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News Metroid Prime 4: Beyond new trailer, coming to Nintendo Switch in 2025

I think the most logical place in the timelike it could take place in assuming we finally have a consistent timeline is between other M and fusion
Probably controversial but I wouldn't be against it being right after Super. Ignoring Other M even lol. But I don't it being like "years before the trilogy" would be that bad of an idea tbh.
Does everyone here think we’ll see more footage of this game before the year is over?
I'm sure it'll have new footage on the Switch 2 reveal trailer. I don't know if it appears on the September Direct tho... It might highlight an unannounced game instead imo. Kinda like TotK didn't appear on the September 2021 Direct with Bayo 3 and Kirby being announced instead.
I don't want to predict that game appearing on The Game Awards ever again lol.

I kinda hope we get Switch 2 revealed in August so I can see 3D Mario finally and also have new footage of MP4B.
I've been saying this is the big shake up metroid needs, I was surprised dread wasn't the game to do this.

More specifically, maybe that’s why the teaser trailer is presented the way it is.

I mentioned yesterday there could be some misdirection, but perhaps I’ve been thinking it all wrong. Like you said, maybe the big gotcha/twist is the beginning of the game feels very traditional Metroid, but once you cross into that forest, the whole mechanic changes, one of which is no doors.

For a Metroid game, it would be a paradigm shift for the franchise not seen since the transition from 2D to 3D. Doesn’t sound like a big thing on paper, but it would be a big fucking deal. Not to mention it would present a polarizing picture between fans, similar to what we see now with 3D fans, and 2D purists.

I mentioned earlier it would be difficult because of the backtracking nature of the franchise, and trying to balance it to get it right.

But if Retro could make that work, oh boy.
I've been waiting to see this game for so long but I can't help but be a bit underwhelmed. I feel a bit embarrassed to feel so demanding but after seven years, a 90 second tease and vague release window just... isn't enough for me. Nate shared a similar sentiment on his recent predictions episode, that it's just been too damn long to get away with only a lil tease. I'm glad to finally see activity, but my response to this is more like relief than excitement. Finally the game actually exists in public view. But after that long, this tiny morsel of an introduction isn't satiating. Hopefully it doesn't take too long for us to see more, but I'm not getting my hopes up for anything this year.

From what I did see, it looks graphically on par or better than Prime Remastered. In fact, at first I thought I might be seeing Prime 3 Remastered, before soon realizing otherwise. It really looks like it picks up right where Prime 3 left off in tone and art style. It's all very familiar looking.
Although I am really hoping this game will have more of its own unique identity. Presumably the majority of this footage is from quite early in the game, at least most seem to think so. So I imagine that Samus might experience her customary beating soon enough, at which point a new suit and maybe even a new ship might appear. After this many years since Prime 3, I don't want to just see the same old stuff. It's not very interesting seeing all these things I already know, the same suits and equipment, show me something new. I was hoping for a more unique prime 4 varia suit design, but it's basically a refined interpretation of the existing prime 3 varia. It looks better than it ever did before, but it's not new. Dread began with a brand new iteration of the fusion suit and that was exciting, I wish I could say the same here, but I can't...yet.

All in all, a competent but unsatiating teaser that felt very reticent. I thought the graphics of the characters looked very sharp, clearly a lot of effort. Environments were a bit drab on the ship but the brief glimpses of nature looked very nice. Shout out to the nice clean UI that looks like a good evolution of what came before. Retro is performing magic making a switch game look like this. Music sounded nice too. Not much else to comment on. I like the game logo and title. I look forward to seeing something more substantial. What little we did see, I thought looked nice! I hope it releases on switch and THE SUCC simultaneously so I can play the best version of it right from the start.

A Prime 2 Remastered drop (or even just a near-future release date for it) could have left me feeling more satiated, happier to continue waiting. But alas I remain empty handed, with only the vague idea of 2025 to hold on to. Doesn't feel much different now than last month or last year.

