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StarTopic NieR:Automata The End of YoRHa Edition |ST| Kant, Nietzsche and Auguste, with a slice of katanas

Played more today and I hate to say it but the network features are completely broken and don’t work. I made it to Pascal’s village today on both ps4 and switch (new save on ps4).

Comparing between Switch and PS4. On PS4 from a fresh load into the game after about a minute there are usually 4-5 bodies that will load into the game. On Switch I am getting zero bodies. I’ve waited up to 10 minutes and nothing is loading in. It’s like the game refuses to connect to the servers. I cannot find a single android body anywhere.

I’m really worried about the true ending now. If the game is busted and isn’t connecting to servers at all that is bad news.

Virtous needs to look into this and potentially patch it. Because right now the online stuff simply doesn’t work. And I don’t think it’s from a lack of players either because this game is number 6 on the NA eshop right now. It’s selling decently at least.
I had some here and there and did get E…so its not completly busted.
but for sure, if there is a problem there needs to be a fix.
I had some here and there and did get E…so its not completly busted.
but for shure, if there is a problem there needs to be a fix.

Good to see confirmation that it works… kinda. Are they the bodies that you have to pray at? You should get an option to recover or repair them.

But on ps4 you can’t even go 10 feet without running into bodies lol. Either switch players are really good and never dying, or something is seriously wrong.
Played more today and I hate to say it but the network features are completely broken and don’t work. I made it to Pascal’s village today on both ps4 and switch (new save on ps4).

Comparing between Switch and PS4. On PS4 from a fresh load into the game after about a minute there are usually 4-5 bodies that will load into the game. On Switch I am getting zero bodies. I’ve waited up to 10 minutes and nothing is loading in. It’s like the game refuses to connect to the servers. I cannot find a single android body anywhere.

I’m really worried about the true ending now. If the game is busted and isn’t connecting to servers at all that is bad news.

Virtous needs to look into this and potentially patch it. Because right now the online stuff simply doesn’t work. And I don’t think it’s from a lack of players either because this game is number 6 on the NA eshop right now. It’s selling decently at least.
You should be worried about ending E. Eventually it will fade away and be inaccessible.
Oh I turned the network feature off when it first asked, should I be keeping that on? There’s story stuff attached to it?
Will there be a body for other players, if i reach my corpse?

I only died at the ending, where the environment can crush the player. The game is to easy on normal with the tools the game gives me. I had like two corpses where i could pray.
Good to see confirmation that it works… kinda. Are they the bodies that you have to pray at? You should get an option to recover or repair them.

But on ps4 you can’t even go 10 feet without running into bodies lol. Either switch players are really good and never dying, or something is seriously wrong.
hm…good question. I think i only got that option with my corpse ( which i always recovered) and 2 or 3 times with other corpses…
Okay I gotta get this off my chest.

There's a lot about the game that's awesome, but it is starting to really annoy me how they'll be things that feel like purposefully bad game design like the map and some of the sidequests, and then the characters will joke about "this is so irritating har har har." It was funny the first time, but it gets old real fast and I hope it doesn't continue to be a thing throughout the game.

On the plus side, the theme park area was cool, particularly the boss. It's also seriously addictive, I can scarcely keep myself away from it and keep wanting to jump back in.
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Okay I gotta get this off my chest.

There's a lot about the game that's awesome, but it is starting to really annoy me how they'll be things that feel like purposefully bad game design like the map and some of the sidequests, and then the characters will joke about "this is so irritating har har har." It was funny the first time, but it gets old real fast and I hope it doesn't continue to be a thing throughout the game.

On the plus side, the theme park area was cool, particularly the boss.
I haven't played that far this time around yet, buuut from memory I'd say it definitely gets better in the "second" half of the game, where things start to pick up more and more.

Tedium definitely is an overall design issue with Taro's games, tho. Replicant is worse than Automata when it comes to that, both in side quests as well as general structure.
I haven't played that far this time around yet, buuut from memory I'd say it definitely gets better in the "second" half of the game, where things start to pick up more and more.

