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StarTopic Future Nintendo Hardware & Technology Speculation & Discussion |ST| (New Staff Post, Please read)

As a matter of fact, yes! I made this a couple weeks ago:



Beat me to it, thank you for sharing!!!!

Nice being able to see a comparison between a possible mockup and a Switch, really does put the possible, larger screen dimensions in perspective.
I know DF was saying that it was more of ray tracing but idk. I think cutting back on a few things it can probably run. That's if they take full advantage of all the cpu saving measure thay the soc has.

Like most of the brunt work looks like hair physics and mass NPC. Is that really core to the gameplay?
Drake will likely be significantly better at RT than the Series S, especially if it has 16gb ram. Nvidia is just that much better. So that should not be a bottleneck.
I like this type of grip, it will still look like a flat tablet from the front while being comfortable to hold normally and sideways.
a few nips and tucks here and there
One thing the length would solve is having the stick and buttons too close together in sideways mode...there's ample space to move them around until they feel right
and the bump on the bottom might help grip but could also give room for bigger battery/better rumble potentially
Would Nintendo really open pre orders six months before release?
IIRC PS5 was two months prior.
Absolutely they would because that gives them numbers they can show to investors in May. “Since announcing in March, we have gotten X million preorder requests, with plans X/Y/Z to meet the expected/indicated demand through the fiscal year.”
Absolutely they would because that gives them numbers they can show to investors in May. “Since announcing in March, we have gotten X million preorder requests, with plans X/Y/Z to meet the expected/indicated demand through the fiscal year.”
I would also point out that they can allow their retail partners to put in preorders, but can contractually prevent them from taking customer preorders if they believe that to be of benefit to them.
Are they disconnecting, or is it like some inputs don't get recognised? I had issues in the past but figured out it was my own fault. In my previous house I had the Switch docked partially behind the TV, and I noticed if I was ever sitting with my feet on top of the chair and held my left hand beside my left leg the left Joy-Con wouldn't properly send inputs, basically because I was blocking the signal from actually getting to the Switch. I'd look into that, just in case it's something similar happening to you. It happens occasionally with my pro controller too depending on how I'm sitting, but it's not as bad as with the Joy-Cons.
It's both. Sometimes inputs don't work or lag. Sometimes they disconnect/reconnect. I do know it's because of obstacles, but it shouldn't be the case since I'm hardly 6ft away. It is partially behind the TV, kinda, well a bit more to the side, but my Pro controller has 0 problems with the same setup.

I think the placement of the antenna in the joycon isn't the best. I noticed when I had my hand fully wrapping the joycon the inputs lag. Then I open my hand and it's fine again. They should place it somewhere the hand doesn't block the signal. At the top should be good.
Depends on when the blowout presentation is. Pre-orders for the first switch went up same night as the January presentation IIRC.
Given that the Switch 2 is an iteration on the Switch design rather than an entirely new product category, they could do reveal and blowout in one fell swoop. People already understand how the Switch works, and now that the novelty factor isn't there, Nintendo knows that the thing that'll sell it are the games.
I know DF was saying that it was more of ray tracing but idk. I think cutting back on a few things it can probably run. That's if they take full advantage of all the cpu saving measure thay the soc has.

Like most of the brunt work looks like hair physics and mass NPC. Is that really core to the gameplay?
Hair? Probably not. But things like crowd size/density can change an experience quite a bit.
If the announcement is expected in march, when should we start seeing leaks of what sort of new features/gimmicks this thing will have?
Don't think it's a foregone conclusion we'd hear anything. Think I recall there being no mention of Switch 1 either in the days leading up to the October 2016 announcement, other than by Emily Rogers hinting something will happen that week.
Would people be upset if Switch 2 comes without joycons and have it built it?
Yes. It would raise the threshold for me to want to get the system enormously. Probably wouldn't jump until an exclusive Zelda in that case and it would be an exclusives only machine where I get for Switch for as long as possible.

Prettier graphics can't make up for the removal of split controllers, tabletop coop, bedtime mode.

This whole thing is just another case of core gamers gatekeeping the hobby.
Given that the Switch 2 is an iteration on the Switch design rather than an entirely new product category, they could do reveal and blowout in one fell swoop. People already understand how the Switch works, and now that the novelty factor isn't there, Nintendo knows that the thing that'll sell it are the games.
Nintendo operating on the fastest "reveal to release" schedule seen for a console (excluding the Sega Saturn) would be one hell of a twist, but that kind of relies on them having started production a while ago. Not related to your post, but it's just a thought.

Anyway, I'd be happy to see that purely because it means we get news and a reveal at once, making up for the moderate disappointment of the upcoming direct (even if there's a reason for the partner direct, people will still be annoyed). Would also mean we get a fuckload of new game announcements and I'm happy about that.
Don't think it's a foregone conclusion we'd hear anything. Think I recall there being no mention of Switch 1 either in the days leading up to the October 2016 announcement, other than by Emily Rogers hinting something will happen that week.
Weren't there rumors of a hybrid console before the official switch announcement though?
Don't think it's a foregone conclusion we'd hear anything. Think I recall there being no mention of Switch 1 either in the days leading up to the October 2016 announcement, other than by Emily Rogers hinting something will happen that week.