I don't have a lot of thoughts or feelings regarding Sylux. He's like Boba Fett in the OT (pre-prequels), except he's not as cool looking and hasn't caught his target yet either. So in that case perhaps Sylux is more like Zuckuss. Just some dude I've never thought about for too long. He can only get better from here.

He doesn't look much like a boss/main character to me though. His armor looks like he'd just be another no-name enemy variant, he's basically a beam trooper pirate but with a less distinctive shape. I hope he at least gets a suit upgrade, and maybe one that makes him less of a samus knockoff, the series has enough of those already.

Beyond all that, just.... thank god prime 4 finally appeared in a direct, geeze. The game is practically a meme in my household at this point.
was hoping for a different art style.
I'm pretty happy with it as is, but ever since learning about the Silhouette levels in DKCR, I've thought it would be cool if we had either a visor or a specific region that had that sort of style going on.

It's all my own fault for having sky high expectations
True. My personal position has been to just enjoy finally having a new Prime game to discover. I don't really want to judge many aspects of the game until I actually play it.
Honestly yeah, I feel like the bits of criticism for this have been from people having in their heads Exactly what they want Prime 4 to be and expecting no deviation from that, and getting mad when Retro is giving us something different from the hyperspecific thing in their head.

It's not like you can go in with zero preconceptions, in fairness; I wrote up a whole multi-part wishlist of exactly what would my my ideal Metroid Prime 4 experience over on tumblr, so to a certain extent, glass stones and thrown houses. But I think the key thing is wishes versus expectations. I have all these high hopes, sure, but I also am going into this with the expectation that A: Retro isn't going to give me exactly what I personally want, and B: that's okay, because they know what they're doing and the actual game we get is going to be pretty damn good regardless.

(Though it also probably helps that the big things people have been complaining about, graphics and combat, are the two things I care least about in a Metroid game, or games in general, really. I don't want Metroid Prime to become a Sony Horse Testicles™️ Moviegame sort of series. So even if the game really was exactly as atrocious in those areas as certain people are making it out to be, I wouldn't be losing anything as long as the other aspects of the game I actually am here for are good.

That being said, given that on my initial viewing of the trailer, if anything I was getting a weird uncanny valley effect from the graphics looking almost too high-quality, and it took me a couple more viewings to adjust... the graphical complaints strike me as absolute nonsense from the outset. The gaming graphics circlejerk will never not be baffling to me.

And similarly, the last thing I want this to become is like, Doom or Halo or Gears Of Duty or whatever. And I have a soft spot for Halo! I'm here to explore, and outside of boss fights, I like it best when enemies and combat are basically another area hazard, not the core gameplay focus. As so well put here:

It's weird to hear so many people expect DOOM shooting/combat mechanics. That's literally what those games are about. Shooting demons. Metroid focuses it's design on so many other aspects that DOOM does not. It's like expecting an RPG to have the combat mechanics of a Bayonetta game.

I only really care about combat in the context of boss fights, and there was nothing in that teaser to suggest one way or another how those might go.)

I digress.

What are the thoughts on the purple logo?
I don't like the logo but I think it fits with the other games and will look nice with a cool Samus pose in the boxart
I love it, personally! To quote myself from a discord DM:

I like the old announcement title's aesthetic, but putting them side by side, the new one just looks so... mwah

Plus after how Phazon Blue™️ kinda defined Corruption's aesthetic, I love the shift to purple-violet for a more distinct feel
(Instead it can sorta overlap with Echoes' defining color choices, whoops, but nevermind that :V )
Also I just like purble
And that silvery black hole shape is still so sleek and interesting of a choice

Just aaaaaaaaaaa
Though yeah, I'm really looking forward to seeing the full boxart for this :D

This may never happen, but someday I hope we get some insight on the original version of Metroid Prime 4 that was scrapped. It would be SUPER interesting to hear what went wrong there lol. This title would be an excellent candidate for an Ask the Developer interview; I’d love to hear the backstory here.
There have been a lot of theories about what happened and most of them (as I understand it) are pretty off base. I want to tell the story one day but only after MP4 comes out.
Looking forward to it! This has been on my mind ever since the restart announcement, so really curious to find out just what went down. (Or apparently didn't go down, based on that comment.)

