception)
Glad the site is back up. Love talking Nintendo stuff here and in ERA. Miss the old Bowser gifs when a Direct gets announced. Also hoping we get either a FE remake or Super Mario RPG remake.
Nice to have a direct where nothing is announced already so everything is essentially a surprise.

Only Prime 4 and we don’t even know what it looks lol
I apparently missed all the fun, but let’s goooo!

And 7AM Pacific? Dang, that’s early. Great it’s so soon but I won’t be able to watch until after work, so I get to play dodge the spoilers/internet all day
I'm a Mario guy. 2D Mario is all they gotta nail to please me, so I'm excited for all the other stuff too since I already know I'll most likely be pleased.
Isn't it pretty suspicious that this Pyoro account has tweeted more in the last 2 days than they did in the last 10 months that they've been active. Or the fact that the account was created in March 2021, but didn't start tweeting until September 2022?

I believed that maybe they were legit with the first tweet about the direct (even if the things it said were fairly predictable), but now I'm doubting it.
The internet "leaker tell us more"
leaker tells more
The internet "you're saying too much leaker I don't believe you anymore"

Ultimately if Pyoro is giving us the ropeadope and has burned all their good will to troll their 15 minutes of fame will be over at 10:40am eastern tomorrow.
Thinking the elephant and caterpillar are the antagonist of Super Mario Wonderland. The other emojis are playable characters
Would that mean 8 playable characters? Mario, Luigi, Toad, Peach, Rosalina, Daisy, Wario, Waluigi? Or maybe 6, excluding Toad & Peach
Missed most of the last 2 hours. How crazy we all getting with our 3 to 5 first party announcements?
I mean I am also quite skeptical about Pyoro cause this could be a case of WaddleDeeKnows. The fact that a 2D Mario alone seems a lock makes me happy (especially now that my partner got into gaming and loves Mario-games). Furthermore, the Direct will be great anyway :D.
New Pyoro tweet!

This guy's having the best fucking time. Whether he's legit or not, he's clearly sat at home somewhere giggling to himself about the way the internet is lapping up every word he posts to debate them for hours and I love that for him.
The internet "leaker tell us more"
leaker tells more
The internet "you're saying too much leaker I don't believe you anymore"

Ultimately if Pyoro is giving us the ropeadope and has burned all their good will to troll their 15 minutes of fame will be over at 10:40am eastern tomorrow.
As I said, I only believed him in the first tweet that had only 2 predictions - a very vague one (SNES remake) and one that has been speculated and talked about for years (2D Mario). The moment he started posting the yoshi gif and liking tweets about Mario RPG, I pretty much tuned out and tried not to pay him any attention, but that's hard to do when everyone is talking about his posts.

If he wants to "tell me more" and prove that he's actually an insider, he should consider leaking something that isn't easy to guess, because so far his leaks sound more like the average forum user's wishlist than a real Direct.
So far 2D Mario, Detective Pikachu, DQ Monsters and (what seems to be) Everybody 1-2 Switch are all very predictable and expected.
Mario RPG is the only more unique one, but even that was discussed and speculated by people previously (including some users on this forum).

Anyways, I don't really want to argue about this - the Direct is in like 18 hours so we'll know soon enough.
normally, even without Summer Game Fest, Geoff Keighley retweets and reposts announcements like a Direct, State of Play and all that. But he hasn't yet this time.
Would he perhaps be salty lmao
The way I see it, the leaker will either be vindicated come tomorrow...

...or they will be meme'd on for a couple of days and then quickly forgotten.

That's how this sort of thing works.
I dunno I’m highly suspicious of the fact the leaks have been almost exclusively first party. Third party is the weak point usually so that’s real flag for me
We take that "Everybody 1-2 Pikmin" as what, exactly?
Everybody 1-2 Switch appearing? Because Pikmin 4 is confirmed to be shown. Pikmin 1/2 ports? Doesn't seem likely unless it's some insane thing like them being pre-order bonus or something. I don't see them announcing 1 and 2 remasters before 4 is out.
We take that "Everybody 1-2 Pikmin" as what, exactly?
Everybody 1-2 Switch appearing? Because Pikmin 4 is confirmed to be shown. Pikmin 1/2 ports? Doesn't seem likely unless it's some insane thing like them being pre-order bonus or something. I don't see them announcing 1 and 2 remasters before 4 is out.
Yep, that's what I take it as.
I want to make a request.

Can we make this official for Nintendo Directs, I miss my E3 Bear

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The post-match analysis of leakers and gotchas over who was right to doubt/believe rumours does not need hostility. Please treat other members with kindness.

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