There was a lot of talk.

We knew the system was coming early 2017 and so the reveal felt imminent from the moment we got into September. The majority of people actually thought that was the month the reveal would drop and so waiting until the end of October felt like an eternity since there was an almost daily expectation of an announcement.
Hair? Probably not. But things like crowd size/density can change an experience quite a bit.
I get it, I don't think it will be like near empty like morrowind on the Xbox. But you can cut out some and it will be enough.
Heck, sometimes it isn't just the actual models it can be their behavior/activity/ how smart they are.

BTW, I do hope we get the matrix demo.
There was a lot of talk.

We knew the system was coming early 2017 and so the reveal felt imminent from the moment we got into September. The majority of people actually thought that was the month the reveal would drop and so waiting until the end of October felt like an eternity since there was an almost daily expectation of an announcement.
Ah ok, guess I'm mistaken then. I wasn't as invested in the reveal timing back then compared to now.
The majority of people actually thought that was the month the reveal would drop and so waiting until the end of October felt like an eternity since there was an almost daily expectation of an announcement.

Who knew we were so lucky back then. Many of us have been waiting on the "imminent" announcement for SNG for over a year.
I'm thinking that Nintendo/Nvidia would want to showcase a game like Cyberpunk 2077 in the initial reveal and then later confirm the footage we will have seen had ray tracing. Cyberpunk 2077 is the game Nvidia always uses to showcase all their new tech (RT, DLSS upscaling, DLSS ray reconstruction, etc). It also helps that The Witcher 3 did moderately well on the original Switch.
I don't think we are supposed to mention that game, but yeah, I think a lot of us of could see it.
If a reveal is imminent, how don't we have some leaks from the factories yet? Is Nintendo that good in keeping tabs?
Because the internet harassed the last person to the point she retired. Am I allowed to curse?

Those people were buttholes. I get not wanting to believe any rumors but if you don't care or don't believe it, cool, don't participate if it makes you mad.
If a reveal is imminent, how don't we have some leaks from the factories yet? Is Nintendo that good in keeping tabs?
Nintendo ninjas always on alert. Also, I think some have suggested that production probably wouldn’t even start until end of February or early March.
If March reveal is seemingly a lock then H1 lives and release date becomes a ? could be June/July or September latest I would imagine. it would also imply manufacturing will begin very soon after LNY and things are gonna heat up in coming weeks...
That's a little too on the nose don't you think? If it was a game like and he made a prediction like Jon from GVG, sure. But something that specific? I think that it is something else.
No reason to hide it then. Typically Nate would say he's heard rumours about these types of things, and yet he hasn't. Something I've also noticed is that necrolipe has corroborated a good amount of Nate's claims, and I haven't seen necro or anyone else claiming to have heard rumours of Nintendo ditching the Joy-Cons aside from that one analyst(who was making a prediction) and Nate speculating(as well as DF agreeing with him).
This whole thing is just another case of core gamers gatekeeping the hobby.

I think gatekeeping is a strong word here. People have their preferences and there is nothing wrong with that. For someone who only uses the Switch as a handheld, it is easy to see why they would prefer the more solid feel of unified body.
If March reveal is seemingly a lock then H1 lives and release date becomes a ? could be June/July or September latest I would imagine. it would also imply manufacturing will begin very soon after LNY and things are gonna heat up in coming weeks...
I think September sounds right. That way they can have promotional popup events during the summer. I remember Nintendo hosted popup events around major cities in the US to preview Super Mario Odyssey in summer 2017. Maybe this time around they may have some select launch titles to demo to the public to convince people to upgrade at release.
I guess the next questions are whether they'll announce a release date (or Month?) in March, and when it will be.

I'm thinking November. I'd like September, but November means that they'll be able to have more units on launch day and any launch titles will be able to be more polished that they might be otherwise.
No reason to hide it then. Typically Nate would say he's heard rumours about these types of things, and yet he hasn't. Something I've also noticed is that necrolipe has corroborated a good amount of Nate's claims, and I haven't seen necro or anyone else claiming to have heard rumours of Nintendo ditching the Joy-Cons aside from that one analyst(who was making a prediction) and Nate speculating(as well as DF agreeing with him).
Oh, I am not saying that Nate is claiming it as a leak. He just made a prediction, a really weird prediction. To me, it sounds like he wanted to say something wrong to throw off listeners.
If a reveal is imminent, how don't we have some leaks from the factories yet? Is Nintendo that good in keeping tabs?
I mean, we kind of know a lot more than what we would know given what was available to us in the past with original Switch (namely, customs data).

Mass production probably haven't formally began yet (that's when the leaking tend to start). Mass production start event tend to have close proximity with the announcement itself.
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