Was always my idea, too.

After so many successful missions, and probably amassing quite a bit of cash, she probably would have a couple different rides she could cycle through, like Batman.
I like to think of the Echoes/Samus Returns/Super gunship as her RV camper van, and the Corruption/FF/Beyond gunship as her ridiculously-well-armed cross-country chopper motorcycle, in terms of function. One's where you live and sleep most of the time but also travel around with, the other is for when you want to get in and out of somewhere fast and not have to worry about parking space, and also expect to blow shit up real good. You can technically take a nap there, too, but it's not gonna be a great one. And the Prime gunship is... there too. (ZM and Fusion/Dread ships obviously predate and postdate these three, so not as relevant)

But all of this talk about how Samus' ship looks like her helmet, makes me want to see RetroStudios make MP5 on Switch 2.
That incorporates a gameplay mechanic where she can call in her gun ship and merge with it (Samus Hulkbuster style) for larger enemies...
...Ohhh I love that idea! Would be cool to have a boss fight or two using this as a mechanic.

a hunters remake would be dope, but it won't ever happen

maybe NST's next project?
I would love a Hunters remake so much, especially if it could expand on the campaign and do more with the other Hunters. Lots of good character and backstory let down by the DS's limitations and the mid-development priority shifts.

I'm curious about the bridge visible in the distance in that last shot. I wonder what the (presumably long deceased) civilisation is like. Assuming it's not just Chozo again.
I think seeing that huge tree at the end of the trailer alongside the bridge-like construct in the distance has me thinking there's probably going to be a lot of moments where you'll be looking back while looking forward. I think the sense of progression in this one compared to the previous games will likely be like no other. That tree is probably going to be visible from many areas in the world.
Yeah, that stuck out to me too! Looks like we'll get a lot stronger sense of landmarking in general, if that's anything to go off of. Skytown but more specific than a bunch of very similar-looking towers; the ability to see something like that tree or that bridge in the distance and travel to it. Not open-world, not like Zelda, but a Metroidvania where you can catch glimpses of the places you'll be visiting eventually.

And yeah, hoping whatever we wind up dealing with here, it's another new species like the Luminoth or Alimbics or something. I wouldn't be upset if it was the Chozo again, but we've already had A Lot of them, especially in Dread, so exploring newer ideas sounds really cool to me. Plus, scans in Echoes and Corruption mentioned a couple other races, the Ylla and N'kren, that were contemporaries of the Chozo and Luminoth, so maybe we could see more of them. Hopefully the N'kren, because I'm already using the Ylla for a fanfic and it would be awkward to have to change that because all my stuff suddenly conflicts with new canon info on them. XD

On Sylux:
Theories on Sylux's true identity?
Re: Sylux's identity - I mean, does he need one?
I've never thought that Sylux needed a secret identity. Like... Metroid barely has much of an expanded cast list now, must less when Hunters released. If he's always supposed to have been someone long-time players would know, there's pretty much no one to choose. Like, who would it be? Gray Voice? Are we making all of Samus's dads evil now? Is Samus not allowed to have one good thing from her childhood?
I'd be happy with Sylux having some kind of hopefully well-written motivation and background, but I don't want them to be related to Samus or old friends. Our most recent big bad in Dread was already a personal encounter for Samus, so having another one in a similar vein so soon would feel too formulaic and convenient for me.
Yeah, backing these responses. Since their introduction, we've known that Sylux is a mystery, so on some level the idea of there being some sort of secret identity behind the mask is a natural one, but it also feels like the most boring route to take. I hope the reason for all the mystery around Sylux isn't because they're secretly someone we already know, but because learning their identity gives vital context to understanding their motivations.