Tedium definitely is an overall design issue with Taro's games, tho. Replicant is worse than Automata when it comes to that, both in side quests as well as general structure.
Yeah, automata was still okay in that regard, even if not great in some aspects, but replicant…yeah, i decided to not play that and check out youtube.

there is an amount of tedium for narative purposes i get, but automata leans a little tomuch on the wrong side with segments that drag, repetition, etc.

i really am curious where taros next big game is going (not interested in a rather standard jrpg with card aestetic)
Finished route A on my first time playing, going to take a break for a day or so and then come back to route B.

I'm having a lot of fun so far and the story definitely has potential to be great. I've only played in Handheld on the OLED and this gives Dying Light a run for the money of best 3rd party ports I think. In no way does the game feel compromised on the Switch.
Started up a new file yesterday. I really can't get Ending Y out of my head, haha. 10 hours of grinding, here I come.

Might as well go for all of them.
Tried an hour or so yesterday - this really seems like a great port. Nothing felt compromised at all, looked great, fluid gameplay.

I played it on Xbox previously afew years back, I did not love it when I played it which I always felt was weird since it ticket of everything I like about videogames so I only did one route before I called it quits. I'm hoping the power of da Switch (hybrid) makes me play it all the way through, but I have high hopes..

But man, I'm joggling way too many games for my own good right now, and with bot M+R2 and Bayo 3 coming soon, I am in trouble eek.
I can't stop dying in this game. I think there's something I didn't get because that doesn't seem normal to die so often lol.
I reached the Eve fight and I'm doing so little damage it's frustrating.
My Lord, the soundtrack is insanely unique. That Adam soundtrack and birth of a wish is stuck in my head.

The boss sequences are also over the top and crazy lol.

So far so good, but the story is still in the early stages, so I'm really curious how this is going to play out.
I can't stop dying in this game. I think there's something I didn't get because that doesn't seem normal to die so often lol.
I reached the Eve fight and I'm doing so little damage it's frustrating.
Quick heal? (D-pad down)
chips? (Menue -> skills)
dask is also a last second savemove that lets you kinda counter (never got whats the diffeence between that and the chip Equipable counter)

mastering the dash/evade and having a stock of healing items is enough.
with that said…:
Upgrade your favorite weapon as soon as posible to have more damage
constant pod fire, if you focus on the enemy (zl) you dont have to aim
pod skill (L)
there are many usefull chips! Like invinvibility after hit, heal for damage given, auto heal, etc.
if you want to improve your dps then aack chips are your friend.
fuse chips to get stronger ones that usually need less slots then 2 weaker ones.

the soundtrack reminds me of gits 1 and 2
I started playing it but I died three times at the end boss of the first level. The annoying thing is you have to restart the whole mission and go through the cutscenes again or am I missing something? The boss has one annoying attack where it covers the whole screen and I don't have a chance to heal when I get caught in those wheels.
I started playing it but I died three times at the end boss of the first level. The annoying thing is you have to restart the whole mission and go through the cutscenes again or am I missing something? The boss has one annoying attack where it covers the whole screen and I don't have a chance to heal when I get caught in those wheels.
You have iframes while dodging in the right moment + when the screen is slowed down and monochrome you can press d-pad down and use a healing item instantly. This should get you through, was also anoyed since i died once and had to redo it.
I started playing it but I died three times at the end boss of the first level. The annoying thing is you have to restart the whole mission and go through the cutscenes again or am I missing something? The boss has one annoying attack where it covers the whole screen and I don't have a chance to heal when I get caught in those wheels.

The prologue having no autosave is pretty dumb, I agree. Easy mode and auto-dodge is your friend if it annoys you too much.
Yeah, the prologue is a bit annoying due to the fact there are no checkpoints. I died once to its final boss and was shocked when I was sent back to the start. Then I thought "screw it" and did the whole thing in easy mode.
Yeah, the prologue is a bit annoying due to the fact there are no checkpoints. I died once to its final boss and was shocked when I was sent back to the start. Then I thought "screw it" and did the whole thing in easy mode.
Thats actually a good point.
I had 3 times i did the same, once was my fault (forgot to save, lost an hour of progress)
1 was bullshit (and 30 minutes no save point), and once because the game crashed after over an hour.

And its great that the game doesnt care, no penalty, no reminding, no rebooting,nothing.
Sub or dub?
I went the sub-way (heh) because I'm a weeb and it just sorta feels right to me, but the game has a tendency to lay expository dialogue over actual battles, so there were a couple points where I missed some info because I was too busy fighting.
Sub or dub?
The dub is excellent. If you're asking (and therefore not a subs-only person), I'd recommend you go with that.