In a good mystery story, the author has to do a fine balancing act between giving the audience enough clues to put together on their own, without just giving away the solution from the start. In addition, different mystery stories will prioritize different kinds of answers; some may be about finding out whodunnit, of course, but some will show you early who the culprit is, but the trick from there is finding out how and/or why they did it to begin with, and how to prove it. (Or otherwise respond to what the answer turns out to be.) What is shown can be just as important as what isn't, in telling us what's still missing that we need to be keeping an eye out for.

Metroid is hardly a traditional detective story, of course, (even if I would love to see that angle on Samus with lower-stakes bounty missions) but I think a similar idea applies here. We're given a name and an appearance, and while there is every possibility that there is a familiar face behind that mask, at least at present I'm inclined to take that side of things more-or-less at face value. We're given a basic motive, too, their grudge against the Federation, but specifically not told why that grudge exists in the first place. Given the seperate knowledge from Fusion of the Federation (or at least a faction within) being corrupt, it's not unreasonable to assume that is connected, but it still doesn't give us any specifics about how they connect. There's this outer shell of knowledge and inference around Sylux, but none of it really gets us to the core of who they are as a character. What's under the mask? Is that name their actual name? Why do they have an emotional stake in the Federation behaving shady? And most importantly, is there something else relevant about them that we're being distracted from? Something on a completely different axis from the existing questions, that may be the key to solving them?

I kinda lost track of where I was going with this, but basically, I think Sylux's 'secret identity' should only matter insofar as it tells us who they are at heart, where they come from, and where they're going; not just be a Marvel post-credits scene namedrop. And from there, the question that would then arise upon finding that out, is whether or not they remain an enemy.

That said, it wouldn't surprise me if Sylux is after the means of time travel in this way for a very poignant reason. Especially if my theory about him being another survivor from Samus' home colony pans out.
Even if I don't love this specific theory, I do really like the idea of their endgame goal being different from expected, and trying to prevent something terrible would be a great way to tie into the time travel concept. It could also introduce some internal conflict in them, if they're caught between prioritizing revenge for the past or undoing it in the first place, along with potentially impacting Samus's own response to their plans.

That said, with Sylux having the Mochtroids and maybe time travel being a possibility, what if he's responsible for Metroid Prime/Dark Samus returning?
This is also an interesting theory, and at least adjacent to one I've kinda kicked around before - given all the inconsistencies around Metroid Prime winding up in the sealed impact crater on Tallon IV to begin with, it would be interesting if the Metroid from the end of Federation Force wound up traveling back in time to end up there, bypassing the Chozo seal that way? Not one I'm married to, but it would be a cool way to bring some things full circle in a sense.

Some random thoughts:

I'm guessing Sylux is the Dark Samus equivalent of this game. There will be some great boss fights with him, but I would think the final boss would be something a bit bigger and more intimidating.

What if there are some sections where you play as Sylux? I doubt this will happen, but if they were short and didn't interrupt the flow too much, it could be really fun.
Definitely expecting the former, at least. The latter strikes me as hard to pull off in a Metroidvania format, (the closest other thing I can think of is the Arbiter sections in Halo 2, and those have the benefit of a broken-up level-based structure with clear natural dividers for the POV swap to occur) it probably isn't impossible.

Maybe hitting a save station after obtaining certain upgrades could be the trigger for swapping? Or alternatively, maybe taking after the Sonic Adventure games, and having two seperate campaigns from each perspective, on seperate save files. (Doubling the amount of save slots to accomodate for that, of course.) Either way, inspired by Bionicle, I've long considered the potential of a two (or six) character Metroidvania, with one big shared map, but different core abilities (elemental powers) and shared upgrades (mask powers) giving each one a completely different progression path through the world. It would be tricky to pull off, but I think it could work.

But in any case, I love the storytelling potential of such a move, even in Metroid's typically hands-off approach to narrative; and that could even be a perfect way to achieve both.

On suit discussion:
I, for one, am obsessed about her suit's shading. It looks so metallic and shiny but has that liiiiiiittle touch of plastic that makes it delicious to look at.
Yeah! Going back to what I said about an initial uncanny valley feeling, this really threw me off at first, especially with something about the lighting of the visor making it look more rounded and bubble-y than it actually is, but now that I've gotten used to it, I really love how it looks. More metallic and... gritty? overall, but not so shiny and desaturated that it loses its core charm.

I was hoping for a more unique prime 4 varia suit design, but it's basically a refined interpretation of the existing prime 3 varia. It looks better than it ever did before, but it's not new. Dread began with a brand new iteration of the fusion suit and that was exciting, I wish I could say the same here, but I can't...yet.
Yeah, I do concur here. Hopefully we get some completely new suits like in Echoes to make up for that.

I strongly prefer the Prime 2 and 3 Varia Suit to Prime 4's. Androgyny has been a core design principle of Samus's suits since the original Metroid, with it being made deliberately ambiguous as to whether you were looking at a man, woman, alien, or android. Prime 4's Samus, in contrast, looks more overtly feminine in shape, but also smaller and less imposing than she did in Prime 1-3, which I've seen some discourse about among fans. Curious to know what you folks think.

For me it's the opposite way. The MP4 design is more androgynous thanks to the bigger visor and the bulkier waist. The MP3 design has a bit of a wasp's waist, which often gets associated with female characters.
I'm with Vaenyr on this one. The edit doesn't really convey that well just how ridiculous the proportions of the prior Prime games' renditions of Samus are. Even leaving out the armor shaping and just going off of where the joint in there should be, she used to have some weird stuff going on, with a wasp waist and gorilla linebacker upper body; the Prime 1 Power suit in particular highlights this through the lack of the shoulder spheres to hide it. And even there, her waist wasn't as narrow as it got in Corruption!


So personally, I do quite like that the proportions have been evened out significantly in Prime 4; now she has internal organs! If anything she looks a lot bulkier now than she used to, without those exaggeratedly long legs and wiiide shoulders relative to the rest of her.

My only complaint, really, is with the decision to downsize the shoulder spheres. I get the idea behind making them smaller in Dread, since that's supposed to be a sleeker thing overall, a half-reconstructed compromise between her old tankiness and the Fusion suit's barebones nimbleness. But here, there's no such excuse, and it doesn't feel right. I can live with it, but it's the one aspect of her older proportions I wish they'd have stuck with even while fixing everything else.

I love their Dread designs, but their Samus Returns Varia Suit is my least favorite ever, next to Other M's. The shoulders just had no business being so comically massive, and they played up the green lights quite a bit, which I was similarly not the most fond of.
Huh. Ironically enough, the Samus Returns Varia Suit is my absolute favorite rendition of it, for exactly the reasons you gave here for disliking it. Only thing it's missing is the shoe spikes, IMO, and probably a slightly thicker waist, even if it's not as exaggerated as the Prime Trilogy proportions. Feels like the perfect compromise between sleekness and tankiness in all the right places to me, and they truly understood the assignment with making those shoulders exactly as massive as they need to be without going overboard; anything less would just be a waste/missing the point.

But hey, mileage may vary, I suppose.

Forget everything I said earlier. This is what I wanted 😍
Genuinely perfect.
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Switch version is $60, Switch 2 version is $70 because of the extra bells and whistles like DLSS upscaling.

This game has been in development at least twice between two different teams...
The planet with the trees at the end reads visually as a prehistoric area, what with the gigantic fern-like trees, the cascading waterfalls (think Cascade Kingdom from Super Mario Odyssey) and the pterodactyl-like flying creatures. BTW imagine fighting an adult version of those as a boss!
So this aesthetic could give slightly more credence to the time idea that Tanabe wanted to explore.
It’s also possible that the war-torn rocky area at the start and the lush forest area at the end are the same area separated by eons and visited through time travel.
I strongly prefer the Prime 2 and 3 Varia Suit to Prime 4's. Androgyny has been a core design principle of Samus's suits since the original Metroid, with it being made deliberately ambiguous as to whether you were looking at a man, woman, alien, or android. Prime 4's Samus, in contrast, looks more overtly feminine in shape, but also smaller and less imposing than she did in Prime 1-3, which I've seen some discourse about among fans. Curious to know what you folks think.