Also, as the above poster noted, there's a lot of dialog during action sequences, making it difficult to concentrate on the subs.
I just hit the credits, I assume that's ending A? I'm genuinely surprised that people thought that the game ends here since there's so many questions left unanswered lol.

Another surprise is that it wasn't that long to reach an ending.

Soundtrack remains to be utterly insane, beautiful and amazing.
I went the sub-way (heh) because I'm a weeb and it just sorta feels right to me, but the game has a tendency to lay expository dialogue over actual battles, so there were a couple points where I missed some info because I was too busy fighting.

The dub is excellent. If you're asking (and therefore not a subs-only person), I'd recommend you go with that.

Also, as the above poster noted, there's a lot of dialog during action sequences, making it difficult to concentrate on the subs.

As far as Square Enix’s dubs go, Dragon Quest, Final Fantasy, and NieR are all great.
Thanks all! Dub it is.
I just hit the credits, I assume that's ending A? I'm genuinely surprised that people thought that the game ends here since there's so many questions left unanswered lol.

Another surprise is that it wasn't that long to reach an ending.

Soundtrack remains to be utterly insane, beautiful and amazing.
I can see how people restarting the game to play Route B would look at is as though they're just playing the same game with a different character, and assume they've basically finished and are starting a new game plus or something.

I'm actually thankful for internet people, because I dunno that I woulda kept going after Ending A if I hadn't heard the legend of Nier games' multiple endings all being part of the "true" story.

Same thing with DQXI, honestly. 😅
I started playing it but I died three times at the end boss of the first level. The annoying thing is you have to restart the whole mission and go through the cutscenes again or am I missing something? The boss has one annoying attack where it covers the whole screen and I don't have a chance to heal when I get caught in those wheels.

I had a miserable experience with the introduction back when I first played it. I remember dying at least once, maybe two or three times, and had to look up a video on how to fight the boss because no matter what people say - iframes and knowing when to dodge, or specifically what direction to dodge were definitely not intuitive, and the game doesn't give you any time to really get a handle on any of it. Then you die.

I'm going to take everybody's advice this round for auto-dodge, easy mode, heals etc. I feel like I remember what to do, but having to replay the intro even once is going to set me off.

I can see how people restarting the game to play Route B would look at is as though they're just playing the same game with a different character, and assume they've basically finished and are starting a new game plus or something.

I'm actually thankful for internet people, because I dunno that I woulda kept going after Ending A if I hadn't heard the legend of Nier games' multiple endings all being part of the "true" story.

Same thing with DQXI, honestly. 😅

I dunno - it really does feel like playing through the same game with a different character for the vast majority of it. There was a reason I was under-leveled by the end. I didn't think the B experience was well designed, clever or enjoyable. As you recommended earlier, I'm going to try to do more side quests in A and see if there's something more I can get out of the whole experience.
I had a miserable experience with the introduction back when I first played it. I remember dying at least once, maybe two or three times, and had to look up a video on how to fight the boss because no matter what people say - iframes and knowing when to dodge, or specifically what direction to dodge were definitely not intuitive, and the game doesn't give you any time to really get a handle on any of it. Then you die.

I'm going to take everybody's advise this round for auto-dodge, easy mode, heals etc. I feel like I remember what to do, but having to replay the intro even once is going to set me off.
Have you tried remapping the controls?

I was having a lot of trouble with dodging and stuff in the beginning until I changed the button scheme around. I forget exactly what I did but there's something that just feels "correct" to me in terms of action game dodging and it's usually not the default button scheme. Once I fiddled with it a bit, it just clicked and I became a machine-shredding fool.
Alrighty, reached the forest zone.

The Mirage pod program and Deadly Heal plug-in chip are freaking awesome, and I continue to be impressed at how well the overall experience has been ported across.

I have run into one issue though; I feel bad killing the machines that are just wandering around minding their own business, but on the other hand by leaving them by I'm passing up XP and ending up underleveled. :ROFLMAO:

Should I be killing everything I see, or is there another trick to keeping the XP coming? I've been doing a decent amount of sidequests but somehow I'm always like 6-7 levels behind the enemies at every story beat.
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I can imagine someone going into this completely blind, not knowing there are multiple endings, etc, losing their mind at all of the stuff you can do.