MUCH better
There's not gonna be a Switch 2 reveal trailer this year imo - that's early next year.

Yeah I'm kind of surprised to see so many expect a Switch 2 announcement/showcase this year - based on statement from Furukawa, forecast and the most recent direct it screams early 2025 reveal to me.

So will this be the final Metroid Prime game?

I get the feeling Nintendo wants to release this and then move on.

I dont think they've invested as much in Prime 4 to let it be a one and done.

I think the Beyond name is layered, something about the gameplay/story but also what's beyond the original trilogy.
At least that's my hope
Please don't yell at me, but Prime 4 having global lighting versus baked lighting is one more piece of evidence it's gonna be crossgen with some graphical updates for the Switch 2 version.
I mean it's very obvious they are saving this for Switch 2 launch. At this point why would anyone expect the opposite?
Yeah, but there are some holdouts who don't think there's gonna be a Switch 2 version, or that the Switch 2 version won't be noticeably different beyond stuff the Switch 2 will be able to do natively like up-resing. I think Retro are gonna sex it up a bit - add lighting and effects and so forth.
How mad would y'all be if Sylux was just a clone of Adam? The clone learned of why his original was killed and vowed revenge against the federation.

So will this be the final Metroid Prime game?

I get the feeling Nintendo wants to release this and then move on.
I'm split. On one hand, I reckon they'd wanna further build upon Prime 4's foundation, considering they've no doubt poured astronomical amounts of time and money into it. From that standpoint, following it up with an iterative Prime 5 would make a lot of sense.

On the other hand, part of me thinks those exact high development and opportunity costs will only serve to deter Nintendo from once again putting Retro on another Metroid Prime game, when their talents could be refocused on a property with a higher return on investment. I still often think about the fact that if the public hadn't already known Prime 4 existed back when it was in the development shitter, the whole project could've perhaps been quietly cancelled.
Some folks on Era observed that beam projectiles now cast light again, a visual touch that was absent from Metroid Prime Remastered:


Not that it matters, but I actually mentioned it here first before mentioning the same thing on Era! Though when I mentioned it in the Era thread, someone decided to fact check and make a gif out of it, which is appreciated.
How mad would y'all be if Sylux was just a clone of Adam? The clone learned of why his original was killed and vowed revenge against the federation.
  • I'll stop you, Sylux !
  • Can't let you do that, StarFox Samus !
  • And why not ?!
removes helmet
  • Because I haven't given you permission to do it.
  • Oh... ok Adam. Fine, so... what do we do now ?
  • I... don't know. Hm, this is awkward.
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Yeah I'm kind of surprised to see so many expect a Switch 2 announcement/showcase this year - based on statement from Furukawa, forecast and the most recent direct it screams early 2025 reveal to me.

I'm not necessarily convinced either way, and would as always love to be wrong, but I tend to agree with you. I think Nintendo explicitly stating that we would see it within this fiscal year is a very deliberate choice of term usage.
Regarding the Varia Suit redesign that (iirc) Samus Returns / Dread brought.

For me, it's basically the scene from "The Dark Knight", the one where Bruce Wayne talks to Lucius Fox and asks if it was possible for Batman to "be able to turn his head". Aka "How should we redesign this bulk of a suit to still be the Varia Suit, but have it believable that Samus could actually move in it?!".


Listen I know this wouldn't run well on the current Switch.