I just got ending U and I can't stop thinking about it. Such a goofy ending but strangely ominous.
I can imagine someone going into this completely blind, not knowing there are multiple endings, etc, losing their mind at all of the stuff you can do.

I just got ending U and I can't stop thinking about it. Such a goofy ending but strangely ominous.
U is a good one 😅

What's neat is so many of the endings seem to be triggered by things chaotic curious players might try just for giggles, instead of being big secrets to find. You're meant to completely stumble across them (which is how I accidentally found ending K 😅😅😅)
I can't stress enough how excellent I think the dub is.

Alrighty, reached the forest zone.

The Mirage pod program and Deadly Heal plug-in chip are freaking awesome, and I continue to be impressed at how well the overall experience has been ported across.

I have run into one issue though; I feel bad killing the machines that are just wandering around minding their own business, but on the other hand by leaving them by I'm passing up XP and ending up underleveled. :ROFLMAO:

Should I be killing everything I see, or is there another trick to keeping the XP coming? I've been doing a decent amount of sidequests but somehow I'm always like 6-7 levels behind the enemies at every story beat.

The level scaling for the enemies is really weird. It takes a fair deal of effort to go up to their level and keep up with them. And killing a few extra mobs here and there isn't doing much to keep up.

I always play easy mode, so I've never run into any difficulty of killing enemies, ever, so maybe I'm not the right person to ask, but I know enemy levelling doesn't count as much as it may seem.

There's no "trick" to get XP coming, it comes naturally. Maybe there's a video explaining "FAST LEVEL FARMING! How to be level 99 in NieR SUPER-FAST!!" out there.
In regards to level... Ignore it. Sometimes i was under, sometimes over. +-5 is completly fine.
I feel like doing Sidequests helps a lot, but i would only bother if you get to a part where youre having problems.
Loadout can have a way bigger inpact then 5 level. Knowing the enemy patterns to.
And always have a healthy amount of healing items with you, especially since they are rather cheap.
Making good progress on chasing those endings!

Umm, I think I did the tutorial part in route B and now I'm on a black screen. Nothing is happening. Do I have to quit and start all over again???

Edit: yup, have to start all over again ffs...

Edit 2: what the fuck, I just started and went somewhere else and got G ending??? Huh??
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Umm, I think I did the tutorial part in route B and now I'm on a black screen. Nothing is happening. Do I have to quit and start all over again???

Edit: yup, have to start all over again ffs...

Edit 2: what the fuck, I just started and went somewhere else and got G ending??? Huh??

For being "joke endings", some of them are genuinely annoying. Like, the ones you get for "abandoning a mission".
I’ve been playing this game today with some of my free moments and oh my gosh.

I was almost in tears from the Amusement Park chapter with the music and spectacle and just…holy game design, Batman.

I just finished up the area of the game after that while sitting in my kitchen after cooking a pot of homemade chili.

This game is amazing, and thank goodness for this port. It better fits my lifestyle.
Oh piss off...! Some of the designs here are straight up stupid now. So much back tracking and not only that, I went back and forth to the village and resistant camp, accidentally go wrong way, got the H ending. Since I didn't save, I have to backtrack to those places AGAIN and fast travel isn't available.

This really does feel like a PS2/PS3 game.

Absolutely frustrating.
Hard mode is poorly made and totally unfair. I enjoy a challenge but it stops being fun when in bullet hell sessions one bullet touches you and you are dead.

My biggest problem with the game was its difficulty calibration. Normal mode is just too easy in a way that messing with upgrades isn't needed at all and makes money, chips and weapons totally irrelevant and hard mode is just frustrating because some sections, moreso the ones outside of the core gameplay mechachins, are ridicously unforgiving. It's not fun to replay 15 minutes of a fight that doesn't allow cutscenes to be jumped just because a single bullet touched you.

Difficulty settings totally made me hate this game.
Yeah I gave up, Hard mode is ridiculous.
I can't hate it though because I love the characters, music and sidequests.
It's just a shame you can't have a moderate challenge, only chill mode, super easy, super hard and why does an even harder difficulty even exist.

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