But all of this talk about how Samus' ship looks like her helmet, makes me want to see RetroStudios make MP5 on Switch 2.
That incorporates a gameplay mechanic where she can call in her gun ship and merge with it (Samus Hulkbuster style) for larger enemies...


Oh and everyone really should go watch the direct feed videos on Nintendo.com, the quality really is completely different!

Not gonna lie, i'm already pretty hyped for this game, but if i could punch Space Pirates with a jackhammer-boosted "Powerfist" weapon, it could even top Zelda as my most hyped game.

Heck, let's go full Pacific Rim and give her a jet-engine-boosted Powerfist!
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Rewatching the trailer, i think the "shit, the raindrops fall on Samus' visor" from Prime 1 is now replaced by "oh my god, look at how the raindrops slowly trickle down her arm cannon."

So good. Retro's attention to detail really does a lot of the heavy lifting to make this game so impressive.
I know people didn't really like the Dread soundtrack but I really hope they take some cues from it when it comes to environmental sounds, especially those created by Samus. I loved sense of physical presence it evoked and wonder if that kind of sound mixing would play nicely with the typically melodic tunes of Prime.
Hopefully they're one and the same! I'll need to save some money for importing regional merchandise like this, after all.

I bought the black t-shirt and the thermos at the Nintendo Store in Tokyo! I actually have the thermos on my desk at work right now
Hopefully they're one and the same! I'll need to save some money for importing regional merchandise like this, after all.

I think we can all agree that Nintendo needs a worldwide solution for all of their cool t-shirts.

This is the real scandal here.
I think we could all agree gameplay doesn't show anything other than it's Metroid Prime series.
Some may shit on the scanning, wishing no scanning.
If it's the case, then I have to say, scanning is in Prime series just for the atmosphere dude. During gameplay section, scanning just an interact button.
Again, atmosphere.

One extreme example could be,
on the trailer, when Samus jump off the ship, dirts & small rock rumbles. Does it indicate gravity mechanics implemented in the game?
I bought the black t-shirt and the thermos at the Nintendo Store in Tokyo! I actually have the thermos on my desk at work right now
That's rad! I have everything in that picture except the black Dread shirt. Two of the thermos, both obtained for me by good friends. Thing's sick, ain't it?!
I think we could all agree gameplay doesn't show anything other than it's Metroid Prime series.
Some may shit on the scanning, wishing no scanning.
If it's the case, then I have to say, scanning is in Prime series just for the atmosphere dude. During gameplay section, scanning just an interact button.
Again, atmosphere.

One extreme example could be,
on the trailer, when Samus jump off the ship, dirts & small rock rumbles. Does it indicate gravity mechanics implemented in the game?
Scanning's great. Seriously need more lore, my appetite for lore is ravenous. In fact, I wish scanning Space Pirates told you what species they were. I need to know...
Some folks on Era observed that beam projectiles now cast light again, a visual touch that was absent from Metroid Prime Remastered:

Beam lights weren't 100% disabled in prime remastered, in some rooms your shots would still illuminate walls, though not nearly as strongly as in the original. I'm guessing the effect was enabled on either a per-surface or per-room basis depending on if they had performance headroom in a given scene or not.
That's rad! I have everything in that picture except the black Dread shirt. Two of the thermos, both obtained for me by good friends. Thing's sick, ain't it?!

you know the t-shirt has glow in the dark insert? Samus visor, for example..!
you know the t-shirt has glow in the dark insert? Samus visor, for example..!
That's really neat! 🤯 When it comes to collecting Metroid stuff, I draw one of my lines at clothing (with some exceptions), but I've been tempted to hit up eBay for that Dread shirt, lol.
This looks like a $90 game compared to TOTK when it comes to visuals. Holy shit!!!!!
Have you watched the uncompressed trailer? Great stuff.

I've gotta say though, seeing you sincerely praise Metroid Prime 4 is bizarre and unsettling. Part of me misses the old Yamanoi, who spoke of its review thread being posted in 2036.
I have this shirt, not an official one, but it glows in the dark, too!


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